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River Dance Couple Unit

Self Catering

Review Summary

4.3 out of 5from 7 reviews for River Dance Couple Unit
Value for money
Bernadette G - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Bernadette G
Family with teenagers

Amazing en rustig.

Dit was ongelooflik lekker. Hulle het so mooi na ons gekyk en dit is 'n pragtige plekkie. Dit was ongelooflik mooi daar en netjies. Die vroutjie wat daar is en die plek beman is 'n engel uit die hemel uit. Sy is vriendelik en baie behulpsaam. Die eienaar is amazing en vriendelik en antwoord vinnig op boodskappe. Ek sal vir seker weer gaan. Inteendeel wil my kind haar 18de verjaardag daar hê. Die plek is nog mooier as die fotos. Jy moet gaan om tyd saam jou familie te spandeer en het nie WiFi nodig nie. Dit is te mooi om op die internet te sit. Ek en my kind het dit so geniet.

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Amazing and peaceful.

It was incredibly fun. They looked after us so well and it's a beautiful place. It was incredibly beautiful there and neat. The little woman who is there and staffs the place is an angel from heaven. She is friendly and very helpful. The owner is amazing and friendly and responds quickly to messages. I will go again for sure. On the contrary, my child wants her 18th birthday there. The place is even more beautiful than the photos. You need to go to spend time with your family and don't need WiFi. It's too beautiful to put on the internet. My child and I enjoyed it so much.

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Ina D - Feb 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Ina D
With partner

Uitstekende diens, beautiful plekkie.

Eerstens die diens was puik van die begin af, Marilie en Lesego was uitstekend. Hulle het uit hulle pad gegaan vandat die bespreking gedoen was. Was die heeltyd in kontak met ons. Marilie het ons opgegradeer na 'n groter eenheid, en dit was geen ekstra kostes nie. Die plekkie was pragtig en die uitsig was onbeskryflik mooi. Die ape was die hoogtepunt en hulle het die mooiste paar swart swane. Sal die plekkie beslis aanbeveel. En sal beslis weer gaan. Dankie julle vir die puik diens. Hou so aan.

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Excellent service, beautiful place.

Firstly the service was great from the start, Marilie and Lesego were excellent. They went out of their way since the reservation was made. Was in contact with us all the time. Marilie upgraded us to a larger unit, and there were no extra charges. The place was beautiful and the view was indescribably beautiful. The monkeys were the highlight and they have the most beautiful pair of black swans. Would definitely recommend the place. And will definitely go again. Thank you for the great service. Keep it up.

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Leonie M - Jan 2025
Overall rating
Value for money
Leonie M
With partner

Baie rustig.

Pragtige groen natuurskoon. Het lekker gekuier.

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Very peaceful.

Beautiful green scenery. Had a great time.

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Alma M - Nov 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Alma M
With partner

Ideaal vir rus en stilte vir 'n midweek wegbreek.

River Dance Couple unit was baie gerieflik. In vergelyking met ander soortgelyke verblyf was dit egter effens skraps toegerus wat selfsorgitems betref. Dit was vir ons 'n werksgeleentheid ook en die internetopvangs/netwerkseine was baie wisselvallig - toegang tot WiFi sou baie gehelp het. Op die oog af is die woonstel baie netjies, maar by nadere ondersoek is daar heelwat klein onderhoudswerkies nodig wat toekomstige skade sal beperk. Lesego het ons vriendelik ontvang en was baie behulpsaam.

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Ideal for peace and quiet for a midweek break.

River Dance Couple unit was very comfortable. However, compared to other similar accommodation, it was slightly sparsely equipped in terms of self-catering items. It was a work event for us as well and the internet reception/network signals were very erratic - access to WiFi would have helped a lot. On the surface the apartment is very tidy, but on closer inspection there is a lot of small maintenance work needed that will limit future damage. Lesego received us kindly and was very helpful.

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Thulani S - Nov 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Thulani S
On business

I was generally pleasant.

My stay was pleasant. The lady who assisted me is very welcoming. If you require internet assistance while at the establishment, it's going to be an issue because the network in the whole area is generally bad, and they don't have WiFi and there is no TV. So if peace and quiet is what you require, then you will be good. Overall, it is a nice place.

Marlize O - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Marlize O
With partner

Rustig en stil met baie potensiaal wat nog ontwikkel kan word.

Baie vriendelike ontvangs van die gasheer. Die eenheid is baie mooi skoon. Die eenheid is nie alleenstaande soos geadverteer nie, wat 'n bietjie privaatheid inboet wanneer die lodge vol bespreek is. Nogtans lekker rustig vir 'n rus-naweek.

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Peaceful and quiet with a lot of potential that can still be developed.

Very friendly reception from the host. The unit is very nice and clean. The unit is not detached as advertised, which compromises a bit of privacy when the lodge is fully booked. Still nice and quiet for a rest weekend.

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Claudia K - Mar 2020
Overall rating
Value for money
Claudia K
With partner

Vreeslik aantreklik, maar glad nie moeite of geld werd nie.

Die kamer was netjies en vreeslik mooi. Maar dit het ons heeltemal verlei! Eerstens, ons het 'n troue gehad naby aan River Dance en daarom die oorbly. Eerstens was dit 'n groot gesukkel om iemand in die hande te kry om die sleutel van die kamer te kry. Tweedens het geen muur-/kragproppe gewerk nie (hoe moet 'n mens dan hare droogblaas vir 'n troue?). Daar is 'n yskas, maar die krag werk nie so hy is vuurwarm en effens muwwerig. Derdens daar was geen warm water nie. En laastens kon die deur nie sluit nie. 'n Pragtige, bekostigbare plek, maar nou weet ek hoekom. Sal dit glad nie aanbeveel nie.

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Terribly attractive, but not at all worth the effort or money.

The room was neat and very beautiful. But it completely seduced us! First, we had a wedding close to River Dance and therefore the overstay. First of all, it was a huge struggle to get hold of someone to get the key to the room. Second, no wall/power plugs worked (how is one supposed to blow dry hair for a wedding then?). There is a fridge, but the power doesn't work so it is scalding hot and slightly musty. Third, there was no hot water. And finally, the door couldn't close. A beautiful, affordable place, but now I know why. Would not recommend it at all.

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River Dance Couple Unit 's response

Goeie dag Claudia, ek is jammer om van jou ervaring te hoor en ek weet gladnie hoe dit moontlik is nie, en ook hoekom jy gladnie gepraat het toe julle hier was nie.
Ek is altyd beskikbaar en het nie eers n boodskap van jou ontvang nie, nietemin, jammer oor julle slegte ervaring

River Dance Couple Unit
From R800
R 800 R 680
per night (sleeps 2)
From R800
R 800 R 680
per night (sleeps 2)
Make a Booking
  • Free cancellation up to 1 week before your stay!
  • Capacity: 2 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: R96, Hekpoort, Magaliesburg, 1714, Gauteng,format,compress&q=80 was R800 nowFrom R680 per night (sleeps 2) 7 5 1 5 R96 Hekpoort 1714 Gauteng 021 201 8900 14:00-19:00 10:00 -25.91816587465 27.609317014369