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Makhanda (Grahamstown)

All reviews have been left by TravelGround customers staying in Makhanda (Grahamstown)

Rated 3.8 out of 5 based on 81 reviews.

Makhanda (Grahamstown)

Somerset Lodge

"Alhoewel die infrastrutuur en paaie werk nodig het en die water tekort moeilik is, was ons verras met die mooi universiteitsgeboue en fasaliteite, asook die fantastiese restaurante waar ons geëet het - Fork & Dagger en die burgers by Major Fraser was uit die boonste rakke."

Makhanda (Grahamstown)

Acorn Cottage Bed and Breakfast

"Really a lovely town. The only bad thing I can find is definitely the roads. The worst I have ever seen."

Makhanda (Grahamstown)

Antique Silk Self-catering Unit

"Ek sal die opskrif eerder noem Grahamstad (Makhanda). Die plek is mooi en histories. Die paaie is vol potholes en baie sleg om deur te ry."

Makhanda (Grahamstown)

Acorn Cottage Bed and Breakfast

"Wonderful school and student atmosphere!"

Makhanda (Grahamstown)

Acorn Cottage Bed and Breakfast

"Pragtige dorpie met vriendelike mense, maar ongelukkig deur die munisipaliteit/regering gefaal. Daar was wel munisipale werkers wat van die vele slaggate reggemaak het tydens ons besoek."

Makhanda (Grahamstown)

Wishford Cottage on Worcester

"Great during the festival, but tired as a town."

Makhanda (Grahamstown)

Amazing Grace

"Great to stay over for the festival."

Makhanda (Grahamstown)

Antique Silk Self-catering Unit

"No good coffee place, couldn't find any except for Pick n Pay and Spar whose coffee was so bad."

Makhanda (Grahamstown)

Acorn Cottage Bed and Breakfast

"There is no water supply in the township. Toilets are not able to flush, very unhygienic!"

Makhanda (Grahamstown)

Jenny's Guest House

"Eerste oorbly in die dorp en was aangenaam verras oor hoe goed dit lyk."

Makhanda (Grahamstown)

Antique Silk Self-catering Unit

"Makhanda is a quaint town, full of history."

Makhanda (Grahamstown)

Acorn Cottage Bed and Breakfast

"Ongelooflike mooi historiese ou geboue en geskiedenis. Ongelukkig is daar dele wat vervalle is. Indien die munisipaliteit moeite doen met die onderhoud van paaie in die dorp self en opknapping van geboue en verskaffing van water en elektrisiteit sal hierdie dorp 'n aanwins vir die toeristebedryf wees."

Makhanda (Grahamstown)

AppleBee Guest Cottages

"They need to clean the sidewalks and fix the potholes! Also, donkey poo should be removed, as this is everywhere!"

Makhanda (Grahamstown)

Amabwe Guest House

"Town is very run-down with potholes, donkeys in the main road. Sad for a once beautiful little town."

Makhanda (Grahamstown)

A Stone's Throw Accommodation

"Beautiful old buildings and we can imagine it is fun and happening when the students are back in the town."

Makhanda (Grahamstown)

Belvedere Cottage

"Pragtige dorp met die mooiste kerke en historiese geboue. Enigste opmerking waaraan gewerk kan word is die paaie, die slaggate is vreeslik!"

Makhanda (Grahamstown)

Belvedere Cottage

"The potholes and surrounding roads are a nightmare, especially when it rains. The general layout of the town is a bit confusing and some of the streets are really dirty and unkempt. The town has a lot of potential, but a lot of work needs to be done."

Makhanda (Grahamstown)

Acorn Cottage Bed and Breakfast

"Makhanda is my home town, it is always good however the roads are terrible and always water problems no faults of the owners. I do think that it will hinder people to visit."

Makhanda (Grahamstown)

Belvedere Cottage

"Sadly the town has degraded."

Makhanda (Grahamstown)

Acorn Cottage Bed and Breakfast

"The town infrastructure is not being maintained (potholes, missing roadsigns, rubbish not collected in some areas). Private property, on the other hand, seems to be old but well maintained. Very historical with wonderful architecture. It's a pity it is being neglected by the authorities."

Makhanda (Grahamstown)

Acorn Cottage Bed and Breakfast

"Could do with some decent Municipal management."

Makhanda (Grahamstown)


"Makhanda needs the municipal council to assist businesses by providing basic services. e.g. fixing potholes."

Makhanda (Grahamstown)

30 on Oatlands Rd Accommodation

"Fun to be in Makhanda during the National Arts Festival, lots to see and do. Also visited Bathurst, and the coastal settlements of Port Alfred and Kenton on Sea which are not too far away."

Makhanda (Grahamstown)

21 St Aidens

"Fantastiese dorpie. Dis hoekom ons dit jaarliks besoek."

Makhanda (Grahamstown)

African Safari Lodge

"Nee, sal niks verkeerd kan sê nie, behalwe dat hul moet begin aandag gee aan hulle paaie, en ordentlike garages langs N2 daar, soos Engen of 'n Shell, verder bly dit soos ek daar groot geword het."

Makhanda (Grahamstown)

Acorn Cottage Bed and Breakfast

"Infrastruktuur! Dit moes eens 'n baie vooruitstrewende dorp gewees het."

Makhanda (Grahamstown)

Amazing Grace

"Quaint little town. Lots of historic buildings."

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