Verbe Farm - Letjie's House
Review Summary
Hans M - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Lovely of grit stay with all the comforts.
Anonymous Guest - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Gail H - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Overnight stay while on a trip to view flowers.
Wessel D - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Plaasverblyf met als wat jy nodig het, en nog 'n bietjie ekstra.
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Farm stay with everything you need, and a little extra.
From the first step Willie made us feel welcome. Als was as advertised and the lack of electricity did not inconvenience us in any way. Enough lights/candles/lanterns, fridge and stove working well and for a change a place that's gas geysers work properly with generous showers and nice high pressure. However, the farm's greatest asset is their location. It can really be described as a beautiful picture. The 8 km dirt road is also quite passable.
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Gerard S - Aug 2024
Overall rating
Ons het heerlik by Verbe Farm Accommodation gebly.
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We had a wonderful stay at Verbe Farm Accommodation.
The host met us unexpectedly and explained everything about the stay in the cute house which was fully equipped.
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Annamarie V - Aug 2024
Overall rating
Kalm en rustige plaas atmosfeer. Baie lekker huisie. Heerlike groot kombuis.
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Calm and peaceful farm atmosphere. Very nice house. Lovely big kitchen.
Very nice and comfortable.
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Karien N - Aug 2024
Overall rating
Wegbreek in gemak om rus in stil prag natuur te kan rus en afskakel paradys!
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Break away in comfort to rest in the quiet beauty of nature and switch off paradise!
We had a wonderful stay. The facility has old world charm, is cozy and cosy. Off the grid, but with gas appliances, lamps, candles and LED lights on battery power, nothing was lacking. The scenery is delightfully beautiful and an atmosphere of rest and relaxation is a pleasure.
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Roy S - Sep 2023
Overall rating
Relaxed and comfortable.
Martin C - Sep 2023
Overall rating
Besondere pragtige plaas en huisie.
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Particularly beautiful farm and cottage.
Hospitable reception, good times and telling stories. Will definitely visit again.
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Gideon B - Aug 2023
Overall rating
Vriendelike ontvangs.
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Friendly reception.
All the finest details and necessities have been taken care of. Very neat and clean - and no TV and no mobile phone reception - bliss!
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Sandra D - Aug 2023
Overall rating
Baie rustige omgewing weg van al die warboel. Heerlik gekuier, die afwesigheid van netwerk was salig!
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Very peaceful environment away from all the hustle and bustle. Had a great time, the absence of network was blissful!
Will definitely recommend to friends.
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Derick V - Aug 2023
Overall rating
Besonderse akkommodasie, baie netjies en neem mens terug in die verlede.
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Special accommodation, very neat and takes you back in time.
It was so nice to be able to spend time on the active farm with the sheep that complete the picture. Then the open fields with flowers and quince trees during the time we were there, and all the flower information provided on arrival.
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Brigid B - Aug 2023
Overall rating
We had a wonderful two night stay at Verbe Farm Accommodation.
Jan E - Aug 2023
Overall rating
Pragtige mense, pragtige natuur en die mooiste blomme.
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Beautiful people, beautiful nature and the most beautiful flowers.
In nature in "luxury". Good facilities and space to be able to move around without noise, without mobile phones and without WiFi. The nicest place to hide and breathe again!
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Piet D - Aug 2023
Overall rating
Gasvry en vriendelik.
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Hospitable and friendly.
A beautiful place and a wonderful visit among friendly, caring people. Nature is beautiful.
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Lorraine K - Aug 2023
Overall rating
Stay exceeded our expectations.
Dirk V - Jul 2023
Overall rating
Beleef namakwaland stilte en natuur.
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Experience namakwaland silence and nature.
The house is nice and tidy. Enough bathrooms. We enjoyed nature and the stars at night.
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Annerene L - Jul 2023
Overall rating
Kos vir jou siel.
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Food for your soul.
Verencia made us feel so at home. We are spoiled with rusks and fig jam. It's food for your soul. The silence and simplicity make you appreciate the Lord's miracle-working nature around you. Thank you very much.
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Talitha W - Jun 2023
Overall rating
Soos jou ouma se plaas.
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Like your grandmother's farm.
