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South Coast

All reviews have been left by TravelGround customers staying in South Coast

Rated 4.4 out of 5 based on 2313 reviews.

Kingsburgh, South Coast

Ocean Breeze 38

"Very peaceful and safe neighbourhood."

Kingsburgh, South Coast

26 Driftsands

"Area is skoon en ons het veilig gevoel. Meeste geriewe is binne loopafstand."

South Coast

Bazley Heights

"Bazley Heights, was redelik stil. Geen vertrapping deur ander mense nie. Ons het op geen oomblik onveilig gevoel nie."

Margate, South Coast

4 Shabay Villa

"Nie meer die vakansieplek wat ek gewoond was 'n paar jaar terug nie."

Kingsburgh, South Coast

Flat 23, Driftsands

"Everything you need in close proximity."

Kingsburgh, South Coast

32 Ocean Breeze

"Much quieter than the larger towns and cities. All the shops nearby enough."

Margate, South Coast

Libra Holiday Flats Unit 7

"Daar was by sekere strande die riool probleem, maar het dit geniet om van strant tot strant te ry en by 'n hele paar lekker familie plekke geëet en gekuier."

Port Shepstone, South Coast

Sea Cottage

"Poor infrastructure in Port Shepstone but the house was totally self sufficient and was not affected by any load-shedding or water shortage."

Uvongo, South Coast

Topanga 60

"Ons ken dit as 'n lekker swemstrand, maar as gevolg van die verspoelings het ons eerder St. Michaels toe gery. Uvongo strand was regtig baie vuil."

Margate, South Coast

Natspat 18

"Margate se paaie kort bietjie werk, verder het ons lekker vakansie gehou."

Margate, South Coast

Calamari 10

"Ons vermy Margate CBD. Persoonlike gevoel. Baie ander puik winkelsentrums in onmiddelike omgewing wat alles bied."

Kingsburgh, South Coast

Eden Sands 92

"A bit far if you want to tour Durban, like the Harbour or stadium. Otherwise for relaxing it's the best."

Margate, South Coast

The Homestead Margate

"Strandfront nie veilig vir toeriste nie."

Port Shepstone, South Coast

Pumula Beach House

"It's a very dangerous place."

Uvongo, South Coast

Griet se Plek

"Ons het meestal St Michael's toe gegaan want Uvongo was oorstroom, maar dit was eintlik nader."

Margate, South Coast

Calamari 11

"Die besighede kry swaar. Baie het reeds toegemaak. Geen aktiwiteite vir kleuters/kinders soos in die verlede nie."

Kingsburgh, South Coast


"The greater area is like most places in our country, needs a bit of attention but our host made up for all that. There are some nice little eating places around."

Margate, South Coast

Libra Holiday Flats Unit 2

"Margate se paaie het so bietjie werk nodig. Met die reën sukkel hulle nog om dit op standaard te kry. Alhoewel die pier is baie mooi reggemaak en ons kon lekker visvang daar."

Hibberdene, South Coast

The Summit Place

"Ek persoonlik hou nie van Suidkus nie."

Pennington, South Coast

Marion's Rest

"Was a lovely surprise to see a flourishing restaurant right on the beach. Golf course restaurant, top notch. Lovely beach and forest walks."

Hibberdene, South Coast

Anchors Aweigh 53

"Small fisherman's town."

Margate, South Coast

Stirling Place 5

"Margate se gewildheid het afgeneem, maar die werk van Tidy Towns dra positief by om weer vakansiegangers te lok."

South Coast


"Dit is maar afgeleë vir my. Ek gee nie om vir 'n naweek nie, maar persoonlik sal ek nie 'n vakansie daar gaan deurbring nie."

Kingsburgh, South Coast

118 Sancta Maria

"Ideale plek as jy bietjie stilte en rustyd nodig het, maar is redelik ver as jy opsoek is na goeie restaurante."

Uvongo, South Coast

Strandloper 3

"Sal graag 'n kaart wil ontvang oor waar is besienswaardighede, vir mense soos ons wat nie die plek ken nie."

Margate, South Coast

Beach Wood Cottages

"Dit was die moeite werd."

Margate, South Coast

Stirling Place 7

"South Coast side is the place to be."

Kingsburgh, South Coast

Seaspray Cabins

"Nog altyd van Kingsburgh gehou."

Uvongo, South Coast

Sandkasteeltjies 2

"Pragtig skoon met bekostigbare eetplekke. Boemelaars is daar baie, maar nie steurend nie. Tidy Towns doen uitstekend!"

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