Goedehoop Accommodation
Review Summary
Karina V - Mar 2025
Overall rating
Baie gerieflik, netjies en skoon.
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Very comfortable, neat and clean.
Very neat and clean accommodation in a safe and quiet neighbourhood. The hostess is very friendly!
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Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Baie dankie Karina!
Julle is altyd welkom om weer te kom oorbly.
Antionett H - Feb 2025
Overall rating
Was absoluut lekker om na 'n dag se verkenning hier te kan kom ontspan.
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It was absolutely nice to be able to come and relax here after a day of exploring.
We had a wonderful stay. Annette is a wonderful, friendly hostess who goes out of her way to make sure her guests feel at home.
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Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Ek is baie bly julle het dit geniet by Goedehoop Akkommodasie!
Julle is enige tyd welkom om weer te kom.
Vicki G - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Will be back!
Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Thank you very much, Vicki! You are welcome to come again to visit our lovely antique shops in the Helderberg.
Diana D - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Peaceful and very cosy. Absolute gem of a place.
Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Dear Diana
It was lovely meeting you and your sister. Please come again and relax for longer
Richard C - Jan 2024
Overall rating
B&B very cosy, everything we needed, beautiful bathroom and kitchen.
Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Hi Richard,
Thank you for the feedback. I am glad you enjoyed your stay.
Sakkie V - Dec 2023
Overall rating
"Home away from home".
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"Home away from home".
Yes, we had a very nice overnight stay, the most beautiful and clean guest house with the friendliest hostess.
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Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Liewe Sakkie,
Ek is bly julle het so tuis gevoel. Julle Karoo-vriendelikheid was 'n lafenis.
Rochelle F - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Hi Rochelle,
It was a pleasure to host you. Hope to see you again.
Kind regards,
Solomie K - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Gemaklik en veilig.
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Convenient and safe.
Thank you very much for a wonderful place where you can rest and relax with the most wonderful hospitality. Keep it up.
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Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Liewe Solomie,
Baie dankie vir jou resensie. Jy en Francois is enige tyd welkom wanneer julle 'n ruskansie nodig het.
Sarie ( Sh) D - Oct 2023
Overall rating
Alles wat ek by my huis wou hê!
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Everything I wanted in my home!
Kindness and hospitality welcomed me. The hostess personally called to see if I needed directions, met me at the house and received me warmly. The personal welcome and made me feel right at home. Thank you Annette!
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Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Liewe Sarie,
Dit was 'n voorreg om jou te ontmoet en te kon ontvang. Kom kuier gerus weer in die Kaap!
Marion P - May 2023
Overall rating
Warm and welcoming stay.
Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Dear Marion
Thank you so much for your kind words.
It would be a pleasure to host you again.
Mariska V - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Baie lekker gekuier by Goedehoop. Ons sal Goedehoop beslis aanbeveel.
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Had a great time at Goedehoop. We would definitely recommend Goedehoop.
Thanks to Annette for her hospitality, kindness and care. Accommodation exceeded all expectations. We will definitely visit you again!
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Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Hi Mariska
Baie dankie vir jul resensie.
Dit was so lekker om julle hier te hê. Julle is enige tyd weer welkom.
Jacobus B - May 2023
Overall rating
Alles was spot-on.
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Everything was spot-on.
My wife and I stayed here for 3 nights. We were personally welcomed by the landlady and everything regarding the apartment was explained to us upon arrival. I had to Uber to and from Summerhill Surgical Center and this service was also easily available.
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Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Baie dankie dat julle by Goedehoop oorgebly het. Alles wat mooi is vir die toekoms.
Karien V - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Die beste, veiligste, rustigste en mees bekostigbaarste en behulpsaamste verblyf in Somerset-Wes.
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The best, safest, quietest and most affordable and helpful accommodation in Somerset West.
We slept very well and visited at Goedehoop. The service was excellent and the owner very helpful and friendly.
