Emerald Cottage
Review Summary
Nico B - Jan 2020
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Breakfast expensive. No choices in what we want to eat. Room clean and tidy.
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Harald S - Oct 2019
Overall rating
We enjoyed our stay very much.
Emerald Cottage 's response
Dear Harald and Carla,
It was such a pleasure meeting you and we do wish you will visit us again.
I am very happy you enjoyed your stay and thanks for the kind words and compliments.
Have a super-duper day until we see you again.
And going forward, may you have a blessed Christmas coming, its around the corner.
And if you ever visit your friends at Herolds Bay again, please send regards, and we are not too far to visit us again.
Warm regards
Maggie and Les
Joan A - Aug 2019
Overall rating
Hosts very friendly. Stay most enjoyable.
Anonymous Guest - Nov 2019
Overall rating
The place needs a makeover.
See stars.
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Ian W - Feb 2018
Overall rating
Friendly service.
Emerald Cottage 's response
Thank you Ian and Barbro.
We do hope you will visit us again soon and that you have enjoyed the rest of your holiday
Warm regards,
Maggie and Les
Frances W - Mar 2018
Overall rating
Friendly service.
Emerald Cottage 's response
Dear Joan and Elizabeth,
We are so glad you enjoyed your stay. Thank you kindly for the lovely review.
We do hope to see you again and bring the family. Very happy you enjoyed the bonsai talks with Les. Next time we do the cruise on our ferry. Good luck and speedy recovery for your hip replacement Joan.
Warmest regards.
Ps. We went to the park all day today and saw the lions.
Loraine W - Sep 2017
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We had an absolutely wonderful long weekend. We will definitely visit you again. Lovely place and just perfect. Breakfast was just as delicious. Thank you for the kindness.
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Emerald Cottage 's response
Dankie Yolande, vir die pragtige verwysing en mooi boodskappie. Dit was al te lekker om julle te ontmoet, ek is regtig bly julle het heerlik gekuier.
Julle is almal so dierbaar. Kom kuier gerus weer. Groete aan almal en drukkies vir die 2 pragtige bondeltjies liefde.
Hartlike groete
Maggie en Les
Kosie J - Sep 2017
Overall rating
Vriendelike, fantastiese naweek.
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Friendly, fantastic weekend.
We were welcomed very kindly, the room very comfortable, everything you need and more. Maggie is a fantastic hostess, she had shoulder surgery but did everything with one arm, thank you Maggie for a great weekend at your place, you will definitely see us again.
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Emerald Cottage 's response
Baie dankie Nita en Kosie vir die pragtige boodskappie.
Ek tik nog met linkerarmpie en gaan maar dag vir dag beter met skouertjie.
Julle is dierbaar en ek hoop regtig julle kom weer by ons bly as julle na hierdie kant toe kom.
Lekker dag verder en geniet die naweek wat voorle.
opregte groete
Maggie en Les
Hans V - Aug 2017
Overall rating
Very friendly landlady, good guesthouse close to Addo Elephant Park.
Emerald Cottage 's response
Dear Hans, Marlon, Bentha and Allard.
It was so nice meeting you and the family.
You were such lovely warm people and we would love to have you back soon.
Kindly let us know whenever you visit our lovely SA again.
Hugs to all.
Warm regards,
Rudolph L - Jul 2017
Overall rating
Wonderfully relaxing after a long day's drive.
Lilisa W - Dec 2017
Overall rating
Skoon en netjies.
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Clean and tidy.
Our stay was comfortable. The units are clean and tidy. It's not super luxurious, but everything you need is there, even covered parking. Excellent hostess and host. It is walking distance from the river with a beautiful view.
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Emerald Cottage 's response
Liewe Lilisa en Pieter,
Dankie vir die mooi boodskap, ja ons is nie so luuks nie, maar darem 3 sterre gradering en poog om altyd op te maak met ons vriendelikheid en gasvryheid en ook natuurlik soos jy sê, skoon en netjies te wees .Julle moet gerus weer kom kuier. Dit was dierbaar om julle te ontmoet. Ek hoop julle vorder goed met die bonsai boompies en kontak gerus Les indien julle raad soek.
Beste groete
Maggie en Les
Jorge P - Apr 2017
Overall rating
Great place and great owners.
Emerald Cottage 's response
Dear Jorge,
It was so nice meeting you and your lovely family.
