Pelmiet Cottage
Review Summary
Rudi V - Jan 2025
Overall rating
Lieflike plekkie met als wat jy nodig het met 'n pragtige see uitsig.
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Lovely little place with everything you need with a beautiful sea view.
Lovely little place with everything you need, a very beautiful view, and the friendliest people.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Baie dankie, Rudi. Jy het ongelukkig veels te kort kom kuier; ons hoop regtig jy kom sommer gou weer by ons besoek aflaai.
Maggi S - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Alles was 10/10 fantasties!
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Everything was 10/10 fantastic!
We had a wonderful stay. Uncle Piet and Aunt Elmie were extremely hospitable and helpful. The place is super clean and the sea view is fantastic!
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Maggi, baie dankie! Ons waardeer dit opreg. Julle het regtig 'n nagmerrie van reis gehad. Kan my indink hoe moeg julle moes gewees het om basies twee dae later by julle bestemming aan te kom; in die voertuig oornag tydens die frats weer en paie wat gesluit was weens die sneeu. Haal ons hoed af vir julle en glo die ondervinding sal seker altyd in julle gedagtes wees. Bly die reis terug was darem sonder probleme. Hoop julle kom weer vir ons kuier!
Fia V - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Elmie en Piet is ongelooflik gasvry. Hulle het ons soos familie behandel.
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Elmie and Piet are incredibly hospitable. They treated us like family.
It's like a home away from home. We were treated like family.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Baie dankie, Fia. Was baie “lekker” om julle hier te gehad het. Julle het heeltemal te kort by ons gekuier, maar hoop julle hou ons in gedagte met julle volgende see kuier. Julle lyk werklik of julle ‘n tweeling is, en jy is reg; vir jou skraal lyfie is daar “dynamite” in daardie klein “pakkie”!
Marthie N - Jan 2025
Overall rating
Baie lekker gebly en tuis gevoel.
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Very nice stay and felt at home.
The owners were very hospitable and friendly. Can really recommend the place!
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Baie dankie, word waardeer.
Juan D - Jul 2024
Overall rating
Definitely n wen plek.
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Definitely a winning place.
Was awesome. Place is very neat and the owners are very friendly. Will go back again anytime.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Juan, duisende dankies, ons waardeer opreg. Dit was maar baie kort; ons hoop julle kom weer vir ons kuier. Julle het die plek besonders netjies gelaat; amper gelyk niemand het daar tuis gegaan! Hoop julle reis Kaap se kant het goed afgeloop en dat julle die res van julle vakansie baie geniet.
Reon C - Jul 2024
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Friendliest people who own the place. Very luxurious, literally everything and more! Thank you very much Uncle Piet and Aunt Elmie! We will go again next year for sure.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Reon, hulle sê beloftes maak skuld! Ons wag vir die volgende kuier. Baie dankie vir die resensie, ons waardeer dit opreg. Ons hoop die tweede been van julle vakansie is/was ook baie lekker.
Ines A - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Best accommodating hosts ever. Extremely clean and beautiful place.
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Best accommodating hosts ever. Extremely clean and beautiful place.
Yes. It was fantastic.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Ines, thank you so much. Remember when 'Hubby' has to help out this side again, we will be waiting for you guys. Enjoy the 'sundowners' on the dam!
Alison N - Jun 2024
Overall rating
We had a wonderful time at Pelmiet Cottage and hope that we can visit again.
Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Alison, we highly appreciate your review; thank you so much! It is always nice to hear that our guests enjoyed their stay and we also hope that you can visit us again; I am sure there can be another well-organized breakaway!
Anel V - May 2024
Overall rating
Die beste en lekkerste kuier en rus.
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The best and most enjoyable visit and rest.
I recommend Pelmite to anyone. The cottage felt like my home. There is everything and lacks nothing. Was so sad to say goodbye, but will visit again. Greetings Anel.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Anel, dit was vir ons ook nie 'lekker' om totsiens te sê nie! Julle het ons so bederf; kan nie op hierdie platform alles uitspel nie maar julle weet waarvan ons praat. Nogmaals baie dankie vir julle kuier by ons. As 'Choppie' nie met 'n blyplek aan die Suidkus regkom nie, moet julle maar weer vir ons kom kuier; hy moet net die raad wat ek hom gegee het in gedagte hou voor hy 'ernstig' raak. Dankie vir die netjiese plek wat julle gelaat het.
Danie L - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Netjies. Skoon. Pragtige uitsig. Naby 'n pragtige swemstrand. Great mense!
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Tidy. Clean. Beautiful view. Close to a beautiful swimming beach. Great people!
Absolutely yes! Will stay there again!
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Baie dankie, Danie, dit word baie waardeer! Julle besoek by ons was ‘n plesier want ons dink ons is ook maar van die “mense-mens” opvoeding. Ons hoop regtig julle kom weer vir ons kuier in die nabye toekoms. Julle kinders is pragtig; dankie vir die Cottage wat julle so netjies gelaat het. Ons wil nog weet wie die kunstenaar is t.o.v. die kuns op die agterruit wat ek totaal 'mis gekyk' het?
Debbie T - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Value for money.
Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Debbie, thank you for the feedback; it is appreciated. All the best wishes for you and your dogs.
Rogan B - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Rogan, thank you very much! For us, it was great having you guys and can’t wait should you consider visiting us again in the future. Many thanks for leaving the cottage/flat in such a clean and tidy condition; it just made our “life” that much easier.