Not too far from the main road, very quiet and rural. Feel like you're going back in time.
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Estelle C - Sep 2023
Overall rating
Stil, rustig en veilig in 'n snoesige huisie.
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Quiet, peaceful and safe in a cozy little house.
This was our 2nd visit and again we were not disappointed. Verencia is always well informed about where the most beautiful flowers are and if you follow her advice, your flower viewing holiday will be beautiful. Too many flowers, too little time. Our cottage was beautiful with everything you need and her hospitality is outstanding.
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Alfred T - Oct 2023
Overall rating
Beautiful location.
Rudolph K - Oct 2023
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Tillie's house is big and it was pleasant. The feeling was like you got into a time capsule and went back 100 years. A unique experience.
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M J - Sep 2023
Overall rating
Pragtig in die stilte en mooi van die lewe!
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Beautiful in the silence and beautiful of life!
The farm is breathtaking, it literally brings you back to earth. The place reminded me of my younger days. The aunt who received us was so kind and so considerate. Will definitely go again.
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James M - Aug 2023
Overall rating
Lekker op die plaas! Baie vriendelike, gasvrye eienaars.
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Have fun on the farm! Very friendly, hospitable owners.
Was a bit worried when the access road was a bit rough, but once we got there it was Cape Holland. Could just look at flowers within walking distance. Accommodation was comfortable and tidy, with the necessary farm sounds.
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Mathilde S - Nov 2022
Overall rating
Peace and tranquility.
Jan T - Sep 2022
Overall rating
Die rustigheid en mooiheid van die plaas asook karakter van die huis is 'n wenpakket: Sielsverrykend!
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The tranquility and beauty of the farm as well as the character of the house is a winning package: Soul-enriching!
Verencia's information and hospitality were central to the wonderful visiting experience. The location of the farm is perfect. Not too close or too far from Kamieskroon, where even delicious meals can be enjoyed at Kliphuis Restaurant. Porch sitting, indoor barbecue and a lovely night's rest in the tranquility and splendor of this farm environment were highlights.
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Petria T - Sep 2022
Overall rating
Dit was héérlik om totaal weg te breek - sonder elektrisiteit en selfoonsein.
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It was wonderful to completely break away - without electricity and mobile phone signal.
We had a great time in Letjie's house. The indoor grill was great for grilling and cozying up by the fire. If you needed electricity, it was available at the farmhouse. You could also get the signal there or on the way to the highway. You rest really well there. The owners are caring people who go out of their way to make it as pleasant as possible for the guests.
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Tienie M - Aug 2022
Overall rating
Dit is fantasies.
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These are fantasies.
It is indeed a very central place for flower viewing and also just for the common traveller. Take enough time with you.
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Christa D - Aug 2022
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I really like the old house and furniture, thanks for the effort.
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Victoria G - Aug 2022
Overall rating
Verbe Farm - Letjie's House 's response
It was again so wonderful to welcome you here and I just hope that we will be granted more years to see each other,.Thanks Victoria and looking forward to your next visit.
Abraham S - Jul 2022
Overall rating
Gesellig en netjies.
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Cozy and neat.
Had a great stay in a cute stone house in a beautiful part of the world.
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Andre V - May 2022
Overall rating
Dit voel soos plaas!
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It feels like a farm!
Characterful accommodation with everything and anything, just like my grandmother would have it.
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Verbe Farm - Letjie's House 's response
Hoop ons sien julle weer.
Alta V - Apr 2022
Overall rating
Peaceful and beautiful nature.
Verbe Farm - Letjie's House 's response
Will be great to see you again.
Jeanell S - Mar 2022
Overall rating
Beste plek om te vergeet van die gejaag van elke dag se lewe.
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Best place to forget about the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
Breaks for children and adults. One night was too little. Nice farm life.
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Ian M - Jul 2022
Overall rating
Quiet, off-grid, in beautiful surroundings.
Alta C - Sep 2021
Overall rating
Ons het 'n juweel ontdek!
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We discovered a gem!
