Plato Lodge
Review Summary
Trisha B - Nov 2024
Overall rating
Awesome thanks.
Plato Lodge 's response
Thank you, Trisha. You and Peter John felt like family.
Aggi G - Oct 2024
Overall rating
We have made beautiful memories and will definitely be back.
Read moreHerman N - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Rus en vrede.
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Rest and peace.
The accommodation was very comfortable, the service friendly and the surroundings beautiful. Anyone looking to get away to spend time in peaceful quiet will not find a better destination. I must also mention that the food prepared is delicious and no one will go hungry!
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Plato Lodge 's response
Baie dankie Herman vir jou resensie. Ek waardeer dit ontsettend baie. Julle is uitstekende gaste en dit was 'n plesier om julle bietjie te bederf. Lea
Morne S - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Woorde kan nie beskryf hoe mooi Plato Lodge is nie.
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Words cannot describe how beautiful Plato Lodge is.
The place is a paradise in the area. We were kindly received, the room is comfortable and clean with an indescribably beautiful view. I definitely recommend it for people looking for a place to rest.
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Plato Lodge 's response
Hi Morne
Baie dankie vir julle resensie. Ons waardeer dit ongelooflik baie. Mense soos julle maak vir ons die moeite werd om aan te hou. Lea
William V - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Great place, great people, limited hot water.
Adriaan K - Apr 2024
Overall rating
Wonderlike ervaaring.
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Wonderful experience.
It's remote and very peaceful, a unique landscape.
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Jakes M - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Nice food with friendly & fast service.
Plato Lodge 's response
Hi Jakes,
Our home is at the back of the lodge. Everything in front is for the guests. We have solar power so therefore there are only roof fans.
Lolita V - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Quiet and peaceful setting with no distractions.
Plato Lodge 's response
Hi Lolita
Thank you very much for your review. We appreciate it greatly.
Kristie R - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Amazing stars at night.
Read moreAlet B - Aug 2023
Overall rating
Soos 'n oase in 'n woestyn.
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Like an oasis in a desert.
Slept well, ate well and walked well.
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Plato Lodge 's response
Hi Alet
Baie dankie vir julle resensie. Ons waardeer dit opreg baie. Dis so lekker om te sien as gaste waardeer. Dit gee ons motivering om elke dag te verbeter.
Marlene V - Mar 2023
Overall rating
Heerlik gerus, baie rustig en baie mooi uitsig.
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Very relaxed, very peaceful and very nice view.
We really enjoyed the weekend. The food was delicious. The room was very nice and tidy. We will visit there again and Lea is the dearest and sweetest hostess. Absolutely out of this world and would recommend everyone to stay at Plato Lodge.
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Plato Lodge 's response
Hi liewe Marlene
Baie dankie vir jou pragtige resensie. Sulke resensies maak dat ons net nog meer wil opskerp om dit vir ons gaste so veel moontlik aangenaam te maak.
Dit was so 'n groot voorreg om jul hier te he en n bietjie te bederf. Ons sien baie uit na jul volgende kuiertjie. Ons waardeer dit opreg. Lea
Corrie P - Nov 2023
Overall rating
Baie rustig en mooi omgewing.
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Very peaceful and beautiful surroundings.
Very nice brew. Very hot but cross ventilation and fan in room worked well. Dinners were excellent.
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Plato Lodge 's response
Hi Corrie
Baie dankie vir julle review. Ons waardeer dit opreg baie. Hoop om julle weer te sien in die toekoms.
Johannes K - Nov 2022
Overall rating
Fantastic stay.
Plato Lodge 's response
Johannes, baie baie dankie vir julle resensie. Ons waardeer dit opreg baie. Lea
Anton D - Jun 2022
Overall rating
Wat 'n juweel. Geen woorde kan Plato Lodge regtig beskryf.
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What a gem. No words can really describe Plato Lodge.
The host and wife were excellent. The room was neat and the view over the bushland cups was just incredible. Breakfast was a treat every time. Dinner was something neither my wife nor I expected. The best steak we have had in a long time. Upon request, the hostess made us a real pampering picnic which we enjoyed down by the river. We relaxed with an eagle soaring overhead. Don't sleep over one night, too much to see. Thank you Plato Lodge, you were fantastic.
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Plato Lodge 's response
Hi Anton,
Dit was so ongelooflik lekker om julle bietjie te bederf. Gaste soos julle maak alles die moeite werd. Julle voel klaar vir ons soos familie.
Hoop om julle weer eendag te sien. Mooi loop tot dan.
Lea en Maans Visser.
