Linge Longa
Review Summary
Lizelle D - Feb 2025
Overall rating
It was a lovely stay.
Joan-mari M - Feb 2025
Overall rating
Rustig gemaklik lekker.
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Quiet, comfortable, nice.
We had a great stay, it was peaceful and safe, and everyone was friendly. Will definitely go back again.
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Ramona V - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Stay was great.
Linge Longa 's response
Thank you so much for your kind words, Ramona. It was lovely having you here.
Wishing you a lovely 2025.
Annette C - Jan 2025
Overall rating
Rustige verblyf.
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Peaceful stay.
Room is old fashioned and needs an upgrade. Everything is available for overnight purposes. Swimming pool available for cooling off.
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Marina G - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Sal my beslis weer sien.
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Will definitely see me again.
Very friendly reception! Everything was perfect.
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Barbara D - Sep 2024
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Good reception, beautiful stay.
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Joanne J - Aug 2024
Overall rating
Greatest thanks.
Malie V - Jul 2024
Overall rating
Ek moes ter wille van my man in die hospitaal in Worcester oorbly.
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I had to stay in the hospital in Worcester for my husband's sake.
Friendly, helpful service. I use Linge Longa to be close to the hospital.
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Malie V - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Ek het oorgebly om my man in die hospitaal te besoek. Ek het veilig gevoel.
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I stayed to visit my husband in the hospital. I felt safe.
I am very satisfied and will use their service again when needed.
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Linge Longa 's response
Baie dankie, Malie. Ek is bly jy was tevrede met die verblyf en dat jy veilig by ons gevoel het. Dit is baie belangrik. Ek hoop dit gaan nou beter met jou man en dat hy rustig by die huis gesond word. Mooi dag. Teresa.
Andre V - May 2024
Overall rating
Excellent home away from away!
Linge Longa 's response
Thank you so much for your kind review! It was a pleasure having you with us.
Kind regards,
Roydon W - Feb 2024
Overall rating
Selma K - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Skoon, netjies en vriendelike diens.
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Clean, tidy and friendly service.
Yes, everything I needed.
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Garth Lee W - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Very satisfying.
Rikus C - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Ek het die verblyf baie geniet.
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I really enjoyed the stay.
I had a very nice stay there. Everything you need is there such as a kettle, cutlery and plates, microwave and a small fridge. This makes it easy for you to enjoy the stay. Teresa and Alwyn were very friendly. Will definitely stay there again when I'm in Worcester again.
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Penny L - Nov 2024
Overall rating
Thank you for a pleasant and comfortable stay.
Daniel A - Oct 2024
Overall rating
Lekker rustig.
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Nice and quiet.
Yes, had a nice stay. Friendly host.
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Les T - Feb 2024
Overall rating
Anonymous Guest - Nov 2024
Overall rating
Repairs at 6 o'clock Saturday morning spoiled the stay for me.
Amenities, neat and comfortable. I was very upset when repairs started on the building at 6 o'clock on Saturday morning.
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Felicity B - May 2024
Overall rating
Lekker geslaap.
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Slept well.
Very quiet close to the hospital which we needed.
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Llewellyn S - Nov 2024
Overall rating
Reasonably priced - reasonable stay!
Read moreSusan F - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Overpriced for the room provided.
Petro S - May 2024
Overall rating
Kort, privaat en stil.
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Short, private and quiet.
Bed was only made by previous guest or workers, because I found a blanket and goat clothes almost between the bed and the wall. It then appears that bed linen was not replaced. Unsanitary, saw 'house bug' crawl out from under the fridge, stomped it to death.
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Linge Longa 's response
Ek is baie jammer dat jy so 'n nare ondervinding by ons opgedoen het. Ons roem op 'n skoon, higiëniese gastehuis, aangesien ons kamers se beddegoed elke keer afgetrek en gewas word, skoon beddegoed oorgetrek word en skoon handdoeke uitgesit word. Die yskas en bed word weggetrek en vloer word dan gemop met 'n ontsmettingsmiddel.
Ek self bly op die perseel en kontroleer die kamers voor nuwe gaste ingaan. Dit is jammer dat jy my nie dadelik gekontak het nie, dan kon ek jou help. Onthou om dit in die vervolg te doen, sodat enige probleem opgelos kan word.
Die vroutjies wat by ons werk is beide al oor die 20 jaar by ons en ons het nog nooit enige klagtes gehad nie .
Billy G - May 2024
Overall rating
Nee, ongelukkig nie weer nie.
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No, unfortunately not again.
The ad says B&B, but it's definitely not; you must book two days in advance if you want breakfast. It is also not self-catering, because there is no sink or kitchen equipment for it. I would call it a B.
