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Verified Reviews

Victoria Bay

All reviews have been left by TravelGround customers staying in Victoria Bay

Rated 4.6 out of 5 based on 77 reviews.

Victoria Bay

Surfari Resort

"Victoria Bay is heerlik en rustig. Klein strandjie met sekuriteit en 'n heerlike restaurant. "

Victoria Bay

Victoria Heights B&B

"Beslis die moeite werd."

Victoria Bay

Victoria Heights B&B

"Het gaan swem by Victoriabaai, het dit werklik geniet. "

Victoria Bay

Victoria Heights B&B

"Ons het dit baie geniet."

Victoria Bay

Victoria Heights B&B

"Altyd baie aangenaam."

Victoria Bay

Surfari Resort

"Pragtige, veilige strand. "

Victoria Bay

Backpacker Beach Hostel

"Victoriabaai is baie mooi. Ek sal weer daar wil aandoen."

Victoria Bay

Carmel Coastal Retreat

"Beautiful venue. Horrible service. As it's clear new holiday goers don't get treated the same as their long standing "20 year clients"."

Victoria Bay

Inn Victori

"Mooi en idiliese strand area. Gesinsvriendelik en veilig."

Victoria Bay

Backpacker Beach Hostel

"Baie sentraal in die opsig dat mens maklik by ander bestemmings/oorde kan uitkom MITS jy eie vervoer het. Vir iemand sonder eie vervoer is dit nogal "afgesonder" in die sin dat daar nie geriewe soos 'n supermark naby is nie."

Victoria Bay

"Ons geliefde plek. Moenie dit te veel adverteer nie! 'n Wonderlike veilige swemplek, lekker naby George."

Victoria Bay


Victoria Bay

"Pragtig! Strand is fantasties!"

Victoria Bay

"Baie besig oor Desember."

Victoria Bay

Far Hills Hotel

"Victoria Bay beach is amazing!"

Victoria Bay

"Puik ligging en uitstekende akkomodasie!"

Victoria Bay

"Baie goed!"

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