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Buffalo City

All reviews have been left by TravelGround customers staying in Buffalo City

Rated 4.4 out of 5 based on 1018 reviews.

East London, Buffalo City

Arum House

"I haven't seen too much of East London, all I will remember is The Cow Shed which is an amazing local restaurant. The infrastructure is not like the major cities in South Africa."

East London, Buffalo City

Seaside Shambali

"Oos-Londen is 'n baie bedrywige stad, definitief nie 'n vakansie-bestemming nie."

Gxarha (Morgan's Bay), Buffalo City

Lagoon View

"Clean and friendly people."

Kei Mouth, Buffalo City

Neptune's Cove

"Klein dorpie. Baie rustig. Bring wat jy nodig het, want daar is nie baie winkels met baie goed nie. Perfek vir 'n wegbreek van alles af. Die strande is ongelooflik."

East London, Buffalo City

Farm View Guest House

"Ons het tee en scones geniet by Morgan Bay Hotel. Nahoon strand bly maar net een van die mooiste ooit!"

Gxarha (Morgan's Bay), Buffalo City

Mitford Hotel

"Natuurliefhebber-, stapper- en voëlkykersparadys. Beslis 'n plek om hoog bo-op 'n reiswenslys te plaas. Ek sal beslis eendag weer hier wil kuier! Dankie aan die gemeenskap wat die omgewing so mooi bewaar!"

East London, Buffalo City

Seaside Shambali

"Ons sal enige tyd in Gonubie oornag en daar na die strand gaan. Die dorp gedeelte het dit nie vir ons gedoen nie."

Gxarha (Morgan's Bay), Buffalo City

Lagoon View

"One of South Africas best kept secrets. Go visit Double Mouth when you are there."

Gxarha (Morgan's Bay), Buffalo City

Lagoon View

"Pragtige omgewing, het dit net van die strand af beleef tydens ons Strandloper staptog."

East London, Buffalo City

Moments and Memories in Bonza Bay

"My 3de keer daar, nie 'n baie skoon stad nie, en baie hartseer hoe alles net uit mekaar val."

East London, Buffalo City

Mac Kenzie's Accommodation

"Very unclean, dirty in the CBD."

East London, Buffalo City


"Pragtige plantegroei. Bly weg uit die stad. Geniet die mooi see."

East London, Buffalo City

Larkspur Place

"One of the best cities to visit."

East London, Buffalo City

Seaside The Villa's

"Good holiday destinations!"

King Williams Town, Buffalo City

Glencoe Guest House

"Not well kept. Has beautiful old architectural buildings. King Williamstown is dirty and the municipality has not looked after its streets and areas."

Glengariff, Buffalo City

Makulu Manzi

"Pragtige natuurskoon en heerlike swemstrand. 'n Oulike sentrum is naby waar jy alles kan koop wat nodig is."

East London, Buffalo City

Benri Guesthouse & Self-catering

"Loved Gonubie and the weather is always good."

Glengariff, Buffalo City

Beach Holiday Flatlet

"Die strand is beautiful en skoon. Goeie paar visvang-spots."

Kei Mouth, Buffalo City

Neptune's Cove

"Kei Mouth is a good travel destination. A lot needs to be improved though , like 1. Improving / Upgrading the connecting road to the Kei river."

Kei Mouth, Buffalo City

Tuck Inn

"Baie mooi wêreld aan beide kante van die mond. Toe one daar was was die water vrek koud en die visvang maar swak, maar weens weersomstandighede."

East London, Buffalo City

Springtide Studios

"Sommige paaie is ontoeganklik en ongerieflik as gevolg van die feit dat die GPS nie verbouings optel nie en ons 'n paar keer deurmekaar moes ry om by ons bestemmings uit te kom. Die dorp sal nooit my gunstelingplek wees nie."

East London, Buffalo City

Benri Guesthouse & Self-catering

"Besoek was te kort om Oos Londen te verken, maar was baie beïndruk met dit wat ons 'n kort tydjie kon waarneem en beplan om weer Oos Londen te besoek en definitief vir 'n langer tydperk!"

East London, Buffalo City

Seaside Shambali

"Baie rustig en geen gejaag."

East London, Buffalo City

Moments and Memories in Bonza Bay

"Mooi strand, vriendelike mense, groot Spar!"

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