Aqua Terra Guest House
Review Summary
Sonja V - May 2024
Overall rating
Baie gerieflik en gesellig, ek het baie welkom gevoel en kon heerlik uitrus.
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Very comfortable and cosy, I felt very welcome and was able to rest wonderfully.
I had a great stay, thank you very much. The surroundings are peaceful and beautifully scenic, and the facility is beautiful and cozy.
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Lizette K - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Skoon en netjies.
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Clean and tidy.
The unit was clean and tidy. We were kindly received and had a nice stay.
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Aqua Terra Guest House 's response
Hallo Lizette
Baie dankie vir die review. Was lekker om julle hier te hê.
Helene H - Aug 2024
Overall rating
'n Baie gerieflike en netjiese gastehuis. Eienaars is baie vriendelik.
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A very comfortable and tidy guest house. Owners are very friendly.
My stay was nice.
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Melissa K - Jul 2023
Overall rating
Ons was as 'n groep "bikers" in Lydenburg vir 'n klubdag en het oorgeslaap by Aqua Terra.
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We were as a group of "bikers" in Lydenburg for a club day and slept over at Aqua Terra.
This was the 2nd time we stayed here for the same social which is an annual function. As usual, we were kindly received and everything was perfection. Charlene was as always very friendly and accommodating. We have already decided to stay there again next year for the weekend.
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Aqua Terra Guest House 's response
Liewe Melissa
Baie dankie vir die resensi. Julle groep motorfietsryers is hartsmense wat elke kuier hier so lekker maak.
Tot volgende jaar
Johan V - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Rustige area. Lekker gerus.
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Quiet area. Have fun.
Tidy. Value for money.
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Mark A - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Will be back.
E. V - Aug 2023
Overall rating
Baie lekker geslaap, mooi omgewing, rustig, gasvry en behulpsaam.
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Slept very well, beautiful surroundings, peaceful, hospitable and helpful.
Will definitely stay there again. Everything was in place and tidy.
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Jahna B - Oct 2023
Overall rating
Een aand oorgeslaap, laat middag by die gastehuis aangekom. Net voor 9 die oggend vertrek.
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Overslept one night, arrived at the guest house late afternoon. Leaving just before 9 in the morning.
No WiFi available. No generator in case of "loadshedding". No dinner or breakfast was offered as an option. Was directed to a nearby restaurant for dinner. Also stayed there in 2015 - the guest house was brand new then. A few things need some attention now. Safe place to sleep.
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Aqua Terra Guest House 's response
Hallo Jahna
Baie dankie vir die review.
Ons het Wi-Fi, jy moes net gevra het. Die meeste mense wat hier kom bly geniet ons groot erf en rivier so ons vergeet al mense het Wi-Fi nodig. Ons het ook 'n generator, maar omdat dit so raas en baie gaste al gevra net vir ligte, soos wat ons voorsien het. Jammer dit het jou gepla dat ons dit nie aangesit het nie. Ons sal definitief gaan kyk na alles wat "vervalle" lyk, al het ons hierdie jaar al die beddegoed, handdoeke en eetgerei vervang. Decor lyk nog baie goed aangesien mense dit nie gebruik nie.
Met die email wat ek vir jou vooraf gestuur het, het ek aandete en ontbyt gevra, maar jy het nie geantwoord op die email nie. Dit bespreek mense vooraf aangesien ons nie 'n restaurant is nie. Jy het ook 'n kamer bespreek wat 'n badkamer deel met 'n ander kamer wat goedkoper is, gelukkig kon ons jou toe upgrade na 'n en-suite toe jy vra vir dit.
Jammer jou ondervinding was nie soos in 2015 nie.
Groete Charlene
Sadia M - Nov 2023
Overall rating
Not so good.
Read moreAqua Terra Guest House 's response
Hello Sadia
Thank you for the review. The communal bathroom is only for the two cheapest rooms, which you booked for 2 nights. This was communicated in the email beforehand, with which you didn't have a problem.
All my correspondence with guests after they check-in is via WhatsApp as the signal on both Vodacom and MTN is terrible in town due to load shedding. You didn't check any of your WhatsApp messages while you were staying with me, and only used the SMS service. Unfortunately, I cannot do anything about the poor signal and that's why I solely use WhatsApp. Your friend that visited you from Lydenburg was my only means of communicating with you, which was also not my fault.
