Verified Reviews
All reviews have been left by TravelGround customers staying in Transkei
Rated 4.2 out of 5 based on 231 reviews.
Gxarha (Morgan's Bay), Transkei
Mitford-on-Sea The Crossing"Nog altyd net die beste plek op aarde."
"It was nice to see a different place since we were traveling from Gauteng. PSJ is a nice place to visit. Looking forward to coming back in December."
"Vir my was die HIW die eintlike aantrekking. Sou nie andersins Koffiebaai my bestemming maak nie. Dit is 'n besliste uitdaging om by die HIW Resort uit te kom. Die pad is plek-plek baie sleg en dit neem baie lank met al die slaggate en rondloperdiere. Selfs die ingangspad na die verblyf het 'n bietjie kopkrap gekos om die beste roete deur die verspoeling voor die ingang te vind."
Gxarha (Morgan's Bay), Transkei
Ankervas"Dis een van daai plekke wat mens ten minste een keer in jou lewe moet sien. Maar jy sal weer en weer wil gaan."
"Paaie is bietjie rof vir gewone kar. Leen jou pêl se bakkie en bederf jouself met die amazing plekkie!"
Gxarha (Morgan's Bay), Transkei
Ankervas"Morgan's Bay is the most special place, it offers a diverse and wonderful destination that caters to the adventurous traveler ad the weary one looking to recharge."
Gxarha (Morgan's Bay), Transkei
Ankervas"It is one of the most beautiful areas we visited in South Africa, with amazing spaces and unforgettable views. We cannot wait to return!"
"Die pad wat ons gery het na die resort was baie baie erg. Potholes, potholes en nog potholes. Hopelik sal dit gou reg gemaak wod."
Gxarha (Morgan's Bay), Transkei
Plan B"Rustige area, perfek vir iemand wat wil gaan rus weg van die stad en geraas."
Gxarha (Morgan's Bay), Transkei
Ankervas"Ongelooflike mooi deel van die land! Die kombinasie van die see en berghange slaan mens se asem weg! Stunning verby!"
Gxarha (Morgan's Bay), Transkei
Mitford-on-Sea Savuka"Great holiday destination. Beautiful scenery. One contextual issue was a leaking and smelly municipal sewer, close to the concrete causeway en-route to the cliffs."
"Ek gee dit 'n drie, nie omdat ek dit nie aanbeveel nie, hulle het baie skade gehad met die oorstromings en dit gaan 'n tyd neem om weer te herstel, natuurskoon is asemrowend, paaie skrikwekkend."
"A pleasant, quiet seaside village. A lovely beach that the community keeps clean, especially after all the flooding."
"Unfortunately, the weather wreaked havoc and we were largely confined to the accommodation. Fortunately, we have a 4x4 vehicle and were able to get out."
"Travelers should be advised regarding the challenging condition of the roads leading to and in Coffee Bay itself."
"Gecko's Place is on the Poenskop Road, a different world to the bustle of the Port St Johns town."
"Coffee Bay is beautiful. The coast line is unspoiled and peaceful, but the roads are dreadful and the place as a whole is extremely run down. If you know what you are getting yourself into then go for it, but if you like the finer things in life, it's probably not for you."
"Paaie na Koffiebaai is in 'n baie slegte kondisie. Koffiebaai se strand is baie skoon en netjies. Die natuurskoon is baie mooi."