Stonebreaker Country Lodge
Review Summary
Kenneth V - Mar 2025
Overall rating
Sadiqah S - Feb 2025
Overall rating
Rustig, baie lekker, gerieflik.
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Quiet, very nice, comfortable.
Was very nice and peaceful. Was very nice to sit outside early in the morning with mountains and sound of birds. Will definitely come again.
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Leonore B - Feb 2025
Overall rating
Uitstekende diens, rustig en baie netjies.
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Excellent service, quiet and very neat.
Very nice stay, so peaceful and surrounded by nature.
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Rihan L - Jan 2025
Overall rating
Heerlik, rustig, netjies, veilig. Beslis 'n moet.
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Lovely, peaceful, neat, safe. Definitely a must.
Chantell welcomed us so kindly and immediately made us feel at home and went to great lengths to inform us about places to eat etc. Definitely the best place in the area. Clean, leafy and very centrally located.
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Anonymous Guest - Jan 2025
Overall rating
Ben W - Jan 2025
Overall rating
Quiet place with great views.
Mearl J - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Andre B - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Was baie lekker daar, skoon en netjies. Sal weer daar gaan bly.
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It was very nice there, clean and tidy. Will stay there again.
We had a very nice stay and were welcomed with open arms, and the people there are very friendly.
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Fagrie C - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Perfect stopover.
Ferdinand S - Nov 2024
Overall rating
Asemrowend, wonderlik puik! 'n Ware juweel in die hart van die Swart.
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Breathtaking, amazingly great! A real gem in the heart of the Black.
Little gem in the Swartberg heart.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
So mond kort mos jam - jy kon dit sowaar nie beter gestel het nie.
Nie net is die omgewing asemrowend mooi nie, maar kry jy ook weer 'n nuwe asem wanneer jy ons besoek.
Wonderlike puik verwelkoming wag jou in voordat jy die juweel van die Swartberg hart kan geniet.
Bradley F - Nov 2024
Overall rating
Excellent stay!
Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Thank you, Bradley! Your feedback is excellent.
Thank you for taking the time to let us know about your great overnight stay with us and the excellent service received.
We hope to welcome you back in the near future. Have an amazing 2025.
Anonymous Guest - Nov 2024
Overall rating
Very good value for money accommodation.
Neat accommodation at very good rates. Good communication and very accommodating.
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Christiaan B - Oct 2024
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The service provided was very good.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Ons stem beslis saam - goeie diens en lekker verblyf.
Ronald L - Oct 2024
Overall rating
Naweek verblyf vir 'n paar vriende.
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Weekend stay for some friends.
Second time staying at Stonebreaker Lodge as friends. Very good value for money. Charlene received us very kindly and made us feel very welcome.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Geagte Ronald,
Dit is sowaar n groot plesier gewees om julle vir die tweede keer by ons te kon verwelkom en ons hoop beslis op nog n keer en soveel meer. Ons streef daarna om bekostigbare akkommodasie te bied en toerisme te verseker en ons is bly dat ons daarin kan slaag.
Dordrey B - Aug 2024
Overall rating
Baie kort, maar baie lekker!
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Very short, but very nice!
My husband and I stayed overnight for one night while the children were also in Oudtshoorn for sports. It was very comfortable and peaceful. Next time we will definitely stay longer to appreciate the beautiful nature there. Many thanks also to the good hostess you were.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Liewe Dordrey,
Dit is een groot plesier om te kan lees van julle ervaring hier by ons pragtige oornag akkommodasie in die natuur en rustigheid. Ons is bly om te weet dat julle 'n gerieflike tydjie by ons kon deurbring en dat julle goed verwelkom was deur die gasvrou en ons hoop beslis om julle in die nabye toekoms weer terug te kan verwelkom.
Elsabe E - Jul 2024
Overall rating
Skoon, netjies, ruim, vriendelik. Kan sterk aanbeveel.
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Clean, tidy, spacious, friendly. Can highly recommend.
Outstanding. Incredibly friendly service and tidy. Children felt it was 5-star accommodation.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Liefste Elsabe,
Dankie vir die uitstekende terugvoering, dit word opreg waardeer. Vriendelike diens en netheid is presies waarvoor ons staan en waarna ons mik, en ons is so bly om te weet dat ons daarin kon slaag gedurende julle verblyf.
Ons is verheug om te weet dat die kinders 'n 5 ster verblyf gevoel kon kry, en ons hoop om julle in die toekoms weer te kan terug verwelkom.
