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Maloti Route

All reviews have been left by TravelGround customers staying in Maloti Route

Rated 4.6 out of 5 based on 3920 reviews.

Clarens, Maloti Route

Rooikat Cottage

"Lieflike dorpie, sal vir seker weer gaan."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Thaba Lapeng Mountain Escape

"Stunning, quaint, lovely to browse the town and go white water rafting if you can CX Extreme, amazing guides"

Rosendal, Maloti Route

Meerkat Manor

"Die dorp self is baie lekker. Die mense is baie vriendelik. Lekker eetplekke op Rosendal."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Gentle Presence Cottages

"Al Clarens se strate moet geteer en instand gehou word. Met die baie reën was die strate 'n modder gemors."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Forest Lane

"Wonderlike ontspan-plek."

Ladybrand, Maloti Route

Ladybrand Guest House

"Safe parking in quiet street."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Rooiberg View Clarens

"Was al baie daar. Gan nog baie keer gaan!"

Clarens, Maloti Route

Willow Villas

"Clarens is a beautiful area when you need quiet place. Accessible restaurants and shops. Peaceful area and the views are amazing."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Francisco Guesthouse & Villa Clarens

"Oulike dorpie met restaurante om van te kies. Pragtige omgewing."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Clarens Lakeview Cottage

"Clarens is 'n skilderagtige mooi dorpie. Die moeite werd om te besoek."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Lavender & Rust

"Baie vriendelike mense."

Clarens, Maloti Route

The Nelsbells Cottage

"Lekker on te ontspan, baie skoon dorpie en beleefde mense."

Clarens, Maloti Route

de Minimalist House

"Very refreshing for a weekend getaway."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Montroux Self-Catering

"A lot of the restaurants were not pet-friendly. When visiting the North and South KZN coasts we found restaurants and pubs far more pet friendly."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Gypsy Wagons

"Over-commercialised and contrived. There is so much natural beauty but you have to look for it. Totally overdeveloped."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Clifton Plaas Huis

"Beautiful village. Kind people and a great coffee shop (Highland Coffee) and opposite it a fine pizzeria. Good vegetables are hard to get."

Clarens, Maloti Route

The Nelsbells Cottage

"Clarens is maar duur deesdae en dis wel baie mooi maar ek dink die dorpie moet weer kyk na hoe hulle toerisme in die toekoms gaan hanteer en nuwe planne begin maak."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Mystic Mountain Cottage

"Baie mooi (en klein) dorpie. Pragtige omgewing."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Mt Horeb Manor

"Baie van die eetplekke het nie 'n kragopwekker nie en met beurtkrag kan jy nie bestel wat op die menu is nie."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Il Castello

"Clarens is a beautifull little town with lots of coffee/food shops and shops with anything else you can imagine. People are friendly."

Clarens, Maloti Route

4 The Mews

"Pragtige omgewing, beslis moeite werd om te besoek. Enigste nadeel is die paaie in en rondom Clarens in swak toestand."

Rosendal, Maloti Route

The Rosendal Post Office

"Die pad na die dorpie is in 'n haaglike toestand, but worth the effort."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Villa 176 @ Clarens

"Die gehalte is in die afneen van winkels in vergelyking met ander jare, een kan verstaan dat Covid 'n direkte effek op dienlewering gehad het. Daar is wel juwele in Clarens."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Titanic View - Place of Peace

"Quaint little town - perfect to switch off and relax."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Fairview Cottages

"Pragtige dorpie met baie om te sien!"

Clarens, Maloti Route

V'Kansi Khaya

"Dit was ons eerste kuier aan Clarens. Dit was 'n wonderlike ervaring. Die dorp self is pragtig. Die natuurskoon van die omgewing maak dit 'n baie spesiale bestemming."

Maloti Route

Mafube Mountain Retreat

"Behalwe 'n paar potholes hier en daar is dit 'n pragtige roete."

Clarens, Maloti Route

4 Paddocks

"Heerlike kuiertjie, net te kort."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Eve's Delight

"Lieflike dorpie met baie doendinge en snuffelhoekies. 'n Kuns paradys vir kunsliefhebbers. 'n Moet vir die "bucket list.""

Clarens, Maloti Route

Amour de Pierre Villa 221

"Ons sal beslis die e-fietse aanbeveel."

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