The reason the gate was not working as desired is due to the frequent 4-hour load shedding sessions we had that week. The battery tends to go flat after a while. We replaced it the Monday following your visit.
I reviewed my messages when you stayed here and noticed you contacted me after 23:00 at night. At that time, I was asleep and it's understandable that I didn't check my SMS messages. I'm sorry your visit wasn't as pleasant as I would have liked, but these grievances you could have sent to me personally instead of through a review.
Mariette O - Oct 2022
Overall rating
Heerlike, silwerskoon verblyf.
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Lovely, spotless accommodation.
Will definitely stay at Aqua Terra again if we visit Lydenburg.
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Dené V - Jun 2022
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Analise J - Jun 2022
Overall rating
Rustigheid en 'n lafenis vir die oog.
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Tranquility and a treat for the eyes.
Lovely welcome and a nice peaceful environment. We will definitely spend the night there again and visit.
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Aqua Terra Guest House 's response
Baie dankie vir die goeie gradering, Analise.
Melissa K - May 2022
Overall rating
Ons was 'n paar lede van 'n motorfietsklub wat oorgeslaap het na 'n byeenkoms op Lydenburg.
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We were a couple of members of a motorcycle club who slept over after a meeting in Lydenburg.
We were received very kindly and immediately felt at home. After a lovely night's rest, we first wanted to drive around the area before returning home. Charlene didn't mind us leaving our luggage at the guest house to pick up later. We will definitely stay here again next year.
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Madeleine V - Jun 2022
Overall rating
Sou lekker gewees het om ketel in die kamer te kon hê.
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Would have been nice to have a kettle in the room.
The shower and lace curtain need some attention.
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Aqua Terra Guest House 's response
Hallo Madeleine
Baie dankie vir die aanbevelings.
Ons het gevind dat die kragtoevoering na ons gastehuis baie laag is en wanneer elke kamer 'n ketel het, dit baie lank vat om die water te laat kook, wat natuurlik dan ander klagtes uitlok. Ons het met die munisipaliteit al gepraat oor die swak kragtoevoering, waar daar dan net skouers opgetrek word en vinger gewys word na iemand anders in die munisipaliteit.
Ek sou ook graag 'n ketel in elke kamer wou sit, maar hierdie werk vir die meeste mense heel goed.
Tot volgende keer.
Natasha N - Jun 2021
Overall rating
Vriendelike, professionele diens, skoon, netjies en lekker warm beddens!
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Friendly, professional service, clean, tidy and nice and warm beds!
Charlene received us very kindly and Ernest was busy in the kitchen when we arrived, the smells of the food were lovely, unfortunately we already had other dining plans. The accommodation is clean, tidy and there is secure parking. The next morning, of course, we woke up to the most delicious smells coming from the kitchen. Next time we won't miss a meal, nor will we make other plans in advance. Thank you very much for a lovely stay!
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Dirk F - Jul 2021
Overall rating
Vriendelike diens, ope spasie, waarde vir geld.
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Friendly service, open space, value for money.
Just a few suggestions: Maybe a water bottle or two, or even a container for drinking water. A safe to store valuables.
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Aqua Terra Guest House 's response
Baie dankie vir die goeie gradering Dirk. Ons is bly julle het lekker gebly
Peet G - Feb 2021
Overall rating
Stil en rustig!
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Quiet and peaceful!
The places are very clean and tidy and the people very friendly and helpful. The place is located next to the creek and it's very peaceful. The room had everything one needs except maybe an air conditioner. Luckily it wasn't necessary. The fan was adequate but a bit noisy. Would easily stay there again and recommend with a good heart.
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Aqua Terra Guest House 's response
Vreeslik dankie vir die review. Ons waardeer elkeen se insette en hoop om julle weer binnekort te huisves.
Joey M - Mar 2021
Overall rating
Goed vir 'n eennag-oorslaap.
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Good for a one night sleepover.
Good for men, but not for a woman, was not comfortable with shared bathroom. Hospitality is lacking.
