Route 62 B&B
Review Summary
Louise S - Dec 2024
Overall rating
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It was lovely, thank you very much Oom Deon, you are too nice for words. The breakfast was delicious! Will definitely come and visit again. We did sleep in room 11 and not 13, but that was no problem.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Baie dankie vir jou pragtige resensie. Ek het dit geniet!
Volgens my rekords was jy in Kamer 11 bespreek en hy was reg, maar tipies oom sit nie graag mense in Kamer 11 as daar ander kamers beskikbaar is nie! Kamer te klein na sy sin! Mooi loop verder an alles wat mooi is vir 2025.
William F - Dec 2024
Overall rating
A peaceful retreat.
Route 62 B&B 's response
Thank you for a very appreciative review and especially for the recognition given to our staff. We are thankful that you enjoyed your stay and would love to welcome you back. Kind regards
Francois D - Nov 2024
Overall rating
Great value.
Route 62 B&B 's response
Thank you for writing this beautiful review. It is truly appreciated.
Elroy A - Jan 2025
Overall rating
Not too good.
Anonymous Guest - Jan 2025
Overall rating
Very nice. safe and friendly reception.
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Wiets R - Jan 2025
Overall rating
Het nie daar gebly nie, want dit was pateties.
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Didn't stay there because it was pathetic.
This was the worst guesthouse we have ever visited. The place smells musty and dusty, as if it had been standing for 100 years. The aircon was totally too weak for the heat. We packed our things and went to find other accommodation.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Dankie vir julle moeite om 'n resensie te skryf. Gaste was uit die staanspoor met alles ontevrede en niks was volgens hulle smaak nie. Jammer vir die ongerief wat julle gehad het. Die lugreëling werk 100%, dit was nie aangeskakel nie. Mag dit verder met julle baie goed gaan.
Hendrik G - Nov 2024
Overall rating
Personeel was uiters bedagsaam. Baie gerieflik geleë en baie netjies.
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Staff were extremely considerate. Very conveniently located and very tidy.
Very, very nice. Would definitely stay here again.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Baie dankie vir pragtige resensie.
Ons is bly dat jy jou tydjie by ons geniet het.
Ons sal jou beslis weer graag wil sien!
Anne B - Oct 2024
Overall rating
Olde worlde charm.
Route 62 B&B 's response
Thank you for staying with us and for the wonderful review!
We are grateful that you enjoyed your stay with us.
We would like to accommodate you again. Greetings.
Katja W - Oct 2024
Overall rating
Amazing and peaceful.
Route 62 B&B 's response
Thank you so much, Katja, for this beautiful review.
It is very heartwarming, and we appreciate it.
You are very welcome to visit us again.
Chantal E - Sep 2024
Overall rating
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For one night's sleep, it was a wonderful rest after a long night of visiting the wedding.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Dankie Chantal vir die goeie resensie.
Baie bly en dankbaar dat jy jou kuier by ons geniet het en lekker kon rus.
Maak gerus weer 'n draai!
Engela P - Aug 2024
Overall rating
Want to go back.
Route 62 B&B 's response
Hi Engela,
Thank you for giving feedback. You requested room 7. If it is a couple and we have a bigger room, we recommend another room, but in your case, all the other rooms had been booked already. Actually, the shower is not smaller, but the ceiling is lower. Unfortunately, there is nothing that we can do about that. Kind regards
Giovani C - Aug 2024
Overall rating
The stay was nice.
Route 62 B&B 's response
Thank you for the beautiful feedback; it is sincerely appreciated!
Morné P - Aug 2024
Overall rating
Met my aankoms het die personeel my baie vriendelik ontvang. My kuier was tops!
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Upon my arrival, the staff received me very kindly. My visit was great!
Best choice was to choose Route 62 B&B. Could come and go as I pleased and everything was in place. Very well rested and I could walk out with a smile on my face.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Goeiemore Morné,
Baie dankie vir jou pragtige resensie!
Dit plaas ook 'n glimlag op my gesig vir die nuwe week en gee 'n goeie inspuiting energie!
Voorpoed en vrede vir jou toekoms.
Jandre V - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Route 62 B&B 's response
Baie dankie, Jandre, vir die resensie. Ek is baie bly en dankbaar dat jy tevrede was, omdat jy 'n paar keer ons gekontak het en elke keer het daar iets voorgeval of ons kon jou nie akkommodeer nie. Hoop ons sien jou weer.
Sarieta D - Jun 2024
Overall rating
My dogter het getrek vanaf Lanseria na Robertson toe en ons moes vir die nag oorbly.
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My daughter moved from Lanseria to Robertson and we had to stay the night.
Yes, beautiful old house.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Hi Sarita,
Dankie vir jou resensie. Dit was lekker om jou by ons te laat kuier en ons hoop om julle sommer gou weer te sien. Groete
Ron E - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Comfortable and convenient location in Robertson.
Route 62 B&B 's response
Hi Ron,
Thank you for writing a review.
We are glad that you enjoyed your stay with us.