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Linge Longa 's response
Billy, ons is 'n klein familie besigheid en ons kan nie voorraad aanhou om te alle tye ontbyt te kan bedien nie, tensy ons die kwaliteit van die ontbyt verswak. Die meerderheid van ons kliënte verkies eerder billike verblyf kostes. Indien jy die moeite doen om met 'n vooruitbespreking te toon dat jy ontbyt wil hê, kan ons dit verskaf. In verband met die selfsorg aspek, is daar 'n buite braai wat onderdak is met 'n wasbak en kook geriewe. In die vervolg sal dit tot jou voordeel wees om eerder met die onderneming direk te praat terwyl jy daar is. In die geval kon ons jou gehelp het.
Anton V - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Ons het heerlik gebly.
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We had a wonderful stay.
We were wonderfully spoiled on Christmas Day. Thanks for the little food, you're welcome.
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Linge Longa 's response
Baie dankie, Anton. Dit was so lekker om julle by ons te kon verwelkom.
Pragtige jaar vir julle!
Anonymous Guest - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Pleasant town with pleasant inhabitants.
Unfortunately not what we expected.
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Leon B - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Baby beautiful garden.
Merle J - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Awesome, very nice place.
Rikus C - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Ek het daar lekker gebly.
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I had a nice stay there.
I was warmly received and the hospitality was very friendly. Would love to stay there again when I'm in Worcester again.
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Richard J - Sep 2023
Overall rating
Carel K - May 2023
Overall rating
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Was very nice thank you. Will definitely use their accommodation again.
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Linge Longa 's response
Baie dankie Carel vir so 'n pragtige verslag.Ons waardeer dit. Dit was heerlike om jou as gas te gehad het.Hoop om jou weer te sien. Geniet jou naweek. Teresa de Bruyn.
Jeanette P - Mar 2023
Overall rating
Fantastiese diens.
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Fantastic service.
Very kind and friendly, helpful lady. We slept well.
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Linge Longa 's response
Baie dankie Jeanette, dit is dierbaar van jou om so n mooi verslag te gee. Ek is baie bly julle het lekker gebly. Mooi bly. Teresa.
Vivette O - Aug 2023
Overall rating
Ek en 'n leerder was daar vir 'n skoolgeleentheid.
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A learner and I were there for a school event.
Fantastic service experience, thank you very much. Aunt Theresa only received us late that evening in the rain from the airport. We had to withdraw early the next morning for the school event - she looked after us very carefully, made sure we had everything, and even gave me and the learner a fruit or two for the early breakfast departure. For the evening when we returned in load shedding there were battery lights placed in the corridor to help us find our place - good service. Thank you very much!
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Linge Longa 's response
Baie dankie Vivette vir die pragtige verslag. Dit was vir ons n voorreg om 2 sulke oulike mense by ons te ontvang. Ek wens jou sukses in die onderwys toe. Teresa.
Rensche S - Sep 2023
Overall rating
Baie tegemoedkomend t.o.v. inkloktyd.
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Very accommodating regarding check in time
We would like to use this facility again.
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Linge Longa 's response
Baie dankie vir jou positiewe woorde. Ons waardeer dit. Mooi bly.
Harried F - Feb 2023
Overall rating
Ons kuier was lekker.
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Our visit was nice.
It was lovely to visit the area.
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Linge Longa 's response
Baie dankie vir die ondersteuning, ek is so bly julle het lekker gekuier.
Heerlike naweek vir julle.
Teresa de Bruyn.
Charmaine D - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Dit het alles wat nodig is vir oorslaap.
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It has everything needed for an overnight stay.
It was convenient for an overnight stay.
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Johnathan M - Mar 2023
Overall rating
It was rather pleasant.
Anonymous Guest - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Very hospitable and friendly but the room is old, dark.
Old and very dark, but they were very hospitable and helpful.
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Nicole A - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Fantasties net wat ek en my man mekeer het!
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Fantastic just what my husband and I have done!
Was calm and clean. we will definitely come back without kids.
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Linge Longa 's response
Baie, baie dankie Nicole. Dierbaar van jou om vir ons so 'n mooi verskaf te gee. Dit was ons voorreg om julle hier by ons te kon verwelkom.
Mooi naweek.
Teresa de Bruyn.
Linge Longa.
Leatitia B - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Baie goed.
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Very good.
It was our third stay there and the owners always try their best to help us.
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Linge Longa 's response
Baie dankie vir u vriendelike woorde. Dit is 'n groot voorreg om julle by ons te laat tuisgaan. Mooi dag. Teresa.