Mantone B - Mar 2022
Overall rating
Pragtige natuurskoon verblyf. Kos uit die boonste rakke en vriendelike ontvangs.
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Beautiful scenic accommodation. Top notch food and friendly reception.
Beautiful photos could be taken in the nature-rich accommodation.
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Plato Lodge 's response
Hi Mantone,
Ek mis jou geselsies. Was so lekker om jou te ontmoet. Alle seën vir jou uit ons Vader se hand en alles wat mooi is.
Pieter S - Mar 2022
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Very nice and tidy, service was fantastic and the food very tasty.
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Plato Lodge 's response
Hi Pieter,
Was so lekker om julle hier te hê. Baie dankie vir julle resensie, ons waardeer baie. Lea
Christa J - Oct 2022
Overall rating
Mesmerizing beauty all around.
Plato Lodge 's response
Hi Christa,
Thank you very much for your review. This is much appreciated.
Anonymous Guest - Dec 2022
Overall rating
No air conditioning. Patio offers no privacy.
My door wouldn't open from the inside, I had to climb down from the balcony to get help to open the door. Neighbor smokes on patio, I can barely breathe.
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Charles V - Dec 2021
Overall rating
Asemrowende landskap.
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Breathtaking landscape.
Incredible views, friendly service and I highly recommend driving to the river area, thick sand so will have to be done with a 4x4, but absolutely worth it.
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Plato Lodge 's response
Charles baie dankie vir julle resensies. Julle voel klaar soos familie. Kan nie wag om julle weer te sien nie. Lea
Izak K - Jul 2021
Overall rating
Baie mooi bly plek omgewing is besonder en mooi.
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Very nice living place environment is special and beautiful.
Thank you to Lea and her husband for your kindness, we felt right at home, we will definitely visit again. Room was comfortable, clean and beautiful, the view is breathtaking. Or at least we think so. We had fun driving around the farm and went fly fishing in the Orange River.
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Plato Lodge 's response
Baie dankie vir julle resensie, ons waardeer dit opreg.
Robert R - Mar 2021
Overall rating
Great and peaceful destination.
Plato Lodge 's response
Many thanks Mirka we appreciate. Lea
Adeli S - Mar 2021
Overall rating
Netjies, gasvry.
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Neat, hospitable.
Friendly reception, delicious meals, unique surroundings.
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Plato Lodge 's response
Many thanks for your review. We appreciate. Was so nice meeting you and have you here. Hopefully, we will see in the future again.
Violeta V - Dec 2020
Overall rating
Stunning place with magnificent views
Plato Lodge 's response
Hi Violeta,
Thanks so much for your review.
We appreciate it so much. It was our pleasure to have you here.
Hope to see you again in the future.
Blessings to you.
Anastasia N - Oct 2020
Overall rating
Magnificent getaway place!
Read moreTimothy R - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Beautiful setting.
Michael S - Oct 2020
Overall rating
Afgeleë, vriendelik, mooi natuur.
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Remote, friendly, beautiful nature.
Friendly owners, very helpful. Nice food. Comfortable rooms. Beautiful scenery.
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Alta L - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Ongelooflike landskap! Netjiese en gerieflike akkommodasie.
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Incredible landscape! Neat and comfortable accommodation.
We were able to rest and enjoy the contrasting landscape. The 4x4 route was interesting and the Orange River and hidden vineyards a real oasis! We immediately felt at home and the hostess was very friendly and helpful. Would love to go again after good rain!
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Roann S - Dec 2019
Overall rating
Pragtige akkommodasie in die middel van nêrens.
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Beautiful accommodation in the middle of nowhere.
Plato lodge is as far away from the hustle and bustle of the city as one can safely stay. You literally feel in the middle of nowhere and the silence and stars do wonders for the soul. The rooms are quite luxurious, very comfortable and beautifully clean. The kudu steak and vegetable dinner was so tasty and breakfast was simple but tasty. We will definitely be back again. The last 25 km or so is dirt road, but we drove it easily enough without a 4x4. Note that a 4x4 is necessary to get to the river. We were also too late to arrange with owners to take us down to the water, so we couldn't go swimming in the river.
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Werner K - Sep 2019
Overall rating
Ons het 'n baie aangename verblyf gehad.
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We had a very pleasant stay.
Thank you very much for your kind reception.
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Plato Lodge 's response
Hi Werner, dit was so lekker om jul hier te ontvang. Baie dankie vir jul resensie, ons waardeer dit opreg baie.
Gerhard D - Apr 2019
Overall rating
Heerlike aand daar gespandeer.
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Lovely evening spent there.
The landscape and stars were something to behold.