Lelani K - Apr 2024
Overall rating
Besonders lekker. Lekker geslaap en lekker veilig gevoel.
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Especially nice. Slept well and felt very safe.
Lovely place. Slept very well. Als is clean and tidy - no obstacles. Uncle Deon is lovable, helpful and really a people person. We were kindly received. Would definitely recommend it. And will definitely use Route 62 B&B again. Just a pity our visit was so short.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Hi Lelani,
Dis voorwaar 'n riem onder die hart om so 'n mooi resensie te ontvang. Wees verseker dat dit opreg waardeer word.
Hoop ons paaie kruis weer eendag. Mooi loop!
Route 62 B&B
Antoinette M - Apr 2024
Overall rating
Soos my huis op 'n ander dorp.
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Like my house on another town.
Had a wonderful stay. Felt like I was at home.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Hi Antoinette,
Baie dankie vir jou mooi resensie. Ons is baie bly en dankbaar dat jy jou kuier by ons geniet het.
Hoop ons sien jou sommer gou-gou weer! Voorspoedige toekoms. Route 62 B&B
Minette B - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Goedkoop, netjies, alles wat mens nodig het.
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Cheap, neat, everything you need.
Absolutely wonderful stay there, definitely value for money!
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Baie dankie, Minette B. Hoop ons sien u gou weer.
Anonymous Guest - Oct 2024
Overall rating
Lynn V - Aug 2024
Overall rating
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Yes, we have for the value of the money.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Goeiedag Lynn,
Ons waardeer jou resensie en is bly dat julle tevrede was en julle kuier kon geniet. Groete
Route 62 B&B
Estelle C - Jul 2024
Overall rating
Goed genoeg vir die prys. Lekker ontbyt geëet.
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Good enough for the price. Had a nice breakfast.
No complaints. Recommendation: TV in every room.
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Petrus U - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Rustige nagrus.
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Peaceful night's rest.
Yes, it is a quiet environment, without any interference.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Dankie Petrus.
Ons is bly jy kon lekker rus.
Hoop ons sien jou weer.
Gail V - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Great location, safe and value for money spent.
Route 62 B&B 's response
Thank you for writing this beautiful review. It is truly appreciated.
Anonymous Guest - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Johanna E - Aug 2024
Overall rating
Bekostigbare veilige oornagverblyf.
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Affordable safe overnight accommodation.
Good overnight accommodation that suited our needs.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Goeie dag,
Baie dankie, jy slaan die spyker op die kop! Verblyf wat voldoen aan behoeftes en bekostigbaar is in hierdie tyd van belagrike pryse en uitbuitery. Mooi loop verder.
Robert V - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Baie lekker gebly, eenvoudig, netjies. Waarde vir geld.
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Very nice stay, simple, neat. Value for money.
See stars.
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Mark R - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Very relaxing and value for money.
Route 62 B&B 's response
Thank you, Mark, for a beautiful review. It is sincerely appreciated.
Hope we see you again!
Graeme M - Apr 2024
Overall rating
Route 62 B&B 's response
Hi Graeme,
Thank you for taking the time to write a review.
We are happy that you enjoyed your stay with us.
Ansune V - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Die plekkie is netjies en oulik.
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The place is neat and cute.
Very cute received. Neat place.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Baie dankie, Ansune V. Hoop ons sien u gou weer.
Hans G - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Sal definitief weer kom kuier.
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Will definitely visit again.
Very nice stay. It had been very hot and unfortunately we didn't have a fan in the room. The WiFi needs a bit of a boost.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Hi Hans,
Baie dankie vir die terugvoer. Ja, die hitte is soms erg en soos gebeur met alles is daar soms 'n waaier of twee buite werking; andersins moes u maar net vir 'n waaier gevra het. Kontaknommers is in alle kamers en sit areas.
Ons het aandag gegee aan die WiFi en daar was 'n draad wat probleme gegee het en ons moes vervang.
Baie dankie. Dit is hoekom ons terugvoer waardeer. Hoop ons sien jou weer.
Anton V - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Was heerlik gewees.
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It was delicious.
Your place is beautiful, thank you.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Dankie vir 'n pragtige resensie, dit word opreg waardeer!
Kan jy sê die vorige resensie was van dieselfde kamer!!!
Ridowan D - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Was stil en rustig.
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Was quiet and peaceful.
The stay was nice and peaceful.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Baie dankie vir die pragtige resensie. Dit is so bemoedigend as gaste
lekker kuier en ons plekkie waardeer. Kom gerus weer kuier. Mooi wense vir 2025!
Bryan V - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Baie ontspanne.
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Very relaxed.
Was delicious. Area is very quiet. Will definitely return again.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Baie dankie Bryan vir 'n pragtige, positiewe resensie.
Dit word opreg waardeer en ons verwelkom jou graag terug.
Elizabeth S - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Good and enjoyable.
Route 62 B&B 's response
Hi Frik.
