Orange Guestfarm
Review Summary
Diedre C - Mar 2025
Overall rating
Lekker en goed geleë vir Augrabies waterval.
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Nice and well located for Augrabies waterfall.
Very nice stay! Follow the pin location that is sent and don't use Google, you will be scared! Very friendly.
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Hester M - Feb 2025
Overall rating
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It was a wonderful stay. They went out of their way to make us feel at home.
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Amelia R - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Dirk L - Mar 2025
Overall rating
Was great.
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Was great.
Very nice. Thank you. Will come again when I'm in the area. The visit to the restaurant across the river was also special.
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Anonymous Guest - Jan 2025
Overall rating
Enjoyed my stay.
It served the purpose, as I just needed a place to stay for a funeral I had to attend.
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Arthur L - Nov 2024
Overall rating
Relaxing farm style accom - roosters and hadidas, not sure if day or night.
Mike S - Nov 2024
Overall rating
'n Baie besondere ervaring.
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A very special experience.
Two nice drivers who can provide the necessary information about attractions, services and restaurants. The braai is packed and help is regularly offered in relation to any need. Orange Guestfarm is very centrally located in relation to attractions. I will use Orange Guestfarm again, just as I will use you again.
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W A S - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Baie aangenaam.
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Very pleasant.
Very friendly and hospitable people.
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Twynette M - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Vriendelik en gasvrye mense! Dankie.
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Friendly and hospitable people! Thank you.
If you get up early in the morning and hear chickens crowing on the plot, this is just the place for you, with delicious smooth mango juice!
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Johan H - Apr 2024
Overall rating
So rustig soos net die platteland kan wees.
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As peaceful as only the countryside can be.
Lovely farm atmosphere - quiet and peaceful. This was a business visit, but we will definitely go back again. Just to enjoy the tranquility!
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Rene B - Feb 2024
Overall rating
Skoon netjiese kamers.
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Clean tidy rooms.
Nice stay, but disappointed because it said breakfast was included, which was not the case.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Jammer, hulle het nie die kwotasie gelees nie. Daar word slegs vermeld dat koffie altyd beskikbaar is. Ons het al 'n jaar terug gestop met ontbyt. Dit is jammer vir die misverstand, maar ons het darem vir hulle lekker mangosap gegee.
Karina I - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Skoon en gerieflik.
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Clean and comfortable.
Excellent place to stay, friendly and hospitable host.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Dankie, Karina. Bly julle het geniet. Mooi dag.
Marilize D - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Dit oorbly was heerlik en gemaklik.
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The stay was lovely and comfortable.
Thank you very much for staying. It was a peaceful environment and very friendly people.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Bly julle het geniet. Kom weer! Lekker dag.
Anonymous Guest - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Nicoleen S - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Rustig en salig so in die plaas atmosfeer.
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Peaceful and blissful in the farm atmosphere.
The living units were clean and tidy. Very peaceful and quiet, blissful for the soul. Uncle Ockie and Henry are lovely people and went out of their way to make it comfortable for us.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
We're glad you enjoyed your stay. Hope to see you again, take care.
Yolanda S - Sep 2023
Overall rating
Jy het so tuis gevoel asof jy by jou eie huis was.
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You felt as at home as if you were at your own home.
So a beautiful place to catch good fish and the hospitality of the people was excellent.
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Frik E - Sep 2023
Overall rating
Heerlike kuier met baie gasvryheid en vriendelikheid.
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Lovely visit with lots of hospitality and kindness.
Very neat accommodation with a very peaceful farm atmosphere. Very well located. Daily cleaned before room. Neat bedding. Offers facility for laundry. Friendly and considerate hosts.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Baie dankie.
Ek is bly dat julle dit geniet het.
Lora O - Aug 2023
Overall rating
Baie aangenaam.
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Very pleasant.
Very good reception, very tidy and very friendly. Definitely value for money.
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Louis L - Jul 2023
Overall rating
Baie vriendelike en gasvrye mense.
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Very friendly and hospitable people.
We agree, we will stay there again.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Baie dankie.
Bly julle het dit geniet.
Mooi dag.
Adriaan V - May 2023
Overall rating
Pragtige mense en heerlike ontvangs gehad.
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Beautiful people and had a wonderful reception.
Had a great time with the owners. Had a little trouble finding the place with the GPS, but a helpful young man helped us. Nice and spacious facilities.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Dankie Adriaan bly julle het geniet hoop sien julle weer lekker dag groete.
