Meiringskloof Nature Park
Review Summary
Aletta G - Mar 2025
Overall rating
Ons sal beslis weer gaan.
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We will definitely go again.
Thank you Susan, we appreciate everything you have done for us, the accommodation and the gas when the power problem arose. The hiking trails are meticulously designed and there are many beautiful viewpoints.
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James Edward H - Mar 2025
Overall rating
Spectacular and peaceful.
Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Thank you, James. Hope you visit us again! We are planning new hiking trails and MTB trails. Only H11 still needs an undercover braai for the summer rainy afternoons; the other chalets are all sorted.
Reynardt T - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Rustig, veilig, netjies en skoon. Staproetes was baie lekker.
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Quiet, safe, neat and clean. Hiking trails were very nice.
Very nice stay. Friendly staff.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Baie dankie Reynardt - ja, dit is mooi hier. Baie van die staproetes het lekker skaduwee en dit help op warm dae.
Jeane J - Mar 2025
Overall rating
Ons kom weer kuier, definitief!
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We will visit again, definitely!
It was wonderful, the tranquility and natural beauty of the park completely spoiled us and exceeded all our expectations.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Ek is bly om te hoor julle het dit geniet. Kom gerus weer.
Frans K - Feb 2025
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We had a very nice stay, incredibly beautiful nature.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Die natuurskoon is iets besonders. Ek is bly julle het dit geniet.
Albertus Pieter R - Mar 2025
Overall rating
Ongelooflik mooi omgewing. Lekker rustig.
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Incredibly beautiful surroundings. Nice and peaceful.
Nice stay. Nice quiet environment.
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Louise Elizabeth W - Mar 2025
Overall rating
Rustig, gemaklik, natuur, kaggelvuur. Baie lag.
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Quiet, comfortable, nature, fireplace. Lots of laughter.
Had a great stay with adult children. Wi-Fi was mostly unavailable due to power outages.
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Audre P - Jul 2024
Overall rating
Heerlik vir mense wat van die buitelug hou.
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Great for people who love the outdoors.
Beautiful place, would like to go again. Lots of walking space. We were there in the winter which was lovely, fireplace in our little house. Should also be lovely in the summer with the pool. Must love nature - very peaceful, quiet, safe. Good location - close to surrounding villages and sights if you wanted to drive around, but it's not even necessary.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Baie dankie Audre - ek dink jy het ons natuurpark mooi opgesom. Baie gaste kom net vir die stilte, rustigheid en ryk voellewe (birdlife). Ander soek adrenalien en abseil, of gaan ry perd en 4x4 in die omgewing. Ek hoop julle kom besoek ons weer in die somer - hier tel mens maklik 14 watervalle van die kranse af na 'n goeie reenbui.
Hanlie G - May 2024
Overall rating
Klein juweel naby Fouriesburg.
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Little gem near Fouriesburg.
Little gem near Fouriesburg. We were two couples who camped here for the weekend. Enjoyed the lovely scenery so much and took advantage of the lovely walking paths. Place is well maintained and we noticed how the owners put effort into maintenance and upgrades.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Dankie Hanlie - ja, ons het nog baie planne vir Meiringskloof. Ons is besig om die Swaeltjie Nes klaar te maak, en wil dan nog 'n paar nuwe staproetes ook maak.
Annekie K - May 2024
Overall rating
Heerlik, ongelooflik mooi en rustig.
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Delicious, incredibly beautiful and peaceful.
It was a wonderful experience for the soul with a lot of kindness and with an able host and hostess. We will definitely visit again and can recommend the resort for sure.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Dankie vir die mooi woorde, Annekie. Julle is altyd welkom.
Gisela D - May 2024
Overall rating
Excellent place to unwind.
Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
The caves are indeed special - each in its own unique way. We also have a long hike, featuring interesting plants that blossom in different seasons, along with stunning views over the surrounding landscape and mountains. It's called the Cliff Hanger Trail. You can trek it next time you're here.
Sumari A - Apr 2024
Overall rating
Absoluut heerlik.