Die eienaar het die matras nagegaan en sien geen rede dat dit vervang moet word nie. Daar is 'n kennisgewing in elke kamer met noodnommers, plan vir ontruiming ens. Daar is ook 'n inligtingsboek vir die gaste in die eetkamer en al die sitareas. Ons ondervinding is ongelukkig dat ekstra linne ens. net wegraak en die skuldige kan nooit opgespoor word nie. Daar is egter verwarmers beskikbaar en ons het winterlakens ens. Dit is 'n besonder koue winter en mense het verskillende behoeftes. Ons vra verskoning as jy koud gekry het. 'n Boer maak mos 'n plan! Slaap maar met sweetpak, trui en sokkies – dit help. Baie dankie nogtans vir julle ondersteuning; die oordeel aan jou resensie was dit darem nie 'n onaangename ondervinding nie! Mooi loop.
Albertus C - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Rustig, tevrede en veilig.
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Calm, content and safe.
Had a great stay.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Hi Albertus,
Baie dankie vir jou resensie! Ons is altyd bly en dankbaar as ons gaste hulle verblyf geniet en tevrede is.
Mag dit goed gaan met jou en kom kuier maar gerus weer. Groete, Route 62 B&B
Neil V - Jul 2024
Overall rating
Was lekker gewees.
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Was nice.
Yes. Was nice.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Dankie Niel vir die resensie.
Mooi loop verder op jou pad!
Magda V - Apr 2024
Overall rating
Baie mooi ou huis met lieflike atmosfeer.
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Very nice old house with lovely atmosphere.
Secure parking and walking distance to restaurants.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Hi Magda,
Baie dankie vir jou resensie. Bly en dankbaar dat jy lekker gekuier het.
Kom gerus weer! Groete
Anonymous Guest - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Hille T - Jun 2024
Overall rating
So so.
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So so.
Everything was outdated. The boiler leaked a lot. The microwave was stained inside and the paint was peeling, and it was too creepy to use. Beautiful building with lots of potential.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Goeie more Hille,
Dankie vir jou resensie. Die ketel is reeds vervang en aandag word gegee aan die mikrogolf. Jammer dat jy nie jou verblyf geniet het nie, maar dit is 'n ou gebou met outydse meubels en gevoel.
Mooi loop.
Anonymous Guest - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Basic and budget.
Our room was neat, but better maintenance is needed.
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Anonymous Guest - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Leon B - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Nie aan te beveel nie. Kry nie 'n goeie nagrus nie.
Read more
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Not recommended. Didn't get a good night's sleep.
We stayed overnight in Robertson after a long day on the road. There was no one to receive us, had to call the owner twice and waited 45 minutes before a lady showed up. She was very helpful and friendly! The bed is old and creaks terribly and the pillows are not up to standard. The other guests who came in very late have a room above us. The creaking of the floors is very bad. The power plugs are insufficient to plug in chargers and others. Coffee station in room missing. Have to go to the common area to make coffee early in the morning. No information about WiFi was given.
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Beverley A - Sep 2024
Overall rating
I have stayed in better B&Bs with better service.
Route 62 B&B 's response
Hi Beverley,
We apologise that you had a bad experience at Route 62 B&B. That is totally unacceptable. If you look at so many reviews, that is definitely not the norm. We will discuss this with the staff and try to prevent similar incidents. Wish you had contacted us while you were staying because that is surely something that could have been fixed. Sometimes when a guest is not happy with something, the whole review is suddenly bad and negative. The owner is around every day and the staff are always very approachable, so it is difficult for me to understand why you did not bring that to our attention. During the booking process, we also stress the fact that guests should feel free to contact us for any problems or special requests. Hopefully, this review will give other potential guests and visitors the courage to talk to the staff/owner during their stay if something is bothering them!
Phillip John A - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Dit is lekker om daar te slaap, maar die gaste worry nie oor die ander gaste nie.
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It's nice to sleep there, but the guests don't worry about the other guests.
We were not well received. We don't have our right room, no. 13, not received. We have the key of room no. 7 received. My wife and I had to sleep on two separate beds. The car had to park on the street Friday night and Saturday night. We are very dissatisfied with the service of Route 62. The coffee was hard-baked, rock-hard. We couldn't eat it. Very poor service.
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Johann B - Mar 2024
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I paid for my accommodation but due to adversity on the road the owners did not want to wait for me and decided at 10 o'clock in the evening that I would lose my place. This due to circumstances beyond my control. This forced me to drive to Cape Town and look for other accommodation in the early hours of the morning so that my family could at least rest.
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Marinda B - Sep 2023
Overall rating
Plattelandse gasvryheid.
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Rural hospitality.
I specifically booked at Route 62 B&B because it is within walking distance of the station. I booked to go on the 13h00 steam train. Route 62 B&B had no problem booking me in and parking my car already at 12h00.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Hoop jy het jou trein rit geniet, Marinda!
Abigail J - Sep 2023
Overall rating
Wonderlik en lieflik.
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Wonderful and lovely.
The environment was beautiful.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Bly jy het ons mooi omgewing geniet, Abigail!