The kids are so special and it was a pleasure having you stay with us.
Regards to all in Upington.
Please visit us again.
Sanet D - Apr 2017
Overall rating
Selfsorgeenheid piepklein!
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Teeny self-catering unit!
We chose a self-catering unit since we thought it would be more spacious, but it was teeny tiny and not comfortable to prepare meals in. It also bothered us that there were signs everywhere about how you should clean up after yourself and too many decoration and knickknacks in the bathroom, like a used bath sponge (as if anyone would use it again!). It took up space that could've been used for our own toiletries and vanity. Too much micro management by the hostess! We were treated with friendliness though and she helped us to change a flat tyre.
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Emerald Cottage 's response
Liewe Sanet en Tom
Tog te jammer dat julle dit nie geniet het nie en dat alles nie perfek na julle smaak was nie. Ons poog daarna om almal tevrede te stel en ek kan hiermee bevestig dat jy die eerste een is wat kla oor die selfsorg eenheid. Ek het gaste wat elke maand terugkeer vir daardie spesifieke kamer. Jammer oor die tweedehandse sponsie wat in jou stort gehang het, dit moes verwyder gewees het na die vorige gaste en was net 'n menslike foutjie. Ek is baie bly dat jy darem ons gasvryheid geniet het en dat ons met al die moeite om iemand te kry om jou met jou kar te help, ek dit waardeer. Ek het ook my selfsorg nota verwyder, aangesien jy glo dis oorbodig. Dit is net dat party mense alles net so los in 'n gemors, veral party wat selfsorg aanvra en dan is alles in chaos gelos, maar dit gesê, wees verseker dat julle baie welkom is om weer te kuier en as ons dan nie gaste in die gastehuis het nie, kan julle daar bly. Wat dan sekerlik vir jou van meer gemak sal wees. Omdat jou datums in die skool vakansie geval het, het ek ongelukkig vir jou, 'n hele familie daar gehad en sou dit nie anders kon boek nie. Ons cottage agter die gastehuis was ook vol, miskien kan jy volgende keer daar bly.
Jan R - Feb 2017
Overall rating
Goed vir enkelpersoon.
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Good for a single person.
The accommodation in its current state is very good for a single person, but not for 2 people. There is a lack of space and packing place and the toilet and basin layout is not suitable for disabled people (like in our case). On the positive side: everything was clean and neat, friendlier and more helpful staff and owners you won't find anywhere. Excellent.
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Emerald Cottage 's response
Thank you Jan for your review and comments.
I am just happy that all was OK or at least some of it. As you have suggested, we have already moved the washing up basin to the corner and, as I said, the whole room will be renovated into a bigger suite. You will be invited when that is done to come and stay for a free night.
We are happy that you have found our hospitality to your liking and we strive to make all our guests happy and comfortable with lovely memories.
Please send warm regards to your wife and wish her well from us.
Kind regards,
Maggie Mann
Danie B - May 2017
Overall rating
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Didn't get what we expected. On the pictures it looked neat, didn't look like this in reality. Needs an urgent upgrade, bathrooms not acceptable at all. Unmatching, worn crockery.
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Emerald Cottage 's response
Danie, Helen, Fanie en Susan
Ons hoop julle het die res van julle vakansie geniet en dit is jammer om te hoor dat julle ons plekkie onaanvaarbaar vind.
Ons het alles in ons vermoë gedoen om julle een aandjie hier genotvol te maak, en ek vind dit jammer dat julle dink ons plekkie is van so 'n lae graad. Dit is baie selde dat ons so 'n klagte kry.
Ons sal poog om te verander wat ons kan, en ons gradering van 3 sterre is absoluut aanvaarbaar en nie soos jy voorstel nie. Ons badkamers is alreeds gedoen en ons kombuis is ten volle toegerus. Dit is jammer om te hoor dat julle nie van ons atmosfeer gehou het nie. Ons vervang gereeld ons goed in die kombuis deurdat baie gaste met goed verdwyn en sorg dat alles genoeg is vir almal albeit somtyds onpaar. Ons sal daarna kyk in die toekoms.
Dit is jammer dat jy niks noem van hoe gerieflik dit was of oor ons gasvryheid nie.
Lekker dag verder
Maggie en Les
Richard S - Sep 2017
Overall rating
Parking in a secured area and 3 night accommodation was adequate.