Demona Charlotte S - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Super lekker familie verblyf.
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Super nice family stay.
We had a lovely stay, staff were very helpful and helped with any extra requests from our side. Rooms are spacious, tidy and everything works.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Dierbare Demona,
Dit was super lekker om jou en jou gesin hier by ons te kon akkommodeer. Ons is so verheug om te weet dat julle 'n heerlike tyd gehad het. Ons het dit net so baie geniet om van hulp te wees waar ons kon, aangesien ons streef na goeie kliënte diens. Ons is trots op die netheid en skoonheid van ons kamers en perseel en dit is 'n plesier om te weet dat dit waardeer word. Ons kan nie wag om julle weer by ons te kan verwelkom nie.
Mariaan N - Mar 2024
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It was delicious, staff very friendly.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Geagte Mariaan,
Dit is geweldig om te weet dat julle verblyf by ons heerlik was en dat julle 'n vriendelike interaksie met die personeel gehad het. Ons hoop om julle weer in die nabye toekoms terug te kan verwelkom.
Barbara V - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Die rustigheid skoon lug gee jou weer nuwe energie.
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The calm, clean air gives you new energy.
Very beautiful among mountains surrounded by beauty of nature.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Nuwe Barbara,
Besig het jy nuwe energie na 'n nag se verblyf by ons. Die skoon lug, die rustigheid en skoonheid van die natuur is sowaar net die beste medisyne.
Lisbie K - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Baie baie lekker gebly. Baie rustige omgewing.
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Very very nice stay. Very peaceful environment.
We had a very nice stay. Would definitely stay there again and would recommend. The place was clean, fresh and very tidy. The gardens are exquisitely beautiful. was very friendly and helpful.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Liewe Lisbie,
Dit is beslis lekker terugvoering, baie dankie vir die mooi woorde wat jy geskryf het. Dit word opreg waardeer en dit is absoluut 'n wonderlike gevoel om te weet dat julle ons graag aanbeveel en dat julle weer van ons sal gebruik maak in die toekoms. Ons sal baie verheug wees om julle weer by ons te kan verwelkom. Dit was vir ons so 'n groot voorreg om julle te kon ontmoet en te leer ken gedurende julle verblyf en julle is vir seker enige tyd weer welkom. Ek kan sowaar saam stem, die omgewing bring soveel rustigheid en vreugde en die tuin dra natuurlik by tot die gevoel. Ons is trots om te kan lees van julle ervaring met vriendelike en behulpsame diens en streef ons na skoonheid en netheid. Ek is bly om te weet dat ons daarin geslaag het om vir julle 'n lekker en onvergeetlike verblyf te kon lewer.
Stephen S - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Really great place to stay.
Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Hi Stephen,
Thank you for the feedback received, it is great to read of your friendly interaction with the staff and that you felt accommodated. It truly is the perfect place to stay when visiting this area.
Heinrich S - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Pragtige natuur omgewing, lekker gebly en slaap.
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Beautiful natural environment, nice stay and sleep.
Very nice, neat and clean. Friendly reception. Nice swimming in the pool.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Ek stem vir seker saam, die omgewing is werklik pragtig en deur omring te wees met die mooie natuur bring rustigheid vir die siel. Dit is so'n groot plesier om te weet dat julle nie net die omgewing geniet het nie maar ook die netheid en skoonheid wat daarmee gepaard gaan. Die swembad is natuurlik 'n lekker bederf veral in die warm somer maande en die uitsig is absoluut asemrowend. Ons kan nie wag om julle weer te ontvang nie.
Lizel V - Feb 2024
Overall rating
Netjies, goeie diens, waarde vir geld.
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Neat, good service, value for money.
Very nice, 2nd time staying here for Cango Marathon would definitely recommend.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Altyd 'n groot plesier om gaste weer terug te kan verwelkom en dit was vir seker aangenaam om julle weer hier te kon akkommodeer. Goeie diens teen 'n goeie prys - dit is waarde vir geld. Ons hoop ons sien julle binnekort weer.
Angelique D - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Lekker rustig!
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Nice and quiet!
It was so nice and peaceful, late at night cup of coffee on the porch and you hear the nature sounds, nice away from the city noise. Chantell's customer service was 100%, we had a great stay. The breakfast was fantastic with the most beautiful view, we will definitely visit again!