Peter D - Jul 2023
Overall rating
It was our first time, staying overnight in Robertson, the location of the B&B is great near the shops and restaurants.
Route 62 B&B 's response
So glad you enjoyed your first visit to Robertson!
Pat M - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Clean, comfortable B&B. Friendly staff and super breakfast.
Route 62 B&B 's response
Thank you for the down-to-earth review, Pat.
Dylan D - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Perfect for a nights stay.
Route 62 B&B 's response
Thank you for the 5-star rating, Dylan.
Johan E - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Net oornagplek gesoek.
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Just looking for a place to stay.
All news is load shedding. When I got there the power was off, when we came from the wedding the power was off and when I got up in the morning the power was off.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Hi Johan, ons is darem besig om Solar in die een huis te installeer, so hopelik is die krag probleme binnekort iets van die verlede.
Magda D - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Was baie lekker, mooi dorp en netjiese plek.
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Was very nice, nice town and neat place.
The upper rooms could do with a carpet, it would dampen the wandering a bit.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Dankie vir die voorstel, Magda!
Jacky F - Oct 2023
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Couldn't extend my stay. The TV didn't work. Loadshedding was 8 hours long, then I just went to sleep.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Ongelukkig was ons lankal volgeboek vir die Robertson Lente Skou, dit was maar net toevallig dat die een deelnemer eers 'n dag later gekom het en ons dus 'n kamer vir jou beskikbaar gehad het. Ons het gaan kyk na die TV maar hy werk defnitief nogsteeds, was dit nie miskien loadshedding toe jy hom probeer gebruik het?
Elsabé H - May 2023
Overall rating
Die kuier was uitstekend.
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The visit was excellent.
Really enjoyed the time there. The silence and tranquility. Owner very friendly person. I will definitely book there again in the future. The room was very neat and clean.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Dankie Elsabe, ons is baie bly julle het die tyd geniet.
Ellen D - Mar 2023
Overall rating
Skoon, neutraal geleë, vriendelike eienaar en personeel, heerlike ontbyt.
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Clean, neutrally located, friendly owner and staff, delicious breakfast.
We were received very kindly. Let the owner know we are on our way and was at the guest house upon our arrival. Everything was pretty clean. Little parking within site but visitors parked cars to accommodate everyone. Had a delicious breakfast and the staff were top notch.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Baie dankie vir die beskrywende resensie, Ellen!
Andre V - Mar 2023
Overall rating
Mooi skoon en netjies - lekker naby aan middedorp geleë. Heerlike ontbyt gehad Sondagoggend.
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Nicely clean and tidy - located nice and close to the center of town. Had a delicious breakfast on Sunday morning.
We had a great time living here. Saw the village and had a good meal. Everything was nice and clean. We also enjoyed a delicious breakfast on Sunday morning. Definitely value for money.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Dankie, Andre, dit was sommer lekker om julle by ons te hê.
Henry B - Nov 2023
Overall rating
Ons kamer was baie beknop.
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Our room was very cramped.
We only slept overnight. The plank floor is noisy.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Hi Henry
Baie dankie vir die resensie.
Jacques G - Sep 2023
Overall rating
Aangename oornag na 'n troue.
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Pleasant overnight stay after a wedding.
There was everything we needed, thank you very much.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Dit was aangenaam om julle by ons te he, Jacques.
Petula F - Jul 2023
Overall rating
Very relaxing, clean and comforting.
Route 62 B&B 's response
You are definitely welcome again, Petula.
Nicola T - Mar 2023
Overall rating
Lekker vir vinnige oornagstop.
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Nice for a quick overnight stop.
Exactly what we expected. Can work on safety and parking facilities. Many ants in room. Shower could use some repairs.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Baie dankie vir die "based" resensie, Nicola!
Charlotte B - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Netjies, skoon en veilig.
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Neat, clean and safe.
Rooms and bathrooms are neat. The house itself inside is very dark. Everyone is very helpful. We did not get the room we booked. Safe neighborhood and walking distance to restaurants and shops. I can highly recommend the accommodation.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Hi Charlotte,
Baie dankie vir jou terugvoer. Jammer jy het nie jou bespreekte kamer gekry nie, maar dit lyk darem of jy desondanks tevrede was. Ons het personeel skommelings gehad en sukkel nog om alles weer goed in ritme te kry. In die somer veral hou ons maar alles toe. Dit help vir die hitte. Mooi loop.
Anonymous Guest - May 2023
Overall rating
Neat place to stay, slept well.
R62 is nicely centrally located, neat and well furnished for short-term stays. Staff are friendly and helpful. It was a bit cold in the rooms, an extra blanket would be nice. The candles don't work that well either, other lights would be an asset during load shedding.
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Gerard D - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Ons het 'n plekkie gesoek om oor te bly na 'n troue.
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We were looking for a place to stay after a wedding.
We had a nice stay and a hot shower.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Ons is bly julle was tevrede met die plekkie, Gerard.
