Along with the pre-flight prep and clothing lists you’ve likely made, you should definitely fine-tune your carry-on handbag or sling bag, to ensure you have the perfect in-flight essentials close to you at all times.

Comfort and Sleep Aids

  1. Layered Items

I’m sure we’ve all learnt the hard way that planes get super cold without warning an hour or so into your flight, especially if you sit at the window seat – and the air attendants mysteriously disappear from sight, right when you realise you need an extra blanket! Skip the frozen arms and legs, and bring along something comfortable that you can cuddle under, like a blanket, jacket, or wrap.  Socks are another item to bring in your carry-on that will help keep your feet toasty during the flight.

Water is a must-have on plane flights. By David Woo (Flickr)

  1. Snacks and Water

If you’re not a fan of in-flight meals, a pre-packed snack box will tide you over until you land. Items to include are an empty water bottle (fill it after the security check before boarding), some flavoured or glucose sachets to mix with the water for flavour, and foods such as nuts, muesli, and pretzels.

Pack an eye mask. By Stacie Stacie Stacie (Flickr)

  1. Eye Mask and Ear Plugs

Unless you’re travelling internationally (in which case, you usually get a complimentary set), bring along an eye mask and some ear plugs to catch up on your zzz’s. They’ll come in handy if you’re in an aisle seat and your seat mate decides they want to leave their blind open during the whole flight. Earplugs are also great.

  1. Spare Outfit

Pack a spare outfit, underwear, and socks – either in your sling bag or carry-on bag. This may sound silly, but if anything happens to your main luggage bag, you’ll be stranded without clothes until the airline figures out where your missing bag is. Trust me, from experience, this is one tip you don’t want to forget.

Your entertainment essentias. By afcphoto (Flickr)


  1. Tablet / Laptop / Sudoku

Skip the entertainment offered in-flight and load up your laptop or tablet with any movies, music, books, or games you’ve been meaning to get around to watching, playing, and listening – just ensure you’ve fully charged your gadgets before you pack them.

When you’re several thousand feet up in the air, there’s no reason not to relax and catch up on an often neglected past time. Also, if you finish your movies or book before you thought you would, with additional entertainment options, you’ll definitely keep yourself busy until your plane lands.

Don’t forget, after each movie or every third book chapter, you should get up and stretch to give your eyes and body a wake up, and keep your circulation in tip top shape.

Makeup and toiletries. By meenakshi madha-van (Flickr)

Before you land

  1. Make-up wipes

Every single post about packing your carry-on handbag / slingbag / tote bag pays homage to this ingenious little wipe. Use it mid-flight or just before you land, to clear out dirt, revive tired and dry skin, and get rid of any panda circles your mascara or eye mask left you with. If you’re super hygiene conscious, you can even go to the bathroom cubicle and wipe your underarms and feet to ensure you’re feeling super fresh despite being crammed into a sardine can for several hours.

  1. Moisturiser / Eye Drops / Nasal Spray

After you’ve gotten the dirt out your pores, put on a soothing moisturiser to give back some oomph to your skin, and remember to put some on your arms and chest too! As air on the plane is recycled, it is very drying to your skin, nose, and eyes – so apply eye drops to banish red, itchy eyes, and a nasal spray to clear out stuffy passages.

  1. Mini toothbrush / toothpaste / gum / perfume

Freshen up your breath by brushing your teeth or chewing some gum before you land, so that you not only look great upon exiting the plane, but you’ll smell great too! A mini deodorant under 100ml  is a good item to consider bringing along if your moisturiser is unscented, or you’re looking for a pick-me-up scent, a sample miniature perfume will work too.

Worth A Mention:

Sleeping tablets, headache pills, a neck-compression pillow, vitamins, and a travel journal with a pen are all good additional items to consider bringing with you for the flight.

Now it’s your turn to let us know what your essential in-flight items are!

 Packed bags. By ohsarahrose (Flickr)