Elma B - Mar 2023
Overall rating
Gekuier soos ou vriende.
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Hanging out like old friends.
Feel like you're staying on the farm with the Augrabian Waterfalls just a stone's throw away.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Bly julle het geniet. Dankie vir julle kuier. Mooi bly.
Frans G - Mar 2023
Overall rating
Baie lekker gewees.
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It was very nice.
We came as strangers and left as friends. Thanks for everything.
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Carina M - Feb 2023
Overall rating
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Very well located for Augrabies Waterfalls. Normally I wouldn't prefer to share a bathroom but we were the only guests so it wasn't a problem. The host went out of his way to make us feel at home.
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Maans N - Jan 2023
Overall rating
Dit was 'n awesome ervaring. Diens goed en die mense is baie vriendelik en behulpsaam.
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It was an awesome experience. Good service and the people are very friendly and helpful.
Would recommend to anyone.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Bly julle het geniet. Kom weer.
George E - Mar 2023
Overall rating
Baie aangenaam en gasvry. Mooi netjies, skoon en rustig.
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Very pleasant and hospitable. Nice neat, clean and quiet.
We were received very kindly and made to feel comfortable. All the facilities were very neat, clean and very spacious. We were able to relax wonderfully and peacefully after a long day's travel. Many thanks to Orange Guestfarm for all your effort and hospitality.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Dankie, ons is bly julle het geniet. Ek hoop ons sien julle weer. Groete
Chris S - Mar 2023
Overall rating
Awesome mense.
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Awesome people.
See stars.
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Magdaleen S - Jan 2023
Overall rating
Aangenaam en gemaklik.
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Pleasant and comfortable.
Friendly, helpful, hospitable. Clean and tidy.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Bly julle het geniet. Hoop ons sien julle weer. Groete
Elize V - Jan 2023
Overall rating
'n Baie aangename verblyf.
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A very pleasant stay.
We felt very much at home.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Bly julle het tuis gevoel, dis ons motto. Gaste moet tuis voel.
Corne H - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Netjiese verblyf.
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Neat accommodation.
Clean and tidy. Nice mattress. Air conditioning was fantastic. Mesh in front of the sliding door and windows is effective in keeping the flying animals out.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
I'm glad you enjoyed your stay, Corne. Hope to see you soon.
Janiete Van Rooyen V - Feb 2023
Overall rating
'n Klein oase in die hitte.
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A small oasis in the heat.
Was pleasantly surprised, rooms nice and clean and cool. Was received very hospitably. A very nice place to relax and spend the night.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Bly julle het dit geniet. Hoop ons sien weer. Lekker dag.
Rj F - Jan 2023
Overall rating
Baie lekker, Gasvryheid tot bo!
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Very nice, Hospitality to the top!
Clever, reliable and friendly. Have fun with people.
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Wini B - Jun 2023
Overall rating
Middle of a location. No hot water in the morning.
Alta O - Dec 2022
Overall rating
10 uit 10.
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10 out of 10.
Uncle Ockie, Carol and Henry, thank you very much for your hospitality, kindness and the good service we received at Orange Guestfarm, you went out of your way to make everything so comfortable and pleasant for us. If we go in that direction again we will definitely stay with you again.
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Piet S - Nov 2022
Overall rating
Baie hulpvaardige mense.
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Very helpful people.
We only got there at 12 o'clock in the evening, was really very helpful to make us feel at home.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Glad you enjoyed it. Hope to see you again. Regards
Kees A - Nov 2022
Overall rating
Dit was great. Vriendelike mense. Uitstekende dienns.
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It was great. Friendly people. Excellent service.
If I ever go back in the direction, I will stay there again.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Dankie bly julle het geniet kom weer groete.
Jaco C - May 2022
Overall rating
Drie woorde. Wonderlik, wonderlik, wonderlik.
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Three words. Great, great, great.
Painfully neat, hospitality is beyond wonderful, you feel like you are visiting grandpa and grandma on the farm. These people go out of their way to make your visit extra nice, want to know all the time if everything is okay and make an effort with everything. I will definitely visit again but this time for longer. Would recommend the home to anyone.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
More Jaco, baie dankie. Ek is bly julle het geniet. Ons wag om julle weer te verwelkom. Groete
Glenda G - Apr 2022
Overall rating
Heerlik gekuier in 'n pragtige omgewing.
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Great time in beautiful surroundings.