Jalene K - Nov 2023
Overall rating
Will consider again.
Route 62 B&B 's response
Thank you for the review, Jalene.
We only move guests for their own comfort. In your case, there was a large family group in the house, and we were concerned they might be disturbing. It is our policy to discuss such changes with guests, but we regretfully forgot to discuss it with you.
Anonymous Guest - May 2023
Overall rating
Used it as an overnight stop during a tour.
No standby power during loadshedding. No kitchen (closed) or cutlery available. TV wouldn't work. Noise from staff in kitchen in the morning. Noise from power generator with loadshedding.
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Jaco L - Mar 2023
Overall rating
Lekker gebly, dankie.
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Nice stay, thank you.
Will book here again for the group.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Jaco, baie dankie vir die resensie.
Cornelia B - Dec 2023
Overall rating
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There was no staff on duty during the check-in time or aware of my booking. It could have turned out very badly. Luckily there was a room open. There was also a lot of noise behind my room, from permanent residents.
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Petrea M - May 2023
Overall rating
Die dames is baie vriendelik.
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The ladies are very friendly.
I feel if there is no power make sure you have a better solution than just 1 candle and no hot water. The room above you if someone walks you hear it, I feel he can really make a plan to at least have light in room and make sure there is enough hot water.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Hi Petrra, dankie vir die terugvoering. Ons is besig om solar te installeer, so dit hoort darem binnekort opgelos te word.
Anonymous Guest - Mar 2023
Overall rating
I felt unsafe, because guests slept alone in the house at night.
I think the staff are left to their own devices too much.
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Willie J V - Apr 2023
Overall rating
By aankoms is ons meegedeel dat daar slegs 2 kamers beskikbaar is alhoewel ons 3 kamers bespreek en voor betaal het.
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On arrival we were told that there were only 2 rooms available even though we had booked and paid for 3 rooms.
No specific reason was given why we could not get the 3 booked rooms. Rooms 11, 13 and 2 were allocated to us on our reservation list. Only room 11 was available and room 4 was the second room we could find. This caused 2 children to sleep on a single mattress on the floor with 2 adults in Room 11. We have already paid in full for 3 rooms in advance. As mentioned above, we were not at all happy with the fact that we paid for 3 rooms and only 2 were available.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Ek vra om verskoning Willie, ek was nie laas week by die gastehuis nie en die personeel het kamers geruil op versoek van ander gaste maar dit nie terug geruil vir julle verblyf nie.
Loraine V - Mar 2023
Overall rating
Eerste indruk was goed.
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First impression was good.
However, on arrival in the room it was shocking, as with loadshedding there was only 1 candle available. I went to buy a light from Superspar as I was planning to do some work. The other shocker was that I couldn't log into the Wi-Fi at all before or after loadshedding. When I called to make sure about it, I could hear a lady in the background saying "tell them to read the messages because everything has been sent". This is extremely unprofessional. This is a service that is offered with the advertisement and therefore I could not work online at all the whole time I was there due to no Wi-Fi. I want to suggest that an amplification for the Wi-Fi as well as a possible generator or inverter is urgently looked into. In today's time of loadshedding, no accommodation can exist without it or provide proper service.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Hi Lorraine, dankie vir jou terugvoer. Gewoonlik werk ons Wi-Fi baie goed, ons het onlangs ook 'n extender ingesit om die sein te versterk. Daar was 'n probleem met die Telkom lyn toe jy by ons was, dit is besig om aan gewerk te word deur hulle. Ons is ook tans besig om te kyk na solar.
Cornelius T - Nov 2022
Overall rating
Was baie lekker en rustig.
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Was very nice and peaceful.
Environment safe and staff and owner very friendly. Will stay there again.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Baie dankie vir die positiewe resensie, Cornelius.
Eldeen V - Aug 2022
Overall rating
Lekker netjies en bekostigbaar.
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Nice and tidy and affordable.
Close to all the places to eat and also close to the shops.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Dankie vir die positiewe resensie, Eldeen.
Pamella T - Jul 2022
Overall rating
Was heerlik rustig.
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Was wonderfully peaceful.
Host and workers are very warm and pleasant. They looked at us very well. And the R50 brekkie was a winner.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Dit was baie aangenaam om jou by ons te he! Dankie, Pamella.
Magda D - Jun 2022
Overall rating
Baie lekker!
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Very nice!
Very neat, friendly and clean accommodation.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Dankie vir jou resensie, Magda. Dit was heerlik om jou by ons te he.
Dyle S - Jun 2022
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Was very impressed with reception, fast and friendly service. Staff were very helpful. Area is very peaceful and would recommend to family and friends anytime.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Dankie vir jou fantiestiese resensie, Dyle.
Randolph S - May 2022
Overall rating
Route 62 B&B 's response
We're glad you enjoyed your stay, Randolph.
Errol R - Mar 2022
Overall rating
Waarde vir geld. Flink en vriendelike diens.
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Value for money. Prompt and friendly service.
