**Please note that Zissu Travel was officially changed to TravelGround in late 2009. Please see the “About Us” section for more information.**

Business is changing. Where there used to be large hierarchical corporations that had power, it is now rather through decentralization and mass collaboration that many quality products and services are being created. (Wikinomics!)

One of the most fundamental aspects of Zissu Travel is being able to harness this new power that the internet has created to generate travel and tourism information for you. Who knows the most about all the best travel places, events, area information, and activities around South Africa? Well, the very accommodation owners and travelling users that will be using our site! That’s why every single piece of information that you find on Zissu Travel; whether it’s a town description, gallery of images of a region, activities in a certain area, or information about accommodation that will best suit your needs, is all written and collected by our users. Yes you, the users.

Accommodation owners will be able to add activities and events in their local area, create new area names and collaborate on wikis on their local area with descriptions and pictures. Users will also be able to write articles about their journeys, comments on the places where they stayed and add and locate their pictures on our maps for others to see. In this way, through many people adding small bits of information, we can create something that is more powerful and useful than any central group of professionals. Thus our job then, as the Zissu Travel team, is to create the framework that allows for this to happen.

Of course, Zissu Travel’s main goal to find users the best accommodation as quickly and easily as possible. Thus we will take this large wealth of information and analyze it to allow for the most advanced accommodation search on the net. Just specifiying a date, price range, and location is a thing of the past, and it’s Zissu Travel that is going to lead that change.

There are thus two features to Zissutravel that make us better than the rest. The first is the decentralization of information generation to you the users, using the enormous power mass collaboration. The second is creating algorithms that can put all this information at your fingertips, making finding the best accommodation as simple as typing a few keywords into our Zissu Search Bar. Zissu’s indexing algorithms and a little help of tens of thousands of people around the world will do the rest. That is the power of mass collaboration.