Sandy M - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Sandy, thank you very much! It was great having you. I am sure your son will receive good news regarding his matric exams. Wish you all the best for 2024 and please come and visit us again.
Cezanne S - Oct 2023
Overall rating
We had a lovely peaceful stay.
Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Cezanne, thank you very much, it was nice to have you guys; we would like to welcome you again some time. Your “4-year old” is so adorable!
Lynnette V - Sep 2023
Overall rating
Die beste tyd van ons lewe, rustig skoon en ales wat jy nodig het.
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The best time of our life, quiet clean and ales you need.
Piet and Elmie were very friendly and paid attention to everything.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Hi Lynnette, lekker om van julle te hoor. Baie dankie vir die resensie, word opreg waardeer!! Julle was baie “stout” ten opsigte van die sleutel en breekskade. As julle die woord gestand hou dan sien ons julle weer en dan maak ons reg. Dankie vir die heerlike gereg/nagereg. Jy is beslis iemand met baie talente en julle is mooi van buite en binne!
Joanne M - Feb 2023
Overall rating
Fabulous stay, fabulous people and fabulous unit.
Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Joanne, thank you very much for your kind words. It is highly appreciated. It was so nice to have you and your mum visiting us, and I hope you will do so again sometime. The “little doggy” is very playful, and nice to hear you enjoy his visits. I must say Coco is lovely, well-behaved and such a cutie-pie.
Kind regards,
Willie M - Feb 2023
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Piet and Elmi were incredible, the living unit is only in a 5-star class with everything and much more, you can literally eat from the floor. The extras are so welcome, nothing is missing. Their hospitality and help is outstanding. The view over the sea and garden is beautiful. You can't help but want to go back. Thank you both.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Willie, duisende dankies vir jou resensie; dit laat ons so bietjie bloos!! Vir ons is dit belangrik dat julle die kort kuier darem geniet het en is so jammer dat die December kuier nie uitwerk nie. Weet jy en Louise se beroep is van so aard dat dit nie altyd maklik is nie. Hoop om julle weer te sien, kyk mooi na Louise en ons wens haar ook alle sterkte toe.
Graham P - Jan 2023
Overall rating
Very comfortable accommodation and well situated for exploring the attractions of the South Coast.
Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Graham, thank you so much. We definitely hope to see you again, with all the load shedding combined with the extreme heat wave we have experienced during your stay; you really took it well.
Vivian M - Jan 2023
Overall rating
Net die beste!
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Only the best!
Where does one begin to describe how wonderful and peaceful 2 weeks we had at Pelmiet Cottage. I am in the industry myself and it is unusual to meet such wonderful people in most places who always put quality, service oriented and friendly first. Elmien and Piet made us feel so at ease from the first day to the last day. The unit is so well equipped and literally has everything you need. All the little "touches" that were arranged from the beginning were very special for us. Thank you for your hospitality and we will definitely be back.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Vivian, duisende dankies maar ons dink nie ons kan kers vashou by julle kennis in die bedryf. Nogmaals baie dankie vir julle 3 se kuier, ons het julle baie geniet en hoop julle hou daad by woord om ons sommer gou weer te kom besoek. Die “sun- downer” wat nie gerealiseer het nie, staan nog vir die volgende kuier.
Francewa V - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Was 'n heerlike plek om vakansie te hou.
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Was a lovely place to holiday.
Very safe and clean.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Baie dankie Francewa vir jou kort en "kragtige" resensie. Ons hoop dat julle weer een of ander tyd by Pelmiet kom kuier. Baie groete aan julle en stywe drukkies vir die twee kleintjies.
Anri O - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Fantastiese see uitsig en verblyf.
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Fantastic sea view and accommodation.
Pelmiet Cottage is definitely value for money. Not only for the clean and tidy cottage but especially for the tranquility you experience. This is the ideal place to stay when you just want to relax. It has everything you could possibly need. Thank you very much Piet and Elmie.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Baie dankie Anri. Ons waardeer jou terugvoering. Ons is so bly julle het die besluit geneem om na die troue bietjie langer te bly en dat julle op Pelmiet Cottage besluit het. Stuur baie groete aan Pa en Ma. Hoop ons sien julle weer een of ander tyd. Pragtige familie.
Stacey S - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Amazing accommodation, amazing hosts!
Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Stacey, thank you so much for your nice review, it is highly appreciated. It was a pleasure having you guys and hope you follow through with your next visit.
Ria W - Nov 2022
Overall rating
Blessed with awesomeness.
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Blessed with awesomeness.
The best yet! Tidy. Everything you need. Hospitable and helpful. Photos are exactly what the place looks like!
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Ria, duisende dankies vir jou resensie. Ons waardeer dit opreg. Jy het die plek so skoon en netjies agter gelaat dat mens wonder of jy ooit hier was. Jy is seker die mees avontuurlustige dame wat ons in ‘n lank tyd gesien het. Ons haal ons hoed af vir jou. Ons wens jou alles wat mooi is vorentoe en hoop om jou weer te sien.
Danie F - Oct 2022
Overall rating
Beste vakansie ooit.
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Best vacation ever.
Had a great time at Pelmiet Cottage. Our dog enjoyed it so much. Top notch accommodation, and the owners are some of the nicest people on earth.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Danie, baie dankie vir jou resensie. Dit was heerlik om julle hier te kon he en hoop julle kom weer vir ons kuier. Hoop jy kon nuwe bril kry. Groete aan moeder, Baba en Rocky.
Charmaine S - Jul 2022
Overall rating
Uistekende instansie.
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Excellent institution.
