Verified Reviews
North Coast
All reviews have been left by TravelGround customers staying in North Coast
Rated 4.5 out of 5 based on 3232 reviews.
"Ons is al vanaf vroeg 1970 gereelde besoekers aan St Lucia maar ongelukkig kan ons die afgelope jare elke keer agteruitgang bespeur. Dit is nie meer 'n visvang paradys nie en dit wil voorkom of niks gedoen word aan die riete wat die meer toegroei nie. Bote kan nie eens meer te water gelaat word nie, die riete het die hele plek oorgeneem. Om Cape Vidal toe te ry is maar al wat mens kan doen maar die ape daar is so agresief dat dit ook nie meer 'n plesier is nie. Het my vrou se kos uit haar hand geneem. Wanneer jy hulle verjaag, wys hulle tande en kom nader."
"Beachbums restaurant and bar on the beach is highly recommended. Pizzas are awesome."
"Many attractions. Lots to see and do either drive in the park looking for animals or enjoy a day on the beach. Highly recommended."
"Gedurende piekseisoen is die parkeerarea by die hoofstrand totaal ontoereikend aangesien dit toegang tot die swemstrand, pizza-hut sowel as skibootklub se strandrestaurant bied. Die lagoon is ontoeganklik vir mense wat nie aangrensend daaraan verblyf het nie al word dit as toeriste-aantreklikheid genoem. Die huise met direkte strandtoegang weg van die hoofstrand is egter heerlik rustig en privaat. "
"Shaka's Rock het nie regtig 'n swemstrand nie, maar die lagoon en getypoel is baie lekker, veral vir die kinders. As jy onder toesig in die see wil swem moet jy na Ballito se hoofstrand ry ongelukkig. "
"Should consider permanent cleaners for the beaches, some of them where very dirty."
"A bit overgrown with reeds and could hardly see the lake. The beaches were over filled with people drinking liquor, even though police were actively checking. For me the game reserve was the best. Excellent."
"Awesome beach-active! Alive! not rowdy at all, family destination for sure, my kids enjoyed it. Miss seeing the morning walks and jogs from the balcony as early as 06:00 in the morning, if not 05:00. Was really a great stay. Salt Rock - rocks!"
"The scenery, game and stunning beaches, what more can a person want for their holiday, not to mention the fresh seafood. "