Lieben Charm Guest Farm
Review Summary
Thea S - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Rustige verblyf gewees.
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It was a peaceful stay.
The tranquility is a bonus.
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Anneen L - Apr 2024
Overall rating
Oulike plekkie.
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Cute little place.
The service we received there is lovely! The place is clean and cozy and will definitely book there again if we have to stay in the area.
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Lieben Charm Guest Farm 's response
Baie dankie vir jou positiewe terugvoer, Anneen. Ek is dankbaar dit was vir jul 'n aangename verblyf.
Suzette V - Apr 2024
Overall rating
Heeltemal voldoende.
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Completely adequate.
Elsabe gave clear information about check-in procedures and Kwima was very friendly. Slept well and very well located. Milk was provided for morning coffee, but unfortunately there was no coffee or tea bags.
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Denise K - Oct 2024
Overall rating
Rustige, netjiese akkommodasie.
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Quiet, tidy accommodation.
Very peaceful accommodation. Will definitely visit them again.
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Lieben Charm Guest Farm 's response
Dankie, waardeer die positiewe terugvoer.
Carel D - Jul 2024
Overall rating
Goed geleë en bekostigbaar.
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Well located and affordable.
Location is good and communication and arrangements good. The bed was the only item that could have been a little better, but otherwise it offers good value for money and friendly staff.
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Lieben Charm Guest Farm 's response
Dankie vir terugvoering, ons gee aandag aan die bed wat u onder ons aandag gebring het.
Armand K - Oct 2024
Overall rating
Skion goed mooi en rustig.
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Clean, nice and quiet.
Yes, it was very nice, very quiet and well looked after.
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Leon K - Jul 2023
Overall rating
Geen rooibostee nie. Die dak in badkamer het ernstige aandag nodig. Sal goed wees as ons 'n venster kon oopmaak. Geen vensters nie.
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No rooibos tea. The roof in the bathroom needs serious attention. Would be good if we could open a window. No windows.
We did have a clean room.
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Pelotshweu K - Feb 2023
Overall rating
It's beautiful.
Lieben Charm Guest Farm 's response
Thank you for your kind and positive review.
Alysha G - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Invasion of privacy.
Read moreLieben Charm Guest Farm 's response
Good day Alysha,
We are sorry to hear that you were dissatisfied with our staff. We have spoken to both the staff that were on shift during your stay. We train our staff to respect our guests' privacy and they both confirmed that they did not enter your rooms at any time without asking. We have never had any complaint like this so it's definitely out of the ordinary. Our maintenance staff did however tell us that he went to one of the rooms to fix a lock but that you were outside and aware of the fact that he was working in the room.
Regarding the key, we have instructions on the door as well as the entrance. Due to guests leaving at different times, the key can be left in the room and guests can simply close the door upon departure.
We apologise if you feel that an inconvenience was caused but assure you that our staff are trained to be professional.
Anonymous Guest - Jul 2023
Overall rating
Liebencharm provided the basic services.
When we arrived at the gate there was no one to receive us and a gate code was required to get onto the premises. We called the mobile phone number given to us by Lekkeslaap numerous times, but no one answered, which led to contacting Lekkeslaap. We were on a time limit to get somewhere, so the experience only caused more tension. We booked room 5, but when we were finally received, the member of staff was confused because she had been informed by her manager that we should be in room 3.
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Sandra C - Jan 2022
Overall rating
Het darem lekker geslaap en die kamer was mooi.
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At least slept well and the room was nice.
I booked 3 for 6 adults (3 couples). The rooms are not in the same class at all. The room we stayed in was large and had a private bathroom, which is good. The other 2 rooms' toilet and bathroom were just partitioned off with panels, not private at all. The rooms also do not have refrigerators in them. There was milk put in a container with milk in one of the other rooms but it was sour the next morning. Our room has an air conditioner in it but was out of order. At least they gave fans for all 3 rooms. All in all, it wasn't a bad experience, but there were shortcomings.
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Anonymous Guest - Nov 2022
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Marietjie P - Oct 2022
Overall rating
Die kuier was gemiddeld.
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The visit was average.
The sliding door wouldn't close properly, the toilet leaked and the shower head kept falling off. It costs R800 for one night to sleep over and there wasn't even breakfast, which I feel is actually ridiculous for what we got.
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Lieben Charm Guest Farm 's response
Jammer dat u verblyf was volgens u nie op standaard nie. Ons het opgevolg en die nodige is herstel. Ek verstaan u ontevredentheid, in ag geneem u algehele gradering is dit duideik dat van die punte toegeken deur u ongegrond is. Om vir ligging 1 toe te ken is werklik nie die Gastehuis se skuld nie, en ons heinig is ge-elektrifiseer en u het 'n kode ontvang om by die hek in te kom.
