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Category: Drakensberg

3 Beautiful Towns Hidden in the Drakensberg’s Shadow

The Drakensberg region of South Africa is quite a large one, and doesn’t often get the kind of attention that the coastal regions or vibrant cities do.  For those not in the know, this area has more than a fair share of jaw-dropping scenic beauty, untouched landscapes to drive through, and adventure-orientated activities. If you’ll […]

Dine with Dragons – 5 Top Restaurants in the Drakensberg

Though our mighty Dragon Mountain spans several South African provinces as well as Swaziland and Lesotho, it doesn’t quite compare to the fictional dragons of Daenerys Targaryen in the HBO Game of Thrones series. And yet, these immense and immovable stone giants are a very impressive sight to behold. If you’ll be heading to any […]

Passport to fun at Sani Pass

Do you dream of a remote holiday destination where you can literally switch off to the outside world…yet still have more to do than read books and paint nails? Then grab your passport to fun and adventure in the magnificent surrounds of Sani Pass in the Southern Drakensberg. The area is a well-known landmark for […]

5 Top Secret Travel Spots in South Africa

Those of you who plan to explore the diverse landscapes on offer in South Africa should know that there are several towns you can visit to get the authentic experience you crave. Forget about heading to the tourist hubs of Cape Town, Johannesburg or Durban, and start your adventure far off of the beaten path, […]

4 Romantic Valentine’s Getaways in South Africa

In exactly one month, people around the world will be celebrating their love. That’s right – Valentine’s Day is around the corner. A romantic couple’s getaway is always a great way to reignite love’s spark…far better than chocolates and teddy bears. With the variety of incredible lodges, spas, guest houses, hotels, and such across our […]

2013 Travel Bucket List

New Year’s resolutions are so last year! They seldom seem to last and generally end up making us feel bad about ourselves when we don’t stick to them. So this year we’re focusing on a Bucket List – a travel bucket list specifically – that will keep you inspired to get out and experience something […]

Experience Gifts for Christmas

Are you still hunting for the perfect gift? Here are some “experience” gifts that will leave a lasting impression on your loved ones! Cable Card Spoil someone special with a Cable Card for Table Mountain. They will gain unlimited access to the Cableway for a year (one return trip per day), avoid ticket office queues, […]

A Road Tripper’s Guide to the Midlands Meander

Weaving its way between Pietermaritzburg and the majestic uKhahlamba Drakensberg mountain range, which has been proclaimed a World Heritage Site, the Midlands Meander is a popular route with a modest beginning. It started as a group of artists and crafters trying to lure travellers off the N3 to see their wares. Today the meander is […]
