Namgate Gastehuis en Slaghuis
Review Summary
Lynette Q - Mar 2025
Overall rating
Staff were very friendly and helpful. Dinner was divine. Recommended stopover.
Horst B - Jan 2025
Overall rating
Ruim kamers en lekker etes.
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Spacious rooms and delicious meals.
Excellent. Nice and quiet, very well located for traveling through Namibia and the convenience of a butcher shop on your doorstep. Dinner was great.
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Hanna T - Jan 2025
Overall rating
Die groen gras en bome was 'n absolute lafenis na twee weke in sand en woestyn.
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The green grass and trees were an absolute relief after two weeks in sand and desert.
Incredibly delicious! The green grass and trees were a relief after two weeks in sand and desert. Dinner was just as much of a surprise, not to mention the breakfast packages. Thank you very much for the effort!
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Nicolette L - Jan 2025
Overall rating
Awesome service and value for money.
Anna-marie M - Jan 2025
Overall rating
Vriendelike ontvangs! Goeie ligging en alle nodige geriewe!
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Friendly welcome! Good location and all necessary amenities!
Excellent stay! Enjoyed it very much!
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Johan V - Jan 2025
Overall rating
Het baie lekker in stilte gerus.
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Had a great time resting in silence.
It was truly a pleasure to stay there. The meals provided are of the highest quality.
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Wolf R - Feb 2025
Overall rating
Mense baie vriendelik.
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People very friendly.
We really enjoyed our stay.
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Anonymous Guest - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Delicious dinner and a great night's sleep! A very nice and comfortable overnight stop from Windhoek to the Cape!
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Leandri S - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Dit was een van die beste plekke waar ons nog gebly het.
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This was one of the best places we have ever stayed.
We had a very nice stay!
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Pierre L - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Wat 'n aangename ervaring - gaan beleef dit vir jouself.
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What a pleasant experience - go experience it for yourself.
It was great! The room was neat and stylish, and the dinner that was served was from the top chairs. We slept, ate and socialized wonderfully after a long and tiring trip from SA. The breakfast packages were a great surprise - thank you Welmari.
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Marietjie T - Nov 2024
Overall rating
Baie lekker.
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Very nice.
Very nice stay. Lovely place!
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Markus F - Oct 2024
Overall rating
Awesome and relaxed.
Dave H - Oct 2024
Overall rating
Convenient comfortable stay with outstanding meals.
Melisa B - Oct 2024
Overall rating
Kanna W - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Ons verblyf was uit die boonste rakke. Dit sal definitief ons volgende oorslaap wees.
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Our stay was top notch. This will definitely be our next stopover.
It was an absolute pleasure.
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Herdi V - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Ons het lekker gebly, heerlike aandete en lekker ontbytpakkies.
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We had a nice stay, delicious dinner and nice breakfast packages.
Yes, we had a nice stay.
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Erika K - Aug 2024
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Nice stay. Dinner was fantastic.
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Henk A - Aug 2024
Overall rating
Sal beslis weer kom.
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Will definitely come again.
Delicious meals, good sleep and butcher shop purchases tops.
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Sonnika B - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Lieflike oornag verblyf na 'n lang dag op die pad.
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Lovely overnight stay after a long day on the road.
Was a great stop after a long day on the road. Everything was neat and clean and we were received kindly.
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Louis P - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Beter as wat ek verwag het.
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Better than I expected.
The accommodation itself is excellent, but the extras are what stand out, such as the dinners and their own biltong and dry sausage.
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Niel V - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Perfek vir 'n vinnige "stopover" oppad na Windhoek of verder.
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Perfect for a quick "stopover" on the way to Windhoek or further afield.
Just a quick stopover on the way to Windhoek, and it's perfect for that.
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Andria V - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Voortreflike verblyf.
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Excellent accommodation.
Hospitable, friendly, neat guest house, delicious food.
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Jan H - May 2024
Overall rating
Fantastiese, plaas gasvryheid.
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Fantastic, farm hospitality.
Very, very, nice stay. Would have liked to stay a few more days.
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Jan H - May 2024
Overall rating
Pleasantly surprised.
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Pleasantly surprised.
Fantasies, definitely our preferred place to stay if we go there again.
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Gerhard S - May 2024
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Incredibly delicious. Friendly people and good meat.
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Nicol C - Apr 2024
Overall rating
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It was an unforgettable experience. The hostess is excellent and goes out of her way to make everyone happy and comfortable. The friendliness and hospitality is incomparable. It was a great experience and we can't wait to stay there again. The dinner exceeded all expectations and was top notch, we have never had such a mutton neck, it was the most delicious, can't wait to eat it again.