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Plato Lodge 's response
Hi Gerhard,
Baie dankie vir jul resensie. Ons waardeer dit opreg baie. Ek wou nog vir jul rosyne gee, maar ons het mekaar gemis. Hoop om jul weer eendag te sien.
Frank H - Mar 2019
Overall rating
Plato Lodge het vir my en my man 'n heerlike naweek van rus met 'n pragtige uitsig en goeie diens gebied en word definitief aanbeveel.
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Plato Lodge offered me and my husband a lovely weekend of rest with a beautiful view and good service and is definitely recommended.
My husband and I really enjoyed Plato Lodge. Although there is WiFi we switched off our phones and just took in the tranquility of nature. The facilities were neat and clean and we were warmly received and served with a delicious breakfast every morning. We will definitely visit Plato Lodge again.
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Plato Lodge 's response
Baie, baie dankie vir jul resensie. Ons waardeer dit opreg baie. Hoop om jul weer eendag te bederf.
Hermann W - Sep 2019
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Functional and nice and friendly service.
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Jacoline J - Jul 2019
Overall rating
Dit was 'n wonderlike ervaring.
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It was a wonderful experience.
Would recommend to anyone. I have never seen the stars so beautiful.
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Plato Lodge 's response
Beste Jacoline,
Dit was so lekker om julle te ontmoet en ons stukkie hemel met julle te kon deel. Ons is so bly om te sien julle het dit geniet het en sien uit daarna om julle dalk weer in die toekoms te sien.
Lea Visser
Derek F - Mar 2019
Overall rating
This destination boasts an indescribable beauty, beyond words.
Plato Lodge 's response
Hi Derek, thank you so much for your review. We appreciate it very much. Regards, Lea.
Amanda T - Aug 2018
Overall rating
Plato Lodge 's response
Dear Amanda,
Thank you very much, everything is our pleasure. It was so nice to meet you and have you with us.
Hopefully we will see you again in the future.
Astrid V - Oct 2018
Overall rating
Stunning view over Augrabies Falls National Park.
Plato Lodge 's response
Hi Astrid,
Thanks very much for your review. We appreciate it. Hope to see you in the again future.
Sunette C - Dec 2017
Overall rating
Pragtige plek, beste kos, gasvrye mense.
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Beautiful place, best food, hospitable people.
We felt so welcome, it felt like we were visiting family. The setting is breathtaking with all the rose stone cups. Was spoiled with delicious food and a peaceful environment. We had a great stay and would definitely recommend the place.
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Plato Lodge 's response
Hi Sunette, dit was so lekker om julle hier te hê. Baie dankie vir jul resensie. Ons waardeer dit opreg. Dit was so 'n groot plesier om julle 'n bietjie te bederf. Beste wense, Lea
Chris F - Dec 2017
Overall rating
Puik! Die perfekte plek vir die avonturier, fotograaf, fietsryer, stapper.
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Great! The perfect place for the adventurer, photographer, cyclist, hiker.
We will definitely visit here again.
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Plato Lodge 's response
Hi Chris baie dankie vir jul review. Dit was sooo lekker om julle hier te he en bietjie te bederf. Ons sien so uit daarna om jul weer te sien. Ons mis julle. En baie baie dankie vir al die mooi fotos wat jy geneem het en dat jy ons bietjie kom leer het van fotos neem. Mooi bly tot ons weet sien. Gene en Lea
Sandy V - Dec 2017
Overall rating
Ongelooflike plek. Skoonheid is onbeskryflik. Beplan reeds ons volgende vakansie sodat ons daar kan oorbly!
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Incredible place. Beauty is indescribable. Already planning our next vacation so we can stay there!
Don't let the dirt road leading to the lodge put you off. The dirt road is neat and safe and promises to offer its own beauty. Hawks everywhere and look out for other small animals - they are everywhere. The lodge is between the granite cups and offers absolute privacy. It is so beautiful, the sunrise, the sunset, the hills, the "heart" tree, the lookouts, the rooms and the showers. The double shower is the best. The food, the pool, the everything! The hospitality of the owners cannot be linked to 5 stars. At night the sky is covered with stars and Plato Lodge must get as many stars as feedback. You will see us again soon!
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Plato Lodge 's response
Hi Sandy, baie dankie vir jul resensie. Dit was so lekker om julle hier te hê. As ons gaste gelukkig is dan is ons gelukkig. Dit was lekker om julle bietjie te bederf. Ons hoop ons sien julle gou weer. Dit was 'n plesier om julle hier te hê. Groete, tot ons weer sien. Lea
Zani T - Nov 2017
Overall rating
Ongelooflik en asemrowend.
