Brandwag B&B
Review Summary
Anonymous Guest - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Renier S - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Gasfry, veilig en bobaas plaaskos.
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Gas-fried, safe and supreme farm food.
Excellent accommodation option in Hanover. The tranquility and the friendly atmosphere were top notch. The visit on the stoep and then of course the boss dinner. Neat rooms, clean and just what we needed.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Ons geniet dit baie om saam met ons gaste te kuier en beter te leer ken. Julle vriendelikheid spoor ons aan om steeds ons beste te gee.
Betsie K - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Gerieflik en gesellig. Uitsonderlike, verrassende Karoo-.
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Comfortable and cozy. Exceptional, surprising Karoo-.
Lovely stay and wonderful host and wife. Very hospitable and helpful.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Alles was net 'n plesier, Betsie. Kom kuier gou weer.
Rose F - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Home away from home.
Brandwag B&B 's response
We enjoyed your stay. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful hobby, which is your life. Looking forward to your photo book.
Tim Andre P - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Sal Brandwag definitief voorstel.
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Will definitely suggest Brandwag.
Very neat accommodation and friendly reception.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Dit was vir ons so lekker om te sien hoe jy die Karoo geniet.
Stefan F - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Natuurskoon en gasvryheid.
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Nature and hospitality.
We really enjoyed the hospitality and scenery!
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Dankie Stefan vir jou positiewe terugvoer.
Dankie dat ons jou kon vertrou het met die pakkie.
Karin S - Feb 2024
Overall rating
Heelike om te kuier saam met vriedelike mense.
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Perfect for hanging out with peaceful people.
Anza was very friendly and went out of her way to make us feel welcome. Cottage was clean and had everything we needed. Would stay with them again anytime.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Ons het julle kuier baie geniet. Sterkte met julle geleenthede en besluite.
Sonicke G - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Stil en rustig.
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Quiet and peaceful.
Had a great time. The owners are very friendly. Nice farm.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Ons geniet ons gaste altyd.
Gesellige gaste maak dit vir ons net so gesellig.
Marina D - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Vriendelike ontvangs, heerlik gekuier en het 'n goeie nagrus gehad.
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Friendly reception, had a great time and had a good night's rest.
We had a wonderful stay.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Ek is bly julle kon so lekker rus. Kom rus gerus weer.
David E - Jan 2023
Overall rating
Very quiet, safe location and fantastic hospitality.
Brandwag B&B 's response
Thank you so much for you positive review, Michelle. It is much appreciated. See you soon.
Leonie L - Jan 2023
Overall rating
Gasvryheid uit die boonste rakke.
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Top notch hospitality.
Real peasant hospitality with delicious food. Will definitely use their services again.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Ons sien daarna uit om julle weer te bedien.
Theresa J - Jan 2023
Overall rating
Heerlike oornagverblyf in die pragtige Karoo by gasvrye mense.
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Wonderful overnight stay in the beautiful Karoo with hospitable people.
Anza and Pieter were very hospitable and we immediately felt at home. It was a privilege to stay with them in the beautiful Karoo and on a day when it rained in the Karoo. The rooms are beautiful and neat. The most delicious dinner and breakfast is available and we enjoyed ourselves around the dining table. We would definitely like to stay there again.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Baie dankie dat jy moeite gedoen het om 'n resensie te skryf. Dit sal lekker wees om julle weer te sien.
Jurgen S - Jan 2023
Overall rating
Pieter en Anza is vir seker omgee mense wat baie gedoen het om ons tuis te laat voel.
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Pieter and Anza are certainly caring people who did a lot to make us feel at home.
The green oasis in the Karoo world surprised us. The sheep dogs entertained us with a work session. The farm pond, poplar forest and waterfowl are a feast for the eyes and after the circular walking route our fatigue soon faded. The stars during dark moon were wow! The delicious dinner and very clean room is excellent value for money. It was an experience on Brandwag.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Wonderlik dat julle die Karoo so geniet en waardeer.
Shaun D - Jan 2023
Overall rating
Gasvrye, vriendelike ervaring.
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Welcoming, friendly experience.
Friendly people, tranquility and delicious food.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Dankie vir julle bydrae tot 'n heerlike kuier. Ons sien uit na jou volgende kuier.