Read moreJacob Solomon C - Oct 2016
Overall rating
Emerald Cottage 's response
Thank you Klasie and Ria,
We do hope you will visit us again and thanks for the lovely messages.
Warm regards,
Maggie and Les
Candice S - May 2016
Overall rating
Wonderlike plekkie, lieflik ingerig.
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Wonderful place, wonderfully equipped.
Will highly recommend it to anyone.
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Emerald Cottage 's response
Dear Candice,
Thank you so much. It is always a pleasure and much appreciated.
Have a lovely day.
Una C - Apr 2016
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After two days it felt like saying goodbye to family. Will definitely go there again. Thank you Maggie for my turtle.
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Emerald Cottage 's response
Dear Una,
Thank you so much for the kind message and please send my regards to Peter. It was so nice meeting you both and please visit us soon again.
Warm regards,
Maggie and Les - Addo Gateway Lodge
Viv D - Apr 2016
Overall rating
Genotvol. Baie goed geleë om die Addo Wildreservaat te besoek.
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Delightful. Very well located to visit the Addo Game Reserve.
Pleasant hosts, pleasant stay, safe parking.
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Emerald Cottage 's response
Dear Viv,
Thanks for the moments shared - my candle is burning! Also thank you for the kind message and please know you are very welcome to visit us again. Hope that will be soon.
Warm regards,
Maggie and Les - Addo Gateway Lodge
Horst B - Apr 2016
Overall rating
Emerald Cottage 's response
Dear Horst,
Thank you so much for the kind message and it was such a pleasure to meet you. We do hope you will visit us again soon and you are very welcome.
Warm regards,
Maggie and Les - Addo Gateway Lodge
Wilma P - Jan 2016
Overall rating
Heerlik, heerlik, heerlik!
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Delicious, delicious, delicious!
Nice and clean stay in a true paradise! Very friendly and helpful host and hostess. Experienced wonderful "sunset cruises". Unfortunately the ceiling fan didn't work...the heat was very bad at night. Thank you Les and Maggie for making it so special for us...we will definitely be back.
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Emerald Cottage 's response
Dankie Wilma, kom gerus weer.
Marissa S - Dec 2016
Overall rating
Vriendelike mense en naby ingang van Addo Natuurpark.
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Friendly people and close to the entrance of Addo Nature Reserve
Beautiful place, everything you need to overnight. We arrived late and they were friendly and helped us. They also gave us advice about what to do in the area as well as safety tips.
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Gerald J - Apr 2016
Overall rating
Very pleasant stay, host was excellent and made a terrific breakfast.
Emerald Cottage 's response
Dear Gerald,
Thank you for your lovely message. Yes, it was nice to see you again and thanks for bringing your group to our place for a visit. We are happy you have enjoyed the stay - again - and don't forget us in the future. Please visit soon.
Warm regards,
Maggie and Les - Addo Gateway Lodge
Antonette K - Feb 2016
Overall rating
Dit was lekker.
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It was nice.
I was a bit disappointed because the place was not what I imagined. The two bedroom chalet I booked was two rooms behind the owner's kitchen which we had to share with another resident. We went with the intention of enjoying the offerings in town such as the boat ride on the river and seeing the dunes, but it was not available that weekend. I feel we could have just been informed about it ahead of time.
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Emerald Cottage 's response
Dear Antonette and Koos
So sorry you were unhappy staying in the cottage and it is not 2 rooms behind our kitchen. It is a fully equipped 2 bedroom establishment and as it happened to be, the River Mile (1000 swimmers) was happening that day and we could not take the ferry on the river for obvious reasons, and also as per our terms and conditions, we normally do not go out with the ferry - as we told you - for less than 4 people at a time, as we did not have any other bookings to take the ferry out. Please know that next time when you visit us, we will give you a free cruise. I am also sorry that Andre had to stay in the 2nd bedroom for the one night only - his flight was changed as I have asked you if it is OK, and you said that is fine. He came in late and left early, you would not even have known he was there and it was totally separated from your room area. So sorry that it inconvenienced you. (As it was really the only place he could lay his head - so to speak). I really hope you will visit us again. Regards. Maggie
E.d. V - Oct 2016
Overall rating
Heel vriendelijke ontvangst.
Emerald Cottage 's response
Dear Ed and Gatske
Dit was a groot plesier en baie bly julle was gelukkig.
