With the post-buzz of the Cape Town Good Food & Wine Show lingering like fragrant spices, I have to admit that my ultimate highlight was the opportunity to see Gordon Ramsay passionately do what he does best. Not screaming at some inexperienced chef-wannabe on a nightmarish TV programme, but jovially demonstrating with incredible knowledge, dedication, and desire, exactly why he is one of the world’s most popular chefs. While the show would still have been good without him, Ramsay made it GREAT!

The Good Food & Wine Show is undoubtedly the foodie event of the year and a great way for both well-established and up-and-coming companies to showcase their wares. There was no shortage of delectable sauces, dressings, and garnishes to sample at the various stalls; and if you kept your eyes peeled and nostrils sniffing long enough you could scout out the cheeses, olives, teas, desserts, and other free tasters that were around. One of my absolute favourite stands was Pronto Mama, who has to be commended on its mouth-watering selection of slow roasted cherry tomatoes in spicy vinaigrettes. I would be lying if I said I didn’t go back more than once to get a taste of their chilli and coriander, as well as their aubergine and thyme flavoured tomatoes. Simply scrumptious!

GFWS collage

And it isn’t called the Good Food AND Wine Show for nothing. Once we’d fully explored the food stands, we followed the trail of wine-stained glasses to the bar zone, which not only featured wine tastings, but also a number of craft brews, fine liqueurs, superb spirits, and South Africa’s first ever Bar Show where you could learn to mix your own cocktails. I must have an excellent wine palate, because after a fair bit of sampling (when in Rome, right?), my wine of choice was the Syrah, an unbelievably smooth red from La Bourgogne Farm that silkily glided across my tongue as if it wasn’t even there to begin with. No surprise that it was the priciest! For now it will be placed on my “when I’m rich” list until I can find a home for it on my wine rack.

The Celebrity Chef Experience
Although there were delicious treats and drinks to sample, the Good Food & Wine Show can resemble a glorified market if you don’t make the effort to get involved. This will cost you a little extra, but the various theatres of live demos and interactive workshops also makes the show that much more fulfilling. My absolute highlight and reason for attending the event was to see Gordon Ramsay live in action. After witnessing his foul temper and sharp tongue on screen, it was refreshing to see a lighter, more family-oriented, yet equally witty Ramsay in real life. He was clearly in his happy place and his energy permeated the room as he whipped up an incredible 3-course meal for people randomly selected from the crowd. Throughout his demo he dished out insightful tips, from keeping squid tender, to the advantages of cooking steak on the bone, and how to get your kids to eat veggies (according to Ramsay, your manhood doesn’t grow unless you eat your carrots!). I could rattle on about his personality, the wafting smells, and the dishes themselves, but here’s a little clip to do the talking for me.


Ramsay wasn’t the only chef sharing his expertise. There was a wonderful range of local and international chefs hosting live demonstrations at various themed theatres. International chefs included British master pâtissier, author, and star of Baking Mad, Eric Lanlard; Australia’s self-taught chef and star of Bill’s Food, Bill Granger; as well as the winner of the first Junior MasterChef Australia, Isabella Bliss, who was joined by her twin sister, Sofia, who came in the top four of the competition.

I had the privilege of meeting the Bliss twins at the launch of the Good Food & Wine Show, and I can only rave about these two young ladies – who look nothing alike by the way. These talented teenage chefs are down to earth and polite, and clearly have a lot of respect for the industry. The twins have recently published a cookbook with their mother Sylvana Spina, who also made an appearance at the Good Food & Wine Show as one of the experts at the Dial-A-Mom theatre. While chatting with them, the girls raved about Cape Town and the beautiful sights, so I’m pretty sure they’ll be back; but just in case, they kindly allowed me to snag a photo for my daughter, who is an avid fan and junior master chef in training.


Holding the South African culinary flag high at both the launch and Celebrity Chef Theatre was our very own Masterchef SA judge, Benny Maskwikameng. Other local chefs and food bloggers to host demonstrations and interactive workshops included Sarah Graham from Bitten; Executive Chef of Conrad Pezula Resort and Spa, Geoffrey Murray; food blogger and author of Drizzle and Dip, Samantha Linsell, who has 20 years of hospitality management and food marketing experience; founder and owner of Cupcakes by Design, Grace Stevens; and a whole lot more.

Looking to 2014
In conjunction with the 2014 Good Food & Wine Show, Cape Town will for the first time play host to Food Hospitality World, a new global business-to-business event for the food and hospitality industries. This exciting initiative already takes place in Italy, China, India, and Brazil, and will soon turn Cape Town into the culinary capital of Africa. Food Hospitality World will run from 19 – 21 May 2014 with the Good Food & Wine Show following from 22 – 25 May 2014, creating an entire week of foodie pleasure at the Cape Town International Convention Centre.

real food theatre

If you missed out on the Cape Town show, it’s only another 360 days to go until the next one! If you can’t wait that long, The Good Food & Wine Show will be in Durban from 8 – 11 August 2013, and in Johannesburg from 21 – 24 September 2013. Keep informed by following the event on Facebook and Twitter.

Which celebrity chefs would you like to see in South Africa?


Feature images by Jurie Senekal