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Liefste Angelique,
Ons is bly dat julle die rustigheid kon geniet het wat die area bied, daar is vir seker niks beter as 'n vroeg-oggend koffie en die pragtige uitsig oor die berge en natuur nie. Puik kliënte diens is waarna ons streef en ons is verheug dat ons daarin geslaag het gedurende julle verblyf. Dit was vir ons 'n aangename tydjie om julle te kon verwelkom en akkommodeer en ons sien uit om julle weer in die toekoms terug te kan verwelkom.
Anonymous Guest - Nov 2024
Overall rating
Incredibly peaceful and the management couple were excellent.
We certainly had a nice stay and rested. The nature is beautiful, gardens incredible and the unit provided a warm welcome atmosphere. They make so much effort for the guests and the feeling of "it's only done for us" continued all weekend.
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Judith D - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Skoon en netjies en mooi omgewing.
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Clean and tidy and beautiful surroundings.
Peaceful and quiet place to stay. Lovely surroundings. Conveniently close to Oudtshoorn.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Dierbare Judith,
Die omgewing is sowaar onbeskryflik mooi en gerieflik naby aan Oudtshoorn. Die rustigheid en stilte wat die omgewing bied is wat ons akkommodasie so uniek en spesiaal maak en ek is so bly om te weet dat julle die lieflike area kon beleef en geniet het.
Esmerie S - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Lauren P - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Very inviting.
Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Good day Lauren,
What a pleasure it is to read your review. I am so pleased to know that you felt welcome and invited. Being neat and clean is highly important to us and we strive to provide superb accommodation.
Elizma J - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Waarde vir geld!
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Value for money!
Incredibly wonderful stay.
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Kelly M - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Lovely location.
Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Dearest Kelly,
Thank you for the time taken to write back to us. It is such a great pleasure to read of your excellent and friendly welcome. We are so pleased to know that you had a comfortable stay with us and we would love to welcome you back any time soon.
Llewellyn R - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Baie goeie waarde.
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Very good value.
Fantastic accommodation at a very reasonable price.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Baie dankie vir die fantastiese terugvoering - baie goeie waarde teen baie billike prys. Dit is vir ons uiters belangrik dat ons diens waarde vir geld het en ek is absoluut verheug om te weet dat ons daarin geslaag het.
Malinda P - Feb 2024
Overall rating
Baie lekker!
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Very nice!
It was nice and clean. Gardens were food for the soul.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
So mond kort mos jam. Voedsel vir die siel! Sowaar is daar niks so lekker vir die siel soos 'n klein bietjie natuur, stilte en skoonheid - 'n bederf vir die gemoed.
Velandré C - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Mini getaway.
Read moreHansie F - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Ontspannend, vars.
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Relaxing, fresh.
Very nice. Thank you. No room service after night's stay. Didn't realize clean towels weren't given on Saturday morning.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Liewe Hansie,
Baie dankie vir die terugvoering wat ontvang is, dit is 'n vreeslike groot plesier vir my om te weet dat julle lekker gebly en ontspan het en dat julle weer uitgerus en vars voel na die verblyf. Ek vra omverskoning dat geen kamerdiens ontvang was na die nag se verblyf nie, aangesien ons graag kamerdiens insluit vir gaste wat meer as 1 nag oorslaap, alhoewel dit op versoek is. Met elke bespreking wat bevestig word, stuur ons 'n e-pos aan die gas met die kamer se uitleg, asook wat alles op en om die perseel te doen is en enige ander addisionele informasie. In daardie e-pos sê ons ook vir die gaste dat wasgoed en kamerdiens beskikbaar is op versoek.
Anonymous Guest - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Bed mattress done.
The bed mattress is done.
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Irene B - Apr 2024
Overall rating
Lekker man lekker.
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Nice man nice.
We have and always have fun. The good reception and concern for guests is highly regarded. Maybe for safety they should look at putting a gate at the main entrance. At the moment it is free access.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Geagte Fortuin Familie,
Julle opskrif sê dit alles - lekker mense.
