Several members of the TravelGround team were proud to join the Avon Justine iThemba Walkathon to raise money and spread awareness for breast cancer in South Africa. The event took place in Cape Town on Sunday, 4 November 2012, with thousands of people creating a wave of pink along the Sea Point Promenade in the 5km and 10km walks.

In March 2001, Avon Justine launched the iThemba Crusade of Hope to help spread education and awareness about breast cancer, highlighting the message that “early detection saves lives”. iThemba is the Zulu word for “hope”, and this is exactly what the cause is doing for many victims and survivors of breast cancer. Donations from the Johannesburg and Cape Town walkathons have been made to the Breast Health Foundation, Bosom Buddies, and Look Good…Feel Better.

Thanks to Perthenia for getting the TravelGround team to join the crusade, and a big thank you to the TravelGround team who braved the early morning alarm clocks and gave of their time to show support for this life-saving cause. We hope those legs aren’t feeling too sore today! Thanks also to the Management Team who so kindly sponsored the staff entries – your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Finally, we want to congratulate Avon Justine iThemba for the marvellous work that they are doing. So far over R8.5 million has been raised for the cause and many lives have been changed. Well done for making the effort to make the world a better place. Thank you also to the media partners who made the event possible, namely Mnet Cares, Woman&Home, and Radio 2000. We look forward to walking with you again…next time with a full team dressed in the most outrageous PINK outfits!

Here are some of our memorable moments:

Perthenia “Peach” missed out on her morning cuppa!

Some of the TravelGround ladies – Lutfia, Marosane, and Perthenia

The pink mass descends on Sea Point!

The 10km TravelGround walkers – Jessica, Perthenia, Desiree, Marosane, and Lutfia. The 5km walkers were Peter, Shelley, and Julie. Sadly Marcel couldn’t make it at the last minute, but his entry counts for something. Thanks guys for an awesome day!

With love