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Namgate Gastehuis en Slaghuis 's response
Dis altyd ons voorreg om ons gaste te ontmoet en mekaar - vir 'n kort tydjie - te leer ken. Daarom te meer, sien ons uit na 'n volgende keer. Baie dankie vir die kompliment vir die lamsnekke - dis 'n tuisgebore resep van die lammers van ons veld af. Ons poog om dit tot sy volle eetervaring te neem. Ons sien uit na ons volgende kuier. Vriendelike Vleisstal groete, Wilmari.
Nicol C - Apr 2024
Overall rating
Sal dit vir seker weer in die toekoms gebruik.
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Will definitely use it again in the future.
It was very nice, very friendly and hospitable owners.
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Emmie P - Feb 2024
Overall rating
Vyfster verblyf op Namibiese vlaktes. Sielesorg!
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Five star accommodation on the Namibian plains. Soul care!
The rooms are particularly comfortable and beautiful. Everything is spacious! We have the evening to hang out on the balcony overlooking the plains. One night was like a week's vacation!
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Susan A - Feb 2024
Overall rating
Heerlikste gekookte ete.
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Most delicious cooked meal.
Very cute place. Food was delicious and lots of it!
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Arno R - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Baie lekker. Sal dit aanbeveel vir enige iemand.
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Very nice. Would recommend to anyone.
Very nice stay. Also get nice dinners.
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Johannes H - Sep 2024
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Good food, friendly and clean.
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Deon V - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Baie goed, dankie.
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Very good thank you.
Very good overnight house for travel between SA and NAM. Immediately let us know that we had left some of our personal belongings behind and even tried to forward them to us in SA.
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Tom C - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Beste skaapnek & lamspastei wat ons nog ooit gehad het!
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Best mutton neck & lamb pie we've ever had!
Very nice location & friendly service.
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Johannes H - May 2024
Overall rating
Slegs n oorslaap.
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Only an overnight stay.
Clean and comfortable room, friendly hostess.
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Pieter K - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Baie nice!
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Very nice!
Beautiful, would recommend.
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Fabian H - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Kuier was voldoende.
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Visiting was sufficient.
We had a nice stay. Yes, just spent the last night in room 8, drainage smell was very bad in the room, which needs to be looked into, but it was a very nice spacious room that I would book again for my family.
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Krystle D - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Heerlike kos.
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Delicious food.
The food they prepared for us was delicious! A very cute place for one night's sleepover.
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Deon K - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Het net oornag!
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Just spent the night!
Had a great stay!
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Bendri G - Sep 2023
Overall rating
Netjies, skoon en puik kos!
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Neat, clean and great food!
Would recommend to anyone.
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Lutz S - Jan 2023
Overall rating
Perfect accommodation.
Ludwig K - Aug 2023
Overall rating
Presies wat ons nodig gehad het na 'n week op die pad.
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Exactly what we needed after a week on the road.
After a walk with two cute farm dogs, we were served delicious farm food. Would love to braai under the stars next time after seeing the neat braai areas. It's a very good location before or after you cross the border. Would definitely recommend Namgate, and feel free to visit the meat stall.
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Magda En Hannes B - May 2023
Overall rating
Was fantasties.
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Was fantastic.
We were received very kindly. Wilmari spoiled us with the most delicious meal that evening and her husband also made us feel at home, everything was very nice.
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Michelle M - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Gasvryheid en waarde vir geld.
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Hospitality and value for money.
We were received by the friendly hostess and were accommodated with our two cats who were traveling together. Our dinner was a delicious cooked plate of food, which is ideal after a long day on the road. Breakfast was a winner too! Our family room was spacious, well equipped and very tidy and the aircon welcome in the December heat. We will definitely stay at Namgate again!
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Johan E - Sep 2022
Overall rating
Lekker halfwegstasie tussen die Kaap en Windhoek.
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Nice halfway station between the Cape and Windhoek.
We were very kindly received by Marlene, our hostess, and the equally friendly Bella, the dog. We slept wonderfully in the spacious rooms. The dinner was very nice and the next morning we got a hearty breakfast after which we could venture the rest of our way home.
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Namgate Gastehuis en Slaghuis 's response
Baie dankie Johan! Hoop om julle sommer gou weer te verwelkom! Marlene en Bella.
Jan M - May 2022
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Always nice to spend the night there. Thank you very much for your hospitality and the delicious dinner.
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Namgate Gastehuis en Slaghuis 's response
Baie dankie Ina. Ons sien uit daarna om julle weer by ons ontvang.
Carla P - Jan 2022
Overall rating
Felt right at home.
Riana V - Oct 2021
Overall rating
Rustige plaas met ongelooflike behulpsame eienaars.
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Peaceful farm with incredibly helpful owners.
We arrived in the pouring rain and were kindly received. The bedrooms are incredibly spacious and comfortable. It is built around the social area which consists of a dining, sitting and coffee area. There is a kitchen where the fridge and washing up facilities can be used. Feel free to use the butcher shop as well. We bought frozen lamb and sausage that was packed in boxes and it stayed frozen all the way to Cape Town.
