In this day and age, there is no shame in travelling alone. In fact, it can be liberating and open us up to new experiences. If you’re a brave young woman, here are a few tips that will make your solo trip safer and more enjoyable:

Documents by flissphil (Flickr)

Research and plan in advance

Have an easily accessible folder filled with a full itinerary, flight information, contact details for the places you’ll be staying at, and emergency contact details for family and friends. Leave a copy of all of the above information with a trusted family member so that someone will know where you are at all times. Another great tip is to register with your embassy and find out if there are any advisories for the country you’re visiting.

Tourist by paddling (Flickr)

Couch travel 

Consult map books and Google maps before you arrive in the area you’re visiting to familiarise yourself with the landmarks and street names. Work out the route you will need to follow from the airport before you leave so that you won’t get lost. This way, you can jump off the plane with determination and not have to whip out the much-bigger-than-necessary tourist map that will make you a target for unsavoury characters.  If you have to ask for directions, casually mention that you are meeting a friend.

Clothes by susieq3c (Flickr)

Dress appropriately

One thing you certainly don’t want to do when you’re travelling alone is attract negative attention. Consider the culture and beliefs of the country you’re visiting and always dress a little more conservatively than necessary, keeping your shoulders and knees covered. This will deter unwanted attention as well as guarantee your access into certain landmarks or holy sites. Keep jewellery and accessories to a minimum and leave most of your valuables and important documents at the hotel (preferably in a safe).

Water by rubbermaid (Flickr)

Avoid drinking tap water

Check out the guide lines for the country you are visiting regarding the drinking water. If you’re unsure, stick to bottled water for drinking and brushing your teeth. Avoid eating salads and fruit as these could have been washed with unsafe water. 

Stay alert by timothykrause (Flickr)

Be sensible 

You’re a smart girl. Be aware of unsafe areas and don’t walk around at night on your own. Avoid travelling with your earphones in, talking on your cellphone, or getting too drunk when you’re out at a bar. Make sure you always have all of your wits about you.

Taxi by mcpig (Flickr)

Reputable taxis 

Whenever you need to travel around at night, call a taxi instead of walking alone. Only get into a taxi you have called yourself (ask for their name on the phone) and don’t get into any taxi waiting on the curb. If you have called them, the company will have it on record and they will be working on the books.

Police by pigpilot (Flickr)

Trust your gut 

If you get a bad feeling about anything or anyone, trust it! If a certain situation is making you feel nervous or uncomfortable, let the waiter, manager, policeman, or someone of authority know and ask if they can call you a taxi. You know more than you think you do.

If you’re sensible, travelling alone can be a wonderful thing! Find your accommodation here.

What tips do you have for women travelling on their own?