Meerkat Manor
Review Summary
Rosme P - Oct 2024
Overall rating
When in Rosendal again, I will stay there every time.
Liezel A - Jul 2024
Overall rating
Gemaklik en aangenaam.
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Comfortable and pleasant.
Such a nice stay, thank you, and the fireplace was an asset. Will definitely stay there again and also recommend to others.
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Leonard W - Feb 2024
Overall rating
Perfek. Als altyd lekker. Mense baie vriendelik. Eet baie lekker by Jollas.
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Perfect. As always nice. People very friendly. Eat very well at Jollas.
Very well equipped. Good friendly service. It is always very nice to stay there.
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Anonymous Guest - Feb 2025
Overall rating
It was very nice.
It met what we wanted for the weekend.
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Johan D - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Lekker, baie rustig, skoon en netjies, en alles wat jy nodig het.
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Nice, very peaceful, clean and tidy, and everything you need.
Beautiful place, very peaceful.
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Raine D - Nov 2024
Overall rating
Very peaceful and pretty surroundings. The house is neat and very spacious.
Johan M - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Moeite werd.
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Worth the effort.
Very nice stay, thank you.
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W V - Aug 2024
Overall rating
Verblyf was awesome, braaier kort 'n rooster en 'n voertuig afdak sal dit meer van.
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Accommodation was awesome, braai needs a grill and a vehicle cover would be more of it.
Very, very nice, thank you!
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Thinus V - Apr 2024
Overall rating
Was 'n gerieflike oorslaap, maar paaie tot op Rosendal is 'n absolute nagmerrie.
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Was a comfortable overnight stay, but roads up to Rosendal are an absolute nightmare.
Living room, rooms and bathroom are nice and big with lots of space. Water on Rosendal is limited, so the owner asked that one should not use the bath.
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Beate D - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Ten volle toegerus, pragtige plek. Ruim met mooi dekor.
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Fully equipped, beautiful place. Spacious with nice decor.
Was a perfect, lovely peaceful weekend. Very interesting board games, nice music and lots of books as well as DVDs if you get bored.
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Mathilda H - Oct 2023
Overall rating
Spacious and comfortable.
Krause B - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Waarde vir geld! Sal verseker weer gaan!
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Value for money! Will definitely go again!
Good location! Outstanding!
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Yolanda D - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Die dorpie verras met sy mense en besienswaardighede.
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The village surprises with its people and attractions.
My children in their twenties had a great time.
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Colin V - Nov 2023
Overall rating
Vroeg uitgetrek as die pad in en uit dorp.
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Pulled out early as the road in and out of town.
Nice stay but hard driving. Road is nightmare in and out of town. Not a pleasure.
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Retha R - Jan 2023
Overall rating
Ruimte en 'n heerlike stoep.
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Space and a lovely porch.
The house is spacious and the veranda is lovely with a nice view.
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Anonymous Guest - Nov 2023
Overall rating
Unfortunately a bad experience t. oh v service.
Unfortunately we had a bad experience. Waited 1 hour for the keys to the housing, where a woman tweeted we should have picked it up at a place to eat. (They didn't let us tweet about it). Next morning our gate, which is locked with a lock, was open. . Owner's clothes were still in the closet. . WiFi pin was also only given to us on the LekkeSlaap app on our second day of stay.
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Leonard W - Nov 2022
Overall rating
Dit was weereens baie lekker by Meerkat Manor gewees.
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It was once again very nice at Meerkat Manor.
Everything was very nice. The place is well equipped and clean. May need a roof for example for ash collection then your car can stand under the roof.
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Marius B - Oct 2022
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Always have a good time there. Nice view and quiet.
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Liezel B - Mar 2022
Overall rating
We love Meerkat Manor in Rosendal.
Leonard W - Feb 2022
Overall rating
Baie gerus en baie lekker.
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Very comfortable and very nice.
The town is peaceful and quiet. The house is well equipped, very safe and a nice stay. Everyone in town so friendly and hospitable.
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Mariana B - Apr 2022
Overall rating
Heerlike tyd van net rus.
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Great time of just resting.
Lovely big spacious, well equipped house with everything you need, close to restaurants and the most beautiful view of the mountains. This was our second visit to Meerkat Manor and hope there will be many more, especially since the dog is also welcome.
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Antoinette E - Nov 2021
Overall rating
Baie, baie lekker gewees, Rosendal-inwoners baie vriendelik.
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Was very, very nice, Rosendal residents are very friendly.
Meerkat was beautiful and clean. Maybe just consider a second bathroom later on.
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Riaan V - Nov 2021
Overall rating
Ons het baie lekker gebly.
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We had a very nice stay.
The space offered by Meerkat Manor was unexpectedly large, it is certainly unusual for a weekend stay.
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Leonard W - May 2021
Overall rating
Baie lekker. Rustige dorp. Waarde vir jou geld.
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Very nice. Quiet town. Value for your money.
The house is very well equipped with everything you need. There is a lovely braai that one can use. Very clean and tidy.
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Liezel B - Feb 2021
Overall rating
Fantastic weekend, we'll be back!
Gerhard M - May 2021
Overall rating
Baie mooi huis. Pragtige uitsig, volledig toegerus en netjies.
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Very nice house. Beautiful view, fully equipped and tidy.
Rosendal is a small and quiet town, perfect for a peaceful getaway.
