La La Dathel
Review Summary
Hercu A - Jan 2025
Overall rating
Value for money.
Simonn T - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Netjies, skoon, ruim en gemaklik.
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Neat, clean, spacious and comfortable.
Very nice stay. Neat, clean, spacious and comfortable. Will stay there again.
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Ian K - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Baie lekker gebly.
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Very nice stay.
Very nice stay. Comfortable, neat unit. Well located, close to restaurants that are 'pet friendly'.
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Derrick R - Jan 2025
Overall rating
Skoon, maar glad nie tuis gevoel nie en warm gekry, want aircons word afgesit.
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Clean, but didn't feel at home at all and got hot because the air conditioners were turned off.
We were looking for a place that had aircon, but aircons are turned off by the owner, incredibly neat and clean. But aircon was important to us, since it is so hot in Colesberg. Definitely not friendly service. Before you unpack, you are told you have to be out by 9h00.
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La La Dathel 's response
Aircons is nie afgesit deur eienaar nie. Die dorp se krag was baie af die seisoen wat glad nie deur ons beheer is nie. Ons het solars, maar ongelukkig nie heeltemal af van Eskom nie. So as die krag in die dorp afgaan, is daar nie aircons nie, maar omtrent al die ander goed werk. Jammer as dit een van die af dae/nagte was.
Monique L - Jan 2025
Overall rating
Clean and neat.
Read moreCarien O - Nov 2024
Overall rating
Lovely clean spacious sleepover with rusks, coffee & tea & cornflakes.
Daniel Brink D - Nov 2024
Overall rating
We felt very welcome.
Armand P - Oct 2024
Overall rating
Baie lekker.
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Very nice.
Very very nice. Very friendly host, neat and beautiful rooms. Perfect place for that half way stop on the way to the Cape. The most delicious home-made biscuit.
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Janeke V - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Waarde vir geld.
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Value for money.
Very neat and clean. Booking was done at the last minute and it was not a problem at all.
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Willie T - Aug 2024
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Always nice there. Our favorite sleepover.
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Retha M - Jul 2024
Overall rating
Baie aangenaam. Beveel die gastehuis beslis aan vir ander reisigers.
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Very pleasant. Definitely recommend the guest house to other travelers.
Very good value for money in a guest house with a warm atmosphere.
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Riaan K - Jun 2024
Overall rating
I will definitely stay at La La Dathel again.
Annemarie V - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Die warm gasvryheid van die eienaars van La La Dathel sal jou laat teruggaan.
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The warm hospitality of the owners of La La Dathel will make you want to go back.
Deliciously cuddly and warm. It was freezing cold, but here we braved the cold with their warm welcome, friendliness and electric blanket plus more warm blankets! It was the most beautiful room and we thoroughly enjoyed the short time. May we meet again in the future, thank you very much!
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La La Dathel 's response
Dankie Annemarie. Julle is altyd welkom. Ons hoop om julle gou weer te sien.
Annemarie V - May 2024
Overall rating
Die gasvryheid van egte mense en die stilte van 'n ouderwetse Karoodorpie!
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The hospitality of real people and the silence of an old-fashioned Karoo village!
Very nice stay and will definitely use it again.
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Sophia F - May 2024
Overall rating
Uitstekende waarde vir geld en gasvry.
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Excellent value for money and hospitable.
Lovely overnight stay and received with warm Karoo hospitality. Highly recommendable.
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Craig R - Apr 2024
Overall rating
Convenient location between the Cape and JHB.
Maryke G - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Skoon, gerieflik en vriendelik.
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Clean, comfortable and friendly.
Very clean, comfortable and practical. The rooms were comfortable, clean and comfortable. Owners were friendly.
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Mariza O - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Perfekte oornag stp.
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Perfect overnight stp.
We had a great stay here as a halfway stop on our trip. The place was clean, tidy and safe.
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Carmen V - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Uitstekende verblyf. Alles wat ons nodig gehad het.
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Excellent stay. Everything we needed.
It was delicious. The cereal for breakfast with milk is a winner. Everything we needed was available. The rooms were first class. Thank you very much.
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Anzel O - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Netjies en skoon - Sal dit aanbeveel.
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Neat and clean - Would recommend.
Had a great sleep over there. Neat and clean. Would definitely recommend it.
