Sterland Skrywershuisie
Review Summary
Teneal G - Jan 2025
Overall rating
Short, sweet and insightful, Karoo at its best.
Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Teneal, thank you for enjoying your stay and experiencing our village and fresh Karoo air!
Christelle V - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Die rustigheid en stilte is die moeite werd.
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The peace and quiet is worth it.
Only stayed one night, but the silence and tranquility was definitely worth the rest.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Christelle, dit doen ons Karoo harte goed dat u die vrede kon ervaar - maak weer so!
Hester M - Oct 2024
Overall rating
Awesome! Enjoy your time there and will use again.
Ankia V - Jan 2025
Overall rating
Karoonag sjarme op sy beste.
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Karoonag charm at its best.
Neat and clean accommodation with charm. Mattresses may need replacing but overall everything is fine. Would highly recommend the stargazing with the owner.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Ankia, baie dankie vir u kuier! Ek verseker u die matrasse is van goeie gehalte en verskaf deur die Skool vir Dowes in Worcester.
Jaco V - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Ons het baie lekker gebly.
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We had a very nice stay.
The Sterland Writer's House is a beautiful old house with real wooden floors and doors. The cottage is very well equipped and has a beautiful view.
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Tania G - Aug 2024
Overall rating
Ontspan naweek.
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Relax weekend.
Very nice stay. House has everything one needs.
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Hester F - Aug 2024
Overall rating
Mooi plekkie, het alles wat nodig is - sal weer daar bly.
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Nice place, has everything needed - would stay there again.
Very nice - Jurg and his wife are very helpful and hospitable. We regret not attending Jurg's stargazing - think it would be better than SALT presentation. Jaco is a treasure trove of paleontology knowledge - will want to attend next time.
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Leana G - Aug 2024
Overall rating
Wat 'n wonderlike twee dae met Skrywershuisie as baken. Vol toegeruste huis.
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What a wonderful two days with Skrywershuisie as a beacon. Fully equipped house.
Stargazing delight. Accommodation lovely.
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Hennie V - Aug 2024
Overall rating
Huis baie mooi skoon, naby aan alles.
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House very nice and clean, close to everything.
Had a great stay, enjoyed watching the stars, it was just damn cold.
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Hester M - Jul 2024
Overall rating
Gerieflik en het gehelp met WiFi sein opvangs wat in Sutherland 'n probleem is.
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Convenient and helped with WiFi signal reception which is a problem in Sutherland.
Yes, comfortable fireplace and gas options, as well as stand alone unit.
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Adele D - Jun 2024
Overall rating
'n Aangename ervaring waar tyd vir seker stil staan.
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A pleasant experience where time stands still for sure.
We had a lovely home here and lacked nothing. In the cold winter, the beds were cozy and the fireplace a winner! It was a pleasant choice for our stay.
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Louise S - Apr 2024
Overall rating
Baie nice. Lekker gebly.
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Very nice Nice stay.
See stars.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Dis gaaf om te hoor u het lekker gebly en kon die sterrekyk geniet!
Carina O - Apr 2024
Overall rating
Rustige kothuis vol karakter.
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Quiet cottage full of character.
It was a lovely little place, with everything you need for a peaceful holiday in Sutherland. Stargazing with the owner was also very interesting. We really enjoyed it.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Carina, ons is saam bly dat u die verblyf en sterrekyk geniet het - maak weer so!
Annamarie J - Apr 2024
Overall rating
Waarde vir geld verblyf in 'n stil straat aan die kant van die dorp.
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Value for money accommodation in a quiet street on the edge of town.
We had a wonderful stay in the Writer's House with its thick walls and beautiful wooden floors. We were also able to take nice pictures of the stars from the street in front of the house.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Die Skrywershuisie is lekker eenkant en dit voel kompleet soos op 'n plaas. Dit bied ook gulde geleentheid om die sterre in die donker af te neem.
