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Northern Suburbs

All reviews have been left by TravelGround customers staying in Northern Suburbs

Rated 4.5 out of 5 based on 226 reviews.

Avondale, Northern Suburbs


"It's a quiet place, an ideal for people who don't like noise."

Avondale, Northern Suburbs


"Ek sal dit vir enige iemand aanbeveel want dit was werklik waarde vir geld."

Avondale, Northern Suburbs


"Guesthouse is excellent and peaceful."

Avondale, Northern Suburbs


"It is a quite cool place."

Brackenfell, Northern Suburbs

Elephant's Heart

"Dis 'n lekker plek naby aan alles."

Panorama, Northern Suburbs

Vergenoegd Guesthouse

"Baie sentraal om die Kaap te toer."

Avondale, Northern Suburbs


"Rustige, veilige woonbuurt."

Brackenfell, Northern Suburbs

Shirley's Place

"Die uitsig oor Tafelberg is besonders."

Woodbridge Island, Northern Suburbs

The Beach Room

"Baie mooi eiland en veilige omgewing. Dis veilig, netjies en almal is vriendelik."

Avondale, Northern Suburbs


"Baie veilig en rustige omgewing."

Brackenfell South, Northern Suburbs

11 on Berrie

"Beautiful side of Brackenfell."

Brackenfell, Northern Suburbs

Villa de Vie Self Catering

"Brackenfell is not exactly a beach front holiday destination but it does have ample shopping opportunities and is located away from the hustle and bustle of Cape Town itself. For me it's the perfect location for an overnight or weekend stay as I used to live there and have many friends there."

Welgemoed, Northern Suburbs

B's Place

"Wonderlike area. Mense in die omgewing is baie vriendelik. Stil en baie sentraal geleë."

Welgemoed, Northern Suburbs

B's Place

"Beautiful suburb with a small shopping mall within walking distance. Durbanville Hills Wine Farms with their beautiful views and vineyards are a stones throw away."

Brackenfell South, Northern Suburbs

11 on Berrie

"Die area is baie stil met lieflike winkelsentrums in die omgewing - 'n hele paar om van te kies. Dit was baie veilig."

Van Riebeeckshof, Northern Suburbs

31 on Boschendal

"Veilige, rustige omgewing naby Tygervallei en vele wynroetes."

Plattekloof, Northern Suburbs

Smithland Guest Apartments

"Goeie vertrekpunt na ander dele van die stad."

Brackenfell South, Northern Suburbs

11 on Berrie

"Baie rustige en veilige buurt. Ons sal graag weer daar gaan bly indien ons akkommodasie in die betrokke area soek."

Century City, Northern Suburbs

KnightsBridge 407

"Dit is mooi en goed geleë."

Welgemoed, Northern Suburbs

Welgemoed Villa

"Daar is geen pakplek vir klere of seep in badkamer. Die gordyne by die skuifdeur kan nie heeltemal toe vir privaatheid nie en die melk en koffie was net genoeg vir 1 keer se drink. 'n Lang spieël vir aantrek doeleindes vir ons dames sal help."

Brackenfell, Northern Suburbs

Elephant's Heart

"Uitstekend geleë, maar hulle sal moet opskerp wat betref ekstra koffie, melk, suiker ens."

Panorama, Northern Suburbs

Vergenoegd Guesthouse

"Nie werklik 'n toeriste-area nie, maar naby genoeg. Alle mediese praktyke is binne stapafstand, sowel as 'n kruideniersware winkelgroep. Panorama Mediclinic is letterlik 300 m ver."

Welgemoed, Northern Suburbs

Welgemoed Villa

"Kwaliteit en bekostigbare verblyf, sentraal geleë."

Panorama, Northern Suburbs

Vergenoegd Guesthouse

"A clean safe neighborhood with good medical facilities and convenient shopping centres."

Welgemoed, Northern Suburbs

Welgemoed Villa

"Lekker naby aan lughawe en inkopiesentrums."

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