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Belinda O - Nov 2024
Overall rating
Ideaal vir oornag verblyf, binne loopafstand van restaurante.
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Ideal for overnight stays, within walking distance of restaurants.
Great overnight stay. Friendly reception. Crisp white linen and spotless room. Met all requirements, would definitely recommend.
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Karin G - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Perfect one night stop over.
Ronel S - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Ons sal beslis terug wees! So lekker gebly!
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We will definitely be back! Had such a nice stay!
The reception was a bit "tumultuous" because we didn't answer the owner's question about whether we had a trailer since we were already on the road for the 2nd day and I didn't get an email. But the stay itself was wonderful, cleanest room, everything you could possibly need and more, and was able to catch up with the latest news, very good DStv package!
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Yolandi C - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Can recommend to anybody. Everything was just perfect.
Marais D - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Goeie verblyf.
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Good stay.
We had a nice stay, everything was as we saw it on the website.
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Alma T - Jul 2024
Overall rating
Ek sal weer hier oorslaap. Heerlike beddens en alles is silwerskoon.
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I would stay here again. Lovely beds and everything is spotless.
We had a wonderful stay. Very friendly reception and very safe.
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Faan P - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Gerieflik maar vertrek effens beknop.
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Comfortable but leaves slightly cramped.
Very comfortable but still a bit cramped. Should say instead: Pet tolerant. Around every corner there are assignments that are not allowed!
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La La Dathel 's response
Al wat gesê was, is dat die hondjie op 'n leiband moet wees en nie op die plaveisel moet mors nie. Ons het gewys waar hy sy besigheid kan doen. Daar is ander mense wat ook hier tuisgaan en wat gerespekteer moet word. Daar word nie 'n fooi vir diere gevra nie. Jammer as dit nie tot jou smaak was nie.
Marinda J - May 2024
Overall rating
Mooi skoon en netjiese oornag plekkie.
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Nice clean and tidy overnight place.
Nice place to spend the night, thank you. Als was very neat. Will stay there again.
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Wenette J - Mar 2024
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The stay was comfortable. The room includes a fridge, kettle and mini kitchen which was a big plus.
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Jessica S - Sep 2024
Overall rating
We were happy with our overnight stay.
Riëtte W - Apr 2024
Overall rating
Gemaklike verblyf oppad terug huis toe.
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Comfortable accommodation on the way back home.
See stars.
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Leandra V - Mar 2024
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It was nice we were a little late but it was arranged in advance. We were not received very kindly because the fact that we checked in late. Other than that it was a pleasant stay.
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Alexandra C - Feb 2024
Overall rating
Anonymous Guest - Sep 2024
Overall rating
If it wasn't for the 15% discount, I would have been even less satisfied.
Interesting how reviews can differ. Some people say they wouldn't stay anywhere else. I don't think we will stay there again. The hostess was blunt, there is very little hanging space, the shower's hot water is extremely difficult to regulate and our room was clearly an enclosed porch to the house, and certainly not a detached unit as Lekkeslaap advertises. On the positive side: The beds blankets and linen are great, although we had to pack about 7 pillows and two duvets first.
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Melissa V - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Ongemaklik gevoel.
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Feeling uncomfortable.
Customer service needs a lot of work.
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La La Dathel 's response
Ons adverteer dat ons slegs klein, goed gemanierde honde aanvaar, maar het 'n uitsondering gemaak na aanleiding van u versoek. U het ook vroeër as 14:00 probeer inklok, terwyl ons nog besig was om die eenheid skoon te maak. Ons het ons uiterste bes gedoen om u gemaklik te laat voel en alles gereed te kry vir u aankoms. Ons waardeer die terugvoer en sal altyd probeer om ons diens te verbeter vir toekomstige gaste.
Minette G - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Lekker geslaap. Gerieflik naby restaurante. Jy kan stap om ietsie te gaan eet.
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Slept well. Conveniently near restaurants. You can walk to eat something.
Slept very well. Walking distance from the restaurant. The parking is unfortunately a bit bad. Can't park with a pram, no parking for it. Gotta cut him off. Furthermore, it is a very cute place and everything works and is clean and conveniently close to everything.
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Heleen V - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Gerieflike, baie skoon verblyf loopafstand van 'n restaurant.
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Comfortable, very clean accommodation within walking distance of a restaurant.