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Incredible and breathtaking.
This is my second visit to Plato Lodge and once again an indescribable experience. We took the canoe to the river for an all-day picnic. Went for a walk on the farm and sometimes just looked at the beautiful painting of the surroundings. The sunset and moon rise at the same moment was special and a highlight of the 4 day visit. Delicious food and lots of free soul food. Many thanks to Lea and Eugene for their hospitality and extra effort. We will definitely make a plan to visit Plato Lodge again and I wholeheartedly recommend it.
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Plato Lodge 's response
Beste Zani en Martin,
Baie dnakie vir die resensie. Dit was ons plesier om julle te bederf, dit maak ons werk so lekker om te hoor as gaste dit geniet het!
Hoop om jul gou weer te sien, ons mis julle al klaar so baie!
Eugene en Lea
Marelize D - Dec 2016
Overall rating
Plek waar jou siel kan rus tussen hartsmense.
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Place where your soul can rest among people of the heart.
What an incredible treat that was. Eugene and Lea, Kobus, Maans, and FT, thank you very much for everything. We will never forget the accommodation, meals and all the effort to make our stay as special as possible. We will definitely visit again!
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Amarein F - Dec 2016
Overall rating
Ons het 'n wonderlike tyd by Plato Lodge gehad!
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We had a wonderful time at Plato Lodge!
It had been an idyllic getaway. The people were very friendly and we were spoiled with the most delicious meals. We will definitely go back again!
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Plato Lodge 's response
Hi Amarein Dit was soooo lekker om julle twee hier te he en bietjie te bederf. Ons wens julle twee alles wat mooi is en baie seen vir die toekoms. Ons sien uit daarna om jul weer te sien. Mooi bly Lea.
Wim V - Mar 2016
Overall rating
Aangenaam verras, ongelooflike ervaring.
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Pleasantly surprised, amazing experience.
It's a wonderful, secluded, beautiful resort where you can escape and relax.
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Plato Lodge 's response
Hi Wim, dit was so lekker om julle hier by ons te hê. Lea
Suzanne M - Mar 2016
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Clean, tidy, comfortable and the hostess is very very helpful!
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Plato Lodge 's response
Hi Suzanne, Baie dankie vir julle kuiertjie. Dit was heerlik om julle bietjie te bederf. Lea
Enid R - Nov 2015
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Photography heaven!
The place is excellent, with many possibilities for photographers and hikers. The breakfast was also delicious.
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Plato Lodge 's response
Hi Enid, Baie dankie vir jou resensie. Ons waardeer dit opreg en is baie bly dat jy dit so geniet het. Ons wag vir jou volgende besoekie!! Groete Lea en familie.
Marius B - Jul 2015
Overall rating
Die gasvryheid van die Visserfamilie moet ervaar word.
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The hospitality of the Visser family must be experienced.
Plato Lodge is the ideal getaway to find peace and quiet. The guest units are luxurious and nice. Just be patient for the "donkey system", but time is not an issue here. The meals from breakfast to Kobus's gemsbok steak for dinner is an experience we are happy to recommend.
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Plato Lodge 's response
Baie dankie, Marius. Dit was heerlik om julle bietjie te bederf.
Die Vissers
Fanie U - Mar 2015
Overall rating
Werklik iets besonders: net die natuur en rus en vrede.
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Truly something special: just nature and peace and quiet.
The view from the rooms is beautiful, Eugene, Lea and the young men were truly hospitable. The breakfast was out of the books and the rooms very neat and clean. The dirt road is very nice and even with my small vehicle I was always at ease. It was a bit hot but definitely not unbearable. Would love to stay there forever. The right place if someone really wants to rest, but there are also 4x4 routes, canoeing, mountain bike and hiking trails.
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Marelize S - Dec 2015
Overall rating
'n Unieke onvergeetlike ervaring.
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A unique unforgettable experience.
Plato Lodge and its people are special. The sleeping units with their beautiful view over the rock cups are well equipped and comfortable. The meals are delicious! Staying a few days is recommended to enjoy the lodge and surroundings.
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Plato Lodge 's response
Hi Marelize, Baie dankie vir jul resensie. Ons waardeer dit opreg. Dit was sooo lekker om julle te ontmoet. Hoop om jul weer eendag te sien. Groete Lea en familie.
Liza O - Apr 2015
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The little experience in the Northern Cape was incredible! The silence deafening! Everything from the food, to the accommodation, and hospitality from the management team...excellent and definitely recommended!
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Hennie F - Apr 2015
Overall rating
Ons het die kamp vir ons self gehad.