The person on duty, Bonita was very helpful with her friendly service and appropriate personality.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Dankie, Errol! Ons is vreeslik trots op ons personeel en hul goeie diens.
Hans G - Feb 2022
Overall rating
Lekker, warm en vriendelik.
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Nice, warm and friendly.
We had a great stay, felt like family.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Goeie more Hans, dankie vir jou 5-ster resensie.
Karin V - Feb 2022
Overall rating
Fantastiese oornag gehad.
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Had a fantastic overnight stay.
We were received very kindly, even though we only arrived at 21:30. Immediately made to feel welcome. Slept very comfortably and special attention was given to let our children sleep well too. Excellent value for money and the friendliest staff. Will definitely go again.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Baie dankie vir die resensie, Karin! Ons is baie trots op ons staff en hulle goeie kliënte diens.
Erica M - Jan 2022
Overall rating
Very near to shops, very quit area it was great to relax in the garden.
Route 62 B&B 's response
Thank you for the 5-star review, Erica. You were a 5-star guest.
Phillip A - Jan 2022
Overall rating
Ek het lekke-geslaap
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I slept fitfully
I will use you again.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Baie dankie vir jou resensie, Phillip! Jy is enige tyd welkom om weer te kom lekke-slaap by ons.
Paul B - Nov 2022
Overall rating
Clean, quiet, well-appointed and a prime location.
Route 62 B&B 's response
Thank you so much for the rating, Paul.
Alida S - Jun 2022
Overall rating
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Very nice stay with delicious breakfast.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Dit was baie lekker om jou hier by ons te he, Alida.
Marli D - Feb 2022
Overall rating
Een aand oorgeslaap want ons het 'n funksie gehad.
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Overslept one night because we had a function.
This is a lovely guest house. They made an effort to give us a room that has a bed for my 4 year old daughter and didn't charge us extra. We will definitely stay there again!
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Dankie vir die lieflike resensie Marli, dit was 'n vreugde om jou by Route 62 B&B te he.
Belinda S - Sep 2022
Overall rating
Convenient overnight accommodation.
Route 62 B&B 's response
Hi Belinda, thank you for the feedback! Normally this isn't an issue, but with all this loadshedding...
Anton L - Jul 2022
Overall rating
Baie lekker gekuier, goeie diens en lekker ontbyt.
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Very nice visit, good service and nice breakfast.
Had a very good sleep, friendly service, nice breakfast and would stay there again anytime. There are many places around Route 62 B/B to walk or drive around. The owner was also very friendly and helpful. I recommend the place with a 5 star. Thank you.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Baie dankie vir die resensie, Anton. Dit was sommer lekker om jou by ons te he!
Ilse C - Apr 2022
Overall rating
Bekostigbare verblyf.
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Affordable accommodation.
Trunelle was fantastic and her colleague was just as lovely. The house is very practical but the beds are not comfortable. When people move around in the house there are lots of loud noises that annoy and the pipes rattle when someone else takes a shower.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Baie dankie vir jou resensie, Ilse!
Abram J - Apr 2022
Overall rating
Was vir my lekker om daar te bly.
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It was nice for me to stay there.
For us as a large group it was very nice to be able to stay there and the atmosphere and location were nice. Wasn't aware that we were going to be without a kitchen, that's a disappointment if it can be provided for large groups, but I would sleep there again.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Abram, dit was vir ons 'n vreugde om julle te he! Julle was rerig 'n ordentlike en netjies groep mense gewees.
Michéle V - Mar 2022
Overall rating
Net 1 nag oorgebly.
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Only stayed 1 night.
It was value for money.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Dankie vir jou waardevolle resensie Michele!
Rozanne J - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Baie netjies en rustig. Vriendelike diens.
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Very neat and quiet. Friendly service.
Provision has been made for load shedding. Room and bathroom very neat.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Baie dankie vir die lieflike resensie, Rozanne.
Elsie P - Sep 2022
Overall rating
Good value for money. Basic accommodation. Staff service good.
Route 62 B&B 's response
Hi Elsie, thank you for the feedback. Yes, Room 3 is our only non-en-suite room (which is why why specify in the room description that it has a separate bathroom), on the plus side it is the only bathroom which also includes a bath. Sorry about the noise, this loadshedding is a real pain.
Martin V - Jan 2022
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See stars.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Ons is baie bly jy is tevrede met jou verblyf gewees, Martin!
Willem B - Jul 2022
Overall rating
Was baie rustig en lekker.
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Was very peaceful and nice.
Place was neat and clean. Staff very friendly and helpful.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Ons is bly jy het 'n lekker rustige naweek gehad, Willem!
Teresa A - Jul 2022
Overall rating
Affordable place to overnight.
Route 62 B&B 's response
Thank you for the great feedback, Teresa!
Anonymous Guest - Oct 2022
Overall rating
A bit tiring. Guests who did not follow the rules.
Couldn't use WiFi. Signal was too weak.
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Trynie C - Jul 2022
Overall rating
Netjies en personeel is behulpsaam.