We really can't complain about anything.
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Marais D - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Goeie verblyf.
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Good stay.
Very nice stay. Can recommend.
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Celeste P - Dec 2023
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Alles was aangenaam en netjies.
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Everything was pleasant and neat.
We enjoyed the overnight stay.
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Janine O - Aug 2023
Overall rating
Gerieflike oorslaappunt tussen Gauteng en Kaap.
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Convenient stopover point between Gauteng and Cape.
Thank you very much for your hospitality! The unit was very comfortable, beautifully clean and the beds slept very comfortably. It is also walking distance from 2 cute places to eat. Will definitely use La La Dathel again!
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Gerrie H - Jun 2023
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Everything needed was provided. Hot water and an electric blanket (on an extremely cold winter's evening in Colesberg). Couldn't ask for better. Very kind and friendly host and hostess. Would definitely want to stay there again.
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Desmond K - Jan 2023
Overall rating
Baie netjies en gerieflik.
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Very neat and comfortable.
Always nice to sleep here on the way to the Cape. Friendly reception and very clean and tidy rooms.
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Marius V - Jan 2023
Overall rating
Voldoen ten volle aan ons behoeftes as 'n oornagfasiliteit.
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Fully meets our needs as an overnight facility.
Accommodation fully met our needs as an overnight facility. Friendly reception and guesthouse owners were very helpful.
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Bijanca B - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Skoon en veilig.
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Clean and safe.
Very clean and safe place. Secure parking for vehicle.
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Rickus W - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Eerste keer daar en kan sterk aanbeveel! Wonderlike plek.
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First time there and can highly recommend! Wonderful place.
Great place, highly recommend!
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Esmarelda S - Mar 2023
Overall rating
Gemaklike verblyf!
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Comfortable stay!
We were pleasantly surprised. A nice spacious and comfortable unit. Well equipped for load shedding.
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Elizma V - Sep 2023
Overall rating
Netjiese verblyf met vriendelike gasheer en gasvrou.
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Neat accommodation with friendly host and hostess.
Clean and comfortable room for a quick sleepover.
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Botes G - Jul 2023
Overall rating
Dit is te duur.
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It's too expensive.
The shower does not spray properly. The toilet leaks. There is no sink except in bathroom to rinse cups. The bedding is absolutely good quality and the bed. It's a nice big room. I think they are asking a bit too much. At least we want to wash the dishes we use, but no washing facility. They will have to look at shower head and leak behind toilet.
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La La Dathel 's response
Dankie vir terugvoer. Ongelukkig het ons nie geweet van die stortkop of lek agter toilet nie. Ons sal dit nagaan. Die kamer wat julle gekies het, het nie wasgeriewe vir skottelgoed nie en dit word ook so beskryf. Die skottlegoed word deur die personeel gewas. Verder is al die geriewe daar, elekriese kombers, TV , gratis Wi-Fi, lugreëling, veilige parkering en nog baie ander geriewe. Met die kostes van die Munisipaliteit en Eskom glo ek nie ons is te duur nie.
Karin G - Jul 2023
Overall rating
Perfect for a quick stopover.
Alma T - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Die kamers is baie netjies en skoon. Ons het in kamer 1 en 3 oornag en beide kere was dit in puik kondisie. Die parkering vir motors is baie veilig. Dis ook naby aan restaurante.
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The rooms are very neat and clean. We stayed in room 1 and 3 and both times it was in great condition. The parking for cars is very safe. It's also close to restaurants.
We slept great and felt very safe. The bedding is lovely clean and crisp white. Oh, it was just nice to stay there.
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Jannie G - Jan 2023
Overall rating
Great ligging met lekker eetplekke binne loopafstand.
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Great location with nice places to eat within walking distance.
Recommend La La Dathel for a good place to stay on your way to or from the Cape. Parking was safe, but a bit tight.
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Pieter U - Dec 2023
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Lots of unnecessary rules (eg don't sit or lie on beds if you're not using them, but you pay per room). We were called later and asked if we had taken their bedside lamp and left our own there. It was a bit of an unnecessary accusation, because who would drive a bedside lamp back from a guest house and who would exchange one at a guest house.