Elzanne F - Nov 2022
Overall rating
Really nice experience.
Linge Longa 's response
Hi Elzanne.
Thank you very much for the lovely review you gave us. We enjoyed having you here.
May you have a wonderful festive season.
Kind regards.
Claire W - Oct 2022
Overall rating
Cheap, clean and perfect for our overnight stop.
Brent H - Oct 2022
Overall rating
Matt C - Sep 2022
Overall rating
Francois J - Jun 2022
Overall rating
Net 'n vinnige stop en oorslaap.
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Just a quick stop and sleepover.
Everything was nicely prepared.
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Linge Longa 's response
Baie, baie dankie Francois, vir die moeite wat jy gedoen het om so 'n mooi resensie te gee.
Veilig wees.
Teresa de Bruyn.
Linge Longa.
Adri M - May 2022
Overall rating
Gerieflik geleë, netjies en rustige omgewing.
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Conveniently located, neat and peaceful surroundings.
Also stayed over last time while a relative was in the hospital and as before met our requirements.
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Linge Longa 's response
Baie dankie, Adri, vir jou mooi woorde. Ons waardeer die moeite wat jy gedoen het om dit te skryf.
Ek hoop die operasie het goed afgeloop.
Hartlike groete,
Philip G - Apr 2022
Overall rating
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Home away from home with a better view!
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Linge Longa 's response
Baie baie dankie vir julle pragtige woorde! Ons waardeer dit opreg. Hoop om julle weer by ons te sien.
Veilig wees.
Wilhelm R - Feb 2022
Overall rating
Ons gasvrou ken van verblyf bedryf.
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Our hostess knows about the accommodation industry.
I don't like sleeping in other people's beds, prefer to sleep in my car. It's the second time I've stayed at the place. The first time was a trial run and the second confirmation that I will only stay with the one when I am in that part of the world. One is received personally and shown everything that is needed. The atmosphere is peaceful and makes you relax after hard kilos. The room is spotless and all the implements work. Was sorry to have to leave so early.
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Hannetjie B - Jan 2022
Overall rating
Netjies en skoon, met alles wat nodig is.
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Neat and clean, with everything needed.
This is the second time we have stayed here and are satisfied with the guest house.
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Taylin S - Mar 2022
Overall rating
My stay at Linge Longa B&B was great.
Linge Longa 's response
Baie dankie vir die positiewe woorde. Ons waardeer dit opreg en hoop dat ons julle vorentoe weer sal sien. Dit was vir ons n voorreg om julle te kon ontvang.
Axel V - Jan 2022
Overall rating
We stayed for holiday, family with 2 small kids.
Anonymous Guest - Mar 2022
Overall rating
The hostess is very friendly and willing to help, but our room was at the back of the house, and on a corner, and both streets are very busy at night. Our booking was for 2 adults and 2 children, Fortunately only one child ended up together, because there was only comfortable sleeping space for one child, The sofa bed is not big enough for 2 x 14 year olds. Saturday morning there were only 2 mugs and 2 bags of coffee. And although my quote indicated breakfast is not served, it is known as B&B which is still bed and breakfast. There were also only bath towels for 2 people. Our room was at the back of the house and not near the pool, and when we sat by the pool we were asked not to sit near the other rooms because it was that people's area, which I understand, but we then had to share the area where we were allowed to sit with the owner's son and his girlfriend who were very loud. I should add that Teresa offered to make us hamburgers on Saturday night. That's why I say, she is very friendly and willing to help and and and.
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Frans G - Apr 2022
Overall rating
Skoon en netjies.
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Clean and tidy.
No further comment.
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Linge Longa 's response
Baie dankie Frans, vir die positiewe woorde. Hoop ons sien julle sommer gou weer.
Lekker naweek.
Ian C - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Dirty, unpleasant.
Linge Longa 's response
Good afternoon Ian.
I am sorry that you didn't enjoy your stay with us on Christmas Eve. We always strive to let our guests feel at home in a clean environment.
After the use of the couch, we always vacuum the whole couch. All our cutlery and crockery are washed in a dishwasher. I'm extremely sorry if it was not up to standard. You should have immediately contacted me and I would have placed you in another room.
Kind regards.
Teresa de Bruyn.
Linge Longa.
Rameeza W - Jan 2022
Overall rating
Kuier was rustig en skoon.
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Visit was peaceful and clean.
Aunt Terresa was very friendly and helpful. Unfortunately the bed in room 7 was terribly uncomfortable. The chlorine in the pool burned my eyes. The dogs are very cute. And the room was beautiful.
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Yolande S - Nov 2021
Overall rating
Beautiful B&B.