The host and his wife were friendly and made us feel at home. They put in an incredible amount of effort to help us achieve our goals for the week. They also made sure we knew where everything was in and around the premises, and were also able to recommend good places to visit. Our deposit was paid back the same day.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Charmaine, baie dankie ons waardeer jou resensie opreg. Ons hoop regtig julle kom weer vir ons kuier en dat die weer saamspeel sodat julle die golf behoorlik kan geniet!
Izak M - Jun 2022
Overall rating
Beste uitsig en verblyf in Southport.
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Best view and accommodation in Southport.
From the booking to our departure, Piet and Elmie were particularly involved and helpful. Was a bit worried about privacy as we stayed on the same premises as owners. Totally baseless. It was very private. I would heartily recommend Pelmiet to any family.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Izak, baie dankie vie jou resensie; ons waardeer dit. Sooo! bly om te hoor dat daar nie met julle privaatheid dinge was wat julle gepla het nie; ons besef dat gaste hulle privaatheid hoog op hulle lys sit en ons probeer ons bes om dit so te hou. Baie dankie vir die biltong wat julle hier vergeet het, met jou toestemming het ons heerlik daaraan gesmul. Hoop julle kom kuier weer een of ander tyd!
Margaret B - Jun 2022
Overall rating
We had a great weekend out at Pelmiet. The hospitality that we received from our hosts was incredible. They are such warm people. We are looking forward to another holiday at Pelmiet.
Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Margaret, thank you very much for your review; it is much appreciated. We are glad you guys could at least get away from the hustle and bustle; as you said. We look forward to seeing you guys again sometime.
Lienie V - Jun 2022
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Dear uncle Piet and aunt Elmien. Thank you for a very nice visit with you, we could not have chosen better. Your kindness, hospitality and care made us feel like family. Thanks for everything. See you again.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Baie dankie Lienie vir jou resensie, ons waardeer jou komplimente opreg. Julle is ‘n pragtige familie en dit was vir ons net een groot plesier om julle by Pelmiet te kon huisves. Dit sal baie lekker wees om julle weer by ons te kan verwelkom.
Gabriël V - Apr 2022
Overall rating
Ongelooflike diens wat ons hier ontvang het. Beste ooit.
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Amazing service we received here. Best ever.
With flooding in KZN we were offered an extra night's accommodation due to poor road conditions.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Gabriel baie dankie vir jou “mooi” resensie. Dit was ‘n ongemaklike en moeilike tyd met al die reen maar julle het dit net eenvoudig aanvaar en die beste van ‘n sleg saak gemaak; en vir dit se ons baie dankie aan julle. Julle was sulke maklike gaste om tevrede te stel. Dankie vir jou hulp en raad met die nat word van plafon in die kombuis, soos hulle se ‘n boer maak ‘n plan! Dankie vir al die lekker eetgoed wat Ellen vir ons mee bederf het. Hoop julle het ‘n lekker kuier by die kinders gehad. Hoop ons sien julle eendag weer!
Nike M - Mar 2022
Overall rating
Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Thank you Nike, it was great having you guys.
David V - Feb 2022
Overall rating
Fantasties! Ons en ons honde-kinders het dit vreeslik geniet.
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Fantastic! We and our dog-children enjoyed it tremendously.
The hosts were very accommodating and our dogs were happy to stay with them if we had to go to the shops. Cute place with a very good sea view (from the porch as well as the braai area). We could hear the waves breaking from where we were staying. Very neat and well maintained.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Baie dankie David.
Dit was vir ons lekker on julle hier te kon gehad het. Die honde-kinders is te oulik vir woorde en het regtig ons harte gesteel.
Baie dankie vir die lekker braai en gesels.
Hoop ons sien julle weer!
Rikus L - Dec 2021
Overall rating
Jou familie by die see.
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Your family by the sea.
Accommodation that fits like a glove. Be it for a single person or family or friends 100% spot on. Every possible amenity is available, from a hairdryer, electric extension cords, large shower, covered braai facilities, covered parking to WiFi. Incredibly neat unit with fantastic view! Water not a problem thanks to storage tank. Piet and Elmie go out of their way to make their guests feel at home and help where they can. Nicest I've ever stayed! Thank you very much. Appreciate you.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Rikus, baie dankie vir jou mooi resensie ons waardeer dit opreg.
Van ons kant wil ons se dit was voorwaar ‘n vooreg om jou hier te kon gehad het. Jy het met jou besondere organisasie vermoe, jou besigheidsvernuf en persoonlikheid om maar ‘n paar te noem; ‘n blywende indruk op ons gelaat.
Ons hoop regtig om jou weer te sien.
Frans B - Nov 2021
Overall rating
Skoon en netjiese verblyf. Alles is daar wat jy nodig mag kry.
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Clean and tidy accommodation. Everything you might need is there.
The owners received us wonderfully with our Yorkie. The cottage is beautiful and extremely clean. Everything you might need is there. The most delicious covered braai place was a bonus. Would definitely recommend it.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Baie dankie Frans, ons waardeer dit opreg. Dit was een groot plesier om julle hier te kon gehad het vir die paar dae maar ons hoop julle kom weer vir ons kuier en hoop Buddy is dan bietjie meer vriendelik met my! Julle het die plek so skoon gelos, mense sou dink niemand het daar tuis gegaan nie. Dankie daarvoor; dit het ons skoonmaak vir die volgende gaste baie maklik gemaak.
Linda P - Nov 2021
Overall rating
Baie verwelkomend en netjies.
