As much as we enjoy curling up beside the fire in winter, there are many times that we just get plain fed up with the weather. We have to console ourselves with not being able to go to the beach to maintain our tans, drink ice-cold cocktails or skinny-dip in the sea, and all those other fun things we love to do in summer. If you feel you are reaching the height of boredom, have a look at these fun activities to keep you busy (and sane) in the rainy weeks ahead:

1.  Read a book

Remember all those times you complained about never getting time to read that new Steven King novel? Well, here’s your chance. Visit your local library, or grab a book off your shelf, and curl up on the couch with a strong cup of tea.  Believe it or not, reading is actually good for you. Sir Richard Steele once said “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” It develops your vocabulary and allows you to be more imaginative. When you read, you learn, so be sure to give your mind a regular work out.

2.  Bake some goodies

Whether chocolate chip cookies are your forte, or you prefer tasting the mixture from your Grandmother’s tasty chocolate cake recipe, this is your time to shine. If you’ve always dreamed of becoming the next (South African) Cake Boss, treasure this time and produce some treats to surprise your friends and family. They’ll enjoy the final product and you get to relish the mid-bake tasting process. It’s a win – win!

Combine scrapbooking with baking and make your own scrapbook cupcakes. By Clevercupcakes (Flickr)

3.  Make a scrapbook

Printed photographs that fade away in albums at the top of the bookshelf are such a waste. So collect all of those old photos, colourful pens and paper, and clear the kitchen table for a creative day ahead. Scrounge around for random buttons, pretty objects, newspaper clippings, bright ribbons, and anything else that can help to make your page unique. You’ll be surprised at how fast the time flies once you get into it. Make the scrapbook as a gift for a friend, or keep it for a fun addition to your coffee table. Either way, it’s an opportunity to bring new life to old photos!

4.  Watch home videos

We’ve all got piles of old VHS tapes concealed in a dusty corner of the house; the ‘Pandora’s Box’ of embarrassing memories.  Here’s your chance to sweep the cobwebs off your old VHS Player and make a fun day out of reminiscing about times past, with your family. While you’re at it, make a note of what is on each tape so that it will be easier to find the one you are looking for at a later stage.

Bubblebaths at any age are fantastic. By The 5th Ape (Flickr)

5.  Take a hot bubble bath

At least once a week, you should allow yourself the pleasure of a long, hot bubble bath. There isn’t much better than an extra-bubbly bath so be sure to empty a fair amount of bubble bath liquid into the water. Pour yourself a glass of wine, light some candles and soak away your troubles in bubble heaven.

6.  Horror Movie marathon

There is one thing that rainy days are perfect for, and that’s movie marathons.  Rent a couple of your favourite bloodcurdling DVDs, put some corn on for the popping, and snuggle up on the couch for a day of mind-numbing fun. Be sure to grab your partner or a friend to keep you company. You’ll want someone there when you head to bed at night.

7.  Write

Whether you enjoy keeping your thoughts private, in a personal journal, or writing short stories for the blogging arena, this is a perfect activity for a day spent indoors. Grab your laptop or diary, and head to the couch to spend the day unleashing your thoughts into the universe. Who knows, perhaps someone will discover your knack for writing while browsing your blog? Either way, it will be very rewarding.

on the phone by rizka budiati (flickr)

8.  Call someone you haven’t spoken to in a while

With life constantly stuck on fast forward, it’s easy to go for long periods of time without speaking to that close friend or family member. If your busy lifestyle has made you neglect a good friend, a rainy day is a perfect excuse to pick up the phone and have a good chat. You’ll be surprised at how much you have to catch up on.

9.  Play a board game

We all have a competitive side. So why not let out some of your pent up energy by playing a board game? Scrabble, Cluedo, and 30 Seconds, are a few great ways to enjoy some quality time with your family, while staying out of the cold.

10.  Spring clean

While the rain is pouring outside, there is no better time than now to do a healthy clean out. Inspect your wardrobe for clothing items that you no longer wear, and pack them into a black bag. Be ruthless. If your room is looking a little cluttered, reassess your surroundings and throw out anything that you no longer need. You can take these items to a charity shop or give them to the needy.

Working out doesn't need to be a chore. By sazztastical (Flickr)

11.  Organise your own workout schedule

This is the perfect moment to take on the workout that you’ve been promising to do for weeks. Instead of traipsing to the cold, sweaty gym, enjoy the comfort and privacy of your own home. Create a schedule of at least three different exercises, and remember to do ten repeats of each routine. Once you’re done, take a hot shower and enjoy the effects of a good workout.

12.  Take a walk in the Rain

Staying indoors for too long can drive anyone mad. So grab your umbrella, throw on a big puffy jacket and your trusty wellies, and step out for a refreshing walk in the rain. Don’t be afraid to revert back to your child-like ways by running and jumping in all of the big puddles. This is what makes life fun. It’s a great way to let off some steam and an opportunity to get out of the house for a bit if you’re feeling a little cramped up.

Let us know if you have the secret to surviving the rainy months, or any helpful hints that will make winter more bearable.