75 Beach Road, Gordon's Bay
Review Summary
Aletta L - Mar 2025
Overall rating
Excellent value for money.
Stephanie J - Dec 2024
Overall rating
The views were breathtaking.
Valencia K - Nov 2024
Overall rating
Opposite the beach with the best view.
Elaine G - Oct 2024
Overall rating
Perfect location and what a view - loved it here.
Tasmin J - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Historical, beachy and worth more than she charges!
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Historical, beachy and worth more than she charges!
On the beach! Views for days! We were very pleased with the place. It was so beautiful with its wooden floor and thick walls, I would love to know its history. What a gem!
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Marthino M - Apr 2024
Overall rating
Lekker naweek gehad saam vrou en kinders.
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Had a nice weekend with wife and children.
2nd time there and once again had a great time. Just nice to sit on the balcony and watch the sea.
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Jawn G - Apr 2024
Overall rating
Great will come back again.
Anja C - Feb 2024
Overall rating
Janice V - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Dit was 'n plesier om hier te bly, alles was gerieflik en soos belowe.
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It was a pleasure to stay here, everything was comfortable and as promised.
We had a great stay, thank you. We will definitely book here again.
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Meaghan D - Oct 2024
Overall rating
Warm, comfortable and well-priced stay. Worth every penny.
Gert B - Nov 2024
Overall rating
Rustig, aangenaam, baie relaxing. Ligging perfek.
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Quiet, pleasant, very relaxing. Location perfect.
Very nice stay, the weather cooperated well. The sunset was especially beautiful.
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Juliet M - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Baie netjies.
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Very neat.
A very nice place, suitable for 4 adults. Lovely sea view from the balcony, living room and bedroom. Parking is just a bit difficult as there is no designated parking. Everyone stops where they can. Will definitely use the place again.
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Dorothy J - Feb 2024
Overall rating
Fantastiese uitsig en goeie ligging.
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Fantastic view and good location.
It was very nice. Our three friends had a great time.
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Lettie B - Oct 2024
Overall rating
Skoon en netjies met 'n asemrowende uitsig oor die see.
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Clean and tidy with a breathtaking view of the sea.
Nice stay as before. Well equipped and nice view.
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Gert B - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Pragtig en 'n moet weer.
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Beautiful and a must again.
Very nice stay, excellent location. The owner just needs to tidy up a bit at the front door. It's not a pretty sight. Because of the front there were some big cockroaches in the house, outside, but otherwise very nice. Will go again. Thank you.
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Stephanie P - Feb 2024
Overall rating
Lekker gebly, maar eenheid kort onderhoud.
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Nice stay, but unit needs maintenance.
We had a nice stay. The accommodation is not horrible, but needs a lot of attention. The bathroom is dirty, the dirt sticks to the tiles and the walls. The shower is moldy up the wall to the roof. The house makes a lot of noise and creaks when the wind blows. There is a lot of water damage on the walls and a lot of cracks that need to be patched and painted over. There could definitely be some work done to the unit and then it would be a wonderful place to stay.
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Johnelize L - Nov 2023
Overall rating
Mariette V - Oct 2023
Overall rating
Beslis 'n juweel.
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Definitely a gem.
Very nice stay there. The view from the balcony is breathtaking. Would definitely recommend the place to anyone who wants to rest in Gordons Bay. Restaurants are within walking distance and the beach is literally across the road. Will definitely visit again.
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75 Beach Road, Gordon's Bay 's response
Baie dankie.
Ons sal uitsien daarna om julle weer te verwelkom.
Gretchen V - Jun 2023
Overall rating
Perfekte ligging. Toegerus met alles wat nodig is.
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Perfect location. Equipped with everything needed.
Load capacity schedule provided and also other important information regarding the operation of equipment in apartment. Was able to watch swimming part of Race To Hermanus from apartment. Exterior of building needs paint. Will definitely stay there again.
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Corrie D - May 2023
Overall rating
Fantastiese uitsig, sentraal geleë. Oopplan is fantasties gerieflik.
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Fantastic view, centrally located. Open plan is fantastically convenient.
Lovely clean and spacious.
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Lettie B - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Asemrowende see-uitsig.
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Breathtaking sea view.
Hostess was very concerned. The most beautiful sea view. Neat and clean and well equipped.
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Karel L - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Baie lekker vakansie-akkommodasie.
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Very nice holiday accommodation.
Very well located and on the beach.
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Wayne J - Feb 2023
Overall rating
Stunning and very nice, thanks.