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Very welcoming and tidy.
What a wonderful place to spend our honeymoon! We were surprised with a honeymoon treat on our bed upon our arrival. Thank you very much, Piet and Elmie, we thoroughly enjoyed it. Plekkie is very neat and fully equipped for short as well as long stays.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Baie dankie Linda vir jou terugvoering/resensie dit word opreg waardeer. Julle is ‘n pragtige paartjie en die bietjie “bederf” waarna jy verwys was vir ons net een groot plesier.
Ons weet die weer het nie altyd saam gespeel nie maar julle het nie dat dit julle onderkry nie.
Ons hoop regtig julle kom weer vir ons kuier. Ook baie dankie vir hoe netjies julle die Kothuis agter gelaat het.
Stefan S - Jun 2021
Overall rating
Baie netjies, rustig en ontspannend.
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Very neat, peaceful and relaxing.
Very cute place to stay. Friendly people and very hospitable. Will definitely stay there again.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Baie dankie Stefan ons waardeur jou terugvoering en resensie. Jammer die kuier was so kort want jou Pa en ek kon nog lang stories oor ons tyd in die Ingenierskorps kon gesels het.
Julle is “pragtige” mense en ons hoop regtig julle kom maak weer ‘n draai by ons.
Theresa H - May 2021
Overall rating
Baie, baie aangename, liefdevolle mense.
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Very, very pleasant and loving people.
Place that took me in with my 4 - 5 dogs. Very thankful for that.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Theresa, dankie en hoop ons sien julle weer!
Robyn L - Apr 2021
Overall rating
We had an amazing holiday.
Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Robyn, thank you so much. We would love to have you guys visiting us again.
Regards to Ty and the “furry kids”; Bella and Skye.
Allewyn V - Apr 2021
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Piet and Elmi welcomed us like old friends, made us feel so at home, Pelmiet had everything and more, everything was just right.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Allewyn, baie dankie vir die resensie, ons wardeer dit opreg. Dit was voorwaar baie lekker om julle hier te kon gehad het. Jy is voorwaar ‘n man van vele talent; skilder, musiek en instrumente. Hoop julle kom weer vir ons kuier.
Minenhle B - Oct 2021
Overall rating
Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Siyabonga, thank you for your short and to the point feedback. It is much appreciated.
Allan H - Aug 2021
Overall rating
We had a very wonderful stay at Pelmiet. Piet and Elmie are wonderful hosts.
Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Thank you Allan for your review, it is appreciated. It is absolutely great to hear that you guys will come and visit us again sometime, looking forward to meet again. Send regards to your beautiful fiancé.
Tom D - Jul 2021
Overall rating
Highly recommended
Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Dankie Tom, was baie lekker om met julle kennis te kon maak. Ons hoop julle kom weer vir ons kuier! Groete aan die twee dames en "kinders".
Giel V - Nov 2020
Overall rating
Wat 'n wonderlike wegbreek so tussen die Covid uitdagings!
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What a wonderful break between the Covid challenges!
Can't wait for our next getaway to Pelmiet! The accommodation was ideal for a peaceful seaside holiday with a wonderful view from the stoep and braai area, regardless of the weather. Beautiful gardens! Close enough to everything, but also far enough to switch off! Hospitality like I haven't experienced in a long time. Our wofies also enjoyed themselves and made two new friends themselves.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Giel, baie dankie vir jou resensie. Dit word opreg waardeer.
So bly julle het julle "kuier" geniet al het die weer nie altyd saamgespeel nie.
Julle is 'n pragtige familie met 'n sterk familieband.
Dit sal sommer baie lekker wees as julle weer vir ons sal kom kuier.
Wonder nog steeds of die kuns "DNA" van jou kom of vroulief?
Amelia W - Nov 2020
Overall rating
This will be my accommodation of choice when visiting the South Coast.
Read morePelmiet Cottage 's response
Amelia, thank you very much. Your kind words make us feel very humble! I am so glad that you and your pet family enjoyed your stay! Your artistic gift and what you have achieved as a world-recognized artist is amazing! We enjoyed your stay with us and are looking forward to your next visit.
Janine D - Sep 2020
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Wow, where do I start with my feedback. We were warmly welcomed. You feel right at home upon your arrival. The cottage is beautiful, very safe and has everything you can think of and more. The view is breathtaking and nice to hear the sea in your ears in the evening. I was very skeptical when I saw there were dogs on the premises because I thought there would be problems with our dogs and the owners' dogs but wow, our 2 dogs were treated with the utmost love and respect and the owners' dogs such good manners, I was worried for nothing as my dogs enjoyed it almost more than we did. Piet and Elmie are people with such good hearts and go out of their way for their guests. They really went out of their way to make our stay as comfortable and enjoyable as possible and we thank you for that. We were barely home and our damage deposit was refunded - now that's good service! We are already planning our next visit, because we definitely want to go back.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Janine, ek kan maar net ook begin soos jy met sjoe. Dit is vir ons 'n hoogs waardeerde terugvoering, resensie. Dit was regtig vir ons een groot plesier om julle hier te kon gehad het en soveel meer om sulke pragtige mense soos julle te kon ontmoet. Van ons kant wil ons net graag baie dankie se vir hoe skoon en netjies julle die kothuis agter gelaat het, dit is opreg gewaardeer. Ons wag vir julle volgende kuier.
Etienne P - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Ideally located, close to the beach. All the necessary amenities.
Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Thank you Etienne, it is highly appreciated. Hope we will see you some time again.