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Absolutely delicious.
Definitely one of the best places to catch your breath. Breathtakingly beautiful and therapy for the soul. The owners and staff are wonderfully hospitable and always ready and willing to help with anything. Will go back again and again and again.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Julle is altyd welkom. Ons skep darem ook nog lekker asem so tussen die werk deur - mens hoef net op te kyk na die kranse en blou blou lug...
Chris V - Apr 2024
Overall rating
Ons het gaan rus soek en dis presies wat ons gekry het!
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We went looking for rest and that's exactly what we got!
Absolutely a must visit place! And the hiking trails are off the books! Awesome pool for big and small and very friendly and pleasant staff!
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Dankie Chris - ons is bly julle het lekker gerus en die staproetes geniet. Ons bly op die perseel en word nog steeds nie moeg vir die mooi om ons nie - ons stap ook gereeld die roetes om seker te maak dit bly skoon en netjies. Ons hoop ons sien julle weer!
Anlee S - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Prentjie mooi!
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Nice picture!
The stay was excellent! The facilities are clean and tidy. The surroundings are indescribably beautiful. The hiking trails are well marked and definitely a must do!
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Dankie vir jou terugvoer, Anlee. Ons is bly julle het dit geniet om hier te wees. Volgende keer sien julle nog nuwe dinge...
Hendrik V - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Ongelooflik, onvergeetlik, asemrowend. Die plek is 'n moet.
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Incredible, unforgettable, breathtaking. The place is a must.
Incredible, unforgettable, breathtaking. The place is a must if you are looking for a getaway. A genuine cleaning opportunity. Experience the place yourself and find the rest you deserve.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Dankie Hendrik - ja, dit is nogals 'n plek om rus vir jou siel te vind en weer batterye te herlaai.
Ursula L - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Thank you Ursula - we have almost 200 different bird species here, some stay, some just visit. We hope to see you again.
Suney S - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Loved it. Beautiful views, clean and safe.
Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Your little detour has served as a wake-up call to remind hikers to follow the cliff edge on the way back. However, I'm glad you enjoyed our hiking trails anyway. Hopefully, the next time you visit will be after more rain so that you can see some waterfalls and more moss.
William H - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Will come back for sure!
Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
You are always welcome - glad you enjoyed your stay.
Bertus R - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Gaan weer.
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Go again.
Incredibly beautiful, clean, value for money.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Ons is bly julle het die plek mooi geniet. En na die winter sal hier ook nog nuwe stapplekke wees.
Corne P - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Lekker gekampeer by K14.
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Nice camping at K14.
Meiringskloof has truly been of the steadfast good kind over the years. The camping site is very neat with a beautiful large tree that provides shade throughout the day and especially in the afternoon. The pitch is big enough for 3 tents without sleeping together. Reasonable shelter from neighbors left and right. Ablutions clean and tidy - even HandyAndy and a sponge by the bath. Very nice swimming pools (cold!) and the hiking trails are very well maintained. There is a hiking trail for just about every day of the week! No MTN signal at stand, but the free WiFi at the office serves very well for the "touchbase" with society. We would love to come again!
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Ons is bly julle het lekker gekuier en gerus (hoop ons - julle het baie rondgeloop!). Kom gerus weer. Ons is nog nie seker wat ons kan doen om selfoon ontvangs tussen die kranse te verbeter/kry nie, maar gelukkig help die WiFi darem.
Johan O - Feb 2024
Overall rating
N onvergeetlike ervaring.
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An unforgettable experience.
Beautiful sandstone houses with the most beautiful nature on your doorstep. No city noise or the modern clatter of a TV. Just the fire crackling softly under the most beautiful Free State starry sky. If you crave rest for the soul, this is just the place.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Ons stem saam - 'n plek vir jou siel om jou in te haal...
Eunice M - Feb 2024
Overall rating
The place has a peace of mind.
Percy Z - Feb 2024
Overall rating
Had a wonderful camping experience. The customer service is at 100%.
Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Don't think twice - just come again!
Natasha A - Jan 2024
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Most beautiful and most delicious.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Dankie vir daai ongelooflik mooiste en lekkerste. Dit doen ons harte goed as mense Meiringskloof so ervaar.
Gideon L - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Wonderlik, asemrowend mooi en rustig.
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Wonderful, breathtakingly beautiful and peaceful.
Yes, a lot! So peaceful in the gorge.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
... en as die tieners adrenalien soek kan hulle volgende keer abseil teen die kranse af
Reinhard F - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Baie rustig en mooi natuur skoon.
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Very peaceful and beautiful nature clean.
Wonderful natural environment, gorge on both sides with value for money accommodation. Nice hiking trails, swimming pool and barbecue in the evening.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Dit is mooi - en in 'n jaar met baie reen is die groen mos nog meer op die klippe en bome.
Yvonne G - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Beste hiking trail.
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Beste hiking trail.
Very nice stay and clean. Owner himself is on site 24 hours.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
En elke keer as julle kom sal julle hopelik iets nuuts raaksien. Ons het nog baie planne.
Chris H - Aug 2024
Overall rating
Die area het ongelukkig deurgeloop a.g.v. 'n verwoestende brand.
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The area unfortunately ran through due to a devastating fire.
. Ablution super clean. Walking routes are well maintained and clearly marked. Incredible views from all the hiking trails.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Gelukkig het dit glad nie in Meiringskloof self gebrand nie - net in die omgewing. Dit was erg. Ons area het intussen goeie reën gekry so alles loop weer mooi uit - die heide en suikerbosse sal bietjie langer neem, maar nou ja.
Karla V - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Marvellous, amazing, beautiful and just perfect.
Read moreMeiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Good day Karla, I am glad you enjoyed your stay. I apologise if the bathroom was not up to standard - I will follow up on that. I also prefer having a double sink to wash up dishes - we have started replacing single sinks in the chalets, so hopefully H11 will also soon get its turn. Regards, Susan P. Meiringskloof
Jaco D - Apr 2024
Overall rating
Het die stilte en natuur baie geniet.
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Really enjoyed the silence and nature.
Very friendly and accommodating staff. Accommodation was very clean and tidy.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Dankie Jaco - ek is altyd bly as mense die mooi natuur en stilte geniet - en ook ons vriendelike personeel.
Malcolm M - Jan 2024
Overall rating
A gem of a place.
Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
We appreciate and like our staff - I am glad you found them friendly as well. I will pass on the compliment.
Gerhard V - Nov 2024
Overall rating
Dit was die moeite werd.
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It was worth it.
The cottage was basic but very comfortable. Table at the braai very old. I missed an egg spatula and wooden spoons in the kitchen. We really enjoyed the beautiful trees and other plants and the sound of frogs in the evening. As well as the walkway we did. The road to the resort is a bit rough for a sedan, but the town's streets are much worse. We had a good time at a small restaurant in Fouriesburg and I can also recommend the butcher's sausage.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Middag Gerhard. Al die huisies het gewoonlik eierspanele - ek is jammer as daar nie een was nie, en ook dat jy nie vir een kom vra het nie; ons het ekstra voorraad in die kantoor. Houtlepels sit ons nie in die huisies nie, maar dit is dalk 'n goeie idee. Ek sal dit dalk doen - baie kokke hou daarvan om houtlepels te gebruik. Ja, ons toegangspad is bietjie klipperig so na die winter - ons kan eers weer skraap nadat dit goed gereën het en die grond lekker nat is. Sedans moet maar stadig ry. Ek is jammer ons het julle gemis - ons was vir 'n week weg Kaap toe. Ek is nietemin bly julle het die pragtige omgewing geniet.
Sandra O - Nov 2024
Overall rating
Hier kan mens asem skep!
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Here you can catch your breath!
Great location, had a great time. The hiking trails are well marked and well maintained. Very nice environment.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Dankie ja ek stem saam - 'n goeie plek om asem te skep. Ek is bly jy het ons mooi natuurskoon geniet.