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Neat and staff are helpful.
Room in the attic has steep stairs. Somewhat difficult to climb with a lot of luggage. Tea and coffee facilities not in the room but in the common area.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Dankie vir jou resensie, Trynie.
Gideon D - Apr 2022
Overall rating
Lekker verblyf maar onveilig vir voertuie.
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Nice accommodation but unsafe for vehicles.
Accommodation is neat but noise can be disturbing with adjoining rooms if guests make noise which was the case. Parking for business vehicles with equipment not safe there at all. We had to leave vehicles elsewhere and were inconvenient for transport.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Hi Gideon, ons is jammer dat jy nie 'n ideale ervaring by ons gehad het nie. Ons is besig om ons veiligheid op te gradeer, ons wag nog net vir die nuwe hekke om ingesit te word.
Anonymous Guest - May 2022
Overall rating
Robert V - Dec 2022
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Unsafe, had to sit on the porch all night looking after my vehicle and trailer. The toilet is on a wooden floor and stinks of urine. We were just told to use the other bathroom down the hall. We drove without bathing or showering, there is mold in the walls around the showers.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Ons neem trots in hoe skoon en netjies ons gastehuis is, en kry dikwels komplimente daarop, dit is dus sleg om te hoor dat die standaard nie vir julle goed genoeg was nie. Ons sal ondersoek moet instel om moontlik bietjie op te skerp.
Elzibe V - Nov 2021
Overall rating
Rustig, gerieflik en diens was goed.
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Quiet, comfortable and service was good.
The place gave us very good value for money.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Baie dankie vir die pragtige resensie. Ons is bly dat jy kuier by ons geniet het. Hoop ons sien julle sommer gou-gou weer.
Nolene B - Nov 2021
Overall rating
Super comfortable.
Route 62 B&B 's response
Hi Nolene, we are so glad you had a comfortable stay.
Liezl D - Oct 2021
Overall rating
Gerieflik en netjies.
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Comfortable and neat.
Very comfortable accommodation and friendly staff.
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Anita H - Oct 2021
Overall rating
Perfect stop-over place.
Route 62 B&B 's response
Dear Anita,
Thank you for writing us a review. We appreciate your kind words.
We are glad that you enjoyed your stay and hope to see you again in the future.
All the best. Route 62 B&B
Belinda V - Oct 2021
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Friendly service and a very nice breakfast. Very hospitable. We loved the look of the guest house. It felt like I was in my Grandma's farmhouse.
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Nikki And Roald G - Apr 2021
Overall rating
The gem of Robertson.
Route 62 B&B 's response
Good evening,
Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate your kind words.
It encourages and motivates all of us.
Hope to see you again.
Kind regards,
Mariana Joubert
Lenandri B - Dec 2021
Overall rating
Netjies en veilig.
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Neat and safe.
Large living space. Unfortunately, staff start to fuss very early. Walked up and down and talked very loudly about them the night before while we were still trying to sleep.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Baie dankie dat jy vir ons `n resensie geskryf het.
Dankie ook dat jy die probleem onder ons aandag gebring het.
Ons sal dit met die personeel bespreek en hulle aandag daarop verstig.
Hoop ons sal julle weer sien.
Clarissa M - Oct 2021
Overall rating
Die plekkie is wonderlik, ontbyt was heerlik.
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The place is great, breakfast was delicious.
We just got no WiFi. It's only in the one house.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Hallo Clarissa,
Dankie dat jy vir ons `n pragtige en positiewe resensie geskryf. Ons waardeer dit.
Ons het onlangs die Wi-Fi verbeter en die personeel verseker ons dat daar oral ontvangs is.
Ons het ook geen ander klagtes ontvang van gaste nie. Gedurende kragonderbrekings is die telefoon en Wi-Fi nie beskikbaar nie. Jammer dat julle `n probleem ondervind het, ons sal dit opvolg.
Groete, Deon en Mariana.
Mariette R - Oct 2021
Overall rating
Lekker huisatmosfeer en baie vriendelike diens.
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Nice home atmosphere and very friendly service.
The owner welcomed us and gave us a better room than we booked. According to the website it was already open room, which was not true. The staff came in early to make us breakfast. Really good value for money.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Baie dankie dat jy `n resensie geskryf het en ons motto van waarde vir geld bevestig het.
Ons probeer om ons gaste eerste te stel. Terloops die eienaar het die beheer oor watter kamers hy beskikbaar kan en wil stel en dus is dit baie moontlik dat kamers oop mag wees wat nie op die die web vertoon nie. As dit andersom is, is dit `n groot probleem!
Groetnis, hoop ons sien julle weer.
Route 62 B&B
Marieta O - Sep 2021
Overall rating
Pragtige outydse huis met vriendelike ontvangs
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Beautiful old-fashioned house with friendly reception
Have a good time and would recommend the breakfast
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Hallo Marieta,
Baie dankie dat jy `n resensie geskryf het en dat jy veral melding gemaak het van ons ontbyt.