Jammer weereens.
Lene B - Jul 2022
Overall rating
Lieben Charm Guest Farm 's response
Upon your arrival you phoned and you were told that we're on our way to check you in. We explained the reason for the change was because room 4's geyser was not working at the time.
Kwima was on duty, not the cleaner as referred by you, and checked you in. A very friendly lady who most guests compliment.
The lights work on a brightening switch that simply needs to be turned to dim or bright, there are also side lights next to your bed on both sides.
We do not offer free Wi-Fi.
We apologize if you were not completely satisfied with your stay, but strongly disagree with your review.
Johan L - Nov 2020
Overall rating
Naby alles.
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Close to everything.
Nice and easy and centrally located.
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Johannes J - Nov 2020
Overall rating
Goeie en skoon plekkie om oor te bly.
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Good and clean place to stay.
Neat, peaceful place to stay and a nice overnight stop in the area. Clean and safe place and people very friendly to help in need.
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Lieben Charm Guest Farm 's response
Baie dankie vir positiewe terugvoer. Julle was vriendelike en mense met wie met die ekstra myl kan stap.
Marina A - Nov 2019
Overall rating
Een nag vir 'n familietroue naby.
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One night for a family wedding nearby.
Our room looked very tidy, but the toilet didn't work properly, the multiplug tripped every time I had to go into my daughters room to dry her hair and make coffee. When I opened the bed late at night to sleep, it was clear that it did not have clean sheets on it. I threw the top sheet over and slept on it. There were also no small towels in our room, borrowed from the other room. There are no bedside lamps next to the bed.
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Mariechen S - Jun 2019
Overall rating
Pragtige huis.
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Beautiful house.
We slept very well, it is very quiet and peaceful.
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John G - Jan 2018
Overall rating
Netjies en gemaklik.
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Neat and comfortable.
Neat and comfortable accommodation for weddings/functions in the area.
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Lieben Charm Guest Farm 's response
Dankie John,
Julle is enige tyd weer welkom by Lieben Charm Guest Farm.
Retha V - Sep 2018
Overall rating
Aangename verblyf in 'n heerlike landelike omgewing. Vriendeike diens en lekker tuis gevoel. Alles mooi skoon en ons het heerlik warm geslaap op daardie koue nag van 8 Sept 2018!
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Pleasant stay in a lovely rural setting. Friendly service and nice home feeling. Everything nice and clean and we slept wonderfully warm on that cold night of 8 September 2018!
The following is mentioned because a basic sleeping venue for many weddings in the area really needs to comply with this. Our double bed was hollow in the middle and we had to know our sleep well! Our friends' kettle in their room was not working.
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Lieben Charm Guest Farm 's response
Hi Retha,
Dit was heerlik om jul te akkommodeer by Liebencharm. Ons is baie bly jul het dit geniet en warm geslaap.
Dankie vir jou voorstelle, ons gee verseker aandag daaraan.
Kom kuier gerus weer.
Vriendelike Groete,
Liesbet V - Apr 2018
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Not at all what we expected.
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Lieben Charm Guest Farm 's response
Hi Elizabeth,
Baie jammer om te hoor dat die akkommodasie nie was wat jul verwag het nie. Ons sal graag meer wil hoor van jou oor wat jou gepla het en hoe ons kan verbeter.
Stuur gerus vir ons n e-pos met jou voorstelle.
Vriendelike Groete
Martin F - Sep 2018
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Totally no longer in condition as in the photo. Poor service, no water or anyone who can arrange for water supply, no answer after repeated phone calls to number provided for help. The same problem seems to repeat itself judging by the comments of guests as recorded in the guest register. Total embarrassment if you invited guests from the Cape.
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Simeon F - Nov 2017
Overall rating
Regtig 'n baie lekker plekkie om by te bly en almal is baie vriendelik.
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Really a very nice place to stay and everyone is very friendly.
Was a really nice place to stay, Wanda really made us feel at home when we arrived, would definitely recommend to anyone looking to get away for a bit.
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Lieben Charm Guest Farm 's response
Dit was n vooreg om julle by Lieben Charm Guest Farm te verwelkom julle is pragtige mense.
Kom kuier gerus weer.
Susan F - May 2017
Overall rating
Warm verwelkoming en pragtige mense wat daar werk en vir ons als perfek gemaak het.
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Warm welcome and beautiful people that work there and made everything perfect for us.
See stars.
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Lieben Charm Guest Farm 's response
Dankie Susan, Pray kan nie uitgepraat raak oor hoe 'n fantastiese mens jy is nie. Baie dankie dat jy hulle met soveel liefde hanteer het. Sy is 'n fantastiese mens en 'n pragtige werker ek is baie trots om haar by Liebencharm te he.