Dit is vir my altyd 'n groot plesier om gaste weer terug te kan verwelkom en om julle weer by ons te kon hê, is net 'n absolute voorreg en ons sê dankie dat julle gekies het om weer by ons te bly. Dit is vir ons net so aangenaam om julle hier te kan hê en ons hoop dat ons nog baie van julle gaan sien in die toekoms, want ons hou van lekker mense en dit is julle beslis. My hart is so bly om te weet dat julle goed ontvang is en dit is vir my 'n groot bonus dat julle die besorgdheid raak sien en waardeer. Veiligheid is beslis baie belangrik, in hierdie omgewing alhoewel veiligheids-hekke nie van uiterste belang is nie, omrede ons in 'n area woon waar dit nie noodsaaklik is nie. Ons het ook 'n CCTV-kamera-stelsel op die perseel vir veiligheid.
Chanel W - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Baie lekker.
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Very nice.
The accommodation was very nice and hospitable.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Geagte Chanel,
Baie dankie aan jou en jou gesin vir die mooi terugvoering. Ons waardeer dit opreg.
Thane N - Oct 2023
Overall rating
Great, will be back.
Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Dearest Thane and partner,
Thank you for your feedback we are so pleased to acknowledge that your stay with us was better than expected. We strive to ensure clean and comfortable stays and we surely do appreciate our guests noticing our efforts. It was such a great pleasure to read your review as it gives us motivation to keep up with the great standard of accommodation that we offer. We hope to welcome you back in the near future.
David C - Oct 2023
Overall rating
Mooi en netjies.
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Nice and neat.
I had a great stay and the view is beautiful.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Geagte David en gesin,
Dit is so lekker om julle terugvoering te lees en te leer van julle aangename verblyf by ons. Ons het dit net so baie geniet om julle hier by ons te kon verwelkom en ons hoop om virseker weer die geleentheid te kan he om julle weer in die toekoms terug te kan verwelkom.
Isaac K - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Vreedsaam, rustig en verfrissend.
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Peaceful, tranquil and refreshing.
This is the ideal place for anyone who wants to experience the silence and peace of the Karoo.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Isaac en vroulief,
Wat 'n ongelooflike groot voorreg dit was om julle te kon ontmoet- en hier by ons te kon he. Dankie vir julle mooi en opregte woorde oor die rustigheid, stilte en die vrede wat die Karoo bied en dat dit vir seker die ideale plek is vir enige een wat daarna smag. Ons hoop dat julle ons binnekort weer sal besoek, maar tot en met dan, mag die res van die jaar net kleurvol wees.
Dalene G - Apr 2023
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Quiet and lots to do in the area.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Geagte Dalene,
Baie dankie vir jou onlangse besoek aan ons en ook vir jou uitstekende terugvoering. Jy kon dit nie beter gestel het nie. Jy vind rustigheid hier by ons en ook die geleentheid om die omgewing te bewonder, aangesien daar soveel is om te doen en sien. Genoeg om weer aan ons 'n besoek af te le.
Ilse V - Apr 2023
Overall rating
KKNK verblyf.
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KKNK accommodation.
We used this wonderful accommodation again to experience the KKNK, it was really nice and close to many other nice places to visit. It was really very pleasant.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Liefste Ilse,
Ons is so bly dat julle gekies het om by Stonebreaker Country Lodge te bly gedurende julle besoek aan die KKNK. Dit is so n groot plesier om te weet dat julle n wonderlike tyd by ons gehad het en dat julle die aktiwiteite en attraksies in die omgewing kon geniet het aangesien hier soveel is om te doen en sien. Ons hoop dat ons weer gou die geleentheid sal kry om julle terug te kan verwelkom.
Henko K - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Heerlike kamers en baie skoon.
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Lovely rooms and very clean.
Chantell at Stonebreaker Country Lodge is brilliant the owner needs to hang on to her. Very nice stay.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Dierbare Henko,
Baie dankie vir julle onlangse verblyf by ons en vir die tyd wat julle geneem het om aan ons terug te skryf, dit is n groot voorreg om julle te kon verwelkom by ons en ons hoop verseker dat ons gou weer die geleentheid sal he maar tot en met dan hoop ons dat julle n heerlike 2023 verder sal he.
Felicity G - Feb 2023
Overall rating
We had a lovely, peaceful stay here, and breakfast was fantastic!
Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Dearest Felicity,
Thank you for your stay at Stonebreaker Country Lodge it was so lovely to meet and host you during your stay with us and I am so pleased to learn that you have a comfortable and peaceful stay with us and that you enjoyed the views and facilities we have to offer. I can surely agree that it is quit pleasant to enjoy a nice cup of coffee on your own patio/stoep overlooking the beauty the property and surroundings has to offer.
