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North West

All reviews have been left by TravelGround customers staying in North West

Rated 4 out of 5 based on 2304 reviews.

Kosmos, North West

Montego Bay 6

"Get there and live like a King! "

Zeerust, North West

@ Home Guest House

"It's not bad at all."

Zeerust, North West

Tholo Lodge

" Easy and convenient to find."

Wolmaransstad, North West

Oasis Guesthouse

"For a place to sleep over on your travel, Wolmaransstad is a good choice."

Kosmos, North West

Bali at Scenic Haven Lodge

"Net jammer van die plakkers in die middel van die woongebied. Dit is uiters afbrekend en 'n mens voel onveilig om daar te ry in die aand."

Die Bult, North West

114 Cachethof

"Baie lekker eetplekkies as jy kans sien vir studente!"

Swartruggens, North West

Villa Finesse

"Swartruggens sal altyd na aan my hart lê."

Rustenburg, North West

Engedi Herberg

"Lieflike omgewing en naby Sun City, omring deur bosveld."

Kameel, North West

Kameel Rust and Vrede B&B

"A fantastic experience. "

Vryburg, North West

Lavender Lodge

"Veilgheid is maar 'n probleem soos vir meeste klein dorpies."

Kosmos, North West

Lilly of the Valley Guesthouse

"Very quiet nice area around."

Kroondal, North West

Oude Landgoed Lodge and Spa

"Die Spar in Kroondal is 'n juweel, met n lekker rustige eetplekkie."

Mogwase, North West

Modizen Guest House

"Very quiet area, it's a nice getaway from the city, I liked it there."

Brits, North West

Grasdak Guesthouse

"Brits het 'n klomp plekke in die omgewing, soos venues en natuurreservate. Dit is dus sentraal genoeg om na al hierdie plekke toe te gaan."

Mooinooi, North West

Mamagalie Lodge

"Die paaie is bietjie in toestand."

Potchefstroom Central, North West

A Touch of Grace

"'n Inligtingsblad oor Potchefstroom sou handig wees, maar gelukkig het die internet gehelp."

Potchefstroom Central, North West

A Country Garden Guest House

"Potchefstroom kom baie verwaarloos en vuil voor as jy deur die strate rond ry."

Kroondal, North West

Berg en Bos

"Kroondal has great restaurants and activities. Beautiful, peaceful and safe area."

Swartruggens, North West

Villa Finesse

"Die kruidenierswinkel se voorraad is maar min en nie 'n groot verskeidenheid nie, bv. geen slaai bestanddele nie. Ons moes Rustenburg toe ry vir inkopies."

Bojanala, North West

Big Creek Guest Lodge

"If you would love to learn more about human history and have a wonderful meal, feeling at home then the black horse is the place to go."

Kosmos, North West

The Shore House

"Baie mooi, eenkant en rus vir jou siel!"

Vryburg, North West

Game View Lodge

"Wens Game View was op die Krugerwildtuin roete!"

Potchefstroom Central, North West

Twin Palms Guesthouse

"Maklik om te vind en na punte van belangstelling te beweeg."

Kleinfontein, North West

Mountain Mala Game Lodge

"Die misdaad is 'n bietjie kommerwekkend. Die eienaar sê daar is baie keer mense wat rondloop daar."

Rustenburg, North West

Amritz Private Lodge

"Sun City is the place to be. Love it."

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