Hannetjie B - Sep 2021
Overall rating
Netjies en veilig.
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Neat and safe.
It's a neat place with friendly service.
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Hilary F - Sep 2021
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It was the perfect time and the weather was wonderful. The destination was pleasant. Owners were very hospitable and soon made us feel at home.
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Taylin S - May 2021
Overall rating
My stay was really nice and relaxing.
Amelia B - Feb 2021
Overall rating
Was baie lekker.
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Was very nice.
We just slept there, was a family gathering so was out more. Still, we really enjoyed it there.
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Samantha F - Dec 2021
Overall rating
Rustige kuier.
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Peaceful visit.
Very nice, will check in again when we are in the area.
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Linge Longa 's response
Baie dankie vir julle mooi woorde. Ons waardeer dit! Kom asb weer.
Esther S - Jul 2021
Overall rating
Alles was baie skoon en netjies, en baie goed toegerus met alles wat ek nodig gehad het.
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Everything was very clean and tidy, and very well equipped with everything I needed.
I had a very nice stay. The only thing that bothered me a bit were the bath towels which were a bit old and hard. The bed and bedding were very warm and comfortable.
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Don G - May 2021
Overall rating
Very expensive for what you get.
Read moreGameeda J - Nov 2021
Overall rating
We did not use any of the facilities as we came in late at night after work.
Shani M - May 2021
Overall rating
Sien sterre.
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See stars.
See stars.
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Alnuschka S - Sep 2021
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I booked for 4 people but then we got one double bed and one uncomfortable sleeper where only one person could sleep, the sleeper was so small my feet hung over it. I think they gave us a room for 2 adults and 1 child, not for 2 adults. My back still hurts from that terrible sleeper. Not at all what we asked for.
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Linge Longa 's response
Ek is so jammer dat jy n slegte ervaring by ons gehad het,ons probeer regtig uit ons pad gaan om ons gaste gelukkig te hou.
Jy sal sien op die beskrywing van die kamer skryf ek dit is n familiekamer wat gewoonlik vir n gesin bespreek word.
Jammer vir die misverstand.
Jan H - Nov 2020
Overall rating
Rustige atmosfeer.
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Calm atmosphere.
Very pleasant but would appreciate if WiFi in rooms is improved.
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Hennie V - Mar 2020
Overall rating
Uitstekende waarde vir geld.
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Excellent value for money.
Very nice stay, everything you need. Very friendly reception, thank you very much.
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Graehame B - Mar 2020
Overall rating
Baie lekker.
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Very nice.
The owner, Theresa, walks the extra mile to accommodate her guests.
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Dennis L - Jan 2020
Overall rating
Comfortable with friendly service.
Deon V - Mar 2020
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Quiet area. Think that dogs on the premises may be a problem for other tourists.
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Magda K - Dec 2019
Overall rating
Gerueflik, skoon vriendelik.
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Comfortable, clean and friendly.
Friendly welcome, host very helpful, this has definitely become our overnight or longer resting place for the future, if neat, clean and comfortable.
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Michael W - Dec 2019
Overall rating
Perfect for what we wanted.
Rachel V - Sep 2019
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Environment was safe, welcoming.
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Eben D - Mar 2019
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The cleanliness and hospitality are 5 star. The lodge's photos on the web do not do justice to how beautiful the place is.
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Cornelius M - Oct 2019
Overall rating
Dit was wonderlik!
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It was great!
The room was well equipped. The room was clean and tidy. The atmosphere was peaceful, even though it is close to the city center.
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Jackie M - Oct 2019
Overall rating
Clean and comfortable. Breathtaking views in Worcester.
Rita H - Jul 2019
Overall rating
Dit was OK.
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It was okay.
We were quite satisfied with Linge Longa except that when you switch on the kettle, the power switches off. So we had to take turns switching on the heater and the kettle. We couldn't even watch TV, then the rest switches off. It is also somewhat small. When you stand at the wash basin and brush your teeth, you can't bend forward without touching the wall behind you. Other than that it was pleasant.
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Linge Longa 's response
Hi Rita,
Baie dankie dat jy vir ons laat weet, ek wens net julle het vir ons gese terwyl julle hier was, dan kon ons vir julle gehelp het. Ons sal onmiddelik daar na kyk.
Groete Linge Longa
Wilma J - Aug 2019
Overall rating
Netjiese verblyf.
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Neat accommodation.
Cosy and neat accommodation.
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Colleen M - Feb 2019
Overall rating
Not positive, no warm water available for a shower and cockroaches in bathroom.
