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South Coast

All reviews have been left by TravelGround customers staying in South Coast

Rated 4.4 out of 5 based on 4895 reviews.

Margate, South Coast

Gecko Moon

"A home away from home."

Kingsburgh, South Coast

Seaspray Cabins

"Superspar nie op standaard. Ander winkels puik."

Margate, South Coast

Eden Dunes 58

"Strande het baie agteruit gegaan."

Margate, South Coast

Vista Oceana

"Great place for vacation."

Margate, South Coast

Casa Del Sol

"Beurtkrag maak dit onmoontlik vir besighede om te bestaan. Margate dorp self het sleg vervalle geraak, restuarante toe asook winkels leeg."

Margate, South Coast

Mahe 9

"Nice place to be."

Kelso, South Coast

Ocean Mist

"Bietjie ver van goeie winkels. Kwaliteit by omliggende winkels nie so goed."

Margate, South Coast

St Ives

"Cheap! Cheap! Cheap! Cost effective and relatively clean."

Margate, South Coast

Branderkant 7

"My eerlike opinie - Margate gaan oor die algemeen bietjie agteruit in vergelyking met 'n paar jaar gelede, maar Ramsgate/Uvongo ens. is tops!"

Pennington, South Coast

Sea Forever

"The place is amazing. "

Uvongo, South Coast

Griet se Plek

"Wonderlike plek. "

Pennington, South Coast

Turnberry House T16 – Selborne Golf Estate

"Lekker stranddorp met oulike eetplekkies."

Margate, South Coast

Arabella No.2

"Fantastic holiday destination."

Uvongo, South Coast

Laguna La Crete 227

"Awesome place, excellent beach and security is exceptional."

Margate, South Coast

Linden Terrace 6

"Het al die jare in Margate vakansie gehou, maar die laaste tyd het dit maar agteruit gegaan en nie meer skoon soos vroeër nie. Dis hoekom ons eerder Ramsgate verkies."

Kingsburgh, South Coast

Driftsands 36

"Persone wat die kus besoek gaan om in die see te baljaar, maar weens E. coli-besoedeling is dit tans ontoegangklik weens vloede wat daar was. Dit is 'n gerieflike bestemming ver genoeg van Durban, maar naby aan die attraksies wat Durban bied vir vinnige heen en weer ry."

Uvongo, South Coast

Manaba Breeze 4

"Uvongo is vir my beter geleë, maar die verblyf is meer beperk as in Manaba en ook duurder."

Margate, South Coast

Gecko Moon

"Margate is a good place to visit."

Margate, South Coast

Apartment 12

"Ek was nog altyd mal oor Margate. Dis maar my happy place. So, ek persoonlik sal natuurlik elke jaar Margate toe wil gaan."

Margate, South Coast

Vista Oceana

"It's a good and affordable beach destination. "

Port Shepstone, South Coast

Banana Beach Holiday Resort

"Port Shepstone is goed geleë. Bied rustige omgewing, maar na genoeg aan Margate, as meer soek om te doen."

Margate, South Coast

Mahe 9

"A great getaway from strenuous daily lives, with astounding beaches and activities."

South Coast

Chalet Mitton

"Our family go every year it's the best destination for a holiday. Prices are reasonable, the weather is always good, and people are so friendly."

Margate, South Coast

Nellie's Cove

"Pragtig. Baie skoon en netjiese dorp."

Margate, South Coast

Summer Forever

"Nice place to stay."

Margate, South Coast

Boulevard 114

"Best holiday destination."

Margate, South Coast

Balooga Unit C

"It's a nice place to be for a vacation."

Uvongo, South Coast

Beau Vista no 4

"Baie oulike vakansiedorp, paaie is bietjie sleg en vol potholes, maar anders baie oulik."

Margate, South Coast

Ivungu Rust

"Nie wat dit was nie. Shelley en Uvongu is baie beter."

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