Kom kuier weer vir ons sy sal te bly wees om jou weer te sien.
Susan V - Apr 2017
Overall rating
Warm en gerieflik!
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Warm and convenient!
Very neat and clean. Modern! Will definitely sleep there again.
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Lieben Charm Guest Farm 's response
Baie dankie Susan, julle is enige tyd welkom.
Lieben Charm
Charl V - Jul 2017
Overall rating
Great venue and friendly staff.
Lieben Charm Guest Farm 's response
Thank you Charl, it was a pleasure to accommodate you at Lieben Charm. You are always welcome.
Cheryl U - Oct 2017
Overall rating
Absolutely pleasurable!
Lieben Charm Guest Farm 's response
Good day Cheryl,
It was our pleasure to accommodate you and your family you are lovely people.
You are more than welcome to stay at Lieben Charm Guest Farm in the future.
Juan P - Oct 2017
Overall rating
Ek sal nie weer teruggaan nie.
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I will not go back again.
My little wife and I were so looking forward to the night we came to spend the night here. The power was out when we got there, but everything was still running through a generator. We were also able to use the air cooler under generator power. The place is in a very nice area and is very safe. We felt safe at all times. The rooms were nice and didn't feel small. The workers and reception people were very friendly. We were over an hour early and were still received with no problems. Now for the bad: First of all I see that other people's reviews are true regarding the DStv. It didn't work at all for the night we were there. They gave 2 coffees per person, when we asked for extra they said, they will bring it later. It never happened. (other option we had was tea) We also feel for what we paid there could have been a small breakfast included with an option to pay extra for a bigger one. We forgot some things there. We haven't been contacted at all to say it's still there, do we want to come pick it up or nothing. I think Lieben Charm Guest Farm is a nice little place to sleep, but I think there is still some work to do to make it worthwhile for the price.
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Lieben Charm Guest Farm 's response
Hi Juan,
Dankie vir die terugvoer. Die DStv het in al my kamers gewerk indien daar 'n probleem was met julle DStv was dit heel moontlik 'n klein probleem wat gebeur het met krag onderbreking en sou julle dit aan ons genoem het kon ons dit met liefde herstel het ongelukkig is dit nie geraporteer nie.
Aanggande die koffie, ongelukkig kan ons nie soveel koffie gee soos wat elke gas sou wou hê (die koffie in die kamers is luukste koffie) ons moet ook na ons onkostes kyk en dit is wel berekende uitgawes, daarom is daar 'n opsie om koffie te geniet in ons kombuis waar dit vrylik beskikbaar is, geen hotel of gastehuis het 'n oormaat koffie in hul kamers nie daar word 'n sekere hoefeelheid ingesluit vir elke gas.
Ons kamer is van die bekostigbaarste in die area en ongelukkig kan ons nie ontbyt insluit vir die prys wat jul reeds betaal nie, daar is wel gastehuis rondom ons wat ontbyt insluit teen R900 per persoon maw R1800 per kamer. Al wil ons vreeslik graag alles gratis weggee moet ons ook nog 'n besigheid laat werk in die proses.
Daar is wel 'n boodskap uitgestuur na julle dat daar van julle besitings agter gebly het ek het tot dus ver geen terug voer ontvang nie.
Madelein S - Sep 2017
Overall rating
50/50 Lekker geslaap maar
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50/50 Well slept though
It was very easy to get I didn't struggle at all. The room was large and immaculately clean and the lady who received me was very friendly and welcoming. I was alone, but did not feel unsafe for one moment and slept peacefully. I was disappointed that the room did not have a small mini fridge and the TV did not work at all. I told the room service lady about the TV but nothing was done about it.
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Lieben Charm Guest Farm 's response
Beste Madelein,
Baie dankie, dit was vir ons heerlik om jou by Lieben Charm te ontvang. Ongelukkig het jy Kamer 8 bespreek en dit is 'n kamer sonder TV. Die toestel wat daar in was is nie gekoppel nie omdat dit nie 'n kamer met TV is nie.
Lieben Charm Guest Farm
Nelis L - Aug 2017
Overall rating
Baie vriendelik ontvang, skoon, gerieflik en dit baie geniet.
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Very friendly reception, clean, convenient and enjoyed it a lot.
Rooms are well-equipped with fridge, kettle, fan and heater. Maybe needs a small microwave.
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Lieben Charm Guest Farm 's response
Dankie Nelis, dit was heerlik om julle by ons te hê. Dit is goeie terugvoer en ek dink ons sal dit beslis doen, kamer 13 kan doen met 'n mikrogolf.