Linge Longa 's response
I am sorry you feel this way, you should have bought this to our attention immediately for us to address the matter and I would have moved you. I spoke to you, you were friendly and did not mention anything and in the 21 years, we have never had a complaint about the water. As your room has an outside door, I always put a tin of Doom in it in case anyone would need it.
I also went out of my way to assist you with breakfast.
wi w - Feb 2019
Overall rating
Teleurgesteld, sal nie weer daar bly nie of Linga Longa aanbeveel vir iemand nie.
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Disappointed, will not stay there again or recommend Linga Longa to anyone.
Disgruntled, disappointed with the following: 1. Linga Longa is advertised as a B&B, with our inquiries on Saturday we are informed that breakfast is not served. Because we attended a church function until 14h00 breakfast was very important to us. We were caught off guard by the arrangement. 2. On arrival we were not really welcomed, we didn't see the owners again the rest of the weekend. 3. The pictures on the website differ from what the rooms really look like, the room we slept in as a family of 4 was very small, the shower and hand basin were the smallest I've ever seen in my life. 4. It is probably very good to divert rainwater/gray water to the garden, but not okay to do this right in front of the front door of the room. It creates a breeding ground for mosquitoes. We couldn't sleep because of mosquitoes and an outside gate right next to the room window which was opened and closed by other guests throughout the night. 5. To summarize - a small place for a large amount, for one night? No, not again.
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Linge Longa 's response
Ons sê duidelik dat ontbyt nie ingesluit word by die prys van die kamer nie, maar 'n kontinentale ontbyt kan vooraf bestel word en sal in die kamer se yskas geplaas word.
Ons was vriendelik, oor ditjies en datjies gepraat. Hulle was net hier vir 1 dag, was by 'n kerk byeenkoms en ons het hulle nie weer gesien nie, omdat ek aan die privaatheid van mense glo.
Die familiekamer is privaat, aan een kant van die gastehuis. Aaan die anderkant, is die swembad en grasperk wat hulle nie van hulle kamer af kan sien nie, waarop vroeg oggend slegs wasgoedwater gespuit word. Voor hulle is 'n klein tuintjie wat in die nag besproei word. Dit is somer, daarom het ons in elke kamer 'n blik insekdoder gesit. Hulle het bespreek vir 4 maar daar was 5 in die kamer. Daar staan duidelik dit is 1 familiekamer met 'n dubbelbed en slaapbank in.
Jg V - May 2019
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I explicitly booked for 4 adults and confirmed it telephonically as well as receiving an email confirmation that confirmed it. However, the room only had a double bed and a three-quarter sleeper couch. The owner and her son were also extremely rude when we insisted on better sleeping. No card facilities available, only cash.
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Alta P - Oct 2018
Overall rating
Vriendelike diens.
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Friendly service.
Although comfortable, the room is very small-good for a night or two but I would prefer a bit more space for a longer period. The fridge directly next to the bed was quite a nuisance due to its constant switching on and off! Another suggestion is a light outside the door of the room and that the path on the way to the room is also lit. The reception was very friendly and the cleaning staff helpful.
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Wouter De Vos G - Oct 2018
Overall rating
Die mense is baie vriendelik en dis 'n lekker blyplek.
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The people are very friendly and it's a nice place to stay.
It's a very nice place to stay.
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Arthur B - Sep 2018
Overall rating
Aangename B&B.
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Pleasant B&B.
The "White Room" is small but meets all expectations.
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Ansie V - Sep 2018
Overall rating
Dit was meer as wat ons verwag het - baie dankie.
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It was more than we expected - thank you.
Very nice private stay with great patio and small garden. Spacious rooms and enough of everything you need.
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Leatitia B - Aug 2018
Overall rating
Altyd lekker!
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Always nice!
No problems. Would love a few sachets of sweeteners, but it's a small thing. Everything else was perfect. Would love to book there again. Best wishes to owners! Continue like this.
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Linge Longa 's response
Hi Marius, baie dankie vir die wonderlike terugvoering. Ons sal beslis versoeters by sit in die toekoms.
Neil O - Aug 2018
Overall rating
Tuis weg van huis, alles te danke aan Aalwyn se ontvangs en gasvryheid.
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Home away from home, all thanks to Aalwyn's reception and hospitality.
Thank you very much Alwyn. We had a nice stay and visit. Would stay there again.
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Deanna W - Jul 2018
Overall rating
Very friendly.
Shané D - Aug 2018
Overall rating
Baie oulike verblyf.
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Very nice stay.
Very nice guest house with the best rusks and friendliest hostess!
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Peter R - Aug 2018
Overall rating
Skoon, netjies en vriendelik.
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Clean, tidy and friendly.
Room was clean and tidy. Alwyn was friendly. I would definitely stay at Linge Longa again.