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Willine S - Mar 2020
Overall rating
By Namgate kom jy as 'n gas en vertrek as familie.
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At Namgate you come as a guest and leave as family.
It was one of our most enjoyable visits in Namibia and would definitely recommend it and stay there again.
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Henk L - Feb 2020
Overall rating
Heerlik en gerieflike oornagverblyf.
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Lovely and comfortable overnight stay.
Friendly reception and neat clean rooms. Nice venison sausage at the paddock!
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Gerhard O - Oct 2019
Overall rating
Beste besluit van hele "trip".
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Best decision of whole "trip".
Nicest place to sleep halfway between Cape Town and Windhoek. Company and cooking, it just keeps getting better.
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Elizma A - Jun 2019
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We enjoyed our stay so much. The food is fantastic and Margereth and her family so friendly! We will definitely stop by again when we visit Namibia!
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Namgate Gastehuis en Slaghuis 's response
Hi Elizma,
Baie dankie vir die terugvoering, julle het dit vir ons ook lekker gemaak en sal julle graag weer wil ontvang. Voorspoed en gesondheid vir julle toegewens.
Vriendelike groete,
Eike W - May 2019
Overall rating
Baie gerieflik.
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Very convenient.
Thank you very much for your hospitality.
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Namgate Gastehuis en Slaghuis 's response
Hi Eike,
Baie dankie vir die positiewe terugvoering, julle is altyd weer welkom hier by ons.
Simon B - Mar 2019
Overall rating
Baie gasvrye mense wat jou dadelik tuis laat voel.
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Many hospitable people make you feel at home right away.
First-class hospitality, neat location, well equipped and easy to get to.
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Namgate Gastehuis en Slaghuis 's response
Baie dankie Simon, waardeer jou terugvoering, ons geniet self sulke kuiers.
Vriendelike groete,
Jasper M - Mar 2019
Overall rating
Pragtige, rustige omgewing.
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Beautiful, peaceful surroundings.
Unfortunately, the owners were not at home, but it was arranged with us in advance. The employees received us very friendly and professionally and made us feel at home. The barbecue sausage and salad provided were delicious. Would love to stay there again.
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Namgate Gastehuis en Slaghuis 's response
Baie dankie Jasper, ek waardeer jou terugvoering. Volgende keer sit ons saam om die braaivleisvuurtjie met 'n Suide-tjoppie.
Vreugdevolle dag vir julle
Johann K - Jun 2019
Overall rating
Ongelooflike vriendelike gasheer en gasvrou met uitstekende kos en verblyf.
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Incredibly friendly host and hostess with excellent food and accommodation.
Margaret and Kobus received us like friends on their guest farm. The cozy fire and socializing while we barbecued was truly a testament to these people's hospitality and they made us feel like old friends within minutes. The meat and rest of the food for the evening was excellent and we sat with them until very late at night, visiting and talking. After two weeks of wandering in the north of Namibia, we stayed with them again on the way back and they treated our group to traditional peasant food that evening. It was excellent and the quantity available was more than enough for our group of hungry people to have a second or even a third time of the venison pie, baked mutton ribs, rump, fried potatoes, beans, pumpkin, flavored rice and all the salads. could savor until you moaned. The rooms are equipped with good mattresses and linen and we rested very nice and warm after a long day's driving. Sufficient hot water and neat, clean toilet facilities in your room also make it that much more enjoyable to drive up here and spend the night. The hospitality of the people who do everything in such surrender is one of the reasons why I recommend without hesitation to drive here and experience these two people and their hospitality and environment first hand.
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Namgate Gastehuis en Slaghuis 's response
Baie dankie aan die Klint egpaar, julle het ons soos ou vriende laat voel.
Dit was heerlik om julle met die terugkom te ontvang en saam met julle, julle wedervaringe te kon deel.
Baie dankie vir die positiewe terugvoering en sien uit om julle weer te ontvang vir n lekker kuier.
Seenwense ook vir die "onbaatsugtige" liefdeswerk waarmee julle besig is.
Margaret en Kobus
Lp M - Jun 2019
Overall rating
Vriendelike diens, baie lekker kookkos, beste slaghuis.
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Friendly service, very good cooking, best butcher.
See stars.
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Namgate Gastehuis en Slaghuis 's response
Baie dankie LP, was lekker om julle te ontvang, sien julle weer!
Magda F - Dec 2019
Overall rating
Rustige plaasgevoel.
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Quiet farm feel.
Neat, clean place to sleep with everything you need. We immediately felt at home and could rest well after a long day's travel. Namgate is for the nature lover for sure. The sunrise was breathtaking. Thank you very much for the hospitality.
