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All reviews have been left by TravelGround customers staying in Transkei

Rated 4.2 out of 5 based on 231 reviews.

Kei Mouth, Transkei

Nicky's Nest

"Baie oulike plek, ongekunsteld."

Gxarha (Morgan's Bay), Transkei

Sea Shell @ Mitford Hotel

"Baie netjies, en die kleine dorpie word netjies instandgehou."

Coffee Bay, Transkei


"Te besig in Desembermaand, maar die moeite werd vir besienswaardighede. Pragtige natuur. Neptunes Cove ook aanbeveelbaar."

Port St Johns , Transkei

N'taba River Lodge & Spa

"Port St Johns is not what it can be, because the location is beautiful but not many restaurants to find. Just a few. The lodge was not anticipating load-shedding on check-out, because then you cannot pay by card which is not really good I think."

Gxarha (Morgan's Bay), Transkei

OKU House

"'n Fantastiese plek om te gaan vakansie hou en te ontspan, sal dit vir enige iemand aanbeveel."

Coffee Bay, Transkei


"Die dorp is klaar. Kort 'n bietjie meer plekke om by te eet."

Kei Mouth, Transkei

Kei Sands Resort Unit 18

"Residents are friendly and trying to make a difference, in spite of the dysfunctional Municipality. We were warned that there were limited facilities but I got take away with a cappuccino and soft-serve ice cream there. What more could one need?"

Port St Johns , Transkei

Umzimvubu Retreat Guest House

"Pragtige natuurskoon, maar die dorp self is vuil en vol verkeer - nogal 'n nagmerrie. Die pad na die dorp is nogal 'n uitdaging."

Kei Mouth, Transkei

Kei Sands Resort Unit 18

"Baie rustig en die perfekte plek."

Gxarha (Morgan's Bay), Transkei


"Beautiful little village on the sea. Very friendly and safe environment. Lots of outdoor activities"

Coffee Bay, Transkei

Hole in the Wall Resort

"Die natuur is asemrowend!"

Kei Mouth, Transkei

The Kei Mouth Guest Lodge Collection

"Ideaal as gesoek word na 'n stil wegbreek. Fantastiese natuur, strand en omgewing wat gewag word om ontdek te word via jou voertuig, te voet, fiets of perd. (Perdry-ritte hoogs aanbeveel)"

Port St Johns , Transkei

N'taba River Lodge & Spa

"Dit is vir seker 'n dorp vir vissermanne. Ons was 16 jaar terug daar en so baie het verander. Die strande is vuil en daar is baie glas en bottels op die strande. Ons het nie onveilig gevoel nie, maar dis beslis nie die mooiste deel van die Wilde Kus nie. Dis nou 'n dorp en die village-gevoel is weg en met dit is daar min kontrole en trots oor die netheid van die strande en staproetes. Die enigste highlight is om die vliegveld te besoek. Dit is op 'n baie hoë berg met die mooiste views geleë."

Gxarha (Morgan's Bay), Transkei


"Great getaway. Lovely beach and restaurant at the deck/hotel. Ideal family holiday."

Gxarha (Morgan's Bay), Transkei

OKU House

"Uitstekend. Baie mooi skoon. Mense is baie vriendelik."

Gxarha (Morgan's Bay), Transkei

OKU House

"Excellent place, peaceful and neat, the only thing that Morgan Bay is really missing is a petrol station for long stay visitors."

Gxarha (Morgan's Bay), Transkei

Sip A Way

"Die dorp is baie klein met 'n klein drankwinkel en kafee met noodsaaklikhede. Agter die kafee is 'n slaghuis, en dis waar jy hout wil koop. Die naaste vulstasie is in Keimond +/- 5 km. "

Coffee Bay, Transkei

Kwela Cottage

"Wonderlik, maar nie langer as 3 tot 4 dae nie."

Port St Johns , Transkei

Umzimvubu Retreat Guest House

"Baie mooi natuur. Mooi lighuis om te besoek. Riviermonding en strandomgewing baie mooi."

Gxarha (Morgan's Bay), Transkei

Lagoon View

"Baie rustige plek, onthou net daar is geen petrolstasie nie. Daar is 1 winkel waar jy benodighede kan kry,"

Kei Mouth, Transkei

Neptune's Cove

"If you are looking for a small, quiet, coastal town, this is the place for you. I would suggest businesses support each other by sharing more info about nearby eateries and places to visit."

Coffee Bay, Transkei


"Wish we could stay longer."

Coffee Bay, Transkei

Hole in the Wall Resort

"It's a very beautiful destination with natural views and great scenery. The road to get there is a bit rough if you're using a small car. But other than that it's a great place to visit and take your mind off things."

Port St Johns , Transkei

Umzimvubu Retreat Guest House

"Om een maal te besoek is genoeg."

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