Philip R - Dec 2023
Overall rating
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We had a nice stay. Good place to stay.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Dit was goed om julle te ontmoet.
Sarah H - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Wholesome farm stop great for the family.
Brandwag B&B 's response
It was good to meet you. You are welcome again and again. Love to the kids.
Diaana K - Jan 2023
Overall rating
Baie, baie aangenaam!
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Very, very pleasant!
Very friendly stay! Makes you feel at home!
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Ek is bly jy het tuis gevoel.
Juanita E - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Rustige verblyf.
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Peaceful stay.
Quiet, cozy for dinner and the most beautiful sheepdogs. We have a lot of fun.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Dankie vir jou terugvoer, Juanita.
Patience M - Dec 2023
Overall rating
We stayed overnight.
Brandwag B&B 's response
Thank you for your review.
Chrisna H - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Baie vriendelik.
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Very friendly.
Very friendly service and incredibly hospitable. Will definitely stay here again.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Dankie Chrisna, vir jou pragtige resensie.
Eben V - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Na 'n gul ontvangs deur Pieter, Anza en die honde is ons bederf met voortreflike gasvryheid en vertrek ons die volgende oggend as vriende.
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After a generous reception by Pieter, Anza and the dogs, we were spoiled with excellent hospitality and we left the next morning as friends.
We had a lovely time with these nice people on their beautiful farm. They maintain excellent cleanliness in a beautiful home with interesting artwork. We had a good time, ate well, showered well and slept well.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Dit is gaste soos julle wat dit vir ons die moeite werd maak.
Ons is dankbaar dat ons meer as net 'n slaapplek gegee het.
Hannes M - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Rustig mooi van die Noord-Kaap, gawe mense.
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Quietly beautiful from the Northern Cape, nice people.
Incredible tranquility and hospitality that pushes boundaries. Jam is very tasty.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Hannes, ek is so dankbaar dat julle die rustigheid van die Karoo waardeer.
Bly julle geniet die konfyt.
Chantel M - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Vriendelik ontmoet.
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Friendly meeting.
Food was very good and was received kindly.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Dankie dat julle net so vriendelik was. Dankie vir die kompliment oor die kos.
David S - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Fantastiese oornag.
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Fantastic overnight stay.
Between Anza and Pieter and the dogs, they immediately make you feel as if you are peacefully at home on a farm. Suddenly everything is slower, quieter and calmer after a long day's driving. If you want, fantastic farm food and breakfast (would definitely recommend!). We will visit there again. It's easily accessible too.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Wat 'n wonderlike vooreg om so pragtige gesin te kon leer ken.
Ons sien uit na julle volgende kuier.
Voorspoed vir julle vir 2023.
Leon N - Jan 2022
Overall rating
Rus vir die lang pad.
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Rest for the long haul.
Pieter and Anza were very hospitable - we immediately felt at home and had a great time. The sunset and stars were an experience to behold.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Dit was so lekker om julle gesin te ontmoet. Goeie geselskap met gaste waardeer ons altyd.
Morne K - Dec 2022
Overall rating
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We had a very nice stay. Owners were very friendly. Place is very beautiful and peaceful. They accommodated us well to make food even though we didn't know we were going to eat there. Meals are a bit expensive though.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Dit was vir ons lekker dat julle hier was.
Martyn S - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Welcoming, friendly.
Brandwag B&B 's response
Thank you so much for your visit.
Gerrit D - Oct 2022
Overall rating
Heerlike rus en stilte asook gasvryheid.
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Wonderful rest and silence as well as hospitality.
A wonderful experience.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Ons het so lekker saam met julle gekuier. Kom gerus weer.
Nicola L - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Anza en Pieter is wonderlike gashere en ons kuier was lekker! Ons was op pad Robertson toe en het oornag by Brandwag B&B.
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Anza and Pieter are wonderful hosts and we had a great time! We were on our way to Robertson and spent the night at Brandwag B&B.
We were warmly welcomed and made to feel at home. Dinner and breakfast were top notch, fresh home-baked bread, real Karoo lamb and home-made jam. The rooms are clean and the bed good.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Baie dankie vir jou pragtige resensie. Groete
Johanette J - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Skoon, netjies en gerieflik. Baie vriendelik en behulpsaam.
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Clean, tidy and comfortable. Very friendly and helpful.