Mariette S - Nov 2024
Overall rating
Heerlike en rustig.
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Lovely and peaceful.
Very nice stay in Skrywershuisie. Cozy atmosphere with fireplace in the living room. House offers everything needed for a comfortable stay. I can recommend Skrywershuisie.
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Hermias V - Oct 2024
Overall rating
Waarde vir geld.
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Value for money.
Facility is immaculately clean. Nice braai area.
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Chenell V - Aug 2024
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Hendrik C - May 2024
Overall rating
Baie lekker gebly, sien daarna uit om weer daar te kuier.
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Had a great stay, looking forward to visiting again.
The house lends itself to hours of fun on the stoep with braai and early morning coffee.
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Louis M - Jan 2024
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The silence and tranquility make the place a gem. Our 3 days were too little. Very nice stay, thank you. Canopy for a vehicle would have been a bonus.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Dis baie goed dat u die Karoo lug kon ervaar en ons neem kennis van u versoek.
Lindie L - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Ons het dit baie geniet. Het alles wat jy nodig het.
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We enjoyed it very much. Has everything you need.
Very nice place. Nice quiet and tidy. The location is good.
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Dalene T - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Rustige gemaklike omgewing om te ontspan in.
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Quiet comfortable environment to relax in.
Although the cottage is old, it is neat and clean. There are unnecessary items lying around. Room with 2 single beds quite spacious, while the main bedroom space is a bit restrictive. Overall the cottage is comfortable.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Dalene, dankie dat u die verblyf geniet het!
Sean G - Jul 2024
Overall rating
In die koue en donker.
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In the cold and dark.
Arrived in the cold and dark (power was out in Sutherland). The bag of wood given was appreciated, even though it quickly disappeared in the cold to warm the place. Furthermore, the accommodation was very comfortable and convenient.
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Maresa P - Sep 2024
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Lots of potential, but unfortunately it was a bit of a "let-down". It was not right when we wanted to check in, and the place was definitely not swept and cleaned properly. Lots of potential to be a nice holiday cottage for 2 couples.
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Marita S - Sep 2023
Overall rating
Oulik ingerig. Netjies. Warm tydens koue en nat weer. Lekker gebly.
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Nicely furnished. Tidy. Warm during cold and wet weather. Nice stay.
Would recommend anytime.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Marita, u is altyd welkom!
Amori D - Sep 2023
Overall rating
Vrek koud.
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Damn cold.
Very nice stay. Just never knew that a wind could blow so strong.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Amori, daardie Kaapse wind het sy nadraai hier gehad en selfs ons luister met respek na sy impak.
Gelukkig kon u warm slaap sonder enige bekommernis.
Maryna L - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Dis 'n amazing plekkie, het rerig baie geniet, alles wat ons nodig gehad het.
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It's an amazing place, really enjoyed it, everything we needed.
The accommodation was excellent, great value for money, everything you need.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Maryna, ons is bly dat u die verblyf geniet het. Maak weer so.
Leon B - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Mooiste plankvloere met alles wat jy benodig in 'n selfsorg tuiste.
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Most beautiful plank floors with everything you need in a self-catering home.
Lovely and well furnished cottage. Thank you for the privilege of being able to spend the night and grill a Karoo chop on the stoep.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Leon, ons is saam bly dat die Karoo so 'n goeie invloed op u gehad het - maak weer so!
Franscois R - May 2023
Overall rating
Lekker tuis gevoel.
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Nice feeling at home.
Very nice and clean neat accommodation. Jurg very pleasant and knows his stars. Recommend his stargazing night with him.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Franscois, dit was gaaf om u te ontmoet en ons is bly u het die verblyf en sterre geniet.
Yvette F - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Oulike plekkie met baie atmosfeer.
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Cute place with a lot of atmosphere.
The cottage is fully equipped for everything needed. The electric blankets, bedding, heaters, fireplace and hot water bottles make the cold nights bridgeable.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Yvette, u positiewe resensie word opreg waardeer.