Besoek ons gerus weer
Thanks for the nice message
Much appreciated
Sien julle sekerlik weer as julle SA besoek
Monika L - May 2016
Overall rating
Plekkie met karakter en alles wat nodig is.
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Place with character and everything you need.
Very warm hostess and special breakfast. Clean and comfortable.
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Emerald Cottage 's response
Dankie Monika en ek is bly julle het dit geniet, albeit opgedaag op verkeerde datum.
Besoek ons gerus weer en ek gee afslag volgende keer omdat jy toe een aand minder gebly het.
Kom gerus weer
Maggie en Les
Jeanette P - May 2016
Overall rating
Goed toegeruste, lieflike verblyf.
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Well equipped, lovely accommodation.
After our previous night's stay, Addo Gateway was a very pleasant surprise. It was truly value for money. Maggie makes a real effort and we can highly recommend her. Will go back there again anytime.
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Emerald Cottage 's response
Dear Jeanette,
Thank you so much for the kind message and please send my regards to Bernd. It was such a pity you stayed only one night but we were very happy that you enjoyed your stay.
It was so nice meeting you both and please visit us soon again.
Warm regards,
Maggie and Les - Addo Gateway Lodge
Bennette W - Oct 2016
Overall rating
Gasvryheid was uitstekend.
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Hospitality was excellent.
I feel that the place is not up to standard. It didn't feel clean, threads hanging loose, and a.g.v. water restrictions you may not bathe.
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Emerald Cottage 's response
Hi Benette en familie
Dit was lekker om julle hier te hê en ek verstaan glad nie die mening van die plek voel nie skoon nie. Ons diens al die kamers daagliks en doen ons uiterste om gaste welkom en skoon te laat bly. Agv water beperkings, ja, jy is reg, verkies ons dat mense nie bad nie maar stort, maar julle kon maar net genoem het, en ons sou dit glad nie gekeer het nie. Ongelukkig is sulke water beperkings vanaf die munisipaliteit afdwingbaar, maar mense moet maar hulle eie diskresie gebruik. Ek verstaan ook nie van watter drade wat loshang jy noem nie, miskien moes jy gewys het, dan kon ons kyk daarna. Ons is egter baie bly dat ons gasvryheid goed genoeg was en hoop dat julle darem weer sal kom oorbly.
Groete aan Andre, Andre, Louise, Aldre, Luan en Hanro.
Danie R - Dec 2015
Overall rating
Perfekte oornagverblyf.
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Perfect overnight stay.
Maggie and Les were extremely friendly and went out of their way to make it pleasant for us. The breakfast was very nice and Maggie made extra sausages and eggs for us on delicious croissants. Les has a beautiful bonsai collection and is worth checking out. This is the perfect overnight stay if you want to go to Addo or if you are just on your way to your next destination. Thank you!
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Emerald Cottage 's response
Dankie Danie,
Dit was lekker om julle hier te he, kom gou weer hoor.
Willie V - Dec 2015
Overall rating
Baie vriendelike mense.
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Very friendly people.
We had a lovely stay there. They had been very helpful.
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Ellen R - Dec 2015
Overall rating
Ideal base for visiting Addo Elephant Park!
Emerald Cottage 's response
Thanks dear Ellen,
Hope to see you soon and please visit us again.
Warm regards,
Tewie G - Nov 2015
Overall rating
Absoluut wonderlik.
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Absolutely wonderful.
Mania of welcome makes you feel at home. They immediately share essential information and points of interest about the area. The guided tour in the Addo and the boat cruise on the Sundays River are both a must. A big thank you to Maggie and Les.
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Emerald Cottage 's response
Dankie Tewie
vir die mooi review en julle is ook sommer agtermekaar mense en wonderlike gaste
Groete vir Wilna en ek is so baie bly julle het die kort vakansie geniet
Kom gerus weer
Maggie en Les
Gerhard K - Jun 2015
Overall rating
Ons het heerlik gebly!
Emerald Cottage 's response
Dankie Gerhard.
Groete vir Anetha en dit was heerlik om julle hier te kon hê.
Kom gerus gou weer
Wendy D - Apr 2015
Overall rating
5 Star accommodation.
Emerald Cottage 's response
Dankie Wendy en groete vir Hennie en jou mooiste klein hondjie. Ek verlang sommer nou na Heroldsbaai en Miemie Coetze.