Deepak J - Nov 2023
Overall rating
I'll definitely be back.
75 Beach Road, Gordon's Bay 's response
Hello Deepak,
Thank you for the review.
We are very happy that you enjoyed your stay at our holiday accommodation.
We hope to see you again in the future.
Kindest Regards,
Jacqueline J - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Asemrowend, baie goeie ligging, geen probleme ondervind nie.
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Stunning, very good location, no problems encountered.
From the time I made the reservation I was treated well, even though it was via email. Would definitely stay there again. And want to visit with friends/family there. Thank you very much.
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Marthino M - Jan 2023
Overall rating
Lekker gekuier.
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Have a nice time.
Nice big apartment with a lovely sea view from the balcony. Kids really enjoyed it, will definitely book again.
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Danielle C - Mar 2023
Overall rating
Andriette B - Jan 2023
Overall rating
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Very fast.
The unit needs repairs, painting and upgrading, inside and out. The yard should also be properly cleaned.
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Kim S - Nov 2023
Overall rating
Not worth the price/no support from owner.
Chantal A - Aug 2022
Overall rating
Awesome breakaway.
Carla B - Mar 2022
Overall rating
Puik plek! Baie dankie Ellie! Ons is spoediglik weer terug!
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Great place! Thank you very much Ellie! We will be back soon!
Thanks for everything! Your place is beautiful! We will definitely come back again!
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75 Beach Road, Gordon's Bay 's response
Hello Carla,
Dankie vir die review. Ek is bly julle het dit geniet en ek dink julle het heerlike weer gehad.
Ons sien uit daarna om julle weer te verwelkom.
Harry V - Feb 2022
Overall rating
Ligging, ligging, ligging. Ons was in die middel van alles, en ons kon letterlik parkeer en loop waar ons wou wees. Dit was heerlik.
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Location, location, location. We were in the middle of everything, and we could literally park and walk wherever we wanted to be. It was delicious.
The apartment is spacious and very well equipped. It is clearly aged, but by no means decrepit. The beds and sofas are very comfortable and there is literally nothing missing in the kitchen. Parking is tight, but other guests on site are very accommodating. We had a very nice stay.
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Anneline B - Oct 2022
Overall rating
Die area is great, winkels net in die straat af.
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The area is great, shops just down the street.
The place is very neat, we lacked nothing. We had a great time. My husband and I could sit on the balcony for hours and just look out over the sea. The owner very friendly. She really accommodated me and I appreciate that. I'll see you soon.
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Ilse A - Jan 2022
Overall rating
Die woonstel was goed ingerig en ons het glad nie enigiets nodig gehad behalwe vir swemhanddoeke nie.
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The apartment was well appointed and we didn't need anything at all except for swimming towels.
Would enjoy it even more if the area around the beech can be tidied up and painted. Had about 6 legged friends but otherwise we are definitely back for another visit.
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75 Beach Road, Gordon's Bay 's response
Ons is bly dat julle die verblyf geniet het. Ons advertensie noem dat ons nie swemhanddoeke verskaf nie.
Die ou sespotige diere maak ons almal mal. Dit is nou maar ongelukkig in Gordonsbaai 'n ding wat sekere tye van die jaar voorkom.
Ons is in die proses met opruiming.
Permanente huurders wat vertrek het, het bietjie van hul goed agter gelaat.
Hoop om julle spoedig weer te ontvang.
Gert W - Jan 2022
Overall rating
Wonderlik. Dit was 'n uitstekende ligging in 'n baie goeie dorp. Sal dit verseker weer doen.
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Wonderful. It was an excellent location in a very good town. Will do it again for sure.
It was clean and comfortable. It should perhaps be made very clear that the 2 single beds are in the dining room. I feel it's in my top 5 holidays and will definitely stay here again.
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75 Beach Road, Gordon's Bay 's response
Hallo Gert,
Ek is bly julle het julle verblyf geniet en dat julle graag weer sal wil kom.
Ek wil net graag noem dat die beskrywing wel sê dat dit 'n oopplan eenheid is waar die twee enkelbeddens in die eetkamer is.
Ons verwelkom julle graag weer.
Tanya B - Oct 2022
Overall rating
Dit was great.
Veronics S - Jan 2022
Overall rating
Baie ou gebou lyk sleg van buite af. Huurders agter in die erf skep regtig baie swak indruk. Baie onveilig mense het toegang tot jou voorstoep van die straat af.