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Phil F - Dec 2021
Overall rating
Pragtige huis.
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Beautiful house.
Wonderful accommodation. Unfortunately, there was mostly no municipal water or electricity.
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Johannes P - Mar 2021
Overall rating
Gasvrye mense.
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Hospitable people.
Art gallery, dining, cycling, walking, relaxing.
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Johan J - Sep 2021
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The bathtub leaks and must run water all the time otherwise it runs empty. Suspect it's at the plug, but couldn't see. Grill was dirty and ashes were everywhere at the entrance to the house.
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Doret V - Oct 2020
Overall rating
Awesome Plek in 'n Awesome dorp
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Awesome Place in an Awesome town
We had a very nice stay for the weekend. Had everything we needed - except for hot water the last morning before we had to drive.
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Meerkat Manor 's response
Hi Doret,
Thank you for your friendly review. Sorry for the warm water failure on your last day. There is, unfortunately, a serious breakdown of water and electricity services in the Rosendal or Maute area. Everybody pitches in to get water running, pressure up, and electricity going. We hope to have the problems resolved in the near future. For the time being, we try to connect boreholes and solar systems to be self-sufficient at least on the waterside.
Best regards,
Leonard W - Feb 2020
Overall rating
Die beste.
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The best.
It was peaceful and quiet at the Meerkat Manor. Well equipped with everything you need. Would recommend that they get fans in the lounge for the Free State's hot days, as well as in the bedrooms.
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Jeanette M - Jan 2020
Overall rating
Read moreMeerkat Manor 's response
Dear Jeanette, we are pleased that you had a restful time at our house, even over the New Year period. We apologise for the surprise visits the ripe peaches brought. We will make clearer arrangements with our neighbours in the future. We hope that you enjoyed a big bowl full too. Regarding your price question, after checking with Travel Ground we can only conclude that you saw the R690 on the opening page before putting in the date which then showed the high season rate. We appreciated your longer stay and therefore offered the 5% discount on this rate. I can also add that we are now installing a large water tank which should help us bridge the water issues we are having in the area.
Warm regards and wishing you all the best for 2020
Carol & Klaus
Esmarie B - Aug 2020
Overall rating
Rustigheid in die Oos-Vrystaat.
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Tranquility in the Eastern Free State.
The house is neat, spacious and beautiful. The fireplace was definitely the highlight of the house. I lay and read all day. The kitchen is well equipped and we didn't struggle at all. The communication from the owners was brisk. All I can complain about is the duvets on the single beds are too small so if you lie straight your feet stick out or if you lie on your side your back is open. There were extra blankets so it wasn't a crisis. The town's water is regularly shut off I think, but there were enough buckets and bottles of water provided to see us through the long weekend. You will definitely see us again. Thank you very much for the awesome place to stay.
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Adri E - Aug 2020
Overall rating
Rustig en baie lekker.
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Quiet and very nice.
Meerkat Manor is a very nice place to stay for a weekend. What was bad is that there was no kettle available for coffee and the plumbing of the house lacks work.
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Meerkat Manor 's response
Thank you for the information Adri, a plumber is on the way.
Best regards,
Carol and Klaus
Edgar K - Jan 2020
Overall rating
Nice house with a chickens and shack next door.
Joeninne J - Aug 2019
Overall rating
'n Aangename ervaring.
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A pleasant experience.
The house is a very nice social home. Everything was clean and tidy. We would love to stay there again.
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Mirilene F - Jul 2019
Overall rating
Heerlik rustig, ruim en netjies!
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Very quiet, spacious and neat!
Beautiful newly built sandstone house and very spacious rooms, white linen, electric blankets.
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Petro V - Apr 2019
Overall rating
We couldn't ask for anything better.
Meerkat Manor 's response
Hi Petro,
Thanks a lot for the raving review. We are looking forward to hosting you again.
Warm regards,
Klaus & Carol
Chris L - Mar 2019
Overall rating
Pragtige huisie in die Vrystaat.
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Beautiful house in the Free State.
Very cute two bedroom house in Rosendal. Everything very neat and clean. Spacious bathroom with a very nice bath and shower. The house is ideal for a weekend getaway in the Free State.
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Meerkat Manor 's response
Hi Jonette,
Thanks a lot for your kind review. We are looking forward to hosting you again.
Warm regards,
Klaus & Carol
Chris A - Oct 2018
Overall rating
Very good.
Leonard W - Sep 2018
Overall rating
Was die beste en rustigste vakansie ooit.
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The best and most peaceful holiday ever.
The Meerkat Manor was well equipped and very neat and clean.
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Villeen S - Aug 2018
Overall rating
Pragtig, netjies en skoon, veilig en rustig!
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Beautiful, neat and clean, safe and peaceful!
Lovely house with everything you need for a peaceful visit in a beautiful village and surroundings.
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Emile M - Jul 2018
Overall rating
Wonderful experience, quiet and cosy in winter.
Meerkat Manor 's response
Hi Emile,
Thank you for your great review. We are pleased that you liked our place. We hope to see you again.
Warm regards,
Carol and Klaus
Jana M - Mar 2018
Overall rating
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Very clean and tidy. Kitchenware and linen good quality. Spacious and comfortable.
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- Capacity: 4 people
- All ages welcome
Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
Check-out: 10:00 - Address: 438 Van Niekerk Street, Rosendal, 9210, Free State