Feel free to do so. Als was clean and tidy.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Dit was vir ons baie lekker om saam met so 'n oulike gesin te kuier.
Sandra P - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Oornagplekkie op pad Kaap toe.
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Overnight stop on the way to the Cape.
We got there quite late in the rain. Would like to have coffee and tea making facilities in rooms. It is available in the main house. Breakfast was something special where all the guests sit around the table and there is a table prayer.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Dankie vir jou terugvoering.
Rachel M - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Tussen honde wat vry loop en skaapmedisyne in die yskas, kon ons darem 'n slapie inkry voor ons die volgende dag verder moes ry.
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Between dogs running free and sheep medicine in the fridge, we could at least get a nap before we had to drive on the next day.
We would love it if there could also be a patch of grass around the unit so our dog could be outside for a while too.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Dankie vir jou terugvoering, Rachel.
Elchristi D - Dec 2021
Overall rating
Van Stellenbosch op pad Kroonstad toe.
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From Stellenbosch on the way to Kroonstad.
Pieter and Anza are incredibly hospitable. Guests are received as friends in their home. Anza's peppermint crisp tart was a great treat. . The environment is also particularly beautiful and peaceful.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Dit is altyd vir ons 'n voorreg om jongmense te ontvang. Kom kuier gou weer.
Pj H - Dec 2021
Overall rating
Baie netjies en rustig met asemrowende Karoo-uitsigte van die omliggende area. Anza, die gasvrou, is besonders vriendelik en het ons laat voel asof ons tuis kom na familie toe. Die geriewe is besonders skoon en netjies. Ek sal beslis weer.
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Very neat and peaceful with breathtaking Karoo views of the surrounding area. Anza, the hostess, is particularly friendly and made us feel as if we were coming home to family. The facilities are particularly clean and tidy. I definitely will again.
Very pleasant arrival and friendly welcome. Rooms are spotless, and we even had the option for dinner. Anza, the hostess, even invited us for dessert, which was delicious. Anza made sure we had a delicious cup of coffee the next morning before hitting the road. The accommodation is wonderfully central between the coast and Johannesburg, and the directions are easy to follow. Anza and her husband did not hesitate to make sure that we felt at home. I will definitely call on Anza again for our next overnight stay.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Baie dankie vir die Baie mooi terugvoer. Ons probeer werklik om ons gaste tuis te laat voel.
Antonette E - Jan 2021
Overall rating
Baie gasvrye mense, heerlike etes.
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Very hospitable people, delicious meals.
Beautiful scenery.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Dankie vir jou terugvoer Antonette.
Erna K - Jan 2021
Overall rating
Het soos familie saam gekuier.
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Hanging out like family.
Hospitable, friendly and very tasty country food.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Voorwaar was dit lekker om saam met so groot familie te kuier.
Rian S - Dec 2021
Overall rating
Wonderlike plaashuis en heerlike kos.
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Wonderful farmhouse and delicious food.
We were greeted by friendly people and, on top of that, we got a big plate of authentic peasant food for dinner, and we also had a nice time with Anza and Pieter afterwards. The room was quite big and very tidy!
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Vriendelike mense word altyd onmiddellik erken met aankoms. Jongmense te wonderlik vir ons.
Werner E - Dec 2021
Overall rating
Vreeslik lekker gekuier en gebly.
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Had a great time and stay.
Thank you again for your hospitality. It was a privilege for us to be able to find a good night's rest in such silence.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Dit was lekker om saam met julle te kuier, Werner.
Alles was net n plesier.
Stacy F - Dec 2021
Overall rating
Warm and welcoming.
Brandwag B&B 's response
Thank you for your review, Stacy.
Jaco C - Dec 2020
Overall rating
Die perfekte oornagplek, presies halfpad tussen die Transvaal en Kaapstad. Baie aangename mense en die kos is puik.
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The perfect overnight stop, exactly halfway between the Transvaal and Cape Town. Very pleasant people and the food is great.
It's always nice to spend the night on a real sheep farm. The only problem is that we got there late afternoon and left early again. Would have been nice to visit longer.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Dit was so lekker om julle ook te ontmoet. Seen vir julle.
Kevin R - Dec 2020
Overall rating
A wonderful resting place for the night from the busy N1. We felt like we found new family!