Philip V - Feb 2023
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Beautiful, neat and clean room. Very convenient. Chantel makes you feel at home immediately. Lots of attention to detail. Will definitely book again and want to stay longer to explore the beautiful surroundings.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Dierbare Almarie,
Dankie vir die tyd wat jy geneem het om aan ons terug te skryf ons waardeer jou terugvoering opreg en dit maak my so gelukkig om te weet dat julle gerieflik gebly het en tuis gevoel het by ons want dit is presies die gevoel wat ons probeer skep en ons is so opgewonde om weer die geleentheid te kan he om julle in die nabye toekoms terug te verwelkom maar tot en met dan mag julle net n ongelooflike 2023 verder ervaar.
Daniel V - Feb 2023
Overall rating
Beautiful resort away from the hustle of city life.
Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Beautifully said, and you couldn't be more correct Daniel. Stonebreaker Country Lodge is exactly the place where one wants to be when seeking a quiet place away from the busy and noisy city life however the surroundings still do offer activities to fulfill those who seek some adrenaline and enough to keep one busy for days. We are so happy to know that you enjoyed your stay with us as much as we enjoyed having you stay with us, it is however unfortunate that you couldn't enjoy a braai. We know we have everything else in place, the view, the peace, the comfortability the star-studded skies at night, a sparkling swimming pool, and Karoo hospitality. It is our goal to ensure braai facilities for all guests to enjoy and we hope to be able to offer that to you with your next visit but up until then may the year ahead be bright and blessed for you and your friends.
Hannes J - Jan 2023
Overall rating
Heerlik rustig in die natuur.
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Wonderfully peaceful in nature.
Chantell and Colin made us feel very welcome and are willing to go the extra mile for their guests. Very nice people! Thank you very much.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Ons stap baie graag die ekstra myl en ons probeer beslis ons beste om al ons gaste welkom en tuis te laat voel. Dit bring eerlik soveel blydskap in ons harte om te weet dat dit raak gesien- en opreg waardeer word. Ons bedank julle graag vir julle onlangse verblyf hier by ons en ook vir die terugskryf wat verseker vir ons weer n huppel in die stap gee vir 2023. Ons hoop dat julle gou weer hier by ons sal uitkom ,maar tot en met dan stuur ons net goeie wense vir die res van die jaar.
Maryna P - Jan 2023
Overall rating
Dit was heerlik.
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It was delicious.
Clean, tidy with a delicious breakfast.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Mooiste Maryna en gesin,
Ons bedank julle vir julle onlangse verblyf by ons en ook vir die bevestiging van netheid en skoonheid waarop ons natuurlik so trots is en graag spog. Ons is so bly en opgewonde om te weet dat julle n heerlike verblyf by ons gehad het aangesien ons dit net so geniet het om julle te kon verwelkom en by ons en te kon akkommodeer en ons sal graag weer die geleentheid wil he om julle by ons terug te verwelkom en weer n aangename ontbyt te kan geniet. Wat is dan nou lekkerder as n engelse ontbyt na n heerlike nag se rus ingewag met n smaaklike boere troos en goeie geselskap.
Bruce M - Jan 2023
Overall rating
Wonderful stay, very friendly and very helpful hosts, Chantelle and Colin.
Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Best of the bunch,
Me and Colin truly enjoyed ever moment of hosting your lovely group of family & friends since you all bring out such a cheerful and joyful spirit which quite easily catches on to one and what a great way to not only end a year but start a new one. Bruce we are so happy and excited to know that you had a wonderful stay with us and that you enjoyed the scenery and the activities the surrounded area has to offer. We are perfectly located nearby all the attractions and the beauty the area bring and one simply can't help but to feel close to nature. We thank you for your stay and also for confirming a welcoming stay we are so eager for your next visit however in the mean time we wish you a great year further.
Romano C - Jan 2023
Overall rating
Waarde vir geld. Puik dienste en goeie gasvryheid.
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Value for money. Great services and great hospitality.
The place is incredibly beautiful and so is the view.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Geagte Romano en groep,
Wat 'n groot plesier en voorreg om jou en jou groep by Stonebreaker Country Lodge te kon verwelkom. Dit was my werk om julle gemaklik en tuis te laat voel en julle het dit vir my so maklik gemaak van aankoms tot vertrek. Die vriendelikheid, opregtheid en betrokkenheid wat julle bied wys verseker dat julle regte harts mense is met wie mens so vinnig en lekker oor die weg kan kom. Ons hoop verseker om gou weer die geleentheid te kan he om julle weer by ons te akkommodeer. Mag 2023 net geseënd wees.