We were amazed at the lovely little house (the Kliphuis) with so much character and antiques that were obviously put together with love and care. Bitterly regret we only had one night to spend there, will definitely come longer in the future. The LED lights and the numerous candles (each arranged with matches at hand) provide the perfect choice between comfort and atmosphere. We had a wonderful walk and the scene with the quiver trees against the mountain is burned into our hearts.
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Trish B - Sep 2021
Overall rating
Verbe Farm - Letjie's House 's response
Hope to see you again
Karin C - Sep 2021
Overall rating
Flower trip.
Chris D - Aug 2021
Overall rating
Uitsonderlike plek met uitsonderlike mense.
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Exceptional place with exceptional people.
The Kliphuis was extremely well furnished and took us on a nostalgic journey into our past. Surroundings are beautiful and hospitality top notch. We experienced 4 seasons in 3 days and enjoyed every moment of it. Thank you very much.
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Hanno L - Aug 2021
Overall rating
Plattelandse gasvryheid op se beste.
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Country hospitality at its best.
Fantastic accommodation. Very clean and neat with true country hospitality. A lot of information about the area.
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Melissa S - Aug 2021
Overall rating
Anton B - Aug 2021
Overall rating
Gerieflike kliphuis in 'n pragtige omgewing
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Comfortable stone house in a beautiful setting
Cozy house built of stone. Well equipped. Beautiful wildflowers right next to the house (early August 2021).
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Vicky S - May 2021
Overall rating
Dit was 'n wonderlike 2 dae. Diens was uitstekend. Ons sal hierdie plekkie in die son ten sterkste aanbeveel.
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It was a wonderful 2 days. Service was excellent. We would highly recommend this little spot in the sun.
See stars.
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Lizel T - Mar 2021
Overall rating
Absolutely lovely.
Arnold S - Sep 2021
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We were received hospitably and we got excellent advice about beautiful roads and flower viewing places in the area. Verbe Farm is a place full of color and character that we are happy to recommend.
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Gideon S - Sep 2021
Overall rating
Rustig en stil.
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Calm and quiet.
Neat, clean house with everything you need to relax and get away from city life. The gas stove was a new experience and the dead cell phone (no WiFi) made the stay even more pleasant! Very nice environment and will stay there again.
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Johann V - Jul 2021
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Basie P - Sep 2021
Overall rating
Ongelooflike mooi omgewing met regte plaasgevoel.
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Incredibly beautiful surroundings with real farm feel.
Great stay and visit. Prospective guests just need to know that there is no electricity or any mobile phone reception.
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Engela P - Aug 2021
Overall rating
Hierdie was 'n heerlike plaaskuier. Lieflike omgewing, dankie.
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This was a lovely farm visit. Lovely setting, thank you.
We enjoyed the stay. Apart from the no electricity to charge our cell phones and computers, everything was fine. Thank you very much.
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Gerard S - Aug 2021
Overall rating
Lekker verblyf in oulike huisie.
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Nice stay in a cute house.
See stars.
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Salie C - Sep 2021
Overall rating
Die advertensie is misleidend. Daar gekom het die huis geen krag gehad nie. So ook die huis se netheid nie baie goed nie.
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The ad is misleading. When we got there, the house had no power. Also the cleanliness of the house not very good.
What we got on the trip for the same money or even less, I think Verbe can do more or lower their price to give value for money. They do get the farmhouse effect right. If you like your grandmother's farmhouse, where there is no power, but there are lamps, this will work for you.
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Riana P - Sep 2020
Overall rating
3de keer in kliphuis en is fantasties
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3rd time in stone house and is fantastic
Kliphuis has everything you need. No need to take anything with you. Very convenient. Hospitality excellent. Silence and rest Many walking opportunities and mountain driving opportunities. Best flowers ever. Will go again
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Verbe Farm - Letjie's House 's response
Hoop ons sien julle weer. Julle is wonderlike gaste.
Hanlie V - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Heerlike verblyf om net te rus, en weg te kom van alles af.
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Great stay to just rest, and get away from it all.
This accommodation is away from all noise and bustle, if you are looking for rest from the hustle and bustle, this is the place to visit! We would go back anytime and stay longer, it was heavenly! We were received hospitably and had everything you need! Thank you very much for the beautiful place! Our hostess also made great recommendations on where to look at flowers, we really enjoyed it!
