Sport teaches us many life lessons. Being a team player, rising above challenges, learning how to win and lose with dignity. After spending a day watching the Proteas battle it out against the Aussies at Newlands, I realise there’s a lot that cricket can teach us about travel.

1. Anything can happen. How many times have people said, “They’ll never win now”, only to be proven wrong? One ball or bout of rain can change the entire direction of the game. In travel, any number of things can happen – good or bad. Travel is an exciting, life-changing adventure so keep an open mind.

2. Live vs TV. You can learn about cricket and travel from watching TV. But have you ever tried following the ball when Morkel bowls at 150km/hour or felt the urge to leap for the ball when it’s heading for a 6? You learn new appreciation when you see things in real life.

3. Find a spot to sit. Grass, stand, or box – it doesn’t matter where you sit as long as you’re there. Whether you travel economy or business class or stay in a backpackers or 5-star hotel, just get out there.


4. Learn the language. LBW, leg-side, no ball, yorker, maiden, hat-trick – knowing the language is the difference between an awesome and frustrating experience. When travelling to a foreign destination, take the time to learn some of the language.

5. Do as the locals do. There are certain traditions that should be upheld in cricket. Drink beer, eat biltong, join the Mexican wave, clap where appropriate, yell at the umpire when necessary, but don’t ever boo. Learn the local customs of your destination and you’ll blend in like a pro.


6. Ask questions. A couple were sitting behind us and the girlfriend was obviously new to cricket. It was great to hear her ask questions and to hear him patiently explain. People are happy to share their knowledge, so go ahead and ask silly questions from more experienced travellers. Once they’re talking, you’ll probably find answers to questions you didn’t even think to ask!

7. Meet interesting people. I love people-watching at cricket. The group of guys dressed up as rubber duckys, the lone Aussie supporter smiling to herself in the front row, the father and son bonding over boerie rolls, the girls dancing in the rain, and the guy in red heart-print underpants downing beers for his “last innings” bachelor party. Travelling introduces you to different cultures and ways of life. And just when you think you’ve seen it all, a more funny/boring/interesting/bizarre person comes along to remind you that people are fascinating creatures and everyone has a story.


8. There will be opposition. What would a match be without competition? The world of travel isn’t without its haters. People complain and bad mouth other people and places; not everyone will greet you with a smile; and you may fall victim to a scam. On the other hand, you’ll find an entire crowd of supporters behind you too.

9. Everyone has something in common. You can wave your Aussie flag next to me and we can banter all day about whose team is going to whip who’s; but in the end, even my “enemy” feels like family, because we’re sharing something together. If there’s one thing that draws humankind together, it’s the sense of community. That’s why we group together and rally behind our teams with such passion. When you understand that every person needs community, you’ll be sensitive to anyone you meet along your path.


10. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. No matter the final score, keep your head up, treat others with respect, and be better prepared for the next round.

The end result won’t matter that much if you’ve had fun along the way. Make the journey as important as the destination! What lessons have you learned during your travels?