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Namgate Gastehuis en Slaghuis 's response
Hallo Magda
Baie dankie vir die positiewe terugvoering. Dis altyd lekker om te ons gaste geniet hulle verblyf en vat iets mooi's, soos die sonsondergang saam terug.
Ek sal julle graag weer wil ontvang.
Vriendelike groete
T G B - Jul 2019
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Large accommodation with air conditioning. However, not suitable for complete self-catering. Microwave and kettle only. Had to ask for a fridge. Need some maintenance. The dinners offered are excellent and at a reasonable price. The mother is the heart of the place.
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Namgate Gastehuis en Slaghuis 's response
Baie dankie vir die positiewe terugvoering TG...dis altyd lekker om te weet waar jy kan verbeter.
Ons volle selfsorg- kamers is op die grondvloer met alle benodighede en buite braaifasiliteite. Vra gerus as julle weet verbykom vir een van hulle...tot weersiens.
Vriendelike groete,
Margaret en Marisa
Nadia L - Oct 2019
Overall rating
Meer bedoel vir families en groepe op vakansie.
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More meant for families and groups on vacation.
Clean and neat accommodation. Safe and ideally located off the main road. Unfortunately, self catering unit does not have sink for dishes etc. in the room but outside on the porch. Room has an interior door and you could hear the noise at the bar all evening. Late at night someone must have knocked on the door as a joke. This are more ideal for families or groups on vacation. We were tired after 3 weeks of business trips through the Western Cape and the noise of a bar and late night knocking was not desired.
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Namgate Gastehuis en Slaghuis 's response
Hallo Nadia,
Ons is so jammer dat die ander gaste julle gesteur het en onnodige geklop het.
Ons kan maar net namens hulle om verskoning vra.
Julle is welkom om ons weer te besoek.
Vriendelike groete
Friedrich G - Aug 2018
Overall rating
Heerlike, gasvrye, hartlike warm veblyf, mense-mense wat ons laat voel het ons hoort daar.
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Lovely, hospitable, warm accommodation, people who made us feel like we belong there.
Safe accommodation close to the Karasberge, Ai-Ais and the Fish River Canyon, as well as other surrounding attractions in the South. Why pay so much for "elite" accommodation when we can enjoy such "personal" accommodation and attention as well as the human hospitality of our neighboring country Namibia. Enjoy the most delicious meals of everything and anything, to pick and choose and don't forget the delicious meat at the Padstal store, "Don't panic it's organic". People you don't know what you're missing, really. Keep up the good work Margareth and Kobus!
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Namgate Gastehuis en Slaghuis 's response
Hi Friedrich,
Baie dankie vir die mooi terugvoering.
Ons waardeer dit vreeslik.
Was so lekker om julle hier by ons te hê.
Namgate Groete.
Jd M - Jul 2018
Overall rating
Baie aangename mense en ons sal weer daar tuisgaan.
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Very pleasant people and we will stay there again.
Hearty people. Had a great time with them. The food was very nice. Rooms clean and tidy. Highly recommended.
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Namgate Gastehuis en Slaghuis 's response
Baie dankie Niel. Bly julle het lekker gekuier en is altyd welkom.
Daniel N - Nov 2018
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Country feel.
Safe, friendly reception. Felt like our family visit on the farm. Fantastic meat at a very good price too.
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Namgate Gastehuis en Slaghuis 's response
Baie dankie Daniel, die vleiende resensie word baie waardeer. Lekker mense, maak lekker gaste en so word "vreemdes", bekendes. Seenwense vir julle oor hierdie Kerstyd en voorspoedige 2019. Vreugde en vriendelike groete Margaret.
Gerrit D - Aug 2018
Overall rating
Namibiese gasvryheid op sy beste.
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Namibian hospitality at its best.
Margaret is an excellent hostess and prepared the most delicious meal for us. The rooms are on the top floor with nice views over the farm landscape. The common living area is spacious and cozy when a fire is made in the braai/fireplace. There is a bar/fridge with self-help drinks available at a reasonable price.
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Namgate Gastehuis en Slaghuis 's response
Gerrit, baie dankie vir julle kompliment. Dit bly 'n voorreg om sulke gaste soos julle te ontvang.
Ignes I - Aug 2018
Overall rating
Baie gesellige verblyf.
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Very cozy stay.
It was really a pleasure to meet the owners. They really made us feel at home and just hung out with us that evening. All the self-help facilities are available as well as extra drinks which are available at a low cost.
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Namgate Gastehuis en Slaghuis 's response
Baie dankie Ignes.
Ons waardeer die terugvoering.
Vriendelike groete
- Free cancellation up to 24 hours before your stay!
- Capacity: 31 people
- All ages welcome
Check-in: 14:00 to 21:00
Check-out: 10:00 - Address: B1, Grunau, 0000, Karas