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La La Dathel 's response
Jammer julle het dit so opgeneem. Dit was nie 'n bedlampie nie, maar 'n Megalampie met prop wat vermis was. Dit kon per ongeluk ingepak word. Ek het niemand beskuldig nie, net gevra. Ons vra per persoon en nie per kamer nie en omdat Colesberg 'n water probleem het, word mooi gevra om nie ekstra beddens onnodig te gebruik nie.
Hannes B - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Ons is onverwags vanaf die bespreekte kamer (5) geskuif na (2).
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We were unexpectedly moved from the reserved room (5) to (2).
I specifically booked room 5 because there was a kitchen for our self-catering. Then we were placed in a cramped room with only a fridge and 2 folding tables packed full of cutlery without a washing up facility for the used cutlery. Not at all what I had in mind during the discussion. In retrospect I would have chosen other accommodation in the Colesberg area.
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La La Dathel 's response
Ons neem kennis van jou resensie. Die waarheid is, ek het dit met u bespreek en u was heel te vinde om te skuif na kamer 2. Kamer 5 het nie aparte kombuis nie, maar deel van die kamer. As u gevra het vir aparte kombuis sou ek u in Kamer 3 gesit het. Net jammer jy kon nie direk met my praat nie.
Tenisha S - Jul 2023
Overall rating
Very safe and nice to stay.
La La Dathel 's response
Your visitors arrived at 10.00 a.m in the morning to book in. We were still cleaning the rooms and they had to wait till 14.00. Our check-in times are advertised and it is not our fault if you arrive 4 hrs too early and had to wait. Your dad was very understanding and there was no problem.
Quelene V - Dec 2023
Overall rating
'n Onplesierige ervaring.
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An unpleasant experience.
The owner is incredibly unfriendly and not at all helpful with parking arrangements. She yelled at me when we stopped there and didn't even say hello properly.
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La La Dathel 's response
Jammer, kan glad nie so 'n insident onthou nie en ek kan ook nie onthou dat dit nodig was om so te reageer nie.
Herman S - Oct 2023
Overall rating
Die ongeskikste gasvrou wat ek al ooit mee paaie gekruis het.
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The most unsuitable hostess I have ever crossed paths with.
Wasn't received or sent a Whatsapp address, when we arrived I was just called by my name and told "there's the gate". Advertise that they are "pet-friendly", she is not even friendly herself, absolutely unfit. My dogs were a problem (2 small Jack Russels) have to do their business outside in the tarmac, no lawn. We packed up after 1 hour and went to sleep at another place in Colesberg, which was really animal friendly. Didn't even ask for my money back from the inept woman, there is no hospitality or even decent way she talks to her guests. Was the worst place I have experienced in the last 5 years.
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La La Dathel 's response
die gas was nie bereid om huisreels vir honde na te kom nie en het ander gaste nie gespekteer nie. nadat ek hom vele kere mooi gevra het om beheer oor sy honde te he, moes ek hoor dis plaas honde. plaveisel is bemors, heeltyd geblaf en ander gesteur. jammer hy weet nie van maniere en respek nie.
Derek S - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Room was clean, neat and tidy and suited us as a family.
Lauren G - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Wouter W - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Skoon en netjies.
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Clean and tidy.
I have also stayed at La La Dathel before. The beds are comfortable. The place is clean and tidy. I am impressed.
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Elize Z - Sep 2022
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Pragtige kamers.
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Beautiful rooms.
I would recommend the by place. Very friendly.
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Barry V - Jul 2022
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Aangenaam verras.
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Pleasantly surprised.
More than I expected.
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Martie B - Jul 2022
Overall rating
Warm, vriendelike welkomende mense en plek.
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Warm, friendly welcoming people and place.
After a long day on the road, our stop at La La Dathel was like a proverbial oasis. Arriving in a freezing cold Colesberg the night before load shedding, our air conditioning and electric blankets were already switched on. Delicious, clean linen, hot water and a nice cup of coffee before bedtime. what more can you ask for? Thank you.
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Derik S - Jun 2022
Overall rating
Skoon, netjies, bekostigbaar.
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Clean, tidy, affordable.
Friendly hostess and host.
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Yvonne S - Apr 2022
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Seugne V - Mar 2022
Overall rating
Baie mooi, skoon en netjies kamer.
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Very nice, clean and tidy room.
We rested well for the evening, ideal place to stay the night.
