There’s only one thing that wine fundis will find more exciting than the annual Stellenbosch Wine Festival, and that’s the fact that the 2013 Stellenbosch Wine Festival is happening 6 months earlier than usual.  The expanded 10-day programme will be taking place from 25 January to 3 February 2013, with over 150 farms and countless gourmet eateries showcasing their finest produce. I don’t know what took the organisers so long to realise that a wine festival in the sunny summer is better than the wet winter, but I am pleased to have one more reason to toast my glass!

Annareth Bolton, CEO of the Stellenbosch Wine Routes explains, “We realised that it makes sense to showcase our world-class wines during a period when everything that Stellenbosch offers – its natural beauty, unique cultural heritage, excellent academic institutions and vibrant agricultural industries – is at its best and brightest. Perfect summer weather, the buzz of a new University year and the bustling start of the harvest season will all add new dimensions to the Stellenbosch Wine Festival experience. Our member farms are excited, the whole town is mobilised and we are sure that wine lovers and lifestyle tourists from all over South Africa and the world are going to be thrilled with what Stellenbosch is bringing to the table this summer.”

wine (Vinehill Guest Cottage)

Every year sees more exciting reasons for crowd anticipation, from inaugural charity galas and sporting events, to art exhibitions and live music performances. This year’s highlights include:

  • American Express Wine and Dine Experiences: daily
  • American Express Winery Experiences: daily
  • Harvest Parade through the Stellenbosch streets: 26 January 2013
  • Pick n Pay Women’s Walk: 26 January 2013, 7:30am, at Rugby Field C, adjacent to Danie Craven Stadium Coetzenburg
  • The Stellenbosch Wine Festival Lifestyle Experience: 30 January 2013, 5 – 8pm, at The Pick n Pay Festival Square at Die Braak
  • Grape Golf Challenge: 31 January 2013, 12pm, at De Zalze Golf Estate
  • Sunset Sounds: 1 – 3 February 2012 at The Pick n Pay Festival Square at Die Braak
  • Stellenbosch Wine Festival Wine Expo: 1 – 3 February 2012, 12 – 8pm, at The Pick n Pay Festival Square at Die Braak
  • The Pick n Pay Small Produces Market: 3 February 2013, 12 – 8pm, The Pick n Pay Festival Square at Die Braak


The new date of the Stellenbosch Wine Festival coincides with the birth of South African wine. This information is thanks to an entry in the diary of Jan van Riebeeck, official of the Dutch East India Company and First Commander of the Cape, made on 2 February 1659: “Today, praise be to God, wine was made for the first time from Cape grapes.”


So make a date to celebrate the birth of South African wine in Stellenbosch – South Africa’s oldest wine region. If you’re travelling from out of town, be sure to book your accommodation in Stellenbosch today to avoid disappointment. Alternatively, avoid the crowds and book your accommodation in another part of the Cape Winelands.

How will you be celebrating the birth of South African wine?