Karabo N - Oct 2024
Overall rating
Short but worthwhile.
Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Hi Karabo, Please come back and enjoy our hiking trails. The beautiful scenery is worth a visit. Susan P
Melanie F - May 2024
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Everything was good, no complaints.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Dankie, Melanie. Bly julle het dit geniet - hoop ons sien julle weer!
Mart-mari V - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Skoon en rustig!
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Clean and quiet!
We had a great camp! Great facilities and leafy green trees ensured a lovely rest. It's beautiful there.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Ons is bly julle het lekker gerus. Dit is regtig pragtig hier.
Susan D - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Perfekte bly gewees.
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Perfect stay.
Had a great stay. Thank you very much for your kindness.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Dankie vir jou terugvoer, Gerhard Du Preez. Ons is bly julle het die verblyf geniet.
Joane K - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Beste plek vir mense wat wil wegkom van die besige stad lewe.
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Best place for people who want to get away from the busy city life.
What an experience, excellent.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Dit is so. Hier kan mens regtig 'unwind'.
Marie V - Nov 2023
Overall rating
Weg, ver weg, van die stadsgeraas na stilte in die kloof.
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Away, far away, from the city noise to silence in the gorge.
Great time in the gorge, the scenery is breathtaking, the hiking trails are definitely a must.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Ek is bly julle het die stilte en die staproetes geniet...
Anna C - Nov 2023
Overall rating
Absoluut hemels.
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Absolutely heavenly.
Meiringskloof is definitely worth visiting and absolutely value for money. The walking paths are very beautiful and nice to walk.
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Rina V - Nov 2023
Overall rating
Lekker basisplek vir rondry tussen omliggende areas.
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Nice base for driving around between surrounding areas.
Really enjoyed Meiringskloof. Nice hiking trails and beautiful scenery.
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Jaco P - Oct 2023
Overall rating
Wat 'n fantastiese tyd by Meiringskloof Nature Park!
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What a fantastic time at Meiringskloof Nature Park!
Our home was very neat, well laid out and lacking absolutely nothing. The scenery is breathtaking and the hiking trails are well marked, very well maintained which contributes to safety for hikers. Susan is a great person who goes the extra mile for guests. General workers are also very friendly and helpful. We are definitely going back.
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Pieter N - Sep 2023
Overall rating
Waar begin ek?
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Where do I start?
From the moment we got there, it was just amazing. We didn't want to go back! The staff is amazing. Thank you so much for a wonderful time! We will see you again soon.
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Karabo Vanessa L - Jul 2023
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A perfect vacation.
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Was a great weekend getaway.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Ja, dit is nogal 'n lekker plek om sommer bietjie weg te breek. Party mense wil net rus en ontspan, ander stap baie, sommiges soek adrenalien en doen abseiling, vir die wat wil inkopies doen is Clarens naby. Ons hoop ons sien julle weer.
Christo B - Jul 2023
Overall rating
Weggesteekte edelsteen (hidden gem).
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Hidden gem (hidden gem).
Wanted to go to Meiringskloof for so long and was not disappointed. Great place, just booked again for August. Next time is in the summer, because I can only imagine how beautiful and nice it must be in the summer with those lovely lawns, trees and swimming pool and then still going for a walk in the mountains and streams, looking forward to a visit in December !
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Theresa L - Jul 2023
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Skoon, mooi, rustig.
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Clean, beautiful, peaceful.
The fact that there was no WiFi was the best! The houses were the perfect size for a small, close-knit family. Don't build a roof over the braai, give the next visitors an umbrella instead. The open braai area was nice.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Ons is bly julle kon lekker bly. Sommige mense hou daarvan om sonder Wi-Fi te wees - ander mis dit. Daar is darem gelukkig Wi-Fi beskikbaar in 'n groot area om die kantoor. Ek hoor jou kommentaar oor die oop braai - dalk is albei nodig - oop vir die mooi windstil dae, en onderdak vir 'n somer met baie reen
Chantal B - May 2023
Overall rating
It's alovely venue. Stayed there 12 years ago and enjoyed it then too.
Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Hi Chantal.
I am glad you enjoyed your visit. It is so beautiful here in any season. We love the place. I will try to find out how to fix the problem with google maps.
Thank you for bringing it to our attention.
Susan P
Paul M - May 2023
Overall rating
Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Good afternoon, we are glad you had a wonderful stay with us.
Our apologies that the wood was not to your liking. Guests are always welcome to bring along their favorite wood from home.
Estefan T - Apr 2023
Overall rating
A hiker's dream.
Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Yes, swimming in the town dam is quite something. And a low or higher jump into the cold water from the rockface quite exhilarating. Next time also consider a canoe trip on the dam. In some places one can actually row underneath the overhanging rockface and look up at the water reflecting on the rocks above - very special.
Leandra V - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Onverbeterlike ligging.
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Unbeatable location.
Meiringskloof offers peace and quiet with beautiful scenery. The hiking trails are excellent. Neat ablutions and friendly staff.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Ons voel self altyd Meiringskloof is goed vir die siel - bly julle het ook die rustigheid en stilte geniet. Ons hoop om julle weer te sien.
Francois S - Mar 2023
Overall rating
Heerlik ontspan!
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Great relax!
Staff very friendly and considerate. Beautiful scenery! Very nice walking tests!
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Dankie Francois, ons is bly julle het dit geniet. Ons is besig om n langer dag-staproete te ontwikkel met die mooiste uitsigte oor die omliggende berge en Lesotho se berge. Dit sal voor einde Maart klaar swees. Hoop julle kom probeer dit eendag.
Susan L - Mar 2023
Overall rating
Het weer asem geskep in die ongelooflike pragtige en rustige omgewing.
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Breathe again in the incredibly beautiful and peaceful surroundings.
Service is friendly and professional. The facilities are clean and tidy. Nature is incredibly beautiful. The surroundings are so beautiful and you are close to everything. Thank you for allowing us to enjoy the piece of paradise!
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Ons is bly julle het ons stukkie paradys geniet. Dit is werklik 'n plek om batterye te herlaai en jou siel te verkwik. Ons hoop ons sien julle weer.
Elize F - Feb 2023
Overall rating
Natuurliefhebbers se uitspanplek.
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Nature lovers' relaxation spot.
Wow! Most beautiful scenery. Cute unit (No. 11). Clean and comfortable. The hiking trails are the icing on the cake. Relaxing. Become one with nature around you.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Goeie Middag
Dankie vir die mooi woorde, ons is bly julle het dit geniet.
Betsie D - Feb 2023
Overall rating
Natuurliefhebber se droomnaweek weg.
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Nature lover's dream weekend away.
It is amazing to do the hiking trails. Mountain and hiking trails with waterfalls and caves were an experience, but not for the "faint hearted". Our weather was very rainy and in that case we would have appreciated a TV - although I think the whole idea is to break away from cell phones and TV etc. and just enjoy nature, which one will certainly be able to do here. Nice restaurants in the area.
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Elize G - Jan 2023
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Ons is vriendelik ontvang deur William. Ons het heerlik gekuier by Meiringskloof. Die huisie was pragtig en baie netjies.
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We were kindly received by William. We had a great time at Meiringskloof. The house was beautiful and very tidy.
The scenery at Meiringskloof is breathtakingly beautiful, anyone who likes nature can feel free to stay at Meiringskloof. There is so much beauty to see. Thank you to our dear Father and the people of Meiringskloof who make it possible for our people to enjoy the place. It's safe and very clean on the routes. We would go there again anytime.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Goeie more
Ons is bly julle het die tydjie by ons geniet, sien julle graag weer in die toekoms.
Sharleen Prinsloo
Odette B - Jan 2023
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Kiepersol is spacious and comfortable. Staff is friendly. Nature is breathtaking. The hiking trails are clearly marked and safe. I would advise guests to pack an LED lamp for loadshedding and power outages during thunderstorms.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Goeie More
Ons is bly u het lekker by ons gebly. Vir toekoms bespreking, u kan led lampies by die kantoor kry vir beurtkrag, jammer dat u nie een gekry het nie.