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We had the camp to ourselves.
We were 3 persons i.e. 2 x units. The units consist of one complex with a total of 5 units. Lucky for us there were no other reservations so we had the camp to ourselves.
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Jan D - Oct 2015
Overall rating
Voel of jy op 'n ander planeet bly!
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Feel like you are staying on another planet!
Very nice, clean and hospitable. Where in Gauteng can you sleep with open doors and windows?
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Plato Lodge 's response
Baie dankie Jan, dit was so lekker om julle te bederf.
Die Vissers
Theo P - Jul 2015
Overall rating
Wegbreek saam met familie.
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Get away with family.
Located in a beautiful part of the country, feels safe and rested. Very nice meals and good value for money. Friendly and helpful staff.
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Chris B - Mar 2015
Overall rating
Stil, uit die gedrang van mense.
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Quiet, out of the way of people.
Plato Lodge is a place where you will go to experience peace of mind.
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Patty V - Dec 2014
Overall rating
Baie rustig, ideaal vir stiltetyd.
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Very quiet, ideal for quiet time.
Very calm. Adults' place to rest from all the city bustle. No activities for children, but it remains a good place to rest!
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Johan V - Dec 2014
Overall rating
'n Fantastiese ervaring by 'n pragtige/rustige plek.
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A fantastic experience at a beautiful/quiet location.
It's a must for someone looking for tranquility. The surroundings are incredibly beautiful and pristine, the owners are simply the best and friendliest we have come across in a long time. Good value for money.
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Johan B - Dec 2014
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Rustig en kalm.
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Quiet and calm.
It was incredibly peaceful and without noise.
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Lehanri M - Nov 2014
Overall rating
Pragtige natuurskoon, sout van die aarde mense.
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Beautiful scenery, salt of the earth people.
What a great experience! The people receive you and make you feel at home immediately. They go out of their way to make your time there special. I wanted to have a surprise dinner for my husband's birthday and Lea decorated the balcony so beautifully and created a romantic atmosphere and the food was delicious. Will definitely go again and recommend to others.
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Nadia V - Sep 2014
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Amazing scenery, amazing hospitality and the most delicious meals. Thoroughly enjoyed our stay and recommend the Plato Lodge anytime!
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Nico M - Aug 2014
Overall rating
Wat 'n voorreg!
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What a privilege!
It was a privilege to be received by this hospitable family in such a way that it felt as if we were guests in their home. The landscape is unlike anything you would experience anywhere, and the silence and stars help to detach you from the hustle and bustle of "ordinary" life.
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Ruth B - Aug 2014
Overall rating
We had a really great experience and the entire family were fantastic hosts.
Hanja V - Apr 2014
Overall rating
Dit was baie lekker in 'n asemrowende mooi omgewing!
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It was very nice in a breathtakingly beautiful environment!
The hospitality is great and I will definitely go again if I have the opportunity. The tranquility is something that can certainly be recommended and the food was top notch. Thank you very much, I can recommend it to anyone who wants to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life! Here you can not only feel God's breath, but also hear it, it is so nice and quiet.
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Leana P - Feb 2014
Overall rating
Fantasties. 'n Ongelooflike omgewing en Lea-hulle is baie gasvry.
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Fantastic. An incredible environment and Lea-they are very hospitable.
The lodge is very neat and everything is clean. The owners have a passion for making guests feel at ease, and we will definitely go there again.
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Pieter R - Mar 2014
Overall rating
Baie lekker en wat 'n pragtige area!
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Very nice and what a beautiful area!
Thank you very much for a very friendly meeting and the nice visit! It was very nice and we will definitely stop by again.
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Andre O - Mar 2014
Overall rating
Best experience in a long time.
Johan F - Apr 2014
Overall rating
Natuurlike rustigheid!
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Natural tranquility!
Very pleasant! We also toured there by motorbike. The food is delicious.
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Mercia P - Mar 2014
Overall rating
Vriendelik, heerlike ontbyte en aandete - te ver van Augrabies, lekker staproetes
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Friendly, delicious breakfasts and dinner - too far from Augrabies, nice walking routes
Curtains in the bedroom for privacy as we could talk to each other over the wall. The donkey(s) must be stoked at 16h00 and 6h00 in time for before breakfast and before dinner. Hanging space for clothes not long enough for dresses, no shelves in the bathroom putting on make-up and a toiletry bag. Finally, the mirror must be high/low enough for both parties.
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- Capacity: 10 people
- All ages welcome
Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
Check-out: 10:00 - Address: Farm Narries, 7 Daberas, Augrabies, 8874, Northern Cape