Read moreBrandwag B&B 's response
Thank you, Kevin, for your review. We appreciate your visit so much and thank you for your effort with the beautiful photos that you have sent us.
Sascha S - Dec 2020
Overall rating
Anza and Pieter are super welcoming and friendly hosts.
Brandwag B&B 's response
Thank you, Sascha, for your comment. We do like to spoil our guests and see that they are satisfied.
Annelie G - Jan 2020
Overall rating
Baie vriendelike ontvangs en behandeling, lekker gekuier.
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Very friendly reception and service, great stay.
Quiet farm atmosphere.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Dankie, Annelie, vir jou terugvoer.
Kom gerus weer.
Nicole F - Dec 2019
Overall rating
Brandwag B&B 's response
It was such a privilege to host a fantastic family like you.
Blessings to all of you.
Hennie B - Dec 2019
Overall rating
Asemrowende stilte en gasvryheid.
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Breathtaking silence and hospitality.
Truly a Karoo experience with host and hostess who quickly become friends.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Baie dankie Hennie, vir jou terugvoer.
Ons geniet dit voorwaar om vriende te maak.
Dean D - Dec 2019
Overall rating
Wonderlik, kan oor niks kla nie.
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Wonderful, can't complain about anything.
Good food, good conversation, beautiful, neat room. Would definitely recommend for anyone.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Dankie Dean vir jul positiewe terugvoer. Ons waardeer dit.
David D - Dec 2019
Overall rating
Karoo hospitality at its best!
Brandwag B&B 's response
It was so nice to have you on your birthday.
Looking forward to seeing you again.
Paul V - Jun 2019
Overall rating
'n Heerlike oorbly op 'n werkende skaapplaas.
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A wonderful stay on a working sheep farm.
Here you become part of the household. The atmosphere is cozy and the conversations engaging. We went for a walk in the late afternoon and enjoyed the incredible sunset. Thank you very much Pieter and Anza for your hospitality, we enjoyed you very much.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Dit is altyd lekker om gaste te ontvang wat gemaklik is by ons. Ons is ook so bly die sonsondergang was so spesiaal toe julle hier was.
Charlotte V - Dec 2019
Overall rating
Gasvrye, vriendelike diens.
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Hospitable, friendly service.
Karoo hospitality with beautiful sunset, delicious barbecue dinner and breakfast. Thank you very much.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Voorwaar was dit n vooreg om so n groot gesin te ontvang.
Tyrone S - Dec 2019
Overall rating
Wonderful hospitality by friendly (and patient) hosts on a welcoming Karoo oasis with easy access to and from the N1.
Read moreBrandwag B&B 's response
Thank you for you positive comments, Panna. Our goal is to be helpful and compassionate to our guests.
Quinton K - Dec 2019
Overall rating
Was baie aangenaam, van ontvangs tot departure.
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Was very pleasant, from reception to departure.
Was very pleasant and very neat.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Ons is bly dat julle so lekker gekuier het by ons.
Philip V - Jan 2019
Overall rating
Aangenaam verras.
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Pleasantly surprised.
Lovely farm environment. Very friendly welcome. Had a delicious dinner and breakfast. Enjoy the tranquility of a Karoo farm.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Ons het jul geselskap geniet. Kom kuier gerus weer.
Anonymous Guest - Jan 2019
Overall rating
Lynette R - Dec 2018
Overall rating
Brandwag B&B 's response
Thank you Lynette for your review. It was such a pleasure
to be you host.
Joy F - Dec 2018
Overall rating
Such a lovely stop over on our trip to Cape Town.
Brandwag B&B 's response
Thanks Joy, we are looking forward for your next visit.
Thys B - Dec 2018
Overall rating
Dit was verkwikkend.
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It was refreshing.
A bit expensive as there is a cheaper option a few km closer to N1. Just don't know what alternative looks like physically. Brandwag performed better on advertisement. I will definitely support them again. Hospitable, friendly, warm, tidy and very clean.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Dankie vir jou terugvoering Thys.
Willie S - Dec 2018
Overall rating
Friendly people, homey atmosphere and good value for money.
Brandwag B&B 's response
Dankie vir julle lekker geselsies. Ons het lekker saam met julle gekuier.
Elsie G - Dec 2018
Overall rating
Felt like we visited friends.
Brandwag B&B 's response
Thank you for your review. Every thing was such a pleasure. It will be nice to see you again.