Sharleen Prinsloo
Elize M - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Pragtige natuur, rustige atmosfeer, heerlike staproetes. Wat meer kon ons voor vra?
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Beautiful nature, peaceful atmosphere, wonderful hiking trails. What more could we ask for?
We had a nice stay. The peaceful atmosphere and natural beauty was rest for the soul.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Jip. Mens kry rus vir jou siel hier.
Melanie D - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Friendly and comfortable.
Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
That is true about the shopping - we have updated our booking confirmation to warn people that Fouriesburg is a small town and finding fresh fruit and vegetables is a challenge. We don't have a Spar, Checkers, or Pick & Pay. However, we have good meat and restaurants
Daniella D - Oct 2023
Overall rating
Best holiday.
Leon G - Aug 2023
Overall rating
Lekker in die natuur, goeie staproetes vir elke persoon.
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Nice in nature, good hiking trails for every person.
Nice fresh air, beautiful caves, too bad it's being vandalized.
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Stefan V - Aug 2023
Overall rating
Lekker stil, baie mooi en pragtige staproetes.
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Nice and quiet, very beautiful and beautiful hiking trails.
Had a nice weekend. Very nice for people when the kids are not around, not much for the kids to do, but we traveled alone and it was very nice.
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Marna W - Jul 2023
Overall rating
Lekker wegbreek.
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Nice break away.
Nice hiking trails and nice atmosphere. Very nice location.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Ons is bly julle het ons pragtige kloof geniet. Ons hoop ons sien julle weer.
Madelein B - Jul 2023
Overall rating
Gerieflike blyplek en waarde vir geld. Sal weer besoek.
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Comfortable place to stay and value for money. Will visit again.
Beautiful surroundings and nice place to stay which is definitely worth a 2nd visit.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Dankie vir die positiewe kommentaar. Ons is gedurig besig met opgraderings / veranderinge, so julle 2de besoek sal net nog lekkerder wees.
Corlia L - Jul 2023
Overall rating
Fantastiese natuurskoon in die kloof!
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Fantastic scenery in the gorge!
The caves are really fantastic to see! The hiking trails are well marked. Bring enough firewood in the winter. The electric blankets help at night.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Ja die Holkrans is indrukwekkend - dit is 100m wyd en by 40m op die verste in. Ek hoop julle het die stukkies wit saamgepersde beendere in n laag in die Boesmangrot raakgesien. Indien nie - kom kyk weer.
Theuns K - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Baie rustig en lekker.
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Very peaceful and nice.
Very beautiful wildlife and hiking trails.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Ons is bly julle het dit geniet. Ja ons is wel 1.7 km weg van die naaste restaurante en winkels af - en Clarens met al sy bedrywighede is 35 km verder, maar die bietjie afgesonderdheid dra ook nou weer by tot die rustigheid en stilte hier ...
Bianca V - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Rustig en stil met staproetes in die natuur.
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Peaceful and quiet with hiking trails in nature.
House is equipped with everything you need, surroundings are quiet and picturesque. Staff are friendly, will definitely book again.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Ons is bly julle het ons mooi natuurskoon en stap padjies geniet. Ons gaan nog nuwes ontwikkel in die wintermaande. Hoop ons sien julle weer.
Marilize J - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Mooi natuurskoon en groot sitkamer en kombuis.
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Beautiful scenery and large living room and kitchen.
We were kindly received. Hiking trails were lovely. Fireplace helps with cold in the evenings. And it's half an hour's drive from Clarens and close to other attractions. Wi-fi is a bit weak, but they are busy with plans to improve it.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Ja dankie, ons het 'n plan om verby die baie bome en kranse weerskante die sein te versterk. Ons glo ons sal teen einde Julie al goeie Wi-Fi beskikbaar hê.