We were warmly welcomed. Our room was spacious and tidy with everything we needed. The fire was packed every night to roast our meat. The breakfast every morning was delicious and the kettle with coffee and tea was ready all day. Thank you very much for your hospitality. We will definitely visit again when we are in your area.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
More, bly julle het geniet. Ons sien uit om julle weer te verwelkom. Groete van Orange Guestfarm.
Vanessa V - Jan 2022
Overall rating
Sal oor en oor.
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Will over and over.
Henry the owner his sister Carroll. Uncle Ockie (family friend) and Grandma (owner's mother) - people with the most beautiful personalities and the most positive outlook on life! Heart people, my type of people!
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Ek is bly julle het geniet. Groete
Marnus V - Jan 2022
Overall rating
Lekker kuier, lekker slaap.
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Have a nice visit, have a good sleep.
Nice garden with many fruit trees. Good cooling in rooms.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Ek is bly julle het geniet Marnus. Kom weer, groete.
Johan G - Sep 2022
Overall rating
Lekker atmosfeer.
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Nice atmosphere.
The best mattress and on top of that a delicious breakfast.
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Juliana M - Aug 2022
Overall rating
Rustige plaasatmosfeer.
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Quiet farm atmosphere.
Service is great, breakfast delicious. Friendly people.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Dankie vir die resensie.
Bly julle het dit geniet.
Lekker dag. Hoop ons sien weer.
Marietha, L - Jan 2022
Overall rating
Baie lekker geslaap. Goeie matras en baie netjiese kamer.
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Slept very well. Good mattress and very neat room.
Friendly welcome by Okkie and nice chat with him. Was surprised that delicious breakfast was included in the price.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Bly julle het lekker geslaap en gekuier sien uit om julle weer te verwelkom.
Cassius R - Jan 2022
Overall rating
Very pleasant stay, staff are very friendly.
Orange Guestfarm 's response
Thank you glad you enjoyed it hope to see you again.
Linda J - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Baie vriendelike mense, lekker gekuier.
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Very friendly people, nice visit.
Everything was neat, clean, spacious and comfortable. Manager and owner were very friendly and hospitable. The breakfast was a winner!
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Dankie, hoop ons sien julle weer. Groete
Alwyn R - Nov 2022
Overall rating
Vriendelik, ruim, netjies, gerieflik.
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Friendly, spacious, neat, comfortable.
Friendly reception, clean and spacious room, deliciously hot water for shower, barbecue fire available, coffee & tea always available and then delicious breakfast at no extra cost. Definitely value for money.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Ek is bly julle het geniet. Dis ons motto dat mense moet welkom voel en hulself geniet.
Kobus O - Apr 2022
Overall rating
Good value.
Orange Guestfarm 's response
More, ek is bly julle het geniet. Lekker dag, groete.
Andries B - Jan 2022
Overall rating
Ontvang was goed en was waarde vir geld, slaap en ontbyt.
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Reception was good and was value for money, bed and breakfast.
Reception was pleasant people and helpful, place of residence neat, with cooling in the house. Have a nice breakfast. Pond to swim in was fun for me, but not everyone will like it. Joint barbecue area does not always work. Also very nice.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Ek is bly julle het lekker gekuier. Ons het nog 'n braai by gebou, hoop dit maak dit makliker Ons hoop ons sien julle weer.
Susan R - Aug 2022
Overall rating
Rustige plaasatmosfeer.
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Quiet farm atmosphere.
Spacious, very clean and tidy rooms. Nice breakfast included. Farm atmosphere and host made us comfortable. Nicely grilled on vine wood.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Dankie, ons is bly julle het geniet. Mooi bly en geniet res van julle reis. Groete
Marius S - Feb 2022
Overall rating
Baie lekker.
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Very nice.
Very hospitable people. Also got road food.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Môre, bly julle het dit geniet. Mooi bly en kom weer. Goete, Henry
Leoni J - Jan 2022
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Visited Augrabies falls. Breathtakingly beautiful. Guest house's location is not good and quite a distance from the waterfalls. Our bath water was brownish. The owner received us well and was very helpful and hospitable. Rooms are spacious and clean.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Bly julle het geniet jammer die water was bruin verstaan nie sal kyk daarna groete
Anonymous Guest - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Chris G - Aug 2021
Overall rating
Gastehuis wat meer gee as verwag.
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Guesthouse that gives more than expected.
A wonderful visit with the hosts and other guests. Feels like home.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Middag bly julle het geniet sien uit om weer te sien bly veilig groete.
Jan C - Aug 2021
Overall rating
Baie lekker huis.
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Very nice house.