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Aqua Terra Guest House 's response
Baie dankie vir die review. Baie onverwag dat jy so voel oor ons diens, maar elkeen is geregte op sy opinie.
Ek hoop jou Kruger naweek was lekker en dat jy Mpumalanga weer kom geniet.
Die privaatkamer wat die badkamer deel was van die begin af vir jou gesê, en dis hoekom dit goedkoper is. Die reps wat deur Lydenburg gaan deur die week is mal oor daardie kamers.
John G - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Rustige en vriendelike verblyf.
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Quiet and friendly accommodation.
We stayed in a very large unit with 3 rooms and a separate TV room. We were received very kindly by the owner and immediately felt at home. In the morning we enjoyed coffee and biscuits on a bench by the river, what a great way to start the day!
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Elzette N - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Charlene is amazing.
Aqua Terra Guest House 's response
Lydenburg verras mens nogal - goed en sleg né. Sodra jy die potholes mis, en kan opkyk, sien mens die mooiste deel van Mpumalanga. Sentraal geleë en rustig langs die rivier. Ek hoop al julle besienswaardighede was alles en meer en ons hoop om julle weer te sien.
Andre P - Dec 2020
Overall rating
Pleasant and peaceful.
Elaine H - Nov 2019
Overall rating
Netjies, waarde vir geld.
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Neat, value for money.
Friendly hostess and comfortable place to stay. Definitely value for money!
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Julian C - Jul 2019
Overall rating
Great location. Just far enough from town. Awesome hosts.
Antionette W - Mar 2019
Overall rating
Baie lekker en netjies.
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Very nice and neat.
Our reception was excellent. Was only disappointed in the breakfast on Saturday morning.
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Aqua Terra Guest House 's response
Goeiedag Antionette,
Baie dankie vir die terugvoering. Ons vra omverskoning oor die Saterdag oggend ontbyt. Ons is tans besig om die ouer dame op te lei en sy het daardie week eers begin. Ek kan met sekerheid sê sy is al baie beter en is gretig om te leer. Ek en my man doen tans alles in die gastehuis en op Saterdae begin ons kinders nou met sport besig raak. Ons het die nodigheid gesien om 'n dame aan te stel vir die naweke sodat ons ons kinders kan ondersteun. Ek hoop ons sien jou weer en kan jou wys hoe sy verbeter het.
Groete en lekker dag,
Johan Du Toit D - Mar 2019
Overall rating
Twee jong mense (die eienaars) uiters gasvry.
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Two young people (the owners) extremely hospitable.
Lovely surroundings. Large lawn by the river. Create a peaceful atmosphere. Indoor decoration great.
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Annette L - Jan 2019
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Very friendly and hospitable reception. Lovely and relaxing and quiet atmosphere. Lovely breakfast!
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Ebrahim K - Mar 2019
Overall rating
Beautiful quiet and peaceful.
Aqua Terra Guest House 's response
Hallo Ebrahim,
Thank you for the review. We want people to see that Lydenburg and surrounding areas are very beautiful and love seeing people leaving happy. Hope we see you again,
Marinus P - Sep 2018
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A very nice experience. Friendly reception and good service. Bedrooms and rooms are very clean and neat.
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Gert F - Sep 2018
Overall rating
Goeie diens, goeie ligging en waarde vir geld.
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Good service, good location and value for money.
I would recommend this guest house to any person. Very nice place to stay!
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Susan J - May 2018
Overall rating
Vriendelike ontvangs, pragtige skoon gemaklike verblyf!
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Friendly reception, beautiful clean comfortable accommodation!
Me, my husband and children were pleasantly surprised with the beautiful guest house! We felt very welcome and stayed in comfort in the family unit! Nice clean and tidy, beds sleep great! Couldn't find anything wrong! Definitely value for money! Thank you so much Charlene!
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Aqua Terra Guest House 's response
Hallo Susan
Baie dankie vir die wonderlike resensie. Ek is so bly julle het lekker gekuier. Hoop om julle weer te sien.
Groete Charlene & Ernest
Erna P - Mar 2018
Overall rating
Sal weer teruggaan, aangename verassing.
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Will go back again, pleasant cremation.
Was very peaceful and homely, with pleasant hostess. Good quality.
