Perhaps you overslept, got caught in traffic, left your passport behind…we’re not here to judge. Whatever the reason, you’re running circles around the airport with sweat droplets on your forehead as you assess your seemingly impossible situation.  So you missed your flight…now what?

Computer by hectoralejandro (Flickr)

Be pro-active

If you know you’re running late, check in online at home or phone the airline to find out what your options are. Travel insurance is also a sure way to avoid situations like this.

Airport by holiday-extras (Flickr)


If you’re already at the airport and realise you are going to miss your flight, notify a member of staff immediately. They may be able to put you on standby for the next flight, either for free or at a cheaper fee! However, once the plane hits the runway, you will find yourself with a lot less options.

Airport by blmurch (Flickr)

Brown nose

Airport staff members deal with a lot of difficult customers every day. Chances are they’re already in a bad mood so ensure you are very, very nice when you let them know of your problem. If you find yourself dealing with a particularly irate staff member, move on to another person who may be more accommodating.

Plane by .v1ctor Casale (Flickr)

The “Two Hour Rule”

Some airlines offer what is known as the “two hour rule”. This entitles a passenger who has missed their flight due to unforeseen causes (i.e. a flat tyre, accident, or traffic) to be put onto the next flight free of charge.

Wi-Fi by Charleston's the Digitel (Flickr)

Find Wi-Fi

If you were clever enough to bring a device that connects to the internet, find a Wi-Fi spot and try cancel or transfer your flight. If you don’t have a device, make a call to a family member or friend who will be able to book a flight or make negotiations on your behalf – this is particularly helpful if the airport has closed for the night.

Shuttle by Sergey Vladimirov (Flickr)

“Plan B”

There are other ways to get to your destination and airports are one of the most central places from which to catch alternative transport. Consider catching a train, bus, or hiring a rental car.

Sleeping at Airport by egorick (Flickr)

Fill your time

If you managed to book another flight, and the wait isn’t too long, you can while away the hours browsing the shops, reading a book or magazine, or exploring the city. However if your flight is only the next day, you may have to consider spending the night on the uncomfortable chairs in the airport, checking into an airport hotel, or splurging on access into an airport lounge.

Flight by kalleboo (Flickr)

Pick a transfer rather than a one-way ticket

If you’ve missed your outbound flight at the start of your trip, be careful when booking a one way ticket online yourself simply because it’s cheaper than the transfer fee. Most times, this new ticket will cancel your return ticket. However, if you are on your return journey, you have already missed the flight so it won’t matter.

Phone by grantwickes (Flickr)

Notify your hotel, family, and friends

If you won’t be able to check in at your accommodation when you planned, let them know as soon as possible. The same goes for your family and friends who may be awaiting your arrival at the airport.

Suitcase by Lauren Morling

Did your baggage leave without you?

Strictly speaking, the plane can’t leave without you if your baggage has been checked through and put on the plane. But if for some unknown reason you managed to check in your luggage and STILL missed the flight and the hundreds of subsequent announcements, you will have to let the airline know so that they can manage the retrieval of your belongings.

What are your tips for coping with a missed flight?