Maria L - Dec 2017
Overall rating
Rustigheid en lafenis ná 'n dag se reis.
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Peace and relaxation after a day's travel.
It was a pleasure for me and my child to unpack and just rest. We felt like family at home and just sat back and rested and feasted on royal food. Thank you very much for the wonderful time, rest and delicious food.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Dit was lekker om saam met julle te kuier.
Werner N - Dec 2017
Overall rating
Dit was 'n heerlike oornagstop vir ons gewees. Sal weer daarvan gebruik maak.
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It had been a lovely overnight stop for us. Will use it again.
Thank you very much. It was delicious and we will use it again.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Dankie dat julle ons gekies het.
James A - Dec 2017
Overall rating
Ongelooflike lekker blyplek met vriendelike en gasvrye diens.
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Incredibly nice place to stay with friendly and hospitable service.
My 21-year-old son and I spent the night at Brandwag. Incredibly pleasant experience. Pieter and Anza very hospitable and friendly. Anza's farm food from the top shelves. Highly recommended for overnight stays.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Dankie vir jou terugvoering James.
Baie dankie weer vir die moeiete met die pakkie.
Kom gou weer, ons het julle geniet.
Adri V - Dec 2017
Overall rating
Besonder gasvry ontvang op 'n pragtige, rustige Karooplaas.
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A particularly hospitable welcome on a beautiful, peaceful Karoo farm.
Very neat farmhouse on a lovely Karoo farm. Close enough to the N1, yet far enough that it is wonderfully quiet and peaceful. Perfectly located between Pretoria and Cape Town. Anza went out of her way to accommodate our small children. We receive a room in the farmhouse with an en suite bathroom. Everything particularly beautiful, neat and clean. The dinner was delicious peasant food, at the table with the other guests. We had a wonderful walk on the farm and were able to show the children the sheep.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Dit was lekker om julle te ontvang en te leer ken, Adri.
Bruce T - Jan 2017
Overall rating
Rustig, salig, weg van die gewoel en aangenaam.
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Tranquil, pleasant, away from the hustle and bustle.
Pieter and Ansa were very welcoming and hospitable. The accommodation was rustic, beautifully located in the middle of nature.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Dankie Bruce, ek is bly julle het 'n holte vir jul voet gevind.
Kom gerus weer.
Beverley S - Jan 2017
Overall rating
Home from home in a little oasis in the Karoo.
Brandwag B&B 's response
We enjoy guests who appreciate the farm like you did.
Come again.
Ben S - Dec 2017
Overall rating
Vra niks meer nie.
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Ask no more.
Excellent and comfortable overnight accommodation with a delicious meal. Pieter and Anza's hospitality makes for an "event to remember". We would be honored to be able to stay there again.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Beste Ben,
Dit was voorwaar lekker om julle te kon leer ken. Ons ontvang julle graag weer.
Anonymous Guest - Dec 2017
Overall rating
The accommodation was so-so - however I think it was a bit expensive for what we got.
We found the beds were a bit soft for a guy's back and there was no aircon. No ice in the freezer compartment either, but at least the lady was able to provide us with some ice.
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Chanelle H - Jan 2017
Overall rating
Minimum privaatheid.
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Minimum privacy.
If you're looking for professionalism and privacy, rather not here. The rooms aren't very private. The owners didn't make effort to take out their personal belongings out of the room.
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Dankie vir jou terugvoering Chanelle.
Brigitte L - Dec 2016
Overall rating
We had an amazing time and will definitely be back!
Brandwag B&B 's response
We are so happy to hear that you enjoyed your stay.
It was so nice to spoil you.
Marie K - Dec 2016
Overall rating
Ontspannend en dit voel soos 'by die huis wees'.
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Relaxing and it felt like home.
The host and hostess makes one feel so welcome and are always available in case one needs something. Everything was neat and clean! The dinner was something to behold: real, hearty farm food combined with the hostesses own, unique recipes! An unforgettable experience of a real Karoo farm!
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Brandwag B&B 's response
Dankie Marie vir jou vriendelikheid en moeite met die fotos wat jy gestuur het.
- Capacity: 15 people
- All ages welcome
Check-in: 15:00 to 20:00
Check-out: 09:00 - Address: Brandwag Farm, Hanover, 7005, Northern Cape