Festina Lente in Onrus
Review Summary
Stephanie M - Oct 2024
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We recently had the pleasure of staying at Festina Lente and it truly felt like a home away from home. The hospitality and peaceful atmosphere made our stay absolutely worth it. The location was perfect for exploring Onrus. We can highly recommend Festina. This is a gem that exceeded our expectations in every way. We will definitely return. All I regretted was the short time we spent there. The beds are deliciously soft, it feels like you are sleeping on a cloud. Another big plus is that my two four-legged friends could go along and they had so much fun exploring the yard! Many thanks to our hostess for making us feel so at home.
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Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Ag baie dankie, Stephanie, jy laat ons effe verleë voel oor al die mooi woorde. Dis so lekker om te hoor dat gaste ook die rustigheid daar ervaar - ons bedank die voëltjies en paddatjies ook dat hulle julle en die hondekinders verwelkom het. Ons hoop julle kan volgende keer langer kuier. Groete tot dan.
Alconray B - Oct 2024
Overall rating
Lekker rustig naweek.
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Nice quiet weekend.
Very nice stay. House has everything one needs and is close to the town and the beach.
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Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Alconray, baie dankie vir jou aanbeveling. Ons dink ook Festina Lente in Onrus beskryf presies wat gaste daar kan doen - direkte vertaling uit Latyns "wees gou rustig in Onrus". Ons sien uit na julle volgende besoek.
Helmie R - Apr 2024
Overall rating
Gesellig! Hoogs aan te bevele!
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Sociable! Highly recommended!
Cozy visit with adult family and their dog-children. The hostess went the extra mile to make every moment unforgettable for us!
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Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Helmie en familie, dit was so maklik en so lekker om jou en jou familie (ook die hondekinders) as gaste te hê. Ons sien uit daarna dat julle weer sal kies om in ons gemmerbroodhuisie te kom bly. Tot weersiens!
Megan L - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Thank you, Megan. It's always an honour for us to host guests who appreciate the quirks and comforts of our gingerbread house. All the best on your travels, and we hope to meet you in person next time.
Chanel S - Jun 2022
Overall rating
Pragtige plek.
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Beautiful place.
Owners are very friendly and make a lot of effort.
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Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Chanel, dit was ons plesier om julle as gaste te ontvang en al het ons nie saam gekuier nie, sien ons uit na julle volgende besoek. Alles van die beste vorentoe.
Suretha R - Mar 2022
Overall rating
Lui lekker verblyf.
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Have a nice stay.
Truly the best equipped self-catering accommodation. Apart from your food and beach towels, you really don't need to take anything with you.
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Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Suretha, baie dankie vir jou woorde van lof, ons waardeer dit baie.
En net terloops, ons ondersoek die voor- en na-dele van strandhanddoeke, so wie weet, volgende keer hoef julle dalk net julle eie kos hoef te voorsien. Kom maak gerus gou weer 'n draai!
Helena R - Sep 2022
Overall rating
Heerlik gekuier in 'n oulike huis.
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Great time in a cute house.
It is a very cute little house with all the necessary facilities for a nice relaxing weekend. We were welcomed with a message on the table and there were gifts everywhere. Everything was neat and so artistic. Thank you very much.
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Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Helena, ons tone krul van lekkerkry as ons hoor dat gaste hulle tydjie by Festina Lente in Onrus geniet. Dankie vir julle besoek, hoop om mekaar binnekort iewers raak te loop. Tot dan, mooi bly!
Annetjie J - Mar 2022
Overall rating
Skoon, netjies, 'n fees vir die oog.
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Clean, tidy, a feast for the eyes.
A gingerbread house with everything you need and more. We had a great time. Thank you Lindie for your great service and kindness.
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Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Dankie Annetjie en vriende, dis altyd 'n fees om gaste soos julle by Festina Lente In Onrus te onthaal. Ons hoop julle voete vind eendag weer hul pad terug na ons plekke. Tot dan, alles van die beste.
Fransonette S - Mar 2022
Overall rating
Heerlike rustige kuierplek.
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Lovely peaceful place to visit.
It is a lovely house with everything you need.
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Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Hallo Fransonette, ons is bly julle het lekker gebly en hoop julle sal gou weer kom kuier!
Liesbet K - May 2022
Overall rating
Goeie blaaskans.
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Good break.
See stars.
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Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Baie dankie, Liesbet. Ons glo ook dis 'n ideale plek vir diep asem haal. Kom kuier gerus gou weer.
Lizette V - Dec 2021
Overall rating
Heerlik en veilig en skoon.
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Delicious and safe and clean.
Enough space for dogs. Good customer service.
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Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Dankie Nico, familie, en ook vierpotiges,
Jou resensie sluit sleutelwoorde in wat ons van oor tot oor laat glimlag.
Hoop julle almal kan eendag weer kom kuier.
Jana V - Jan 2021
Overall rating
Heerlik rus in Onrus.
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Great rest in Unrest.
Beautiful house in a quiet area in Onrus, walking distance from the beach. Positive point is that dogs are allowed and the yard is big for kids to play in, really value for money. House is clean and well equipped with everything you need.