Kom kuier gerus weer vir ons.
Vriendeike Groete,
Lieben Charm
Anonymous Guest - Feb 2017
Overall rating
Anonymous Guest - Oct 2017
Overall rating
Very quiet and easy to find with good breakfast.
See stars.
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Attie F - Aug 2017
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Nice and comfortable. Can't talk about reception because it was just a eina.
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Lieben Charm Guest Farm 's response
Goeie dag Attie
Lieben Charm ontvang u graag weer.
Ek sal waardeer as u aan my 'n epos kan stuur oor die ontvangs. Ek sal graag meer oor dit wil weet sodat ons dit kan verbeter. My dame wat u die dag ontvang het is nuut by ons en ek sal haar graag wil oplei in die areas waarmee sy sukkel.
Jossie P - May 2017
Overall rating
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Vry disappointed, definitely far from 4 stars. No TV or heater in room 1 was working. TV in the main house also out of order. The strip of floor between the bedroom and bathroom is completely loose. Outside unit 13 there were loads of cigarette buds and dirty earbuds. In front of the main house as well. No dam, no view like on the photos. This place needs some attention. Personally, the photos on your ad should show 100% of the place. The breakfast was pleasant as well as the lady who served us, I think her name was Pray. Unfortunately this place cannot be recommended.
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Lieben Charm Guest Farm 's response
Goeiedag Jossie,
Baie dankie vir die terugvoer, dit is jammer dat jy ons akomodasie so ervaar het. Ongelukkig kan ons nie aandring maak oor waar ons gaste hul stompies gooi nie. Alhoewel daar asblikke beskikbaar is, hou mense nie altyd by die reëls nie. Dit word wel elke dag opgeruim.
Aangaande die televisie; dit is reeds uitgesorteer en in werkende toestand. Ongelukkig is dit uitgeslaan deur weerlig en on moes wag vir die versekereing om die eis goed te keur. Die versekering het dit kort na jul verblyf laat herstel.
Elke kamer het wel sy eie verwarmer en meeste van ons kamers het lugreëling. Die kamers waarin julle tuisgegaan het was van die goedkoper kamers wat juis daar is vir mense wat van meer bekostigbare akomodasie gebruik wil maak en nie in ons luukse kamers wil tuisgaan nie. Ons sal aandag gee aan die vloerstrip.
Weereens baie dankie vir die terugvoer, ons sal dit in ag neem vir verdere herstelwerk.
Lieben Charm Guest Farm
Inidri S - Apr 2017
Overall rating
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Good day Indri,
We are really sorry about your experience at our guesthouse. Our manger was off on your day that you arrived. We value our customers reviews and we will definitely make sure that this issue is discussed with the staff that was there to check you in. As for the TV not in working condition we had a terrible thunderstorm the previous night and we apologize for the inconvenience this caused. Thank you for your review and our apologies for your unpleasant stay. We will have a look at the security door but we check this on a daily basis and have not found this to be broken as your reservation was some time ago already. As mentioned we will definitely discuss the issues you mentioned.
Kind regards,
Lieben Charm
Isabel P - Aug 2016
Overall rating
Great service and great stay.
Werner H - Jan 2016
Overall rating
Value for money.
Lieben Charm Guest Farm 's response
Thank you Werner , LIEBENCHARM would love to accommodate you again.
Sharon S - Feb 2016
Overall rating
Baie netjiese verblyf.
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Very neat accommodation.
Good value for money. Very helpful staff. Had a great sleep.
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Danica S - Oct 2016
Overall rating
So tuis soos by jou eie huis.
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As at home as at your own home.
The rooms are clean and tidy. Breakfast was very nice. The "housekeepers" very nice and helpful. All my husband and I have experienced is that the mattress in room 6 may need replacing or turning on a regular basis. We kept rolling to the middle. I met my husband there 4 years back and will go back again. Thank you for the hospitality.
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Lieben Charm Guest Farm 's response
Goeie dag Danica
Ek het nie geweet dat Lieben Charm vir jou soveel wonderlike herinneringe het nie, dit is vir ons n plesier om ons gaste weer te ontvang. Ons sal verseker aandag gee aan die matras in kamer 6 dankie vir die terugvoer.
Berentia B - Jul 2015
Overall rating
Dit is 'n stil en rustige plekkie. Hul gee om vir hul gaste!
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It is a quiet and peaceful place. They care about their guests!
Elsabe, your staff made sure that you can relax. Thank you very much for the time we could be with you. Everything is so neat and clean with you.
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- Capacity: 9 people
- All ages welcome
Check-in: 13:00 to 22:00
Check-out: 09:00 - Address: Kleinfontein 368, Division 81, Cullinan District, 1001, Gauteng