El Dorado Lodge
Review Summary
Anne C - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Safe and clean stop over.
Ja V - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Skoon, netjies en nuwe kosmenu puik.
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Clean, neat and new food menu is great.
Nice, thank you, and the food was good.
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Riaan Gerhard M - Aug 2024
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Only the water pump or something washing by the bedroom window disturbed the Karoo silence. Everything else nice, thank you.
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Elize B - May 2024
Overall rating
Skoon, netjies en veilig.
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Clean, tidy and safe.
Room was neat and clean. And that it is animal friendly is a big plus.
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Nicolette J - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Rustig, skoon en absoluut deurdink.
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Quiet, clean and absolutely well thought out.
Very tidy, bed sleeps great, was quiet and clean. Someone who ran this lodge really had the guest's needs in mind. There was a thin blanket on the bed too which works great in the hot weather. Some of the spots don't offer that option. Then the mirror and the power points are perfect. Thank you very much.
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El Dorado Lodge 's response
Beste Nicolette
Wow, wat 'n pragtige resensie, Baie dankie. Ons het voorheen die Lodge en Hotel besit, maar ons het die Hotel verkoop en bestuur nou net die Lodge. Ons werk baie hard aan wat ons aanbied en aan ons reputasie aangesien die twee eenhede mekaar nie altyd gekomplimenteer het nie. Dit is so lekker om te hoor dat ons pogings raak gesien word en wat vir julle goed was. Dit gee ons altyd 'n idee van waaraan om te werk en van wat deur ons kliënte as 'n goeie poging aanvaar word. Hierdie was werklik 'n waardevolle resensie. Baie dankie daarvoor. Mag 2024 vir julle 'n ongelooflike mooi jaar wees en ons hoop dat ons so bevoorreg sal wees om jul weer in die toekoms te huisves.
Eldorado Groete
Cornie de Jager
Amelia R - Aug 2022
Overall rating
Veilig, skoon en lekker.
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Safe, clean and delicious.
Staff very friendly and helpful.
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Sampie M - Nov 2022
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Great service, clean with friendly service.
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Johan V - Aug 2022
Overall rating
Baie aangenaam.
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Very pleasant.
Positive criticism. Very weak water pressure which makes showering almost impossible. Rest is above standard.
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Deon D - Jul 2022
Overall rating
Baie koud ontvang.
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Very cold reception.
In a self-catering room, tea, coffee, only one packet, no milk. No meals available or to order. Photo very nice, none of it received. TV not working, had to call late to fix.
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Suzette C - Feb 2021
Overall rating
Baie veilig en waarde vir geld.
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Very safe and value for money.
Beautifully equipped for an overnight stay.
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Carl David L - Sep 2021
Overall rating
Self catering in room difficult, communal kitchen.
Johan D - Apr 2021
Overall rating
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On arrival no person was on duty at reception. No one was aware of my booking. Television's image is so poor, it doesn't help to use it. No hot water in the bathroom sink. Definitely will not stay here again.
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Pierre J - Jan 2021
Overall rating
Disappointing and not what we expected.
Read moreAmelia M - Jan 2020
Overall rating
Dit was 'n aangename verblyf en goed toegeruste eenheid.
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It was a pleasant stay and well equipped unit.
There were all the amenities one needs, such as an iron. I personally was not very comfortable with a communal fridge. I just don't trust my fellow man!
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Coenie V - Nov 2020
Overall rating
Ek het gelukkig net een nag oorgeslaap.
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Luckily I only slept one night.
The Chalets are very neat and clean, although the problem is that you can share them with up to eight different guests. If I had known that then I would not have spent the night there. There were guests with stock cars that made noise all night and made noise with vehicles. Not all guests are so considerate of cleaning up and maintaining silence when other guests are sleeping.
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Walter B - Dec 2019
Overall rating
Found it quite pricey for what was offered, although the discount made it acceptable.
Nicolaas D - Mar 2019
Overall rating
Hopelooos te duur.
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Hopelessly too expensive.
The rate charged is hopelessly too much for the one bedroom place. Restaurant service poor. Bar only sells beer. Lots of noise in unit.
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El Dorado Lodge 's response
Mnr Nicolaas,
Ons is tans besig om soveel as moontlik terugvoering, goed of sleg te gebruik om verbeterings aan ons diens en dit wat ons aan ons gaste bied te maak en wil u daarom bedank dat u aan ons terugvoering gegee het.