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Petro C - Jul 2018
Overall rating
Aangenaam, skoon en netjies.
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Pleasant, clean and neat.
Everything was clean and neat. The fresh, cold water everyday was very nice.
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Glynis T - May 2018
Overall rating
Ons gasvrou van Linge Longa B&B was fantasties!
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Our hostess from Linge Longa B&B was fantastic!
We really had a very nice time. Everything was very neat. I would really recommend Linge Longa B&B.
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Linge Longa 's response
Baie dankie dat u die tyd gevat het om oor ons te skryf.
Groete Linge Longa
Helena M - Sep 2018
Overall rating
So pragtige groot plek, sal dit vir enigeen aanbeveel.
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Such a beautiful big place, would recommend it to anyone.
A lovely place and very lovely hostess. Also safe for vehicle. Would stay there again anytime. Thanks again for a great stay, sorry it was so short.
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Charl V - Jun 2018
Overall rating
Baie lekker gebly. Vriendelike diens.
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Very nice stay. Friendly service.
Very nice stay. Very neat place with friendly service.
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Linge Longa 's response
Baie dankie, ons waardeer die positiewe terugvoering.
Dirk L - Apr 2018
Overall rating
Huislik en aangename verbrlyf.
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Homely and pleasant stay.
The room was well equipped, neat and clean. Easy access to my room and safe parking for the car. Very kindly received by Teresa and she was very supportive.
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Anonymous Guest - May 2018
Overall rating
Not acceptable.
Booked with family of 4 place. Sleeping space not sufficient at the self-catering unit. Sofa bed hopelessly too small for adults. No sink in kitchen area. Need to fetch water from bathroom. Do not recommend. Don't know about other rooms.
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Marlene S - Dec 2017
Overall rating
Voel of jy by jou eie huis is.
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Feel like you are at your own home.
The place is beautiful and peaceful.
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Linge Longa 's response
Baie dankie, ons waardeer die mooi woorde.
Mooi dag vir julle!
Cilla B - Nov 2017
Overall rating
Ontvang asof familie was!
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Received like family!
Very good service and perfect for me.
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Wilhelm R - Oct 2017
Overall rating
Slaap goed na lang rit deur die Karoo!
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Sleep well after a long drive through the Karoo!
Well received. Room neat and equipped with enough to do it yourself. Quiet, cool and peaceful atmosphere for relaxing. Car is safe behind gate. Will stay there again if I'm in the area.
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Linge Longa 's response
Baie dankie, Wilhelm. Ek waardeer die mooi woorde.
Lekker dag vir julle.
Derick K - Sep 2017
Overall rating
Aangenaam en personeel baie gasvry, het dit geniet.
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Pleasant and staff very hospitable, enjoyed it.
Very nice and I will use LekkeSlaap again.
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Cornelis R - Sep 2017
Overall rating
Wat 'n fantastiese ervaring!
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What a fantastic experience!
We spent the night in the cottage, but that is probably a misnomer! It should have been called mini palace instead! The decor is truly outstanding! The artworks are original and the hospitality is unbeatable!
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Linge Longa 's response
Baie, baie dankie vir die pragtige verslag. Dit is dierbaar van jou.
Stuur asseblief baie liefde vir Cross en Dorie. Ek is so spyt ek het julle gemis.
Pragtige naweek vir julle.
Peter R - Jun 2017
Overall rating
100% tevrede.
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100% satisfied.
Clean, neat and friendly.
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Linda H - May 2017
Overall rating
Baie lekker gebly.
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Very nice stay.
Clean and neat accommodation. Owners very friendly and made us feel very much at home. Will definitely go again.
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Selwin K - Apr 2017
Overall rating
Jy moet dit try. Het die stilte geniet in die cottage.
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You must try it. Enjoyed the quiet in the cottage.
Good reception all 3 times we were there. Thank you, Terese, for your warm welcome and hospitality. God bless!
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Linge Longa 's response
Beste Selwin,
Baie dankie, dit is dierbaar van jou om so positief oor ons plekkie te skryf.
Mooi aand vir julle twee.
Carlo F - Mar 2017
Overall rating
Baie goed toegerus gegewe die prys!
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Very well equipped considering the price!
Neat place, friendly service and very convenient. Thanks!
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Linge Longa 's response
Baie baie dankie. Dit is dierbaar van julle!
Lekker week.
Linda C - Feb 2017
Overall rating
Very comfortable and pleasant stay.
Andries R - Jan 2017
Overall rating
Linge Longa is waarde vir jou geld
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Value for money.
Value for money. It is not expensive and had a nice open area to move in. You feel safe. Highly recommended to people looking for a place to stay in Worcester.