Tracy G - Sep 2020
Overall rating
An absolute pleasure.
Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Hi Tracy, thank you so much. Was nice having you guys and the doggies. Hubby's expertise in fixing the computer was great, no problems since. You guys must come and visit us again!!
Mark H - Aug 2020
Overall rating
Piet and Elmie are a very warm couple. The cottage is well maintained.
Read morePelmiet Cottage 's response
Thank you, Mark, it is appreciated. It was nice meeting you guys and hope you will make use of Pelmiet Cottage again in the future. Thanks for the nice photos you took, we will definitely make use of them.
Marie V - Mar 2020
Overall rating
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It's a fantastic place. Very neat and fantastic people. Elmie and Piet are very cute, you just feel like you have known them for years because they are really friendly.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Marie, baie dankie vir jou resensie. Dit was lekker om julle hier te gehad het, was net bietjie te kort maar hopenlik kom julle weer vir ons kuier.
Aj S - Mar 2020
Overall rating
Daar is nie beter nie.
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There is no better.
My wife and I have visited many places and are well-travelled, but nowhere have we experienced such a wonderful place. Not even in 5-star hotels does one get such service. Wonderful people, uncle Piet and aunt Elmie were so good to us and our dogs. We are already planning our next visit in September. The only pity is that one cannot give more than 5 stars to Pelmiet! Would recommend wholeheartedly.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
AJ, baie dankie vir die resensie; dit laat ons so bietjie verlee voel. Ons is regtig bly as julle dir geniet het en van ons kant was dit regtig lekker om julle en die honde-kinders hier te kon gehad het. Ons sien uit na julle volgende kuier.
Charmaine D - Mar 2020
Overall rating
Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Charmaine, jy is 'n baie sterk mens om met jou siekte so aan te gaan en so sterk te staan. Julle het aan ons meegedeel dat jy soveel op en af tye gehad het met jou siekte. Al wat ons kan sê is baie sterkte en jy is in ons gedages en gebede vir beterskap. Ons is baie bly as julle die tydjie hier geniet het en hoop regtig om julle weer hier te kan verwelkom.
Maryke M - Jan 2020
Overall rating
Lekker plek, lekkerder mense, heerlike vakansie!
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Nice place, nicer people, great vacation!
Pelmiet Cottage exceeded all our expectations, the house is spotless and tidy, very child-friendly and has everything you could possibly need for a comfortable holiday. The owners are incredibly helpful and made us feel right at home. We will definitely come again!
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Maryke, baie dankie vir die mooi resenie. Ons bedoel as ons se julle was ook baie "lekke" mense om hier te gehad het. Dink het bietjie te min saam gekuier maar as julle besluit om weer by Pelmiet Kothuis te kom kuier dan stel ons dit reg. Sal intussen ondersoek waar Izak kwaliteit "braaihout" kan kry vir julle volgende kuier . Die vriendelikste baba wat ons in 'n lang ruk gesien het.
Mariska J - Dec 2019
Overall rating
Moenie verder soek nie.
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Look no further.
We have been looking for an affordable vacation spot for a very long time, and can definitely say that you get value for your money. We were warmly welcomed, as well as our two dogs who quickly made themselves at home. Piet and Elmie helped a lot with directions and any questions we had before and during our stay. The Cottage was very clean and tidy. The area is nice and quiet and the cottage is walking distance from the beach. We could easily go for a walk with our dogs. The shops are also nice and close. Piet and Elmie: You are the salt of the earth. We had such a good time with you and you will definitely see us again on our next sea holiday!
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Mariska, baie dankie vir jou mooi resensie dit word hoogs waardeur. Julle twee "worsies" te pragtig vir woorde. Ons wens julle toe alles wat mooi is met julle geleentheid in die buiteland, sou julle 'n draai kom maak in Siud Afrika een of ander tyd; kom kuier asseblief weer vir ons. Dit was aangenaam om julle te kon ontmoet en julle kuier by ons was 'n groot plesier.
Stefan B - Nov 2019
Overall rating
Heerlike, gasvrye en rustige vakansiebestemming.
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Lovely, hospitable and peaceful holiday destination.
You will look far to find such a fantastic hospitable value for money place to stay. Piet and Elmien are the friendliest and most helpful people. We are spoiled with champagne and chocolates on our wedding anniversary. Thank you Piet for spraying our car before we left. We will definitely see you again. Love your dogs.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Stefan, ek hoop regtig ons sien julle weer, dit was baie lekker om julle te kon ontmoet en soos met baie van die gaste is ons as vriende uitmekaar. Mens kon jou vrou elke dag deur 'n ring trek; seker maar tipies van iemand wat in die skoonheidskunste is. Julle het die eenheid so mooi agtergelaat wat ons vreeslik baie waardeer. Baie dankie vir jou resensie, dit word opreg waardeer. Jy het ons "rescue worshond" soos 'n regte honde-kenner hanteer met die gevolg dat julle tydjie hier by ons baie rustig was. Sal vir die honde sê julle stuur groete. Met julle vertrek is hulle bederf met biltong ensovoorts tot hulle ontnugtering bietjie kort geknip.
Cheryl N - Oct 2019
Overall rating
The best hosts I have ever encountered.
Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Cheryl, meeting you guys and here the history of how " giveadogabone" came about was not only interesting but inspiring! We believe that all Pet Lovers should visit "giveadogabone" webpage. It was so nice meeting you guys and hope we will see you again sometime! Thank you so much for the review.
Isobel K - Sep 2019
Overall rating
Fantastiese blyplek met die vriendelikste gashere!