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Very old building looks bad from the outside. Tenants in the back of the yard really create a very poor impression. Many unsafe people have access to your front porch from the street.
It was not at all what we expected. We felt unsafe because anyone from the street has direct access to your front door. It was very hot and the only fan was not working. Would not recommend it.
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75 Beach Road, Gordon's Bay 's response
Ek is so jammer dat julle so 'n slegte ervaring gehad het. Ons het darem al baie, baie gaste gehad - hulle is mal oor die area en is mal oor die huis binne. Meeste gee nie om dat dit 'n huis is van oor die 100 jaar oud.
Niemand het gelukkig nog enige aanvalle daar ervaar nie.
Jy kon my gerus skakel aangaande die waaier en ek sou plan maak. Dit geld ook vir indien my huurders julle dalk gepla het, dan kon ek dit ook uitsorteer, slegs met 'n telefoon oproep van jou.
Carl D - Nov 2021
Overall rating
Dit was great.
Cameron L - May 2021
Overall rating
Wonderlike tydjie gehad, net die weer wat nie saamgespeel het nie.
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Had a wonderful time, only the weather did not cooperate.
The view when you get up from the room is breathtaking, on the contrary all views from every angle are fantasies.
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Julian C - Mar 2021
Overall rating
It was a well deserved weekend at a close to home getaway for those who are from Cape Town.
Adele B - Dec 2021
Overall rating
Heerlike kuier.
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Great visit.
Third time back at Beeach Road 75. Excellent service from Elmarie and team. Beautiful antique furniture.
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Barend K - Aug 2021
Overall rating
Wat 'n uitsig!
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What a view!
Very lovely place with a great view. Close to everything and the place has everything one needs. Our second time there and will definitely stay there again.
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75 Beach Road, Gordon's Bay 's response
Baie bly julle het dit geniet.
Julle is altyd welkom.
Is daar enige voorstelle rakende sekuriteit wat ons kan aanspreek?
Berenise A - Feb 2021
Overall rating
Peaceful, beautiful sea views.
Barend K - Feb 2021
Overall rating
Wat ’n uitsig. Heerlik gekuier en gebraai.
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What a view. Had a great time and grilled.
The place is old and probably needs some attention, but it's perfectly located and has everything you need. Will stay there again for sure. The kids love the location.
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Hester L - Jan 2021
Overall rating
Wonderlike uitsig oor die see, naby alles.
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Wonderful view of the sea, close to everything.
Would recommend that house be renovated a bit. Parking can be a problem. Cleanliness outside around the house needs attention.
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Eben V - Sep 2021
Overall rating
Stunning uitsig en awesome host.
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Stunning view and awesome host.
Owner made so much effort with our drinks, even packed in the fridge the day before our arrival. Plekkie is very cute, just needs a little maintenance and WiFi would be better than DStv.
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Maggie B - Dec 2021
Overall rating
Wonderlike uitsig maar plek kort aandag.
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Great view but place needs attention.
Place was a bit run down.
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Tossie M - Mar 2020
Overall rating
Perfekte uitsig en ligging.
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Perfect view and location.
Looks like a very old building, could do with some TLC. Everything is there that you might need. We had a great stay and really enjoyed the proximity to the sea. No lock-up parking.
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Lindsey N - Nov 2020
Overall rating
Was nie heeltemal tevrede nie.
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Was not completely satisfied.
Nice view, definitely needs to be renovated. The lower floor leaked with the rain. The place was not cleaned thoroughly.
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75 Beach Road, Gordon's Bay 's response
Hallo Lindsey,
Jammer om te hoor van jou slegte ervaring. Ek sal jou graag telefonies kontak, dan kan ons die probleme bespreek sodat ons aandag daaraan kan gee.
Dankie en groete,
Marshalline M - Oct 2019
Overall rating
Awesome stay, every single time.
Mary-ann C - Oct 2019
Overall rating
The shower floor is a little slippery, but OK.
Celestine J - Aug 2019
Overall rating
A relaxing breakaway for the family.
Shaun H - Apr 2019
Overall rating
The view at night close to the water is amazing.
75 Beach Road, Gordon's Bay 's response
Dear Shaun,
Happy anniversary!
I am so glad that you enjoyed your second visit to our place. Hope to see you again soon.
Marshalline M - Mar 2019
Overall rating
Awesome view!
Mo'nique P - Feb 2019
Overall rating
Everything was absolutely perfect!
Mary-ann C - Aug 2019
Overall rating
Incredible, fantastic.