Marna B - Jan 2023
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All the amenities one could hope for were there.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Marna, dis gaaf dat u die verblyf geniet het. Maak weer so 'n plan om die Karoo stilte te ervaar.
Marlize G - Jul 2023
Overall rating
Rustig verby kuier.
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Take a leisurely stroll.
Well equipped cottage, everything you need. It is on the side of the town with open fields beside and opposite. Incredibly quiet and peaceful. It was bitterly cold, but the rooms each have a wall heater and electric blankets on the bed, it was wonderfully cozy inside. I was a bit worried because there are no high fences for the car's safety, but coming from the North West it is always a concern. Kitchen is well equipped with everything you need, bedding was fresh and nice. Definitely recommended for a quiet getaway.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Marlize, dankie dat u die vars Karoo lug geniet het. Met respek, ons is nog vrygestel van 3 meter heinings en dis altyd `n verligting om te weet, hier is nog vrede.
Elize H - Jul 2023
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House is central. Sleeping facilities are comfortable. Kitchen could be equipped more.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Elize, baie dankie dat u lekker gekuier het by ons. Ek sal ondersoek instel en kyk wat meer is nodig in die kombuis.
Angelique E - Oct 2023
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Quiet with a nice starry view.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Angelique, dis gaaf om te hoor u het die vars Karoo lug en wonderlike sterrehemel geniet!
Ancerine H - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Die verblyf het voldoen aan ons behoeftes.
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The accommodation met our needs.
It would be good to warn guests that the dirt road from Williston is very bad. The stargazing was excellent!
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Ancerine, dankie vir u besoek en die goeie raad. Deesdae is dit 'ngroot probleem met ons grondpaaie omrede dit nie gereeld in stand gehou word nie.
Louwtjie N - Nov 2022
Overall rating
Net wat ons nodig gehad het.
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Just what we needed.
The tranquility of the surroundings and the pampering with all the stars necessitated a return visit.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Dit doen ons harte goed om te weet u het die verblyf en sterre geniet.
Linda V - Oct 2022
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Cute place and you learn a lot about the stars.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Linda, dis ons voorreg om u te laat tuis voel en die ongelooflike hemelruim met u te deel.
Kobie V - Sep 2022
Overall rating
Rustige, outydse verblyf.
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Quiet, old fashioned accommodation.
Everything you need is there. Beautiful rural village with delicious places to eat out. We had a great stay without any problems.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Kobie, ons is bly u het die rustighied geniet. Maak weer 'n draai.
Bertus V - Aug 2022
Overall rating
Ons het baie lekker gebly.
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We had a very nice stay.
The accommodation was everything one could want from a stay. Would love to stay there again.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Bertus, dis gaaf om te hoor u het die verblyf geniet.
Ons sien uit na u volgende kuier!
Hendrik K - Jun 2022
Overall rating
Lieflik, rustig en goeie tye.
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Lovely, peaceful and good times.
The fresh morning air is food for the soul, and for our karoo children a secret experience.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Dis wonderlik om te hoor dat u Karoo hart so mooi klop.
Doreen A - Jun 2022
Overall rating
Pragtige en gerieflike outydse huisie op die rand van die dorp.
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Beautiful and comfortable old-fashioned house on the edge of town.
The cottage is a classic old fashioned building. The rooms are very comfortable. Nice fireplace. Secure parking. The owner had put the heaters on before we came. On the edge of town so one can experience the Karooveld and silence.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Doreen, u laat ons hart goed klop as u ons Karoo geniet.
Johan P - Feb 2022
Overall rating
Baie lekker gekuier.
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Had a great time.
Sterland Skrywershuisie is a very cute place. Nice quiet environment and in the evening went stargazing with Jurg - it was an experience. Would definitely recommend the stay and stargazing. Would like to spend the night there again and stay longer.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Ek is bly om die mooi sterre en rustige Karoo met u te kon deel.