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Deon C - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Absolute verrassing! Pragtige skoon verblyf en vriendelike behulpsame gasvrou en personeel.
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Absolute surprise! Beautiful clean accommodation and friendly helpful hostess and staff.
The quiver trees, stone cups and absolute natural beauty make us want to stay there longer!
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Eleta G - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Netjies, skoon, pragtige omgewing en 'n heerlike plaasgevoel.
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Neat, clean, beautiful surroundings and a lovely farm feeling.
What an experience to be able to spend the night on such a farm. The scenic and delicious overnight cottage was a highlight on our flower tour. Thank you Verencia for allowing us to spend the night at your farm. Even Keeterkat enjoyed it. She rolled in the sand in front of the house and even clipped a little owl outside. Thank you for the friendly reception. We will visit again.
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Elmarie P - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Pragtige plaashuisie tussen die kokerbome en berge.
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Beautiful farmhouse between the quiver trees and mountains.
Beautiful little farm house between the mountains. Food for the soul. Rest and peace and the most beautiful quiver trees on the farm. Received very hospitably.
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Colin B - Aug 2020
Overall rating
Perfect overnight rest stop.
Sidney V - Aug 2020
Overall rating
Baie nice.
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Very nice
Recommend the stone house.
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Ronald R - Mar 2020
Overall rating
Most unusual and quirky decor. We loved it. Peace and tranquillity. Yes!
Lizelle K - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Eenvoudige, gerieflike huisie met als wat jy nodig het!
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Simple, comfortable cottage with everything you need!
It's a typical old farmhouse with sleeping space for 9 and 3 bathrooms. There is no electricity, but gas geysers and a stove, as well as candles and lamps. There is an indoor and outdoor barbecue. If you want to see flowers, this is definitely the place to stay!
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Miranda B - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Lekker plaasverblyf - fantasties vir blommeverblyf!
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Nice farm stay - fantastic for flower stay!
We regularly stay on Verbe farm during the flower season. Pieter and Verencia are beautiful people and always ready with information about the flowers or to provide help. We never leave the farmhouse without first drinking tea - true peasant hospitality. The farm itself is so beautiful and has beautiful flowers in bloom. It is also centrally located and close to the Namaqua National Park as well as half an hour from Springbok. We can recommend Verbe.
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Renate C - Aug 2020
Overall rating
Gesellige huis vir vriende en familie saam in pragtige omgewing.
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Cozy house for friends and family together in beautiful surroundings.
Wanted to stay longer but was fully booked. We were so happy with them.
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Jean D - Dec 2019
Overall rating
Baie lekker, rustig.
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Very nice, quiet.
Very nice and quiet environment. Feels like you are between nothing and nowhere. Very nice accommodation. We had a good rest.
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Wayne G - Aug 2019
Overall rating
Beautiful, cosy cottage set in a tranquil part of the world.
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Good day Wayne,
We are so glad that you enjoyed the little stay over here and are really looking forward to seeing you again.
Kindest Regards
Pieter & Verencia
Sarie V - Aug 2019
Overall rating
Die sterre in die aand was ongelooflik mooi!
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The stars in the evening were incredibly beautiful!
Verencia received us very kindly and went out of her way to make sure we were comfortable and had everything we needed. Although it was cool during our visit, the stone house was wonderfully warm and cozy with the fire inside. The decor inside the house and all the lamps and candles made for a nostalgic experience. Verbe is a great place if you are looking for a break from your daily hectic life in the city. The stars in the evening were incredibly beautiful! Verencia and Pieter, thank you very much for your hospitality during our visit, we enjoyed it very much.
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Verbe Farm - Letjie's House 's response
Baie dankie Sarie,dit was lieflik om jul te ontvang.Hoop ons sien jul weer eendag.
Richard M - Jun 2019
Overall rating
Lovely cottage in beautiful location.
Pikkie G - May 2019
Overall rating
Baie aangenaam en rustig.
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Very pleasant and peaceful.
Beautiful location and safe.
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Bennie V - Apr 2019
Overall rating
Rustig op die plaas.
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Quiet on the farm.
Rest your soul on this old-world farm. We will have to stop there again and again.