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Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Liewe Karien,
Ek is bly julle het die verblyf by ons geniet en dat ons kon help.
Kom loer gerus is wanneer julle in die omgewing is.
Victor T - Apr 2022
Overall rating
Baie skoon en netjies. Gasvrou het ons baie vriendelik ontvang en welkom laat voel.
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Very clean and tidy. Hostess received us very kindly and made us feel welcome.
It was value for money.
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Lucinda A - Jan 2022
Overall rating
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Annette is the most loving and kind hearted person you will ever meet. I moved from Johannesburg and she went out of her way to make it convenient for me. Thank you so much for a wonderful two weeks!
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Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Baie dankie Lucinda vir die pragtige woorde. Dit was absolute voorreg om julle hier te kon hê en te leer ken. Julle is absolute 5ster gaste.
Newton P - Oct 2021
Overall rating
Uitstekende gasvrye dienste.
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Excellent hospitable services.
My wife and I really enjoyed our two-night stay, especially for the feeling of nature and the tranquility of the surroundings, and once again many thanks to Annette and Louis for your excellent service and hospitality. Will definitely return again and recommend Goedehoop to others. Strength.
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Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Liewe Newton,
Julle is ideale gaste en ons is bly julle het dit so geniet by Goedehoop.
Sal lekker wees om julle weer te sien.
Alles wat mooi is.
Rudi L - Aug 2021
Overall rating
I truly enjoyed my stay.
Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Baie dankie Rudi. Ek is bly julle het julle verblyf by Goedehoop geniet.
Munro S - Apr 2021
Overall rating
Vinnige familiebesoeke.
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Quick family visits.
Our friends and family are spread across the Cape and Goedehoop was centrally located between them all.
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Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Beste Munro,
Was aangenaam om julle te ontmoet - julle is enige tyd weer welkom.
Louise M - Mar 2021
Overall rating
Dit was baie aangename en behulpsame eienaar.
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It was very pleasant and helpful owner.
The place was clean and tidy, very private and has everything you need. The owner is very friendly.
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Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Hi Louise,
Baie dankie dat jy Goedehoop gekies het, jy sal nou volgende keer die pad makliker vind tot by ons. Alles wat mooi is vir jou en jou pragtige seun.
Willem V - Mar 2021
Overall rating
Ons het alles gehad wat nodig is vir 'n gemaklik verblyf.
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We had everything needed for a comfortable stay.
We were kindly welcomed. Everything was neat, neat and practical. We really felt at home and safe. Thank you very much!
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Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Beate Willem en Annemarie,
Was baie lekker om julle te ontmoet - hoop om julle weer te sien!
Susan F - Mar 2021
Overall rating
Ligging perfek vir iemand wat Somerset Mediclinic, Vergelegen, Stellenbosch, Kaapstad en Hermanus moet besoek.
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Location perfect for someone who needs to visit Somerset Mediclinic, Vergelegen, Stellenbosch, Cape Town and Hermanus.
Quiet, private, neat and tasteful. The owner's heart and style can be seen in the place. I'm going back again.
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Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Liewe Susan,
Baie dankie dat julle Goedehoop gekies het - ek waardeer jou goeie resensie. Ek is baie bly ons het ontmoet en ek sien uit om julle weer te ontvang. Alles wat mooi is vir julle.
Anelda B - Feb 2021
Overall rating
Oor en oor die moeite werd.
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Over and over again worth it.
Annette was so friendly and put in so much effort and fun detail to make our visit even more special. A really nice place and of course we will book again at Goedehoop.
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Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Dankie Anelda, julle 2tjies is énige weer tyd welkom. Hoop om julle gou-gou weer te sien!
Martin J - Aug 2021
Overall rating
Goeie ligging. In 'n rustige area geleë.
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Good location. Located in a quiet area.
Close to other attractions; also Stellenbosch and the sea.