Groete aan Hendrine en Stefan as jy hulle sien en lekker bly en heerlike Kersfees vir julle
Maggie en les
Kom kuier weer
Louise L - Feb 2015
Overall rating
Dit was lekker.
Caren D - Feb 2015
Overall rating
Maklik om te bereik en gerieflik naby Addo se ingang.
Theo J - Mar 2015
Overall rating
Dit was 'n hoogtepunt wat verblyf aanbetref! Vriendelikheid en hulpvaardigheid van eienaars is uitstekend! Ons het sommer nuwe vriende gemaak!
Johan N - Oct 2015
Overall rating
Baie goeie ligging vir 'n besoek aan Addo-olifantpark.
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Very good location for a visit to Addo Elephant Park.
Maggie was a fantastic hostess who clearly has a passion for what she has been doing for the past 11 years.
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Theresa N - Apr 2015
Overall rating
Fasiliteite is meer as toereikend, ontvangs was gul en hartlik, verblyf was rustig en BAIE aangenaam.
Emerald Cottage 's response
Dankei riana
Julle was ook gaste duisend.
Groete vir Christo en lekker bly daar op Meyersdal.
Kom kuier gerus gou wees en lekker Kersfees
Maggie en Les
Albert K - Mar 2015
Overall rating
We stay at Addo Gateway for 3 days. Good service and it feels good to stay there.
Hugo H - Dec 2015
Overall rating
Goeie gasvryheid, die verblyf het voldoen aan ons behoeftes.
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Good hospitality, the accommodation met our needs.
Interesting activities in the area and very close to the Addo National Elephant Park. Cleaning of units could improve.
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Reinhardt B - Apr 2015
Overall rating
Kort, maar lekker wegbreek van huis en kinders.
Emerald Cottage 's response
Dankie Reinhardt.
Groete vir Nanette en lekker Kersfees.
Kom gerus weer kuier ons is mos lekker naby vir 'n heerlike wegbreek
Martie G - Mar 2015
Overall rating
Ons sal waarskynlik nie weer hier oorbly nie.
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We probably won't stay here again.
Addo Gateway Lodge is not our ideal guest house and we probably won't stay there again. We responded to a special offer on LekkeSlaap. Because the place was advertised as a 'lodge' 'which is nestled on the banks of the Sundays River' and has 3-star status, we thought it sounded like a really nice place to relax in nature. Great was our surprise and disappointment when we were put in a small room at the outbuilding of the 'lodge' and there was not a river in sight! I would like to know where one can check the rating system of a guest house.
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Lucille W - Nov 2014
Overall rating
Baie, baie lekker!
Mariana N - Oct 2014
Overall rating
Ons het die rustigheid en vriendelikheid baie geniet en waardeer.
Wernher B - Jul 2014
Overall rating
Fantastiese, vriendelike en gasvrye mense!
Hesmarie V - Jan 2014
Overall rating
Gasvry, gesellig en baie netjies!
Callie F - Jul 2014
Overall rating
Baie aangenaam. Vriendelik en behulpsaam.
Johann T - Mar 2014
Overall rating
'n Baie gawe gasheer en gasvrou. Het lekker gebly.
Hanlie C - Apr 2014
Overall rating
Baie vriendelike eienaars en goed geleë.
Gregory H - Dec 2014
Overall rating
Die kamer was klein, maar netjies en is ideaal vir 'n nag of twee. Die lodge is ideaal vir 'n besoek aan die Addo Park.
Mathys N - Apr 2014
Overall rating
Sal graag weer gaan.
Frik S - Nov 2014
Overall rating
Jaco E - May 2014
Overall rating
Chantelle C - Nov 2013
Overall rating
Will return
Malene F - Sep 2013
Overall rating
Ons familie van vyf het die Addo Nasionale Park en omriggende omgewing besoek.
Nico M - Jun 2013
Overall rating
Tannie Maggie jy gaan die Mosterts van Kimberley beslis weer sien.
Hendrik N - Mar 2013
Overall rating
Location is perfect for Addo visitors
Coen V - Jun 2013
Overall rating
Faliliteite uitstekend, verblyf baie aangenaam.
- Capacity: 5 people
- All ages welcome
Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
Check-out: 10:00 - Address: 22 Emerald Crescent, Colchester, Gqeberha (Port Elizabeth), 6157, Eastern Cape