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Aqua Terra Guest House 's response
Hello Erna
Baie dankie vir die positiewe terugvoering. Geseënde dag verder en tot weer siens.
Groete Charlene
Wyatt D - Sep 2018
Overall rating
Baie oulike plekkie met vriendelike eienaars.
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Very cute place with friendly owners.
Owner and housekeeper were very friendly and helpful. The garden and guest house were very neat and clean. Breakfast was delicious and made while the owner had a nice chat with us. They love animals very much and see them as part of the family. Will definitely recommend Aqua Terra to friends and family. Just a few things that might be looked into. The shower in the bathroom does not close very well. Might also recommend placing a closed bin in the bathroom. The one light by the mirror in our room didn't work either. Used the bed lightly and placed it there to do my makeup for the wedding. Furthermore, everything was sufficient, neat and clean.
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Callie V - Nov 2017
Overall rating
Very friendly hosts. Comfortable and clean facility.
Aqua Terra Guest House 's response
Hi Callie, thank you for the positive feedback. Have a great day and until we meet again.
Cheers, Charlene
Nerine F - Jun 2017
Overall rating
Baie lekker en hartlik verwelkom.
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Wonderful, and warmly welcomed.
Pleasant stay, and very warm.
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Mariska N - Jul 2017
Overall rating
Waarde vir geld!
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Value for money!
We enjoyed the stay a lot and Charlene and Ernest's hospitality was very good! Definitely value for money!
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Aqua Terra Guest House 's response
Hallo Mariska,
Baie dankie vir die resensie, ons hoop ons sien julle weer :-)
Charlene & Ernest.
Forika M - Dec 2016
Overall rating
So rustig daar dat ons amper laat vir troue was.
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It was so peaceful there that we were almost late for the wedding.
We enjoyed every moment, from our arrival to our departure. We stayed in the 6 sleeper which was quite spacious. We didn't want to close the blinds as we wanted to wake up to the beautiful view. The place is so peaceful and we had such a relaxing time in the garden that we were almost late for the wedding. Would love to stay there again if we are ever in the area again.
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Aqua Terra Guest House 's response
Baie dankie vir die vriendlike resensie. Dit was heerlik om julle hier te geakkommodeer het en ons hoop om julle weer te sien. Groete Charlene and Ernest.
Andre M - Aug 2016
Overall rating
Vriendelike, goeie diens.
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Friendly, good service.
Friendly, good service with a very relaxed atmosphere. Neat rooms.
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Aqua Terra Guest House 's response
Baie dankie vir die vriendelike resensie. Dit was heerlik om julle hier te kon akkommodeer het en ons hoop om julle weer te sien. Groete Charlene en Ernest.
Mariaan L - Jul 2016
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Can recommend it. Excellent value for money.
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Aqua Terra Guest House 's response
Hallo Mariaan
Baie dankie vir die review. Dit was heerlik om sulke oulike gaste hier by ons huis te akkommodeer. Tot weer siens,
Groete Charlene and Ernest
Adri D - Jun 2016
Overall rating
Baie lekker gebly.
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Very nice stay.
Feel free to see the stars.
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Aqua Terra Guest House 's response
Baie dankie vir die vriendlike resensie. Dit was heerlik om julle hier te geakkommodeer het en ons hoop om julle weer te sien. Groete Charlene and Ernest.
Anonymous Guest - Apr 2016
Overall rating
Accommodation was neat, clean, family friendly and the garden and surroundings offer a peaceful haven.
The family room is spacious and clean. It is slightly separate from the rest of the guest house and offers enough privacy. However, small improvements are needed, e.g. a convenient mirror and perhaps dressing table, at least in one room. Also extra storage space/hanging space/table in bathroom to put all your bathroom necessities on. Especially for a family, a sink in the kitchen area will also add value. The blinds in the rooms let in too much light for us.
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Jaco C - Jun 2015
Overall rating
Goeie ontvangs gehad.
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Had a good reception.
Best reception experience in the RSA.
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Aqua Terra Guest House 's response
Baie dankie vir die vriendlike resensie. Dit was heerlik om julle hier te geakkommodeer het en ons hoop om julle weer te sien. Groete Charlene and Ernest.