Ons is bitter jammer dat u voel ons is duur, veral omdat ons voel dat ons tarief baie billik is en 'n mark verwante pryse vir die tipe diens in ons area. Ons werk daagliks daaraan om iets besonders uniek vir ons gaste te gee. Ons is hoofsaaklik 'n selfsorg lodge en het nie ‘n al a carte restaurant nie, maar omdat so baie van ons gaste verkies om nie saans uit te gaan vir ete in die dorp nie, het ons 'n verkorte spyskaart beskibaar gestel. Vir hierdie selfde rede het ons nie 'n vol kroeg nie, maar omdat ons verstaan dat sommige van ons gaste 'n drankie geniet, bied ons dus 'n ligte opsie in die vorm van bier en ciders, meeste kliente bring hul eie sterk drank indien hul dit wil gebruik.
Ons is wel hard besig om 'n meer hanteerbare en aanvaarbare manier te vind om gaste wat later wil kuier te skuif na n meer privaat area waar hulle nie ander gaste steur nie. Dit bly egter 'n moeilike situasie en enige voorstelle van u is welkom.
Kalahari Groete,
Cornie de Jager
Edwin T - Apr 2018
Overall rating
One lady who served us our breakfast on Sunday was either not in the mood or was forced to come to work, she was too tense.
El Dorado Lodge 's response
Dear Guest,
Thanks for the compliment for the professionalism of the reception staff, they really did go out of their way to make you and Baby feel comfortable. The Lady at breakfast is part of our family for a long time and good in what she does. I am not sure why you experienced her as tense on that day, but we will work on that.
Sandra H - Sep 2018
Overall rating
Sal dit net aanbeveel vir hele gesin om eenheid te deel en nie vir individue nie.
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Would only recommend for whole family to share unit and not for individuals.
When a person books for a hotel you would like to have a room to yourself and not a kettle etc. do not share with other people. The units are extremely neat, but would recommend them for a whole family and not as individuals. We were away for 18 days and stayed in 8 guest houses and this was the only one that had to share a communal kettle with others. We didn't pack gowns. My husband loves his coffee very much and every time he had to boil the kettle in his night clothes and make coffee with other people who talk a lot and make noise. Their TVs were also very loud. The staff are very friendly and understood when we explained that we were not going to spend another night there.
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Anonymous Guest - Dec 2018
Overall rating
Elzibie V - Apr 2017
Overall rating
Waarde vir geld.
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Value for money.
Rooms are very neat and comfortable, especially if you only want accommodation for one night. The staff are friendly and caring.
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El Dorado Lodge 's response
Hallo Elizibie. Baie dankie vir jou positiewe terugvoer. Kalahari Groete Cornie
Leon S - Aug 2017
Overall rating
Lekker geslaap, net jammer beskrywing oor kamer is verkeerd.
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Got some good sleep, just a pity the room description was wrong.
Unlike the description the room didn't have a bath. Couldn't wait for a nice warm bath after a long day on the road but then there was just a shower - Description is as follows: Each room has a double bed and an en-suite bathroom with shower, bath, basin, and toilet. All the rooms hav private courtyards and outside showers.
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Kassie G - Jan 2017
Overall rating
Uitstekende waarde vir geld, baie netjies.
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Excellent value for money, very tidy.
Beautiful rooms, stunning detail. Nice and private with enough space.
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El Dorado Lodge 's response
Baie dankie Kassie,
Ek hoop ons sien jul weer een van die dae. Ons waardeer jul ondersteuning en terugvoer.
Kalahari Groete Cornie de Jager
Pine P - Mar 2017
Overall rating
Die kamer was gerieflik en ruim.
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The room was comfortable and spacious.
Arrived late, slept great and left again at 05:00. Didn't really experience more, the waitress in the restaurant wasn't very friendly!
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El Dorado Lodge 's response
Hallo Pine, dankie vir jou terugvoer. Ons sal aandag gee daaraan. Kalahari Groete
Dirk M - Dec 2017
Overall rating
Een aand maksimum
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One night maximum
The rooms of this hotel are acceptably clean and spacious. Upon arrival Reception was not terribly helpful or friendly we were also informed that the Restaurant is only open Monday to Thursday. So we just had to see for ourselves and get ready for dinner on a Friday night I wouldn't recommend the hotel for anything other than a one-night 'Stop over'
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- Capacity: 16 people
- All ages welcome
Check-in: 15:00 to 19:00
Check-out: 10:00 - Address: Corner of Hoof an Crause Street, Kuruman, 8460, Northern Cape