“No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” – Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom (1995)

Former South African President Nelson Mandela image and memory will continue to burn as bright in his death as it has in his life. Mandela was a remarkable man whose love, values, and commitment to equality have literally transformed the world we live in. Not only is he loved by South Africans who see him as the father of our Rainbow Nation, but by people across the world.

Madiba’s Wise Words

Mandela fought the apartheid struggle with weapons of passion, wisdom, love, and understanding.  He had no desire to take revenge on his oppressors and the only hatred he carried was a righteous one. His tale reads like a modern day Bible story and his wise words will have an impact for centuries to come.

Mandela Rhodes Place

Here are just a few of Madiba’s famous quotes:

“For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”

“Real leaders must be ready to sacrifice all for the freedom of their people.”

“To make peace with an enemy, one must work with that enemy and that enemy becomes your partner.”

“I hate the practice of race discrimination and in my hatred I am sustained by the fact that the overwhelming majority of mankind hate equality.”

“People are human beings, produced by the society in which they live. You encourage people by seeing good in them.

“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.”

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”

Make every day a Nelson Mandela Day

In November 2009, for the first time in history, the United Nations dedicated a day to person. It was 18 July, Nelson Mandela’s birthday. People across the world were asked to set aside 67 minutes of their day to bring joy or relief to the disadvantaged and vulnerable in their communities. The message is simple: Madiba gave 67 years of his life fighting for social justice and human rights, and now we have the chance to give a mere 67 minutes back. 2013 marks Mandela’s 95th birthday and the 4th annual Mandela Day, and we are all encouraged to live by the motto: “Take action, inspire change, and make every day a Mandela Day!”


12 Ways to celebrate the life of Madiba

1. The Nelson Mandela Route – Starting at King William’s Town in the Eastern Cape, the route travels to Mthatha, Soweto, Johannesburg, and Robben Island. You’ll visit Madiba’s birthplace, various homes, several museums, and Robben Island prison.

2. Mandela House – Tour Soweto or just visit Mandela’s old house at 8115 Vilakazi Street.

3. Nelson Mandela Square – Visit the 6m statue of Madiba doing his iconic dance at Nelson Mandela Square at Sandton City. Weighing 2.5 tons, the bronzed Nelson Mandela statue was unveiled on the centre’s 10th anniversary in March 2003. The unveiling also served as a celebration of 10 years of democracy in South Africa.

Nelson Mandela Square by James Cridland (flickr)

4. Mandela’s Joburg Tour – This inner city tour looks at the Johannesburg that Nelson Mandela experienced in the 1950s and 60s. Visit his original law practise and the areas he walked daily. The tour features other anti-apartheid leaders like Oliver Tambo and Walter Sisulu.

5. The Nelson Mandela Museum – At Mandela’s insistence, the Nelson Mandela Museum is not a static collection and tribute to him, but a living memorial to his values and vision. The museum has two main sites; the Nelson Mandela Youth and Heritage Centre in Qunu, and the Bhunga Building in Mthatha. A third site, a thatched open-air museum at Mveso, is not currently operated by the Museum.

6. The Mandela Capture SiteThe Mandela Capture Site in Howick has a free exhibition and guided tour focusing on Mandela’s life and capture. The unique sculpture is a must see!

Capture Site

7. Nelson Mandela Bay – Visit Nelson Mandela Bay and get your Nelson Mandela Bay Pass to gain free access to a variety of attractions and activities, including museums, game reserves, scuba diving, sightseeing tours, and more. Pressed for time? Pop into the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Art Museum.

8. Mandela Rhodes Place – All of the resident restaurants and stores at this premium lifestyle destination in the heart of Cape Town contribute toward the Mandela Rhodes Foundation (Mr. Mandela’s chosen legacy) to create outstanding leadership on the African continent. The 4-star Mandela Rhodes Place Hotel and Spa embodies the spirit of “ubuntu” and treats all guests with a warm sense of generosity, caring, and friendliness.

9. Robben Island – For centuries, Robben Island was a place of banishment, isolation, and imprisonment. Today it is a World Heritage Site and museum, a poignant reminder of where Madiba spent 18 of his 27 years in prison. Tours depart from the V&A Waterfront, so take your photo with Madiba’s statue while you’re there.

Robben Island

10. Nelson Mandela Bridge – Take a drive across this iconic bridge in Johannesburg. Its impressive 248m span lights up in the colours of the rainbow at night.

11. The Mandela Theatre – Madiba loves to dance! Celebrate his fun side by booking your seats at The Mandela in The Joburg Theatre Complex to see Starlight Express, one of the best loved and longest running musicals in theatrical history, presented by award-winning director, Janice Honeyman.

12. Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund – Invest in the future of South Africa by making a donation to the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund.

How will you celebrate the life and spirit of Madiba?


* Visit South African History Online for an in-depth look into the remarkable life of Nelson Mandela.

Update: Check out this great inforgraphic that was sent to us by BestMSWPrograms.com:
Nelson Mandela: Before Prisoner, Beyond President

Nelson Mandela Square image by James Cridland