Maggie K - Jan 2019
Overall rating
Ons verblyf in Gordonsbaai was onvergeetlik.
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Our stay in Gordons Bay was unforgettable.
We enjoyed it very much. The apartment is spacious and we really enjoyed the beach and different stalls that were literally with us. We will definitely stay there again.
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Juandre M - Dec 2019
Overall rating
Pragtige see-uitsig, veilig, alles wat nodig is in woonstel.
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Beautiful sea view, safe, everything needed in apartment.
Thank you Elmarene, our second time there, very nice, close to everything, safe, everything needed in apartment, beautiful sea views. People passing by also asked us about the place. Would recommend to anyone.
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Pixie B - Mar 2019
Overall rating
Baie lekker.
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Very nice.
The weather was very nice when we arrived, but after that there was a gale force wind for the rest of our stay - so basically only the 1st day we could really swim. But am sure in the summer it should be very nice.
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75 Beach Road, Gordon's Bay 's response
Beste Pixie,
Ek is bly julle het lekker gebly. Jammer dat julle slegte weer ervaar het.
Friedel E - Jun 2019
Overall rating
Dit het gevoel jy ervaar die see en mense daar.
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It felt like you were experiencing the sea and people there.
Place is already old, but is clean. One does not experience any sense of insecurity. Lovely to hang out by the sea like this. It feels like the water is going to enter the house. Delicious! The restaurants next door are noisy at night. This can bother a light sleeper.
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Anonymous Guest - Jul 2019
Overall rating
Anonymous Guest - Mar 2019
Overall rating
Fantastic location
Very spacious rooms and fantastic location on the beach. Needs some attention but very sweet. Secure Parking very unpleasant.
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Hannelie L - Mar 2019
Overall rating
Niks besonders.
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Nothing special.
We were disappointed in the furniture inside the place. It's a beautiful view, but the furniture is old and shabby. Throw pillows were dirty and balcony was unfinished and not furnished with comfortable chairs. Kitchen convenient. There is no washing machine as advertised, only a tumble dryer. Parking is a problem.
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75 Beach Road, Gordon's Bay 's response
Beste Karin,
Dankie vir jou resensie.
Julle het in albei woonstelle gebly, so ek is nie seker nie vir watter woonstel jy die resensie gedoen het nie.
Ek glo nie dat ons meubels oud en afgeleef is nie. Jammer as die strooi kussing nie skoon was nie.
Deon V - Dec 2018
Overall rating
Ongelooflike oulike, netjiese verblyf.
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Incredibly cute, neat accommodation.
We highly recommend the stay. Very well located, tidy with a very cute setting. Very nice stay and will use the accommodation again anytime.
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Priscilla D - Oct 2018
Overall rating
We had a lovely time.
Juandre M - Oct 2018
Overall rating
Wonderlike, fantastiese blyplek.
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Wonderful, fantastic place.
Thank you, Elmarene, for helping us when we checked in a bit later. Place was clean, right in front of the ocean, shops walking distance and everything you need in the apartment. Will go back and highly recommended.
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Sharon S - May 2018
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Had a fantastic weekend. Children enjoyed it so much. I recommend this place if you want to relax next to the beach or just on the balcony. Nice restaurants that are walking distance. Will definitely stay there again for holidays or just a short getaway.
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75 Beach Road, Gordon's Bay 's response
Ons is baie bly julle het julle verblyf by ons geniet. Sien uit daarna om julle weer te ontvang.
Leandra B - May 2018
Overall rating
Definitief weer besoek!
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Definitely visiting again!
My wife and I stayed at 75 Beach Road for a weekend and enjoyed a very comfortable environment. We enjoyed the view a lot and the unit was very convenient. We could really relax and rest. We will definitely use the accommodation again in the near future.
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75 Beach Road, Gordon's Bay 's response
Ons is baie bly julle het die verblyf geniet. Sien uit daarna om julle weer te verwelkom.
Ninette D - Mar 2018
Overall rating
Dit was awesome, die lekkerste naweek wat ek nog in 'n lang tyd gehad het!
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It was awesome, the best weekend I've had in a long time!
The owner is very friendly and the apartment was fantastic, spacious, tidy and has everything you need, with one of the best sea views. I will stay there again and again.
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75 Beach Road, Gordon's Bay 's response
Beste Ninette,
Ons is bly julle het die verblyf geniet. Kom gerus weer, ons wag vir julle!
Bonita F - Jan 2018
Overall rating
Fantasties, dit was so lekker.
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Fantastic, it was so fun.