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Verbe Farm - Letjie's House 's response
Benjamin, ons sal jul baie graag weer en weer hier wil ontvang. Ek is so bly dat jul dit hier geniet.
Fanie V - Apr 2019
Overall rating
Baie goeie akkommodasie.
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Very good accommodation.
Very clean and tidy. Homely atmosphere. Excellently equipped. Nice environment.
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Verbe Farm - Letjie's House 's response
Ons is baie bly julle het dit geniet. Hoop om julle te ontmoet as julle weer hier verby kom.
Gerhardus N - Aug 2019
Overall rating
Lekker plaas.
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Nice farm.
If you like a farm experience, you will enjoy it a lot.
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Malinda W - Sep 2019
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Chrisna F - Sep 2019
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It is a well-equipped, quiet place to stay far from the busy road.
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Annalene Steyn S - Aug 2019
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Beautiful surroundings, silence, peace and quiet. Will definitely stay there again if opportunity arises.
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Christo V - Aug 2019
Overall rating
Lekker belewenis, veral vir kinders.
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Nice experience, especially for the kids.
Appreciate what is taken for granted.
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Anonymous Guest - Jul 2019
Overall rating
Don't think it's value for money.
Small things can change everything - old toothpaste marks in the bathroom can be cleaned. Showering with hot water is a challenge. Leave a pack of fire lighters there if you want to make a fire - not expensive. We didn't meet the owner and when we left we received a very unpleasant phone call. Not necessary.
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Johan D - Sep 2018
Overall rating
Salige rustigheid.
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Blissful tranquility.
My cottage had everything needed and was particularly impressed with the little things like the fire lighters, fresh flowers, fresh white linen, home baked biscuits and jam. Gas appliances and solar lights provided every possible comfort. The owners and farm workers made my stay very pleasant with their kindness.
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Verbe Farm - Letjie's House 's response
Baie dankie Johan, ons wens net dat ons jou weer eendag sal sien en dat Namakwaland dan oortrek sal wees van blomme.
Jan K - Sep 2018
Overall rating
Namakwaland op sy beste.
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Namaqualand at its best.
Fantastic area and good accommodation.
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Victoria G - Aug 2018
Overall rating
Verbe is 'n baie spesiale plek.
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Verbe is a very special place.
The bed were wonderfully warm on a icy day. The area is beautiful.
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Verbe Farm - Letjie's House 's response
So bly jul het lekker gebly. Kom gerus weer.
Kerry W - Aug 2018
Overall rating
Farm stay with space and fun for kids.
Read moreAnton M - Aug 2018
Overall rating
A real 'kliphuis' with authentic South African hospitality!
Susan M - Aug 2018
Overall rating
Very friendly hosts. Very convenient for the flowers.
Verbe Farm - Letjie's House 's response
Susan, it is guests like you that make hospitality a real pleasure
Gerard S - Apr 2018
Overall rating
Very friendly host!
Verbe Farm - Letjie's House 's response
Thank you, Gerard, so glad you have enjoyed it. Really hope to see the 2 of you sometime during the flower season.
Kindest Regards
Francois C - Sep 2018
Overall rating
Alles wat jy nodig het.
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Everything you need.
Wonderful reception. Beautiful house with delicious drinking water from the tap. The place has als, you can really come with just your suitcase. Grill inside. Flowers all around and apparently it was a poor flowering year. Highly recommended.
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Tom M - Sep 2018
Overall rating
Baie aangenaam en interessant.
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Very nice and interesting.
See rating.
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John L - Aug 2018
Overall rating
Charming cottage, great location and Verenicia was a very warm and welcoming host.
Francois L - Aug 2018
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Beautiful area to hike. The rusks provided by the hostess were delicious.
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Tharina J - Aug 2018
Overall rating
Verblyf was basies maar 'n aangename ervaring.
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Stay was basically just a pleasant experience.
Hostess made a lot of effort to accommodate us and find a place for everyone to sleep.
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Hannes R - Oct 2018
Overall rating
'n Ware Namakwalandse plaaservaring!
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A true Namaqualand farm experience!