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Fantastic place to stay with the friendliest hosts!
Such a beautiful and well-kept garden apartment, with truly the 2 friendliest hosts. The sea view is fantastic and the beach is within walking distance. We had a great time and would love to visit Piet and Elmie again!
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Isobel, baie dankie vir die resensie. Dit was regtig lekker om julle te kon ontmoet, die kinders is dierbaar en julle kan voorwaar trots voel. Dit is jammer julle moes so baie wind ervaar, tog het dit julle nie afgeskrik nie. Mis julle oulike "Hondekind". Hoop regtig om julle weer hier by ons te kan verwelkom.
Rene N - Sep 2019
Overall rating
Verblyf was heerlik, stil en rustig, pragtige uitsig, volledig toegeruste kothuis.
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Stay was lovely, quiet and peaceful, beautiful view, fully equipped cottage.
We had a wonderful stay, everything was perfect. The view was ideal, saw whales playing in the sea. The garden was so beautiful and well cared for, and the birds that got seed and water every day were a joy to watch. The cottage is fully equipped, crockery, towels, bedding, everything was there in perfect condition. Many thanks again to Piet and Elmie for the warm welcome and friendly helpfulness. Me, my husband and our two dog children really enjoyed the holiday at Pelmiet Kothuis. I can really recommend Pelmiet Kothuis as your next holiday destination.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Rene, baie dankie vir jou mooi resensie, ons waardeer dit opreg. Dit was aangenaam om met julle kennis te kon maak en ons hoop julle kom maak weer 'n draai by ons.
Dit is jammer die hondekinders was so bietjie inkennig en wou nie vir ons kom kuier nie, net oë vir hulle ouers.
Rene, ons wil ook net dankie sê dat julle die Kothuis besonder netjies agter gelaat het, dit het ons skoonmaak vir volgende gaste soveel makliker gemaak.
Carmen V - Sep 2019
Overall rating
My doggie Dingo was in 7th heaven.
Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Carmen, thank you for the review. We agree Dingo was a happy doggie. See you guys soon.
Christina G - Aug 2019
Overall rating
Die verblyf was heerlik, moes net langer gebly het.
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Stay was great, should've stayed longer.
The owners were gracious and and friendly. We'd stay here again.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Beste Christina,
Dit was lekker om julle hier te kon ontvang.
Soos jy sê, die tydjie was net te kort! Hopelik kom julle volgende keer bietjie langer kuier.
Pelmiet Cottage
Alta B - Aug 2019
Overall rating
Aangename, rustige, veilige en privaat verblyf met puik en vriendelike diens. Baie goed toegerus!
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Pleasant, peaceful, safe and private accommodation with excellent and friendly service. Very well equipped!
Affordable yet neat, clean and comfortable accommodation in a peaceful atmosphere yet close enough to facilities for pleasant outings. Piet and Elmie are an excellent host and hostess and thought of everything when they equipped the cottage. One cannot ask for anything more!
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Alta, dit was regtig net een groot plesier om julle hier te kon he. Julle is pragtige mense, net te min van julle gesien. Baie dankie vir die resensie en hoop regtig julle kom weer vir ons kuier. Jou kelinseun is om op trots te wees.
Piet V - Aug 2019
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Piet and Elmie are people's people. Keep doing what you are doing and how you do it, because you are doing it well. Would recommend you and your place to anyone. We really enjoyed our stay and relaxed. Thank you.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Beste Piet,
Dankie vir die mooi resensie.
Dit was vir ons net 'n plesier om julle hier te kon ontvang. Ons hoop regtig om julle weer hier te sien want dit is altyd vir ons lekker om ou gaste/kennise weer te kan verwelkom.
Pelmiet Cottage
Ronelle S - Jul 2019
Overall rating
Good value for money.
Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Thank you very much, it is highly appreciated.
Johan S - Jul 2019
Overall rating
Baie netjies, uitstekende diens.
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Very neat, excellent service.
The place was very neat and well equipped, received very hospitably, we arrived as strangers and left as friends. Excellent value for money, would definitely stay there again. Thank you Elmie and Piet.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Johan baie dankie word opreg waardeur. Ons hoop regtig om julle weer by Pelmiet Cottage te kan verwelkom. Dankie vir al die bederf met die lekker eetgoed. Dankie vir jou waarneming ten opsigte van die Hibiskus plante, besig om daaraan aandag te gee.
Ermi S - Jun 2019
Overall rating
Fantastiese waarde vir geld.
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Fantastic value for money.
Extremely hospitable owners!
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Beste Ermi,
Dit was regtig lekker om julle hier te kon ontvang. Julle het die pragtigste kinders. As julle ooit weer die Kaap verruil vir 'n vakansie aan die Suidkus, hoop ons regtig om julle weer te sien.
Pelmiet Cottage
Jeanette M - Jun 2019
Overall rating
Excellent service.
Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Jeanette, it was nice having you guys as our guests and look forward to your next visit.
Louis J - May 2019
Overall rating
Voortreflike waarde vir geld, vriendelike, gasvrye en behulpsaam mense soos Piet en Elmie kry mens nie elke dag nie.
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Good value for money, friendly, helpful and hospitable people like Piet and Elmie don't come around every day.