Very nice house. Friendly welcome. Very safe. Very large and beautiful room with bathroom.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
More Jan En Alta
Ek is bly julle het dit geniet. Ons hoop ons sien julle weer.
Wees veilig en lekker dag.
Rita D - Aug 2021
Overall rating
Clean, felt safe and comfortable.
Orange Guestfarm 's response
Thanks, Rita glad you guys enjoyed it, hope to see you again soon. Be safe, regards.
Mache C - Jun 2021
Overall rating
Awesome plek! Heerlik vir ontspan.
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Awesome place! Nice to relax.
We had a nice reception. Everyone is hospitable. Place is neat and clean. Definitely enjoyed Netflix! Will definitely go again and recommend it to people! Thanks.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
More en dankie ons probeer altyd om mense tuis te laat voel bly julle het geniet kom kuier weer.
Nadjoema D - Apr 2021
Overall rating
Very comfortable and safe.
Orange Guestfarm 's response
Thanks, Nadjoema, glad you enjoyed it.
Looking forward to welcoming you again.
Maxwell G - Oct 2021
Overall rating
Die bestuur en bewoners van plek was baie vriendelik en behulpsaam. Hulle het ons onmiddellik tuis laat voel.
Read more
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The management and occupants of the place were very friendly and helpful. They immediately made us feel at home.
The area is very peaceful and the garden offers more than enough relief from the heat because there is a lot of coolness in the form of trees. The rooms and lounge are spacious and very tidy. The stoep is an ideal place for relaxation and braai. The residents of the place were very helpful when there was a barbecue and even provided the wood and made the fire. It was very nice to chat and socialize with the residents and management of the place. Will visit the place again anytime.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Dankie ons is bly julle het geniet kom kuier weer dis altyd vir ons een groot plesier om gaste te bedien en dat hulle tuis voel.
Rene L - Oct 2021
Overall rating
Heerlik, ontspannend, uitstekende diens.
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Delicious, relaxing, excellent service.
People are so helpful.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Obs is bly julle het geniet sien uit na julle volgende kuier, wees veilig.
Hester G - Aug 2021
Overall rating
Baie vriendelike en behulpsame gashere.
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Very friendly and helpful hosts.
Clean and tidy and very spacious. Everyone was very helpful, friendly and hospitable. Definitely recommend. Quiet and safe.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Ek is bly julle het geniet hoop sien gou weer, groete.
Nico O - Apr 2021
Overall rating
Vreeslik lekker, ontspannend.
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Terribly nice, relaxing.
Ockie was friendly and helpful from the start, facilities nice and clean. They go the extra mile for us.
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Hanna-mare D - Feb 2021
Overall rating
Baie gasvry en lekker boere kuier.
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Very hospitable and nice farmers visit.
Host very hospitable and friendly.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Middag Hanna,
Dankie vir jou woorde, bly julle het dit geniet hier by ons. Ons het julle ook geniet en kom maak weer draai.
Ansie H - Jun 2021
Overall rating
Very friendly accommodating staff, very clean. Difficult to find.
Orange Guestfarm 's response
Middag dankie vir jou resensie bly julle het geniet en ons is besig om aanwysings op die pad te kry net groot probleme om goedkeuring te kry.
Mooi bly hoop sien julle weer.
Marisca L - May 2021
Overall rating
Very friendly and neat, beautiful place. Are going back again.
Frank D - Sep 2021
Overall rating
James P - May 2021
Overall rating
Sout van die aarde.
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Salt of the earth.
People are friendly and it was like visiting your own people.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
Dankie, ons is bly julle het geniet om hier te kuier. Wanneer kans kom maak weer draai. Lekker week vir julle en groete.
Petru K - Dec 2021
Overall rating
Ons was vriendelik ontvang en het goeie diens gekry.
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We were kindly received and received good service.
The reception by the owners was friendly and they were very helpful with activities in the area and places of interest that we could go see.
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Danie S - Feb 2021
Overall rating
Baie rustige amper-plaasatmosfeer.
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Very peaceful almost farm atmosphere.
The owners were very friendly and always willing to help. The place itself needs quite a lot of attention to give it a higher recommendation.
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Orange Guestfarm 's response
More Danie, dankie vir jou resensie, wat sal jy aanbeveel waar ons aandag moet gee. Dankie en groete, Henry.
- Free cancellation up to 24 hours before your stay!
- Capacity: 8 people
- All ages welcome
Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
Check-out: 10:00 - Address: 45 Main Street, Augrabies, 8874, Northern Cape