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Karen F - Feb 2022
Overall rating
Comfortable over night stay.
Christel F - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Baie netjies en gemaklik.
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Very neat and comfortable.
The owners were very friendly and helpful. Room was also neat and clean. Will recommend.
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Martie M - Jan 2022
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Hostess was very curt, unfriendly and put a damper on our vacation. The place is not pet friendly! Parking is also a problem. There is also no place to sit outside except in the cold-blooded sun, nowhere to have some shade nets or anything - just in front of a stoep in front of other people's doors.
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Lucy C - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Owner's attitude left a sour note to an otherwise pleasant enough stay.
Read moreLa La Dathel 's response
The situation was explained and done in a pleasant way, but no matter what, we, unfortunately, could not satisfy you. There was a family of three in that room and the room provided for you was more suitable. We did apologise, but unfortunately, no matter what, we could not please you.
Melinda V - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Baie vriendelike ontvangs.
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Very friendly reception.
The place was very neat and well furnished. The hostess provided delicious biscuits and breakfast porridge.
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Casper W - Jan 2022
Overall rating
Goeie, skoon en netjiese, basiese oornag.
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Good, clean and tidy, basic overnight stay.
Good, basic overnight stay. Room was very clean and tidy. Secure parking. Close (walking distance) to restaurants. Reception was not welcoming.
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La La Dathel 's response
Ons behandel almal dieselfde. Wil graag weet wat ek verkeerd gedoen het om dit reg te stel. Ons is altyd bly vir die ondersteuning en indien ek iets verkeerd gese of gedoen het, wil ek graag hoor. Groete, Thelma.
Dewald D - Jan 2022
Overall rating
Beter om deur te ry as om hier te slaap.
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Better to drive through than to sleep here.
The unit reeks of smoke. It is rented out as sleeping 5 but there are only 4 beds. The 5th bed is a day bed of which 1/3 of the mattress is over the edge. After falling off the bed for the 3rd time during the night, my son moved the mattress to the floor and slept on the floor instead. Also, the air conditioner went off after a while and never came back on. Was a rough night.
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La La Dathel 's response
Dit het vir jou 2 maande geneem om te kla. Niemand rook in die kamers nie en ek doen persoonlik inspeksie. As die lugreeling afgegaan het, is dit omdat dit die regte temperatuur bereik het. as dit afgegaan het, hoekom het jy dit nie weer aangeskakel nie. Die 5de bed was nog nooit oor gekla nie en jammer as julle dit nie reggevind het nie. Niemand anders kla daaroor nie.
Dorothy W - Oct 2021
Overall rating
Our stay overnight was relaxing and comfortable. Thelma and Dave were very helpful and made us feel welcome.
La La Dathel 's response
Thank you Dororthy. You are an angel. It was pleasure hosting you and glad we could meet you.
Hope to see you soon again.
Thelma and Dave
Natasha B - Sep 2021
Overall rating
Veilig en netjies skoon.
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Safe and tidy clean.
Perfect overnight place if you are dead tired after a long day's travel. Everything you need, safe and tidy.
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Ielse R - Aug 2021
Overall rating
Waarde vir geld.
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Value for money.
Clean and tidy. Good hostess! Can recommend it to anyone.
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Jeanne M - May 2021
Overall rating
Baie gerieflike verblyf op pad tussen Kaapstad en Pretoria.
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Very comfortable accommodation on the way between Cape Town and Pretoria.
We only stayed overnight on the way between Cape Town and Pretoria. Friendly, prompt service and everything was fine for us. Coffee, tea and biscuits for early morning departure conveniently in room. Secure parking behind locked gate is bonus. Delicious place to eat at Inni Kraal just a 100 meter walk. Electric blanket on bed. We will spend the night there again.
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Chris S - Jan 2021
Overall rating
Ons was baie vriendelik ontvang en vriendelik totsiens gesê die volgende oggend.
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We were very kindly received and kindly said goodbye the next morning.
The unit was very neat and clean. The convenience of the kitchen was a plus. We will definitely stay there again when we have to spend the night in Colesberg.
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Tracey S - Jan 2021
Overall rating
Perfect for the stop over journey from Durban to Cape Town.