Anne B - Oct 2022
Overall rating
Enjoyed our stay in this quaint little house.
Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Anne, it is heart-warming that you can also feel that Karoo speciality.
Hendrik S - Feb 2022
Overall rating
Cool inside, hot outside. Nice and quiet.
Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Dis ons voorreg om die omgewing vir u mooi te maak en te hou!
Carina D - Feb 2022
Overall rating
Lekker gerus!
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Have fun!
Well equipped cottage. The WiFI and DSTV were a big plus for us.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Carina, ons is bly u het die verblyf geniet - kom kuier weer as dit sneeu...
Gerrit V - Apr 2022
Overall rating
Lieflike klein huisie met alles wat jy benodig. Lekker groot braaistoep.
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Lovely little house with everything you need. Nice big barbecue patio.
On the edge of town and nice and quiet. Very neatly cleaned upon our arrival.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Dit is altyd gaaf om te hoor u het die verblyf geniet.
Maak gerus weer `n draai in die toekoms.
Danie D - Jul 2022
Overall rating
Veilig, skoon en gerieflik.
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Safe, clean and comfortable.
Our 1 night stay was very comfortable, easy to find and safe. The house was nice and clean and the heaters helped against the cold.
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Johan V - Dec 2021
Overall rating
Gerieflike, skoon verblyf.
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Comfortable, clean accommodation.
Spacious house and a nice rural feeling. Uncle Jurg was very helpful.
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Elmarie P - Oct 2021
Overall rating
Prag-oornag onder die sterre.
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Beautiful overnight stay under the stars.
Lovely overnight house to be able to admire the stars with Jurg.
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Ben B - Dec 2021
Overall rating
Rustig en lekker.
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Quiet and nice.
Skrywershuisie has everything you need for self-catering accommodation. The stoep is a lovely place to relax. It's quiet and peaceful and the farm pond with the fish is wonderful. There is a lot of attention to fine detail in the house: there are fans in every room, flashlights if there is load shedding, extra blankets for the winter. Here you can escape from the city's noise.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Wat `n voorreg om sulke wonderlike opbouende indrukke te ontvang, dit word hoogs waardeer!
Deon V - Nov 2021
Overall rating
A great experience.
Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Deon, thank you for enjoying your stay!
Adriaan V - Jan 2020
Overall rating
Lieflike plekkie. Vriendelik ontvang. Goed ingerig en geleë.
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Lovely place. Friendly welcome. Well appointed and located.
See stars.
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Elsabe H - Jan 2020
Overall rating
Rustige kuier, en netjiese verblyf.
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Peaceful visit, and neat accommodation.
Pleasant stay, quiet environment. Neat and clean. Enjoyed our visit in Writers' House.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Elsabe, baie dankie dat u die kuier geniet het!
Warrick S - Aug 2019
Overall rating
Very clean & well appointed.
Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Thank you for enjoying your stay! We always want our visitors to leave with a happy heart.
Ina V - Mar 2019
Overall rating
Met koffie in my hand, weggesak in 'n stoel, kon ek verstaan waarom mense die stad se gewoel opgee vir n klein dorpie se vrede.
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With coffee in my hand, sunk into a chair, I could understand why people give up the hustle and bustle of the city for the peace of a small town.
Cozy and warm. A very neat place. Well equipped for overnight stay. We really felt at home and I regretted that I couldn't just stay for a week. The fish pond is a cute thought.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Dis vir ons in die Karoo altyd so lekker om te hoor dat `n stedeling die omgewing so baie geniet en met `n positiewe gevoel die dorp verlaat. Kom gerus weer kuier en swem.
Eli B - Aug 2019
Overall rating
Die kaggeltjie op 'n koue wintersaand was 'n wenner!
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The fireplace on a cold winter evening was a winner!
Neat place. Everything well taken care of and we had a wonderful stay, despite the cold.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Ons is bly u het die verblyf geniet en dat u sal verlang om weer te kom kuier!