Natashia H - Feb 2023
Overall rating
It was amazing.
Marienette L - Jun 2023
Overall rating
Baie lekker en ontspannend.
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Very nice and relaxing.
It was an adventure, the children really enjoyed the hiking trails and mountain climbing.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
As julle weer kom, onthou hulle kan ook abseil by ons, en in die omgewing perdry.
Sybilla H - Nov 2023
Overall rating
Brilliant and well worth it.
Margaret V - Oct 2023
Overall rating
Pragtige natuurskoon.
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Beautiful scenery.
A beautiful resort with many hiking trails. Centrally located to be able to visit the other towns as well. I would like to see upgrades to the pool and pool area, as well as the bathroom at the pool. The camping area's ablution facility is very nice and that standard should also be visible in the pool area's bathroom. The pool area should really be a central nice spot, as many other resorts do. To make the resort even more enticing, the "shop" could really hold a wider variety of items.
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Anina J - Sep 2023
Overall rating
Ons het baie lekker gebly. Alles was skoon en netjies. Daar is net 'n probleem met die water by die bad a.g.v. die kraan wat nie heeltemal oor die bad se rand is nie en dan loop die water tot op die vloer. Ons was nie bewus darvan nie.
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We had a very nice stay. Everything was clean and tidy. There is only a problem with the water at the bath because the tap that is not completely over the edge of the bath and then the water runs down to the floor. We were not aware of that.
We enjoyed being so close to nature, the WiFi that only works sometimes didn't even bother!
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Veronica F - Sep 2023
Overall rating
Rustig en omring deur natuur.
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Quiet and surrounded by nature.
Very nice please. The absence of signal or WiFi at the unit was inconvenient. The scenery was unbeatable.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Ons is bly julle kon lekker rus en die natuurskoon geniet. Ja, op die oomblik is die Wi-Fi beperk tot sekere areas, maar ons sal in die toekoms daarna moet kyk om dit uit te brei. Sommige besoekers hou van die idee om "afgesonder" te wees, maar meeste verkies deesdae toegang oral.
Lischen T - Apr 2023
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Peaceful getaway from city life. Perfect place to spend quality time with partner without interruptions. Beautiful hiking trails.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Ons is bly julle het dit ook so ondervind. Kom gerus weer.
Paul N - Feb 2023
Overall rating
Heel lekker.
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Very nice.
Hiking trails - not so easy, but breathtakingly beautiful. Highly recommend it. Accommodation - Mediocre, not luxurious, but enough. Would have been nice to know in advance that there are no towels or dishcloths. Maybe I misread it somewhere. We quickly went shopping in town. Luckily we brought swimming towels. The pool - This is my only real criticism. We chose the place with the thought that we could cool off after the walk, but the bath water was not pretty. Make the pool nice, and we'll be back. All in all, a very nice weekend, with beautiful views and lots of stars in the evening.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Goeie Middag
Jammer julle moes handoeke koop, ons lekkeslaap kwotasie wys tans dat mense hulle eie handoeke, vadoeke en opwas middels moet bring.
Ons het intussen die swembad filters se sand vervang en dit het n groot verskil gemaak.
Ons het bly julle die mooi natuurskoon geniet
Alexis S - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Pragtige omgewing en goeie diens.
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Beautiful surroundings and good service.
Friendly and helpful staff. Neat and clean accommodation.
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Meiringskloof Nature Park 's response
Goeiemôre, ons is bly u het u verblyf by ons geniet.
Tracey P - Oct 2022
Overall rating
Amazing stay with stunning hikes.
Yolandi V - Jul 2022
Overall rating
We had a lovely time and would definitely be back.
Anonymous Guest - Jul 2022
Overall rating
Good but stormy weather.
Home has cobwebs on the roof. Very minimalistic and old furniture.
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- Capacity: 51 people
- All ages welcome
Check-in: 14:00 to 20:00
Check-out: 10:00 - Address: Meiringskloof Nature Park, Meiring Street, Fouriesburg, 9725, Free State