**Please note that Zissu Travel was officially changed to TravelGround in late 2009. Please see the “About Us” section for more information.**

As we approach the all important Easter weekend, the team at Zissu Travel would like to release a progress report.

Up till now our marketing efforts to accommodation owners have been focused on the Western Cape with small escapades into other regions such as East London and PE, and the response to Zissu has been wonderful.

Currently 127 suppliers of accommodations have joined the site (some of whom have listed multiple accommodations). This growing community has also joined Zissu Travel in writing over 280 activity guides to South Africa’s best tourism attractions.

Our forecasts show that, from the Easter weekend until our immanent launch at the end of the month, Zissu Travel will attract an additional 400 odd accommodation registrations. This is a conservative estimate based on the fact that we still have to follow 80% of our current leads.

Zissu Travel also expects that by the end of the month the website will contain over 1000 pages of content about South African regions and tourist activities. At launch these pages will be opened to public viewing, and will be maintained as a South African tourism ‘Wiki’, ready to grow into the greatest ever South African travel guide. Accommodation will begin to accept online bookings through Zissu Travel at the same time.