Nadeen N - Nov 2023
Overall rating
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The staff was super friendly, the place was very neat, safe. It is definitely value for money.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Soveel baie dankie vir jou moeite met die terugvoering ons ontvang. Ons is so bly om te hoor van julle aangename tyd hier by ons. Vriendelikheid en netheid is verseker waarna ons streef om ons gaste se verblyf so lekker as moontlik te maak, en ons is bly om te hoor dat ons daarin slaag. Ons hoop dat ons weer die geleentheid sal hê om julle terug te kan verwelkom.
Marone D - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Family stay.
Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Marone & Family,
From the moment that you and your family have arrived it has only been an absolute great pleasure to have had the opportunity to welcome you and host you and your amazing family and we would like to thank you for choosing us in the first place and also for writing back to us your feedback truly warms the heart and the recommendation is much appreciated. I am so glad that you have decided to share this breath taking location with your family and that you could build beautiful memories with them after being away from your family for such a long time and may there be many more to come . Yes tasty breakfast, clean accommodation and fantastic service served with pride. We would love to have you back in the nearest future but up until then may the rest of 2023 be amazing as you are.
Hugo V - Feb 2023
Overall rating
Baie tevrede met ons verblyf. Dankie.
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Very satisfied with our stay. Thank you.
Beautiful view of the mountains, neat and friendly reception. Will definitely recommend.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Geagte Hugo en Familie,
Soveel baie dankie vir julle keuse om by Stonebreaker Country Lodge te bly en vir die mooi terugvoering wat ons ontvang het sowel as die aanbeveeling dit word opreg waardeer. Mag die res van die jaar net mooi en geseend wees tot volgende keer.
Corne V - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Pragtige omgewing.
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Beautiful surroundings.
Although it is a bit out of town, the beautiful surroundings, very friendly reception and clean, tidy room made the drive worth it.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Stonebreaker Country Lodge bedank julle vir julle onlangse verblyf by ons en dat julle aan ons terug geskryf het. Dit is altyd lekker om sulke pragtige terugvoering te ontvang en julle kan nie meer reg wees oor die omgewing wat die rit die moeite werd maak nie want dit is een van die beste redes om ons te besoek. Ons bied natuur prag, vriendelike ontvangs om jou tuis te laat voel en die belangrikste van alles, skoon en netjiese kamers. Dankie vir julle besoek aan ons, ons hoop om julle weer in die toekoms te kan verwelkom.
Tilla O - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Geen selfoonopvangs in die kloof nie, wat nogal sleg is vir besigheid.
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No cell phone reception in the gorge, which is pretty bad for business.
It is 20 km outside the town and it was quite a surprise. No provision has been made for load shedding.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Geagte Tilla,
Dankie vir jou onlangse verblyf by Stonebreaker Country Lodge en vir die tyd wat julle geneem het om aan ons terug te skryf julle terugvoering word opreg waardeer en dit is slegs deur terugvoering soos hierdie waar ons ons standaard kan behou of verbeter waar nodig. Ek is jammer om te lees van julle teleurstelling met die selfoon opvangs in die kloof. Ons het hiervoor voorsiening gemaak met n sein versterker vir gewone selfoon opvangs, maar better as dit kan ons ongelukkig nie kry nie aangesien ons gelee is in n kloof tussen die berge. Ons is alhoewel uit die dorp sowat 15km van Oudtshoorn soos ge-adverteer met die mooiste bergreekse en landerye wat die rit die moeite werd maak. Ons het reeds en is steeds besig om voorsiening te maak vir die beurtkrag aangesien elke kamer alreeds n noodlig bevat wat ook n selfoon kan herlaai. Ononderbroke kragtoevoer vir die WiFi is ook geinstaleer sowel as solar ligte rondom die lodge.
Irene B - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Ons het die tydjie daar baie geniet. Al klein probleempie was dat die area geen opvangs het nie. Sal beslis weer gaan.
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We really enjoyed our time there. Only small problem was that the area has no catchment. Will definitely go again.
