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5 Water-Saving Travel Tips!

It should come as absolutely no surprise that South Africa is lacking some water (gigantic understatement). Our dam levels are well below 40% across the board, and dropping fast. Water restrictions have been put in place in all the major metropolitan areas and everyone everywhere is whispering about the neighbour hosing down his Audi every […]

7 Superb reasons to visit Simon’s Town

At first, he was just a nuisance to sailors, but he would soon become one of the most famous dogs in the world ─ this Great Dane hopped on trains, guided his drunken sailor friends back to their base and even got married! Although he never went to sea, Just Nuisance was enlisted into the […]

Family-friendly hikes

It seems like only yesterday you sent the kids back to school. Now the end of term is on the horison and you’re already trying to think of ways to keep the youngsters busy. Luckily, warmer weather has graced South Africa with its return and as the sun rises earlier with each passing day, there […]
