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Great Karoo

All reviews have been left by TravelGround customers staying in Great Karoo

Rated 4.3 out of 5 based on 3446 reviews.

Prince Albert, Great Karoo

The Karoo Prinia

"Restaurante baie duur."

Prince Albert, Great Karoo

Olive Grove Cottages

"Die oulikste dorpie wat ek in 'n lang tyd besoek het. Ek sal môre daarheen verhuis as ek die geleentheid kry. Daar is meer as genoeg vir besoekers om te doen. 'n Besoek aan Gay’s Guernsey Dairy en 'n ete by Karoo Kombuis moet op almal se lysie wees."

Prince Albert, Great Karoo

Wolvekraal Guest Farm

"Genoeg om te sien en alles te beleef."

Prince Albert, Great Karoo

Elfen House and Cottage

"A pristine people friendly village. Enjoyed the vibe."

Beaufort West, Great Karoo

Pepper Tree Accommodation

"Beaufort-Wes is 'n baie mooi Karoo-dorp. Sal vir seker weer kom kuier!"

Prince Albert, Great Karoo

Vine Cottage

"Ry straat op en straat af om die mooiste en interessanste huis-argitektuur te sien, party meer as honderd jaar oud en pragtig gerestoureer, asook nuwe argitek-ontwerpte huise. Die Fransie Pienaar Museum is beslis 'n besoek werd. Ook die NG kerkorrel en preekstoel en die uitstaande kunsgallerye. Die strate is skoon en bouginvilleas, spekbome en vetplanttuine is oral te sien."

Beaufort West, Great Karoo

Lemoenfontein Game Lodge

"Nie 'n toeristebestemming nie tensy jy op 'n plaas of natuurreseaat buite die dorp tuisgaan/besoek. Die dorp self nie goed nie en verwaarloos. Ry net deur."

Prince Albert, Great Karoo


"Quiet and dry place but lekker for getaway vacation."

Prince Albert, Great Karoo

Acacia Cottage

"'n Mooi dorpie wat op toerisme ingestel is."

Prince Albert, Great Karoo

By-Die-Koppie Guesthouse

"Baie aangenaam om daar te kuier!"

Prince Albert, Great Karoo

Elfen House and Cottage

"Pragtige dorp wat omgee vir die gemeenskap. Heerlike kos, olywe, kaas en wyn. Kan die Ghost Walk saam met Ailsa en 'n besoek aan die museum aanbeveel."

Prince Albert, Great Karoo

Swartberg Cottages

"Pragtige skoon dorp. 'n Voorbeeld vir baie dorpe en stede. Hulle kan kom kers opsteek by Prins Albert."

Beaufort West, Great Karoo

Die Herehuis

"Beaufort West is such a beautiful, old historic town with many interesting old buildings and lovely quiet, wide streets. It is definitely a great place to stop over or visit for a few days, in the breathtaking Karoo."

Prince Albert, Great Karoo

Casa Milorca

"Mooiste dorpie in Suid-Afrika!"

Beaufort West, Great Karoo

Little Lamb

"We arrived in Beaufort West in the rain which was a beautiful sight to see. The Jacarandas were in full bloom and we were lucky enough to see a beautiful double rainbow over the dam."

Beaufort West, Great Karoo

@ Mango's

"I was most surprised to see the number of children begging at the filling stations, in front of shops and at the Checkers shopping centre. Why are they not at school?"

Beaufort West, Great Karoo

Little Lamb

"Opvallend dat dorpie mooi skoon gehou probeer word."

Beaufort West, Great Karoo


"Pragtige ou geboue."

Prince Albert, Great Karoo


"Mooi Karoo, goeie restaurante en oornaggeriewe. Spesiale plek."

Merweville, Great Karoo

Die Botes Huisie

"Klein, maar pragtige en skoon plek. My geboorte dorp, so dit sal altyd na aan my hart bly."

Beaufort West, Great Karoo

Altyd Lekker

"Verblyf op pad na PTA."

Beaufort West, Great Karoo


"Daar is verskeie ander goed gepryste verblyf beskikbaar soos LaPriax waar ons toe oornag het."

Prince Albert, Great Karoo

Die Stal

"Heerlike bestemming met baie beter akkommodasie as Die Stal."

Prince Albert, Great Karoo

Brakdakkie Guest Cottages

"Baie mooi dorp wat in jou hart en siel inkruip. Love die plek!"

Beaufort West, Great Karoo

Die Nessie

"Gebruik net vir oornag."

Prince Albert, Great Karoo

Karoo Khaya

"Beautiful town, if you are a nature lover, a stay over here is recommended. Travel the Swartberg pass for an awesome and breath taking experience. You must travel the pass in both directions to appreciate the beauty of the mountains from different angles."

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