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Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Beste Martin,
Was aangenaam om julle te kon ontmoet. Ek hoop julle plantjies uit my tuin groei mooi.
Hans L - Apr 2021
Overall rating
Die naweek was fantasties by Goedehoop.
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The weekend was fantastic at Goedehoop.
It's a very peaceful area in Somerset West.
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Clifford F - Feb 2021
Overall rating
Heerlike nuwe vriendin in Annette ervaar.
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Experiencing a wonderful new friend in Annette.
Love for Christ is a great experience in this place.
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Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Liewe Cliff en Marie
Dit was 'n voorreg om julle te kon akkommodeer. Ons sal eendag verseker weer ontmoet.
Rouzell V - Oct 2021
Overall rating
Baie netjies, skoon en nuut. Gasvrou baie vriendelik.
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Very neat, clean and new. Hostess very friendly.
I would have preferred a queen or king size bed.
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Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Beste Rouzell,
Baie dankie vir jul positiewe terugvoer en dat julle Goedehoop gekies het om oor te bly.
Vriendelike groete,
Ashwin V - Dec 2020
Overall rating
Dis fantasties, ek sal mense aanbeveel om gebruik te maak van Goedehoop.
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It's fantastic, I would recommend people to use Goedehoop.
The hospitality was unpredictable, many thanks to the owner. My wife and I really enjoyed it at Goedehoop.
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Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Baie dankie Ashwin, dit was 'n groot plesier om julle te gasheer. Dankie dat julle Goedehoop gekies het vir jul eerste huweliksherdenking. Julle is super gaste, kom gerus weer!
Rezia A - Oct 2020
Overall rating
Peaceful and awesome just what we expected!
Read moreGoedehoop Accommodation 's response
Hi Rezia,
Thank you for the 5star review!
I am so glad that you and your hubby had a wonderful time.
You were awesome guests and would love to host you again for your next getaway xxxx
Shayne G - Oct 2020
Overall rating
Nice, clean, and affordable.
Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Hi Shane & Anneline,
Ons is bly julle het die verblyf geniet ongeag van die woeste Kaapse storm en Eskom se kragonderbrekings! Julle was super-gaste.
Groete Annette en Louis
Christiaan S - Sep 2020
Overall rating
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Extremely neat, clean and comfortable. Room is incredibly beautiful and stylish with everything you could possibly need. Would definitely recommend and book again. Thank you very much.
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Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Hallo Christiaan,
Baie dankie. Julle is enige tyd weer welkom!
Melinda M - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Goeie waarde vir geld.
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Good value for money.
We experienced excellent and friendly service from the moment our booking was confirmed until after we left Goedehoop. The apartment is very clean, tidy, stylishly finished and well equipped. It is very good value for money and we will definitely stay there again when we need to stay overnight in Somerset West. Nothing is too much to ask and Annette is very accommodating. Thank you very much for all your effort, Annette.
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Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Hallo Melinda & Marius,
Baie dankie vir die goeie resensie.
Dit was regtig 'n plesier om julle te kon akkommodeer.
Hoop om julle weer te sien!
Bahja S - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Was wonderful.
Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Hi Bahja
You are very welcome!
Kind regards,
Andre D - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Had a very relaxing evening.
Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Hallo André,
Glad you enjoyed your stay. Hope to see you again.
Jaco D - Mar 2020
Overall rating
Heerlik gebly!
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Great stay.
Quiet area, private and safe area, friendly reception! Neatly equipped. We will come again.
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Goedehoop Accommodation 's response
Hallo Jaco en Jakkie,
Baie dankie vir die goeie terugvoer. Dit was 'n voorreg om julle te kon ontvang en julle is BAIE welkom om weer te kom!
Tot weer siens xxx
- Capacity: 2 people
- All ages welcome
Check-in: 15:00 to 19:00
Check-out: 11:00 - Address: 7 Goedehoop Road, Goedehoop, 7130, Western Cape