Elmie and Piet, once again thank you for your hospitality, and that you have made Pelmiet Cottage available to us. Really had an excellent holiday stay and would not hesitate to make use of your place again. We are looking forward to our next holiday with you. Service and kindness a great deal: yes.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Lekker om van jou te hoor en nog meer lekker om te hoor dat julle lekker gebly het. Sou "oubaas" op volgende besoek saam kom sal ons hom inwag met 'n melkskommel! Baie dankie vir die mooi resensie en ons kyk uit vir julle volgende kuier by ons.
Louise D - Apr 2019
Overall rating
Heerlike vakansie!
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Lovely holiday!
We were welcomed with open arms and hearts and will definitely go back for holidays in the near future. You arrive as a holidaymaker and leave as friends. There is everything one needs and many more. The view was incredibly beautiful. Elmie and Piet, thank you very much for your friendly reception and the comfortable stay.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Louise, ons en Doodles het julle kuier ook baie geniet en ons hoop regtig om julle sommer gou weer te sien. Dankie vir die resensie, dit word baie waardeer.
Sadhana C - Apr 2019
Overall rating
The cottage is excellent.
Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Sadhana, thank you so much, it is much appreciated. Looking forward to your next visit.
Susan R - Mar 2019
Overall rating
Gasvryheid en ervaring een in 'n miljoen.
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Hospitality and experience one in a million.
Our experience and vacation at Pelmiet was awesome. Our dog, Rambo, was so at home and enjoyed the holiday just as much. Above expectation! All amenities one would expect were available. Truly a wonderful holiday. Thank you Piet and Elmie!
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Beste Susan,
Baie dankie, dit word waardeer. Ons het julle kuier baie geniet en mis die "kreef braai" - julle het ons behoorlik bederf!! Manlief se raad en idees word ook in besonder waardeer.
Hoop ons sien julle weer in die nabye toekoms.
Pelmiet Cottage
Elize L - Mar 2019
Overall rating
Baie lekker en veilig, sonder enige bekommernisse.
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Very nice and safe, without any worries.
The 2 friendliest people, Elmie and Piet. Everything you need is there, the most beautiful, cleanest place ever.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Dit was vir ons aangenaam om julle te kon ontmoet en hoop regtig julle kom kuier sommer gou weer. Baie dankie vir die resensie en dit is wonderlik om te hoor dat julle lekker gebly het!
Reiner M - Feb 2019
Overall rating
Uitstekende cottage!
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Excellent cottage!
Was the nicest cottage where we stayed. Everything you need to make your holiday comfortable is there. It is comfortable, very clean and tidy. Nice braai place, kitchen very well equipped. Wonderful sea view. Thank you very much Piet and Elmie, it is so nice to get to know you. We will definitely see you again.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Hi Reiner,
Baie dankie vir julle positiewe teugvoering, dit word opreg waardeer! Dit was aangenaam om julle te kon ontmoet en ons hoop julle en Milo kom sommer gou weer vir ons kuier.
Karin M - Jan 2019
Overall rating
Wonderlike, gasvrye, netjies plek. Well done!
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Wonderful, hospitable, tidy place. Well done!
Piet and Elmie are people of the heart. Friendly hospitable people. Felt so welcome right away. Immediately accepted Jack and Daniel (2 dog children) as part of them. Thank you very much. The place is well maintained, if only from the best. Neat and clean. Beautiful view of the sea. And the garden is really neat and well maintained. Well located to get to als quickly. Piet and Elmie, thank you very much for all your kindness and hospitality, it was really awesome. Thanks for making new friends on the South Coast. Wish you all that is beautiful with the beautiful piece of place you have. Thank you again for a special time in my life, something I will never forget. Thank you for making my dogs and children so welcome in your home. Again, you are heart people!
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Karin, baie dankie vir jou pragtige woorde. Dit was vir ons een groot plesier om julle hier te kon hê. Kom kuier sommer gou weer saam met die honde kinders. Ons waardeer jou terugvoering.
Theo K - Mar 2019
Overall rating
The perfect getaway.
Dalene K - Jul 2019
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Friendly people. Incredible hospitality. Will definitely go there again.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Dankie vir jou terugvoering, hoop om julle weer hier by ons te sien.
Neetu S - Dec 2018
Overall rating
Best holiday venue to recommend.
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Neetu, it is great to hear that you guys enjoyed your stay at Pelmiet Cottage. Thank you for the kind words. We would love to have you guys back soon.
Machiel G - Nov 2018
Overall rating
Ons tweede besoek net so fantasties en gerieflik soos die eerste keer.
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Our second visit was just as fantastic and comfortable as the first time.
Once again we had a fantastic visit at Pelmiet. This will be the only holiday spot for us, there is no better quality and price than this. Uncle Piet and aunt Elmie are the most wonderful people and make sure that your stay is perfect. You can't go wrong here! Thank you very much Pelmiet Cottage!
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Machiel, baie dankie ons waardeur jou terugvoering. Ons wag vir julle volgende kuier.
Elsie B - Sep 2018
Overall rating
Ongelooflike verblyf waar jy tuis voel en ook soos 'n BBP behandel word.
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Incredible stay where you feel at home and also treated like a VIP.
Piet and Elmie are the two most beautiful people you can think of. They immediately made me feel at home and even made me feel safe. The time spent there was indescribably lovely. I could bother them at any time with questions and directions and they were always friendly and helpful. May those 2 people and their place be blessed. I will definitely go there again and recommend the place to everyone. It's the best holiday I had in absolute years. For a better place with better people, no one can ask.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Elsie, jy laat ons sommer verlee voel met jou wonderlike woorde. Dit was vir ons net 'n plesier om jou hier te kon huisves. Ons hoop regtig om jou weer in die nabye toekoms te kan verwelkom. Nogmaals dankie vir jou mooi woorde.