I am definitely going back to 75 Beach Road. Friendly reception and nice central location.
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Luchane S - Oct 2018
Overall rating
Dit was baie ruim.
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It was very spacious.
The apartment is very neat and spacious. Its view of the beach is breathtaking. No complaints about the stay. I would say it's affordable and I would recommend it anytime. I did have doubts about the safety of my vehicle outside and the parking is a bit inconvenient, but I was very satisfied with the rest. Thank you very much!
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75 Beach Road, Gordon's Bay 's response
Goeiedag Luchané,
Dankie vir jou mooi resensie. Ja parkering is ongemaklik. Daar is 'n hek met 'n slot waaragter die voertuie staan ek weet nie of ons dit opgesit het na julle verblyf nie.
Shahieda S - Feb 2018
Overall rating
Roan D - Jun 2018
Overall rating
Goed geleë, wonderlike uitsig, alles wat jy nodig het en meer.
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Great location, wonderful view, everything you need and more.
Wonderful view, everything you need and more. The apartment is very neat and has everything you need.
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75 Beach Road, Gordon's Bay 's response
Dankie Roan,
Ons is bly dat julle jul verblyf geniet het. Kom gerus weer.
Melinda G - Nov 2018
Overall rating
Puik akkommodasie met die beste see-uitsig en restaurante op jou drumpel.
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Great accommodation with the best sea view and restaurants on your doorstep.
Spacious accommodation with the best sea view in Gordons Bay from the balcony. Everything you might need is available within walking distance, from restaurants to a bookstore. Definitely going there again soon.
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Frik S - May 2018
Overall rating
Fantastiese ligging vir stap langs die see en naby aan goeie restaurante.
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Great location for walking along the sea and close to good restaurants.
See stars.
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75 Beach Road, Gordon's Bay 's response
Beste Frik,
Bly julle het die verblyf geniet. Besoek ons gerus weer.
Louise V - Nov 2018
Overall rating
Mooi uitsig.
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Beautiful view.
It's a neat place, but needs a lot of TLC inside, especially in the kitchen. Can see it's a very old house where there were rooms added and everything is not done neatly. We had a lovely stay and were just careful with opening doors and windows as the house is in Main road with no security gates. It may not be necessary for security gates, but where we come from, you don't just leave a door or window open! No egg ladle in kitchen. Otherwise, a great stay with the best quality linen.
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Brendon P - Nov 2017
Overall rating
Dit was ’n pragtige uitsig oor die see en baie romanties.
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It was a beautiful see view and very romantic.
It was very nice. My husband and I enjoyed the accommodation.
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Jeffrey S - May 2017
Overall rating
A truly terrific location. You drive there, park your car and no need to drive anywhere.
Venesia H - Apr 2017
Overall rating
Perfekte plek teen aan die see.
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Perfect place against the ocean.
Perfect service, beautiful house, very convenient.
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Leon G - Apr 2017
Overall rating
Ek verskriklik lekker gekuier en gerus.
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I had a great time and rested.
See stars.
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Maricia L - Nov 2017
Overall rating
Beste naweek ooit!
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Best weekend ever!
I will definitely book at 75 Beach Road again, very nice place! Nice view! Thank you very much LekkeSlaap - best weekend!
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Antoinette M - Jul 2017
Overall rating
Heerlike verblyf. Wonderlike ligging.
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Great stay. Wonderful location.
We had a wonderful stay. Clean and tidy. Beautiful view. On the beach!
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Terence L - Oct 2017
Overall rating
Nice, spacious, great view.
Marchelle H - Oct 2017
Overall rating
Ja, maar daar sal nog beslis vir die bedrag geld per aand geupgrade moet word aan die plek!
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Yes, but the place will definitely have to be upgraded for the amount of money per night!
I liked the view, even though it was very busy, but would book the place again.
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Vanessa M - Oct 2016
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Very nice stay. Will definitely go back. Thank you.
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Heidi V - Dec 2016
Overall rating
Ons het so lekker gebly.
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We had such a pleasant stay.
Elmarene was very helpful. The location is excellent and the accommodation is good value for money. We would gladly stay here again.
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Jacques B - Oct 2016
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Before we went there I read the reviews about the paint peeling off and building maintenance that needed attention. When I arrived I saw paint peeling off here and there and I could also see that the building needs some attention, but the awesome customer service more than made up for these little issue - we were blown away! Not to mention the unbeatable location, the neat and clean unit and all the space compared to similar self-catering units. In short I wouln't have traded this unit for any other unit in the area. It is comfortable, peaceful, and a true getaway by the seaside. And it would be difficult to find a spot closer to the sea. I'm thankful for the excellent service from Elmarene Fischer and for the wonderful getaway. 75 Beach road will see us again, on a regular basis!