Really enjoyed the break. Chantal who received us was very friendly. May your business only grow.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Irene en gesin, dit was beslis 'n baie groot plesier om julle te kon verwelkom en ons bedank julle ook vir julle terug skryf aan ons. Dit word opreg waardeer. Dit maak ons harte so ongelooflik bly om te weet dat julle jul tyd hier by ons geniet het en dat julle beslis terug verwelkom sal word. Ons kan nie genoeg dankie se vir die mooi wense nie, dit beteken so baie en ons hoop dat die res van die jaar vir julle net voorspoed inhou.
Catherine H - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Was heerlik, skoon en aangenaam!
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Was delicious, clean and pleasant!
Had a lovely stay, very accommodating, nice garden, friendly reception would be happy to recommend!
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Liefste Catherine,
Eerstens wil ons se baie dankie dat julle gekies het om by Stonebreaker Country Lodge te bly en ook vir die tyd wat jy geneem het om aan ons terug te skryf. Ons is bly om te weet dat julle n heerlike en gemaklike verblyf by ons gehad het. Ons het dit baie geniet om julle hier te kon verwelkom en ons hoop om gou weer die geleentheid te he ,maar tot en met dan wens ons vir julle net alles van die beste vir die jaar.
Nelia S - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Pragtige akkommodasie.
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Beautiful accommodation.
Chantell was extremely professional and very friendly and helpful. She made an extra effort for our late lamb. The only downside for us was that the unit did not have its own braai area, but the communal braai area was well equipped with a beautiful view. Chantell made a special effort there too.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Beste Nelia,
Ons bedank julle vir julle onlangse verblyf by Stonebreaker Country Lodge en ook dat julle die tyd geneem het om julle eerlike opinie te gee ons waardeer dit opreg. Dit is opregte terugvoering soos die wat dit die moeite werd maak om die extra myl paal te stap en ons het soveel blydskap in ons harte om te weet dat julle n lieflike tyd by ons gehad het en ons hoop dat ons vír seker weer so n geleentheid sal he in die nabye toekoms maar tot en met dan wens ons vir julle vir die nuwe jaar net alles van die beste hier uit die weste.
Carla E - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Baie aangenaam.
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Very pleasant.
Location is excellent and the reception was pleasant. The unit was very clean and tidy.
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Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Mooie Carla,
Soveel baie dankie vir die aangename woorde geskryf. Dit is wragtig lekker om te weet dat julle die ligging geniet het en dat julle goed ontvangs is. Ons streef daarna om puik dienste te lewer en dit maak dit alles soveel makliker wanneer ons gaste welkom en tuis voel, en ons weet dat julle presies dit ervaar het met julle onlangse besoek en ons hoop graag om vir julle weer hier by ons te kan he. Ons wens vir julle n lieflike 2023.
Maxine D - Nov 2022
Overall rating
A lovely surprise.
Read moreStonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Oh Maxine, if only you knew how happy reading this makes my heart and soul. Big thank you for being the reason. One simply just can't help but to feel peaceful with the surrounded Mountains, feeling so close to nature making the 15 km drive from town worth while offering magnificently beautiful scenes of the Karoo lands, wildlife and flora. Helpful and there to ensure that you enjoy your stay with us and you guys simply made my job easy and enjoyable since you and your partner are such a lovely & friendly couple and we would definitely love to have you stay with us again soon. May the rest of 2023 be as amazing as you guys are.
Chandre J - Oct 2022
Overall rating
Absolutely breathtaking.
Stonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Dearest Chandre,
Thank you for choosing to stay at Stonebreaker Country Lodge, it was an absolute pleasure having the opportunity to welcome and host you during your stay. I am very pleased to note that you had a pleasant stay with us and enjoyed what the mountains and nature had to offer which I surely know will draw you back again and we are so excited for your next visit.
Pieter B - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Comfortable, clean, hospitable, highly recommend.
Read moreStonebreaker Country Lodge 's response
Dearest Pieter and partner,
Thank you for your recent stay at Stonebreaker Country Lodge and also for the time that you have taken to write back to us, we highly appreciate your honest feedback. I am so happy to learn of your friendly interaction with the hostess as we enjoyed hosting you just as much as you enjoyed your stay with us. Thank you for confirming our hospitality, comfortability, location and value for money since we couldn't agree more. It is reviews such as yours that make it all worthwhile. We hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back soonest but up until then we wish you and your partner a stunningly blessed 2023.
- Capacity: 28 people
- All ages welcome
Check-in: 14:00 to 21:00
Check-out: 10:00 - Address: 100m from the R328, Stonebreaker Country Lodge, Oudtshoorn, 6620, Western Cape