Ons kry gereeld komplimente en die personeel waardeer die erkenning.
Hoop ons sien julle weer. Mooi loop.
Deon & Mariana
Chris R - Jun 2021
Overall rating
Gerieflike bestemming met uitstekende ligging.
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Convenient destination with excellent location.
Comfortable, clean and safe accommodation in Robertson. Excellent location, with all amenities within walking distance.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Baie dankie vir die tyd wat jy bestee het om n resensie te skryf en baie dankie vir die pragtige resensie.
Dit is so motiverend om die waardering van gaste op so `n manier te ontvang. Weereens baie dankie
en ons hoop ons paaie kruis weer vorentoe. Mooi loop.
Christa K - Nov 2021
Overall rating
Very nice
Route 62 B&B 's response
Dankie Christa dat jy `n resensie geskryf het. Sleutels en slotte bly `n groot probleem.
Ons gee aandag en probeer sekuriteit verbeter.
Rene L - Oct 2021
Overall rating
Ons kuier in Robertson was awesome.
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Our visit in Robertson was awesome.
We didn't get the room we booked, but they were able to give us another room. They just have to make sure that the reservations are in order before the guests arrive. We had to sit there while they were scrambling around so it was a bit awkward. But having said that, the accommodation was neat and friendly workers.
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Hendrik V - May 2021
Overall rating
Knus, baie intiem en het gevoel soos my ouerhuis.
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Cosy, very intimate and felt like my parent's house.
Nice staff, very professional. Everything was pretty neat.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Baie dankie vir u pragtige resensie. Dis 'n riem onder die hart en dien vir ons almal tot aansporing.
Hoop ons sien julle weer.
Deon en Mariana.
Sophia F C - Nov 2021
Overall rating
Kamers is net bietjie warm.
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Rooms are just a bit warm.
Everything was amazing. Pleasant to stay there. Affordable. Delicious breakfast. Friendly and helpful staff. Would recommend anytime.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Ons is altyd jammer en besorg as daar `n diefstal poging was. Of dit geslaagd was of nie. Dankie dat julle dit onder ons aandag gebring het. Ons gee aandag aan sekuriteit.
Len S - Nov 2021
Overall rating
Heerlik gewees, baie nice plekke en veilig.
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Had a great time, very nice places and safe.
Room service was poor. Coffee not refilled for next day and also not clean cups, had no washing facilities for dishes and also had no refills for coffee or tea. Only negative thing about our stay. No room service either, so back to a messy, unserviced room. We stayed 2 days. Otherwise all good, will stay again. Value for money.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Dankie vir jou resensie en dankie dat jy die probleem onder ons aandag gebring het.
Ons waardeer terugvoer van ons gaste want so kan ons ons diens verbeter.
Jammer vir die swak diens. Hopelik sal ons jou verras met jou volgende besoek.
Frans V - Oct 2021
Overall rating
Die rustigheid is lafenis na die reis.
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The tranquility is long after the journey.
The accommodation was used for a wedding attendance and did not have much time for sightseeing.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Frans, baie dankie dat jy vir ons `n resensie geskryf het. Ons is bly dat julle die verblyf geniet het. Hoop ons sien julle weer.
Marissa N - Oct 2021
Overall rating
Was baie aangenaam, dankie.
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Was very pleasant, thank you.
Friendly staff. One problem we encountered, they were still cleaning our room when we got there and forgot to lock it with all our belongings in it.
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Johan G - Aug 2021
Overall rating
Was baie aangenaam met goeie kliëntbenadering.
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Was very pleasant with good customer approach.
We will use the overnight accommodation again in the future. Special thanks to Deon for his humanity and kind help. Peace to you.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Baie dankie dat u die moeite gedoen het om `n resensie te skryf.
Ons is bly dat u verblyf 'n positiewe ervaring was. Ons sien uit om u weer te ontvang. Groete.
Rodney C - May 2021
Overall rating
Route 62 B&B 's response
Good evening,
Your feedback is appreciated. We assure you that your room had been cleaned before your arrival.
It was a very windy day and started raining that evening. The Spanish reed ceiling is not as dustproof as the normal hardboard ceilings and that might be the reason why the room was dusty.
We apologize for the inconvenience and that you did not enjoy your stay.
Kind regards,
Mariana Joubert
Shaun O - Sep 2021
Overall rating
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Either one has access after hours on site.
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Route 62 B&B 's response
Dankie vir die resensie wat jy geskryf het. Ons neem kennis dat jy onveilig gevoel het.
In 17 jaar was daar 3 inbrake in voertuie waar gaste waardevolle artikels sigbaar gelaat het.
Gelukkig is ons pragtige dorp nog nie die wilde weste nie! Ons oorweeg opsies en gee aandag.
James P - Oct 2021
Overall rating
- Free cancellation up to 24 hours before your stay!
- Capacity: 29 people
- All ages welcome
Check-in: 13:00 to 19:00
Check-out: 10:00 - Address: 6 Paul Kruger Street, Robertson, 6705, Western Cape