Peter R - Aug 2018
Overall rating
Uitnemende gasvryheid.
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Excellent hospitality.
Jannet and I have been to many holiday resorts, campsites and self-catering units across the country, but never before have we experienced such hospitality. We couldn't help but feel like family during our stay there with you. Even our little dog, Stukka, found it so nice there with you that he came to visit you from his onions. Your cottage is nicely equipped with everything we needed and even more, how different then to feel at home when one comes to stay with you. Als was very nice clean and tidy inside, the braai fully equipped, wow what more could one expect? The view of the sea is something to cheer about, especially when the whales and dolphins come to play near the beach. Once again, a thousand thanks for your hospitality and kindness. We will certainly visit again and tell others about Pelmiet Cottage and the owners.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Peter, ons waardeer julle positiewe terugvoering. Ons het die Nederlandse "connection" en dit maak dit baie spesiaal. Julle is pragtige mense wat ons hoop om jullle weer vroer as later te werwelkom.
Machiel G - Aug 2018
Overall rating
Die beste vakansieverblyf wat ek nog ervaar het!
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The best holiday accommodation I have ever experienced!
Me, my wife and two little wild boys stayed with uncle Piet and aunt Elmie for three weeks. They were a father and mother to us, you don't get better hospitality. The place is very cute, neat, clean and you get much more for your money than you will get anywhere else. We walked to the beach with our boys every day, so it's well located. There are shops not too far, and if you need anything Uncle Piet and Aunt Elmie are close by to provide any help. You won't go wrong with Pelmiet Cottage!
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Baie dankie Machiel, dit word opreg waardeur. Dit was vir ons 'n voorreg om julle te kon ontmoet. Julle positiewe benadering sal ons altyd onthou. Met die nuwe "hoofstuk" in jou werk wens ons julle net alles wat mooi is en seenwense toe.
Llewellyn S - Jul 2018
Overall rating
Baie baie lekker en stil.
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Very very nice and quiet.
Many thanks to Piet and Elmie for your hospitality. It was a very nice few days that we spent with you. Piet and Elmie treated us like family, and that was really appreciated. Will definitely book there again if we go there. Can definitely recommend the stay. Accommodation is very well equipped with everything we needed.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Baie dankie Llewellyn vir jou positiewe terugvoering, dit word baie waardeer. Hoop om julle weer by Pelmiet Cottage te kan verwelkom.
Johan V - May 2018
Overall rating
It was very nice to meet such hospitable, friendly and helpful people.
Read morePelmiet Cottage 's response
Johan, thank you for your feedback and kind words. It is highly appreciated and serves as motivation to make sure that our guests feel welcome and at home.
Anthonie V - May 2018
Overall rating
Gemaklik, skoon, vriendelik en die uitsig kan nie vergelyk word nie.
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Comfortable, clean, friendly and the view cannot be compared.
Uncle Piet welcomed us so warmly on arrival. The unit is neat, clean and well maintained (something you rarely see on the south coast). The braai area is great and we spent most of our time at the unit there, there is a beautiful sea view from the braai and front porch as well as from the living room. The beach is a block's walk from the cottage. Very nice beach with rocks and a swimming area. The place is a "hidden gem" and we will definitely be staying there again as soon as possible. Thank you Uncle Piet and Aunt Elmie for the warm and friendly welcome.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Anthonie baie dankie. Ek is so bly as jy en Jeanine die tyd by ons geniet het. Dit was aangenaam om julle te kon ontmoet en ons hoop om julle sommer gou weer te verwelkom. Die twee visse was heerlik!
Lindy C - Apr 2018
Overall rating
Dit voel om soos saam met familie te bly.
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It feels like staying with your family.
Friendly and helpful owners. The facilities were the best. Will stay there again any time.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Lindy dit was vir ons aangenaam om met jou en Johan kennis te maak.
Baie dankie vir jou teruvoering dit word vreeslik baie waardeur en ons hoop om julle sommer gou weer te verwelkom.
Chantelle O - Apr 2018
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Was very nice, comfortable and safe.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Chantelle; julle terugvoering word baie waardeer. Dit was vir ons aangenaam om julle te kon ontmoet. Ons hoop om jou en Warren met die hondjies gou weer te sien.
Glenda K - Feb 2018
Overall rating
Die 3 werkers het dit vreeslik geniet.
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The 3 workers really enjoyed it.
Piet was very helpful with our people. He went out of his way to find another place because our workers had to stay longer (they were fully-booked). I recommend Pelmiet Cottage.
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Glenda jou terugvoering word baie waardeur en ons sien uit om julle weer te verwelkom.
Janine H - Oct 2018
Overall rating
Lekker vakansie by vriendelike mense.
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Nice holiday with friendly people.
Have a nice holiday at Pelmiet Cottage! Reasonable prices. Safe and very clean and tidy! Thank you Uncle Piet and Aunt Elmie! We'll see you again soon!
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Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Baie dankie Janine vir jou terugvoering en hoop om julle gou weer te sien.
Lallie N - Jul 2018
Overall rating
Lovely, safe, absolutely enjoyable!
Pelmiet Cottage 's response
Lallie, thank you very much for your feedback. It was nice meeting you and hope to see you again soon.
- Free cancellation up to 1 week before your stay!
- Capacity: 6 people
- All ages welcome
Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
Check-out: 09:00 - Address: 2 Downing Street, Southport, Port Shepstone, 4231, KwaZulu-Natal