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Category: Adventure

The Most Unique Mazes in the World

Mazes are the sneaky cousin of the more well-known labyrinths, and it is a maze which will trick you and leave you wandering for a goodly amount of time, should you take a wrong turn. Labyrinths on the other hand, have only one path in, and one path out again. In Europe, mazes have been […]

To The Edge of the Earth and Beyond

UPDATE The stratosphere jump happened on Sunday 14th October, 2012 in Roswell, New Mexico and was a roaring success by all accounts. Congratulations to the hard-working behind-the-scenes Red Bull Stratos team, and of course to Felix Baumgartner – who now holds the world record for completing the highest jump in the world, as well as […]

7 Incredible Phenomena Caused by Nature

Nature is a wondrous thing. It can be scary or fascinating, beautiful or ugly, and throughout the centuries has certainly kept mankind on its toes.  Many of the phenomena have, throughout history, been worshiped, feared, or thought of as signs portending disaster or salvation. Modern science helps us understand how and why they occur, but […]

Meet South Africa’s Small 5

We all know South Africa’s “Big 5”: the elephant, lion, buffo, leopard, and rhino. Entire vacations are planned for the sole purpose of spotting them. But I would like to introduce you to the lesser known “Small 5”, whose names relate to their bigger counterparts.   The Elephant Shrew Getting its name from the elongated […]

Meteor Months – You won’t need a telescope for these shows

Those of us who live in the Southern Hemisphere are often left out of spotting ‘shooting stars’, planetary alignments, and celestial phenomenon’s – unlike the Northern Hemisphere which seems to experience these events rather frequently. The good news is that there are several meteor showers taking place in the upcoming months, and for once, all […]

International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Ahoy mateys! It be International Talk Like a Pirate Day, so strike me colours if I don’t talk in a pirate way. Yo ho! Pirate fever be takin’ its toll aboard our olde port o’ work. Good olde pirate rock songs be fillin’ the decks with timber stomping tunes as we be settin’ sail under […]

5 Amazing Landscapes which aren’t Photo-shopped

When the majority of us look at beautiful fairy-tale like photographs, the cynics in us start thinking that the pictures must be photo-shopped. After all, nowadays you can make anything look good, just look at the various magazine stands, which have flawless women and impossibly perfect bodies paraded on the covers. Despite our jaded outlooks, […]

The World’s Strangest Swimming Pools

There are various reasons why we enjoy traveling the world, be it fancy hotels, beautiful beaches, exciting accommodation, or nearby attractions. However, a lot of the time the enticing factor is the allure of hotel swimming pools and natural rock pools. So whether you enjoy a peaceful dip or an exhilarating swim, have a look […]