Louise S - Sep 2021
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We were 3 adults who stayed one night at La La Dathel. The environment is wonderfully quiet for someone who wants to relax. We were treated to biscuits and even breakfast cereal which is ready in the room with your coffee for the morning. We didn't have any hot water, but our hostess let us know after we left that they immediately made work on it.
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Rihenta J - Sep 2021
Overall rating
Vriendelik, huislik en pragtig.
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Friendly, homely and beautiful.
Lovely resting place, warm and friendly.
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Wouter W - Jan 2021
Overall rating
Oorslaapplek tydens vakansiereis.
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Place to sleep during holiday travel.
Thelma is very helpful. La La Dathel is very neat, clean and there is order.
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Matt V - Jan 2021
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Neat and well equipped accommodation.
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Jean L - Jan 2021
Overall rating
Sal aanbeveel!
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Will recommend!
Have a great time at La La Dathel. The four poster bed in my room was a bit too short for someone my height, but would still recommend. Owners are friendly and always there to help. Thank you!
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Pieter B - Apr 2021
Overall rating
Gerieflik vir oorslaap.
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Comfortable for overnight stay.
Neat and clean. Nice that dogs are welcome (their toilet is outside the gate but very safe) had no problems.
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Kyle G - Jan 2021
Overall rating
Voldoende oornagkamers.
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Sufficient overnight rooms.
Everything you only need for one night when traveling. Rooms were clean and tidy.
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Elmare V - Jan 2021
Overall rating
Netjies en skoon.
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Neat and clean.
Neat and clean. Too much furniture in the room. Nice rusks and Post Toasties were a nice surprise.
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Marguerite L - Oct 2021
Overall rating
Oornagverblyf in kamer.
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Overnight stay in room.
Clean accommodation. Pictures look very nice but they are misleading. That part of town is noisy. Quality bedding but mattresses and pillows rock hard. Hostess appears a bit unfinished. Very neat bathroom.
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La La Dathel 's response
Onafgerond? Dis beledigend. Jammer ek het nie in jou smaak geval nie.
Daar was 'n fietsry kompetisie in die dorp die naweek, wat niks met ons te doen gehad het nie en dit was glad nie raserig nie.
Ons kamer is langs julle sn en daar was geen geraas nie.
Dis die eerste keer in die 4 jaar wat ons hier is dat iemand kla oor die beddegoed.
Ongelukkig kan ons nie almal tevrede stel nie.
Claire V - Dec 2020
Overall rating
Great location and comfortable stay.
Sjaan V - Dec 2020
Overall rating
Skoon, netjies, vriendelik, veilig, rustig, sakpas en skoon.
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Clean, tidy, friendly, safe, quiet, pocket-sized and clean.
The location is right and the owners are very friendly. The place is nice and clean and I love the detail. Walking distance from everything. Secure parking.
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Gerda D - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Was gerieflik.
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Was comfortable.
Very neat. Walking distance to a good restaurant. Will definitely stay there again.
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La La Dathel 's response
Ons is bly julle is tevrede, ons hoop ons sien julle sommer gou weer.
Groete Thelma en Dave
Anna V - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Baie Gasvry
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Very Hospitable
Comfortable and neat rooms. Will definitely stay there again
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La La Dathel 's response
Dankie vir jou verslag. Ons strewe om almal tevrede te stel. Hoop ons sien julle weer binnekort. groete Thelma en Dave
Hesta E - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Netjies skoon vriendelik stapafstand van als.
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Neat, clean, friendly, walking distance from als.
We were kindly received, the room and bathroom were beautiful and clean and tidy. We could walk to the nearest restaurant.
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Madeleine D - Mar 2020
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People were very friendly, salt-of-the-earth people. Place was well located, very neat and clean.
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La La Dathel 's response
Dankie Madeleine, ons waardeer julle besoek en hoop ons sien julle weer in die toekoms.
Vriendelike groete
Thelma en Dave
Albert V - Jan 2020
Overall rating
Alles is skoon, netjies, gemaklik en veilig.
Read more
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Everything is clean, tidy, comfortable and safe.
Thank you, we arrived late in the evening and were kindly welcomed, everything was neat, clean and comfortable. We felt safe and our vehicle was also safe behind closed gates. Places to eat are close enough and we ordered delicious takeaway meals. My dog traveled with me and the people at the guest house even accommodated her. Thank you very much for that. It is really appreciated and the stay with you was really five-star quality. I definitely recommend La La Dathel to people, the host and hostess are very pleasant, friendly, helpful people and we will definitely stay there again.