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Alet K - Jan 2017
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The hospitality, friendliness and service was excellent!
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Andre J - Sep 2017
Overall rating
Baie lekker gebly.
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Very nice stay.
Very nice stay will stay there again.
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Herrie V - Mar 2017
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Friendly reception, good location.
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John C - Jan 2017
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The room is neat and my children enjoyed the facilities.
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Petro C - Oct 2017
Overall rating
Baie aangenaam.
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Very pleasant.
I received a very friendly welcome.
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Rachel V - Oct 2017
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Reception was good. Friendly service, quiet area.
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Andre V - Aug 2017
Overall rating
Heerlik rustig.
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Delightfully tranquil.
Received very well. Very clean and tidy - everything you want is there. Like a fully furnished guest house.
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Linge Longa 's response
Baie dankie julle.
Mooi aand.
Enrico M - Jan 2017
Overall rating
Vriendelike mense, huis is goed ingerig, baie lekker geslaap.
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Friendly people, house well furnished, well rested.
I slept well, thank you!
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Zonica M - Dec 2017
Overall rating
Skoon, netjies en veilig.
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Clean, tidy and safe.
It was my second time staying at the guest house for a few days and was warmly welcomed back. I slept in the White room which is spacious enough for one person and well equipped (fridge, microwave kettle). Good value for money.
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Jeff W - Sep 2017
Overall rating
I was without electricity from 19H00 til about 20h30.
Danelene M - Apr 2017
Overall rating
Gevoel of ons tuis was!
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Felt like we were at home!
We spent the weekend in the Cottage, what a pleasant surprise. Beautiful, cozy and very clean! We will stay there again. Lovely welcome, pleasant hostess who was always willing to help. Thank you very much for great service!
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Martin B - Jul 2017
Overall rating
Gerieflik, maar slaapplek bietjie beknop.
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Comfortable, but sleeping space a bit cramped.
Was very cold would have preferred more effective heating method/s.
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Cameron M - Nov 2017
Overall rating
Die plek om te ontspan.
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The place to relax.
Linge Longa is used more with privacy and for people who really love their privacy will enjoy it a lot.
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Olaf V - Apr 2017
Overall rating
Voldoen aan vereistes.
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Met our needs.
Neat, professional. One small suggestion: let the garden services come between 11:00 and 14:00. 08:00 is a bit bothersome. Otherwise no complaints.
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Frank D - Nov 2016
Overall rating
Dit is rustig en baie netjies.
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It is peaceful and very neat.
The service is prompt and efficient. If what you booked is not available, they offer an alternative.
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Strauss D - Oct 2016
Overall rating
Huislike warm atmosfeer in eenheid.
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Homely warm atmosphere in unit.
The host couple went out of their way to accommodate us and make us feel at home.
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Carin L - Mar 2016
Overall rating
Privaat en baie netjies.
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Private and very neat.
Warm welcome and very spacious and well-equipped cottage.
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Michael L - Jan 2016
Overall rating
Wonderlike wegbreek met fantastiese geriewe vir my familie.
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Wonderful getaway with fantastic amenities for my family.
The self-catering facilities are incredibly good.
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Elzabe V - Apr 2016
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Neat and very affordable, conveniently close to everything in town. Safe and the people are very friendly and helpful.
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Eurelia M - Dec 2016
Overall rating
Was baie verras en verblyf was heerlik en gerieflik.
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Was very surprised and stay was lovely and comfortable.
Place is clean, comfortable and well appointed. Was surprised by the extras - really value for money.
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Willie B - Dec 2016
Overall rating
Baie lekker blyplek in 'n baie oulike dorp.
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Lovely accommodation in a lovely town.
Worcester surprised us and the accommodation was great. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
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Ian M - Feb 2016
Overall rating
Disappointed in general, the whole place looks a bit neglected and old fashioned.
Read moreMark C - Apr 2016
Overall rating
Dit sal goed wees vir 'n een nag oorbly.
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It would be fine for a one night stay.
The service was very pleasant and good. I will pay a little more for more modern accommodation next time.
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Pieter O - Sep 2016
Overall rating
Geen DStv soos hul adverteer, en moet om huis beweeg seker 1 km om by blyplek uit te kom.
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No DStv as they advertise, and have to move around the house probably 1 km to get to accommodation.
WiFi doesn't work, little space, fridge doesn't stand firmly. Will not stay there again, as indicated above. Not worth the money, as said from parking have to walk far with luggage. Sleeping area hidden in a corner.
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Lucille I - Mar 2016
Overall rating
We were not treated bad, but there was no warmth in the personality of the staff.