Ane V - Jun 2015
Overall rating
Ons het dit vreeslik geniet.
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We really enjoyed it.
Our stay was wonderful with friendly, fantastic service.
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Ronald F - Jun 2015
Overall rating
Baie netjies,vriendelik en skoon.
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Very neat, friendly and clean.
Very neat, people very friendly and helpful.
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Lise V - Dec 2015
Overall rating
Skoon en rustig.
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Clean and quiet.
Had a great time and can certainly recommend the guest house. Charlene is very friendly and received us very hospitably.
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Aqua Terra Guest House 's response
Baie dankie vir die vriendlike resensie. Dit was heerlik om julle hier te geakkommodeer het en ons hoop om julle weer te sien. Groete Charlene and Ernest.
Marielle H - Dec 2014
Overall rating
We loved it!
Ina B - Oct 2014
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Their place is tasteful and very comfortable.
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Bianca O - Sep 2014
Overall rating
The most original guesthouse ever!
Read moreGerhard L - Jun 2014
Overall rating
Uitstekende verblyf en gasvryheid. Baie skoon en netjies.
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Excellent accommodation and hospitality. Very clean and tidy.
Your Christianity radiates from your business and humanity. It was a wonderful experience, and a very clean and tidy guest house. Would recommend staying here anytime.
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Ivan M - Feb 2014
Overall rating
Dit was 'n groot verrassing.
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It was a big surprise.
The host and his wife went out of their way to make us feel at home.
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Neil P - Mar 2014
Overall rating
Fantastic place to stay.
Liesl M - May 2013
Overall rating
Gemaklike, skoon en bekostigbare verblyf. DIe eienaars is gasvry en vriendelik.
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Comfortable, clean and affordable accommodation. The owners are hospitable and friendly.
Beautiful clean rooms, with white bed linen and a large garden.
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Stephen W - Sep 2013
Overall rating
Great atmosphere and setting, friendly and hospitable hosts, good hearty food
Sandra T - Jul 2013
Overall rating
Goeie waarde en vriendelike eienaars. Sal terugkom.
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Good value and friendly owners. Will come back.
It was a pleasant experience! See the stars below.
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Bernice V - Apr 2013
Overall rating
Pragtige gastehuis, vriendelikste mense! Wens ons kon langer bly.
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Beautiful guest house, friendliest people! Wish we could stay longer.
Thank you very much to Charlene and the rest of the Aqua Terra staff - We were there for such a short time but you made us feel so welcome and special. We will never stay anywhere else again when traveling through Lydenburg. Thank you very much, we really appreciate your hospitality. Looking forward to returning to Aqua Terra!
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Andrew E - Jun 2013
Overall rating
Dit was baie goed, tenspyte van munisipaliteit wat hulle in die steek laat perform hulle
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It was very good, despite the municipality letting them perform
Pleasant and hospitable people. The accommodation is really value for money. The warmth was literally and figuratively there upon our arrival and continued until our departure. Keep it up. Andrew and Tilana.
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Lynn K - Sep 2013
Overall rating
Perfek vir ons! Huislik, baie gasvry en opregte mense.
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Perfect for us! Homely, very hospitable and genuine people.
We almost had to drag my parents out of there! What a lovely 'visit' rather than a stay! We were surprised with a cozy atmosphere and excellent service!
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Lerato L - Sep 2013
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Mannetjie C - Nov 2013
Overall rating
'n Lieflike plek met wonderlike, gasvrye mense.
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A lovely place with wonderful, hospitable people.
It was a very pleasant, positive surprise and experience with large open spaces, a nice view, swimming in the river, a visit under the trees and a picnic on the lawns. Soulful and very tasty! Thank you very much Ernest and Charlene!
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Hendri C - Jul 2013
Overall rating
Die kamer was aangenaam.
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The room was pleasant.
It was very peaceful and safe. It's just a shame the room doesn't have its own bathroom. It's hard for old people who have to get up every now and then in the night.
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- Free cancellation up to 1 week before your stay!
- Capacity: 15 people
- All ages welcome
Check-in: 15:00 to 19:00
Check-out: 10:00 - Address: 2 Buite Street, Lydenburg, 1120, Mpumalanga