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La La Dathel 's response
Baie dankie Mariaan, julle is altyd welkom.
Mooi jaar vir julle en vriendelike groete,
Thelma en Dave
Rene K - Jan 2020
Overall rating
Die eenheid is werklik pragtig, alles is van hoogstaande gehalte. Gasvrou/eienaar is baie vriendelik, hulpvaardig.
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The unit is truly beautiful, everything is of high quality. Hostess/owner is very friendly, helpful.
I will definitely come again, thank you for the most beautiful clean white towels in the bathroom, it made an incredible impression on me, as well as the breakfast porridge, biscuits etc. which was available in the unit. May your blessings be in abundance.
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La La Dathel 's response
Hi Rene,
Dankie vir die mooi verslag. Julle was wonderlike gaste en ons sal julle hopelik weer sien.Voorspoed vir die nuwe jaar met baie vreugde en seeninge.
Vriendelike Groete,
Thelma en Dave
Liza P - Jan 2020
Overall rating
Monique N - Jan 2020
Overall rating
Baie netjies, vriendelike ontvangs en rustig omgewing.
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Very neat, friendly reception and quiet environment.
Would definitely recommend.
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La La Dathel 's response
Dankie, Monique, gaste soos julle maak ons lewe makliker. Ons waardeer.
Thelma en Dave
Christo A - Jan 2020
Overall rating
Vriendelike en professionele diens.
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Friendly and professional service.
Central location, close to facilities. The room was clean and tidy. Would definitely recommend it.
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Thys F - Nov 2020
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Neat, clean and hospitable.
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Minette L - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Lyk net soos die fotos op die web blad
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Looks just like the photos on the web page
Very nice clean, lovely linen, cute with biscuits and cereal flakes at the coffee and tea table. Everything you need in the bathroom.
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Anine S - Dec 2020
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Inappropriate treatment. We were not told about dogs while in writing type of dogs were mentioned during enquiry.
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Marlize L - Dec 2019
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Room was neat. It was nice that places to eat were within walking distance.
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Danie O - Dec 2019
Overall rating
Perfek vir groot gesin.
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Perfect for large family.
We are 6 people and had a great stay and the room had a lot of space for us. It's very clean and well located. Will stay there again for sure.
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Roy M - Dec 2019
Overall rating
Fantasties en baie vriendelik, skoon en netjies.
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Fantastic and very friendly, clean and tidy.
Highly recommended, and fantastic.
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Liza P - Dec 2019
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Very neat, very clean, professional, excellent.
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Beatrix W - Dec 2019
Overall rating
Baie skoon gerieflik geleë, sal enige tyd weer daar bly.
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Very clean conveniently located, would stay there again anytime.
The reception was friendly, place to stay clean and with everything needed for a comfortable stay. Well located, walking distance from restaurant. Can recommend it.
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Role V - Dec 2019
Overall rating
Perfekte oornagstop.
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Perfect overnight stop.
We really enjoyed staying at Dave and Thelma's place. They thought of everything and received us very hospitably. Bonus is that our dog children were also very welcome. We can recommend it to anyone and will stay there again!
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La La Dathel 's response
Dankie vir die goeie terugvoer, ons waardeer.
Julle was puik gaste en sal altyd welkom wees.
Mooi dag.
Thelma en Dave
Angeline W - Dec 2019
Overall rating
Gerieflik en veilig.
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Convenient and safe.
Very clean, tidy and comfortable for a night or 2 overnight stay, value for money. Thank you very much
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Hermanus Jacobus D - Dec 2019
Overall rating
Baie netjiese, skoon gastehuis. Eienaars baie vriendelik en behulpsaam. Kan dit regtig aanbeveel.
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Very neat, clean guest house. Owners very friendly and helpful. Can really recommend it.
Fantastic place to spend the night.
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La La Dathel 's response
Dankie Sanlie, julle is altyd welkom. Mooi jaar vir julle. Groete, Thelma en Dave.
- Capacity: 15 people
- All ages welcome
Check-in: 14:00 to 21:00
Check-out: 09:00 - Address: 16 Stockenstroom Street, Colesberg, 9795, Northern Cape