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TravelGround blog

Author: TG Team

Cape Town Honoured by Forbes

Cape Town has recently been selected by Forbes as one of the 12 most beautiful cities in the world! The selection of cities was done by a multi-national team of respected experts who lauded Cape Town for its low environmental impact and scenic qualities. We agree! Cape Town is an amazing city to live in […]

TravelGround Badges

Recently we have been contacted by a number of establishment’s who have requested membership badges for their websites. We apologise for the time taken to distribute these badges, but our office has being kept busy by our growing web-traffic (now at 90,000 page-views per month), as well as thousands of enquiries and bookings. Below […]

Awards for our Most Popular Accommodations of 2009

Today we have begun a tradition here at We are giving awards to our most popular accommodations of 2009, and we will be awarding them every year from now on. Choosing the winners Since TravelGround opened only 6 months ago we have received almost 250,000 page views and thousands of accommodation enquiries, bookings and […]

What each star grading means

The Tourism Grading Council of South Africa‘s Star Gradings are independently assessed and are the only Star Gradings accepted and displayed on The TGCSA may award between 1 and 5 stars to an accommodation depending on the overall standard that a guest can expect, as well as the facilities on offer. We are proud […]

Top 5 Travel Blogs by South Africans Living Overseas

This is a round up of some of our favourite Travel Blogs here in the TravelGround Office. These aren’t necessarily Travel Blogs that promote South Africa, but all of them are by South African’s and written from a South African reference point. Read on to become addicted… Britain and Beyond:  Anneliese offers some fantastic anecdotes […]

ZissuTravel is now “”

Welcome to TravelGround: your travel playground… Behind the scenes, has been re-branding… is the result and the website will be moving across to this new domain today. But not to worry, all your old links to will still function. We’re open for bookings… Despite the inevitable delays caused by the necessary re-branding […]

Cape Town gets a pat on the back

On Monday night the World Travel awards were held at the ICC in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal. Since they were established in 1993 the awards have constituted the most prestigious tourism rating the planet has to offer. It was at this prestigious ceremony that Cape Town was selected as Africa’s premier tourist traction. Mansoor Mohammed, who […]

IPL proves South Africa’s ‘can do’ attitude

**Please note that Zissu Travel was officially changed to TravelGround in late 2009. Please see the “About Us” section for more information.** Congratulations to the South African Tourism Ministry for lending their full support to the IPL! This kind of “can do” (‘n boer maak ‘n plan) attitude is what living in the new South […]
