Long flights can be frustrating as it is, with rerun movies, bad food, and cramped up space. However, your experience can be largely bettered or worsened depending on who you sit next to. Here are a couple of airplane passengers you’d do well to avoid sitting next to (or near) on a long flight:

Aeroplane passenger by emeryjl (Flickr)

The Chatterbox

These passengers LOVE to talk. By the end of the flight, you know all of their intimate details, such as information about their kids, where they live, the problems they’re having with their friends…you name it. And yes, of course you started off friendly, but now you’re stuck with the chatterbox all night long.

Aeroplane passenger by michaeljonker (Flickr)

The Recliner

The Recliner is the passenger that sits directly in front of you and reclines their seat all the way back only 5 minutes into the flight. Now your already cramped legs are stuck with even less space and your eating table opens uncomfortably close to you.

Passengers by Lauren Morling

The Lovebirds

The Lovebirds have no eyes for anyone else in the room. And while such cramped quarters should be reason for limiting public displays of affection, they continue to kiss, cuddle, and whisper sweet nothings the entire flight – and now you’re starting to feel like the 3rd wheel.

Food by Pat Guiney (Flickr)

The Messy Eater

This passenger loves to spend the MAJORITY of their flight eating. And while I’m not one to judge about having some tasty snacks to get through the lengthy flight (without touching airplane food), the constant chewing is certainly annoying. They order food by the hour, whip out smelly food of their own, and spill their food all over the place. There isn’t much more off putting for an already queasy tummy than a slob with food splatter running down their face.

Baby on Board by Micah Sittig (Flickr)

The Nosy Parker

The Nosy Parker is the passenger that finds whatever you do to be absolutely fascinating. They watch the movie on your screen, read over your shoulder, and listen to your conversations. Clearly no journal entries can be made while sitting next to this passenger.

Aeroplane passenger by willow-monk (Flickr)

The No-Bubble Passenger

The No-Bubble Passenger can be large or small as it’s not the size of their body that makes them invade your personal space. Perhaps they should have invested in a second seat to allow room for their expanding belly, but other times, it’s just an average sized person who doesn’t understand the need for personal space. They use your arm rest, fall asleep with their head hovering uncomfortably close to your shoulder, and kick their feet up so you’re practically squished into the corner. AVOID!

Feet by cristeenq (Flickr)

The Brat

The Brat is my absolute pet peeve as an airplane passenger and is the opposite of The Recliner.  The Brat sits behind you and usually comes in the form of a kid who kicks the back of your seat through the entire flight, but it can also come in the form of an inconsiderate passenger constantly bumping your seat just as you’ve managed to fall asleep.

Aeroplane passenger by neychurluvr (Flickr)

The Queasy Suzy

Some people’s bodies just aren’t made to fly. The Queasy Suzy is constantly airsick – often just in time for breakfast. Yum!

Baby by Bradley Gee (Flickr)

The Crying Baby

No matter where you are seated, The Crying Baby will get you if you’re located in the same cabin. And while it’s entirely frustrating, yes, there’s also not much the parents or anyone else for that matter can do to stop the bone-wrenching shrieks of misery.

Aeroplane passenger by icanchangethisright (Flickr)

The Carrier

When you’re stuck in an airplane with no fresh air, germs are circulated very quickly. Any measure a normal person would take to prevent spreading their unwanted germs (such as covering their mouth when they sneeze and cough, and blowing their nose in the bathroom), The Carrier is completely oblivious to.

Airplane by Hunter Desportes (Flickr)

The Complainer

The Complainer is the passenger who feels the need to complain about each and every little thing. They ask for non-existent food, exorbitant drinks, and other luxuries, and complain when their needs cannot be met. They also complain about the service, the movie channels, the comfort of the chairs, and the length of the flight.

Drinks by Lauren Morling

The Drunk

The Drunk is the passenger that takes full advantage of the free drinks on board and becomes disastrously sloshed. They slur, shout, get aggressive, and perhaps even get sick – just make sure the barf bag is in sight!

Have you ever sat next to one of the above airplane passengers?

Main image by nffcnnr (Flickr)