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Arenda V - Mar 2016
Overall rating
The view was spectacular.
Anita V - Feb 2016
Overall rating
Die verblyf was uitstekend en rustig.
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The accommodation was excellent and peaceful.
It was rest for your soul, we will be able to grow old like this.
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75 Beach Road, Gordon's Bay 's response
Baie dankie - ons is bly julle het die verblyf geniet. Kom kuier gerus weer by ons.
Ek wil graag weer self iewers 'n naweek uitboek en 'n bietjie die "view" gaan geniet.
Maurits H - Mar 2016
Overall rating
Gerieflike, skoon verblyf met 'n mooi uitsig oor die see.
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Comfortable, clean accommodation with a nice view of the sea.
Very nice stay even though it was only short (2 days). The sleeping facilities are great ─ good, firm mattresses. One disadvantage is that one cannot sit on the stoep or barbecue in windy conditions (perhaps on the top floor). The service is friendly and excellent ─ one is kept informed via SMS / Whatsapp what time the apartment is available. The owners are available and reachable by phone when needed. I can recommend the apartment with peace of mind.
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Geraldine S - Sep 2016
Overall rating
Beste ligging in die baai.
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Best location in the bay.
Definitely the best location and view in Gordon's Bay and we were able to explore virtually the entire town by foot. Well-equipped accommodation, all our needs were met. Even though the building needs a bit of maintenance, the stunning view and fantastic sunsets made up for it in a big way.
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Anonymous Guest - Feb 2016
Overall rating
Excellent location with a good atmosphere and facilities.
It's a lovely apartment with good facilities. The owner can feel free to pay attention to the cleanliness of the apartment: The bathroom tiles leave much to be desired. In the master bedroom's bathroom, it is impossible to stand in front of the hand basin as the corner bath is built under the hand basin. There are also dirty marks on the walls and the master bedroom's bathroom light switch is dirty. I would stay there again anytime as I assume the owner will address the issues.
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Fred Timmer N - Feb 2016
Overall rating
Kakkerlakken! Very dirty every day.
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Cockroaches! Very dirty every day.
Great location, great view, good parking. good kitchen, toilet/shower floor filthy outdated, cockroaches every day! Bed fine, sofas leather broken and dirty, by not opening and closing the terrace nauseous, windows with cracks, broken and neglected, chairs terrace very dangerous, not to be used, zijn on request vervangen! Reception and information bad!
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75 Beach Road, Gordon's Bay 's response
The only way I can reply to this review is with the following mail I received from a customer after they have left South Africa:
"Dear Elmarene,
We had a good flight and arrived save in Amsterdam. We had again a beautiful time in Gordon's Bay. We enjoyed the beautiful view in your appartement with the good things.
Next year we like to come back, we hope you are able to renovate a few things, like the very old lounge suite in the tv-room and the door to the terras, very difficult to open and close.
If it is possible to book directly by you for about the same period we like to prefer and what rates do you have in mind then.
Kind regards and thanks again,
Fred and Francis"
Ashley S - Nov 2015
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Nice view of the sea!
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75 Beach Road, Gordon's Bay 's response
Dankie Ashley,
Hoop on julle weer by ons plek te verwelkom.
Ja, jy sal moeilik in Gordonsbaai nader aan die see verblyf kry.
Vriendelike groete
Leon V - Nov 2015
Overall rating
Ons sal weer daar bly.
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We will stay there again.
The accommodation arrangements were made very fully, the accommodation was clean and tidy, a very pleasant stay. We will stay there again.
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75 Beach Road, Gordon's Bay 's response
Baie dankie Leon - ons sien uit daarna om julle weer te verwelkom.
Elmarene Fischer
Brian C - Oct 2015
Overall rating
Dit is 'n uitstekende plek en rustig.
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It is an excellent place and peaceful.
Will go back again. It is so nice to sit and look over the sea.
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75 Beach Road, Gordon's Bay 's response
Dankie Brian, ons is bly julle het dit geniet. Sien daarna uit om julle weer te verwelkom.
Elmarene Fischer
- Capacity: 8 people
- All ages welcome
Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
Check-out: 10:00 - Address: 75 Beach Road, Gordon's Bay, Gordon's Bay, 7140, Western Cape