Callie B - Apr 2019
Overall rating
Aangenaam en aanvaarbaar.
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Pleasant and acceptable.
The place is beautiful and clean. Definitely recommendable.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Baie dankie dat u die verblyf en gesonde Karoo lug geniet het.
Margie G - Dec 2018
Overall rating
Skoon, baie goed ingerig, wonderlike gasheer.
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Clean, very well appointed, great host.
We really, really enjoyed the Writers' House. It was very well furnished (down to a pincher for salad) and clean and you feel right at home. Jurg was a wonderful host and the breakfast at the Whitehouse Inn was unbeatable. Treat yourself and book this stay. Don't even think twice!
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Baie dankie dat u die verblyf en omstandighede geniet het, kom kuier gerus weer om die batterye te laai.
Andrew B - Jul 2018
Overall rating
'n Plek wat ons gesin beslis weer sal besoek.
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A place that our family will definitely visit again.
The cottage is the perfect self-catering breakaway accommodation. We didn't need anything more. Even the creaking of the beds were part of the experience and the fireplace worked nicely without smoking up the cottage. Perhaps it would not be a bad idea to put a rooster on the chimney. The wind from the north pushes the smoke outside. Thanks to Oom Jurg for his kindness and the confidence they put in strangers - says a lot about their good character.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Dankie dat u Skrywershuisie geniet het. 'n Haan op die skoorsteen staan stokstyf in die winter met ons koue en het net eenvoudig die teenoorgestelde uitwerking.
Rina S - Apr 2018
Overall rating
Unieke ervaring.
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Unique experience.
The house is spotlessly clean, had everything that was needed. Slept warm and had a good time with the fireplace. Would stay there again anytime. Sutherland was a unique experience.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Hartlik dankie vir die mooi kommentaar. Ons sien uit na u volgende besoek.
Hennie U - May 2018
Overall rating
Verbasend luuks vir Sutherland, en teen daardie prys!
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Surprisingly luxurious for Sutherland, and at that price!
There is nothing in the Writers' House that you could possibly miss. If the Writer's House doesn't suit you, you're a spoiled brat who is never satisfied with anything.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Dankie Hennie, ons is bly julle het die kuier geniet.
Jessica V - Dec 2017
Overall rating
'n Karoohuisie onder pragtige sterre!
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A checkered house under beautiful stars!
We were kindly received. Everything was neat and clean in a beautiful Karoo house!
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Sterland Karoo gasvryheid kos niks en ons is bly u het die verblyf geniet.
Ruth S - May 2017
Overall rating
Dit was net baie, baie lekker!
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It was just lovely!
Excellent service from LekkeSlaap. The whole of Sutherland, from beginning to end, was an unbelievable experience. There is so much to see and to do! We will definitely go back again.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Ons is bly ons kon die naweek aangenaam maak, kom kuier weer!
Adell B - Dec 2017
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Sufficient for a short time. Had what we needed.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Dankie dat u die vrede van die Karoo kon geniet.
Roelof D - Jul 2017
Overall rating
Met aankoms was verwarmers in huis reeds aangeskakel - waardeer deur res van familie.
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Upon arrival the heaters in the house were already turned on - as a family we really appreciated that.
Beautiful little house with enough blankets for everyone.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Baie dankie dat u ons verblyf gerieflik gevind het en die mooi Karoo geniet het!
Derik En Estelle P - Aug 2017
Overall rating
Baie lekker gebly, kaggel, elektriese komberse en verwarmer hou jou warm.
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Had a nice time, fireplace, electric blankets and heater keep you warm.
Very cute 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom house with a fireplace. We had a pleasant stay and slept warm.
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Sterland Skrywershuisie 's response
Dankie dat u dit geniet het en vir die goeie wense.
- Capacity: 4 people
- All ages welcome
Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
Check-out: 10:00 - Address: 1 Plein Street, Sutherland, 6920, Northern Cape