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Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Dankie baie Jana, ek weet dis die tweede keer dat julle met kind- en hondefamilie kom kuier het en ons beskou dit as 'n groot kompliment. Ons hoop om julle almal binnekort en baiemale weer te sien.
Corné V - Jul 2021
Overall rating
Ons kon net afskakel en batterye laai!
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We could just switch off and charge batteries!
It is a lovely house and everyone can enjoy themselves and relax.
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Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Dankie vir jou resensie, Corné, dis beslis ook ons battery-laai plek! Ons hoop om julle en die hondjies weer in die toekoms te sien. Tot dan, alles van die beste!
Beverley B - Apr 2021
Overall rating
Festina Lente was conveniently situated for all we wanted to do and was easy to find.
Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Thank you Beverley, we were so honoured that you and you family (furry ones included) decided to stay at Festina Lente in Onrus and you are most welcome to come again as you were very gracious guests. Thank you also for your useful recommendations.
Pippa M - Nov 2020
Overall rating
So tuis soos by jou eie huis.
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As at home as at your own home.
Conveniently located, walking distance from the beach, the dogs enjoyed it too.
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Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Dankie Pippa en vierpoot-familie. Ons mag dalk jou opskrif vir een van ons advertensies gebruik! Ons sien uit daarna om julle in die nabye toekoms weer te verwelkom.
Naomi P - Oct 2020
Overall rating
Baie lekke kuier, net die weer wat op die laaste dag saam kom speel het.
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Very nice visit, only the weather that came to play along on the last day.
It's a perfect holiday home, one we definitely want to return to for longer than a weekend. Only recommendation would be for a covered braai area. There are so many good books, the sea is around the corner, shops within walking distance. Festina Lente definitely sees me again.
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Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Aaa, Naomi en Kie, ons is so bly dat julle en die kleintjies lekker gekuier het. Dis ons hoop dat ons julle gou weer sal sien - en dat die son volgende keer die hele tyd sal skyn. Ons hoor ook julle voorstel oor die dak oor die braai-area - dis beslis iets wat ons sal oorweeg.
Veronica C - Aug 2020
Overall rating
Fabulous getaway in Onrus!
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Veronica & co, you warm the cockles of my heart with your kind words. We're so glad you chose to 'break' lock down at Festina Lente In Onrus and we look forward to host you and your daughters again in the near future. Until then, stay safe!
Mari O - Dec 2020
Overall rating
Onvergeetlike lekker kuierplekkie, met alles wat jy nodig het om dit gerieflik en aangenaam te maak.
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Unforgettable cozy place, with everything you need to make it comfortable and pleasant.
Finding dog-friendly accommodation is quite a challenge these days. This was one of the best, with a safe fenced yard for the four-legged ones to play and frolic.
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Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Dis musiek in ons ore, Mari. Ons is so dankbaar dat jy en jou familie (ook die klein vierpotiges) julle Kaapse vakansie by ons huisie gehou het. Mag julle strandherinneringe julle weer laat terugkom.
Alles van die beste.
Gerhard L - Jan 2020
Overall rating
Oupa en ouma met twee dogters van oorsee en twee kleindogters op soek na 'n paar dae by die see.
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Grandfather and grandmother with two daughters from overseas and two granddaughters looking for a few days at the sea.
Festina Lente exceeded our expectations, a compact but well-designed house that is excellently equipped, wonderfully comfortable beds and bath facilities, comfortable indoor and outdoor areas, good books to read - also for the children - and a surprising collection of DVDs! The kitchen is somewhat small, but well equipped with a sophisticated hob and oven. Lindie as hostess is friendly and supportive and all her arrangements work smoothly. The accommodation is affordable. Highly recommended!
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Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Hallo Gerhard en familie
Wat 'n lekker boodskap om te ontvang. Dankie dat julle ons plekkie gekies het en ons is bly julle het dit geniet. Julle kan enige tyd weer kom inloer.
Jana V - Jan 2020
Overall rating
Heerlike week in Onrus.
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Great week in Onrus.
Festina Lente is a beautiful house, in Onrus, with the plus point of being animal-friendly. The plot is large and fenced, it is in a quiet, safe part and walking distance from the beach. Good value for money.
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Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Jana, jy en jou hele familie (ook die vierpotiges) is baie welkom om enige tyd weer te kom kuier! Ons is so bly om te hoor julle het julself geniet.
Tot weersiens!
Karin V - Nov 2020
Overall rating
'n Heerlike gesellig kuier saam met familie en vriende met die opening van die kreefseisoen.
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A wonderful social gathering with family and friends at the opening of the lobster season.
Festina Lente is a cuddly house, with a lovely outdoor play area. Tasteful decor with a nice homely atmosphere. The yard has enough parking. Dog friendly and will definitely visit again.
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Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Karin, ons vertrou julle het lekker kreef geëet en dat julle weer saam met jul hondemaats en ander familie sal kom kuier. Sien julle een van die dae weer.
Chivaugn G - Oct 2020
Overall rating
We spent a week in this quaint house.
Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Thank you so much for your generous comments. So sorry to hear that you were sick while visiting Festina Lente In Onrus. We trust that the happy memories will soon overtake the negative ones and that you'll visit again when there's sunshine everywhere.
Roelien R - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Klein, maar gemaklik.
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Small, but comfortable.
Had a great time. The place was close to the beach and there was a small playground near the house for the children. The living area and kitchen are smaller than the photos indicate and the upstairs floors cracked when you walk on them. There was no place to store clothes in the rooms. Could do with extra blankets and pillows, was very cold in the evenings. The upper living area "loft" was very well equipped with books and DVDs and could have a nice time there, but would like to suggest that better safety arrangements be made, especially with small children. The hostess was great and we could communicate with her easily. There was a lot of information available about the house and surroundings.
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Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Hallo Roelien, ons is baie dankbaar vir jou eerlike en opregte kommentaar. Jy't vir ons 'n bietjie huiswerk gegee en ons sal beslis daaraan aandag gee. Ons hoop wanneer julle eendag weer kom kuier, dat alles presies sal wees soos julle daarvan sal hou.
Charné V - Oct 2019
Overall rating
Dit was ontspannend, heerlik en smaakvol tog huislik ingerig. Die baie badkamers is beslis wonderlik! Ek sal beslis weer teruggaan.
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It was relaxing, delicious and tastefully decorated yet homely. The many bathrooms are definitely great! I will definitely go back again.
We felt at home. I really felt I could relax there, rest and I enjoyed my time there. During the reservation, I didn't realize that one side of the house bordered the main street and it was sometimes a bit noisy, but we were mostly downstairs because we were few people. I think if there are a lot of people, you will want to visit more upstairs and then the outside doors on the visiting side are not noisy at all, with a nice view of the mountain. The library was great and we didn't want to watch TV once. I will only take more people next time, for two people the house was too big. The fact that I could take my dogs with me (and know they are safe, with no way out) meant a lot to me personally.
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Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Dankie vir jou opregte en openlike terugvoer en jou praktiese voorstelle. Ons sal beslis dink aan maniere om die geraas aan die straat se kant van die huis te verminder; miskien sal ons die boonste bed na die ander kant van die huis toe skuif.
Ons sien beslis uit na jou, jou dierekinders en jou vriende se volgende besoek, want julle is model-gaste!
Joe D - Mar 2019
Overall rating
Pleasant, central and adequate for a holiday stay.
Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Thanks, Joe and family, it means so much to us to hear that guests enjoyed their stay at Festina Lente In Onrus. We look forward to seeing you again sometime in the future.
All the best.
Lindie, owner.
Marcelle H - Feb 2019
Overall rating
Absolutely awesome.
Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Dear Marcelle,
We appreciate your encouraging words very much and look forward to hosting many guests as wonderful to have as you and your family were.
Au revoir,
Claudia M - Aug 2018
Overall rating
Baie mooi netjies, baie baie rustig. Ek kom weer.
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Very nice and neat, very very peaceful. I'll come again.
Beautiful house and place for a getaway holiday.
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Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Dankie, Claudia, jy gebruik woorde wat ons harte warm laat klop. Ons sien uit na julle volgende kuiertjie!
Wian J - Aug 2018
Overall rating
A simplistic holiday at a peaceful little town.
Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Thank you, Wian and friends. We are so happy to hear that others also enjoy the peaceful haven that we have tried to create at our home in Onrus, despite the name paradox.
Do visit again!
Mikyle D - May 2018
Overall rating
Excellent and relaxing.
Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Hi Kyle,
Thanks for your kind words. We look forward to having you, your friends and your furry family to stay at Festina Lente in Onrus again.
All the best,
Welna J - Jan 2018
Overall rating
Kunstige, knus interieur sê dadelik "welkom!" en ontdekking van goeie boeke en DVD's maak dat mens wil aanbly.
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Artistic, cozy interior immediately says "welcome!" and discovering good books and DVDs makes one want to stay.
Our hostess was personally available by phone and online from the first day and made us feel particularly at home. The location is close enough for the teenagers to the local beaches and pools and within a short drive to the Hermanus beaches, where my grandson sometimes chose to go surfing. The girls had fun working on their tans and enjoyed getting exercise by walking/jogging. I have been sitting quietly knitting and reading and recovering from back surgery! Have fun grilling/hanging out in the sheltered garden lapa outside!
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Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Welna, al het ons nie ontmoet nie, voel dit of ons al jare vriende is. Baie dankie vir jou mooi woorde oor ons wegkruip-kuierplekkie. Ons sien uit daarna om julle weer te verwelkom.
Irvin K - Dec 2017
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Very nice place. Would happily recommend to anyone wanting to go.
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Festina Lente in Onrus 's response
Baie, baie dankie vir julle resensie, dit beteken vir ons baie. Ons sien uit daarna om julle weer te onthaal. Groete, Lindie. Festina Lente in Onrus
- Free cancellation up to 1 week before your stay!
- Capacity: 6 people
- All ages welcome
Check-in: 14:00 to 21:00
Check-out: 10:00 - Address: 5 De Kock Close, Onrus, 7201, Western Cape