Read moreDesmond F - Jul 2015
Overall rating
Baie vriendelik ontvang. Verblyf fantasties. Sal beslis weer van Linge Longa B&B gebruik maak.
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Very friendly welcome. Fantastic stay. Will definitely use Linge Longa B&B again.
Excellent attractions. For future visitors, especially golfers, I recommend that they should visit both golf courses, Worcester Golf Club as well as Riverside Golf Club. Don't forget the wine farms either.
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Jo-ann G - Jul 2015
Overall rating
Baie geniet!
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Have fun!
We will stay there again!
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Ansa R - Jul 2015
Overall rating
Dit was alles waarvoor ek gehoop het.
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It was everything I hoped for.
Please see the stars.
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Elroy J - Jun 2015
Overall rating
Akkommodasie was perfek vir ons.
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Accommodation was perfect for us.
Very nice guest house. I will recommend it to everyone and definitely come back to Worcester!
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Pieter M - Jun 2015
Overall rating
Baie aangenaam!
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Very pleasant!
Please see the stars.
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Mike W - Mar 2015
Overall rating
Ek het vir 'n werkswinkel en opleiding na Worcester gegaan.
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I went to Worcester for a workshop and training.
Excellent service and very friendly staff. We felt very safe.
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Tom W - Nov 2015
Overall rating
Lekker gebly.
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Nice stay.
The room was too small for the price, compared to other guesthouses. Easily accessible, quiet, nice pool, safe and close to everything.
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Jenny M - Aug 2015
Overall rating
Ons is vriendelik verwelkom en het tuis gevoel.
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We were kindly welcomed and felt at home.
Very affordable and conveniently located. Hostess very helpful.
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Denise M - Dec 2015
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Was very comfortable. Only the gate at the self-catering unit can get a bit annoying with guests going in and out during the evening.
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Braam S - Dec 2015
Overall rating
Baie rustig.
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Very calm.
They might try to get the smoke smell out of the bedding and curtains.
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Johan S - Jul 2014
Overall rating
Beslis waarde vir geld en ek sal die gastehuis aanbeveel!
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Definitely value for money and I would recommend the guest house!
The service I received was satisfactory. The room was very neat and the cleaning service was very good. I slept nice and warm and really enjoyed the biscuits. The guest house is also very centrally located near the business section. The surroundings are absolutely beautiful and I was not worried at all about the rental car because the security was very good.
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Phil H - Jun 2014
Overall rating
Comfortable place for a stop-gap stay
Melinda M - Mar 2014
Overall rating
Die gasvrou is baie vriendelik en gaaf.
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The hostess is very friendly and nice.
We had a great time at Linge Longa.
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Phyllis G - Apr 2014
Overall rating
Verblyf was baie lekker, dit was asof ons by die huis was!
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Stay was very nice, it was like we were at home!
I would only suggest that the green room sink should be replaced with a larger one.
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Sunette L - Jan 2014
Overall rating
Goed ...
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We were under the impression that this was a B&B. The room was beautifully clean. Might replace couch linens. The pool was a relief for the high temperatures we experienced.
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Jacques V - Feb 2014
Overall rating
Baie "relaxing".
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Very "relaxing".
The pool helped.
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Susan K - Jun 2014
Overall rating
Vriendelik ontvang en netjiese, lekker kamer.
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Friendly welcome and neat, nice room.
Had a great night's sleep and would recommend!
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Werner B - Nov 2013
Overall rating
Very clean.
Andre D - Sep 2013
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Thank you for a warm welcome by Teresa. Neat place that met all our needs. Will definitely visit there again.
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Pearl K - Apr 2013
Overall rating
Dit het gevoel soos jou eie tuiste
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It felt like your own home
I will go back again, The host and lady, Mr. & Mrs. De Bruyn, felt like my parents, spoiled us and made us feel very at home and comfortable. I would recommend anyone to go there. Just a pity our visit was so short. Many thanks for a blessed weekend Linga Longa B+B!
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Dion F - May 2013
Overall rating
Gesellig, goeie diens. smaaklike ontbyt.
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Cozy, good service. tasty breakfast.
Excellent and cozy!
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Fabian V - Dec 2013
Overall rating
Baie lekker!
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Very nice!
We had a great stay, thank you very much.
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Cobus B - Sep 2013
Overall rating
Goeie waarde vir geld
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Good value for money
If you are tired, like I was, and you just want to sleep well and rest, then you can do that here.
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- Capacity: 14 people
- All ages welcome
Check-in: 14:00 to 18:00
Check-out: 10:00 - Address: 77 Meiring Street, Paglande, Worcester, 6850, Western Cape