We stayed in an old stone house and really experienced Namaqualand farm life - beautiful! Everything needed was available in the well equipped house. The indoor braai is cozy. The views were breathtaking and there is more than enough space for walking.
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Flo S - Dec 2017
Overall rating
One of the best places we have stayed at - friendly clean well maintained, all in all totally awesome.
Etrecia S - Dec 2017
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An absolute escape for a tired city soul. Neat, clean, friendly and intact. Thanks for the stay.
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Dudley F - Aug 2017
Overall rating
Lovely cottage, own kokerboom forest and Venetia.
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Overall rating
Hemel op aarde.
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Heaven on earth.
What an exceptional night we spent at Verbe. As a city person we forget the beauty of nature and no other place can guarantee you the breathtaking starry sky as Verbe can. It was absolute bliss. The place is clean and neat. And what we found exceptional was the fact that you walk away from the daily luxuries. And in no way I say that the place needed anything. More than enough crockery and kitchenware you really need. But it is a sign of the sincerity and kindness of the people of the area. Just to get away from basic electricity. No cell cover. Every moment was breathtaking. An absolute must for people to visit. Then we're not even talking about the friendly welcoming. If I could give Verbe my own review I would give it a 10 star.
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Margaret F - Sep 2017
Overall rating
It met with our expectations of a farm stay.
Oane V - Apr 2017
Overall rating
Baie rustig.
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Pleasant owners and a great stay.
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Jan W - Sep 2017
Overall rating
Rustige, stil plaasatmosfeer sonder eleketrisiteit.
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Peaceful, quiet farm atmosphere without electricity.
We stayed 6 nights and would like to report that there was a gas leak at Lienjie's house. None of the cottages were cleaned in time - bed linen and towels were not changed. Barbecue area was never cleaned. Solar power is insufficient in Gertjie's house - only one battery and after a cloudy day you have to work with candles and lanterns. Despite the small problem we had a nice stay.
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Mariesa N - Aug 2017
Overall rating
Was wonderlik en rustig.
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Wonderful and tranquil.
We spent a week on the farm and it was very tranquil. Would have to go again when there are lots of flowers. The most beautiful quiver trees in the backyard.
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Yolandi S - Dec 2017
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Unfortunately, our reception was disappointing. My husband was accused of not paying for the children even though their ages were indicated on our application. The stone house was lovely and cool and if you want to step back in time this is the perfect place, for small children the temptation to touch everything is just too great. I believe it's the perfect place during flowering time, it's peaceful and the nature is something vivid!
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Lezel R - Sep 2016
Overall rating
Uit die boonste rakke.
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Top class.
This is the best affordable accommodation in the Kamieskroon region. Everything was picturesque. The place looks even prettier than the pictures on the site. We saw a colony of 12 or so meerkats 80 m from the house. Staying in the house was lovely and the house really fits in well with the surrounds. I would never forget this place. To the hosts: please don't change or modernise the houses. They are perfect just the way they are. The rusks and jam was delicious. The hosts were so kind. Thank you, we really enjoyed our stay.
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Verbe Farm - Letjie's House 's response
Baie Dankie Lezel en so bly dat julle dit geniet het.Hoop dat jul eendag weer hier kan uitkom.
Vriendelike Groete Ons 2 oues op die plaas.
Riet V - Sep 2016
Overall rating
Iets heel anders, snoesig met baie detail in die interieur.
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Something completely different, cuddly with lots of detail in the interior.
We had a very nice stay. You really get a sense of old world farm style. Everything is comfortably furnished. The farm setting is beautiful. In the midst of the drought, we saw many flowers and succulents. A wonderful experience.
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Victoria G - Sep 2016
Overall rating
Dit was 'n plek waarna mens sal terugkeer.
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The kind of place you want to visit again.
Breathtaking area and quaint little house.
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Marieta V - Sep 2016
Overall rating
Verbe Farm was 'n besondere ervaring in 'n ouwêreldse huisie in 'n pragtige stil omgewing!
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Verbe Farm was a special experience in an old world cottage in a beautiful quiet environment!
Verbe Farm was the highlight of our Namaqualand tour for us. The 2 nights in Gertjie's house were an unforgettable experience after the city. We couldn't get enough of the beauty and quiet around us and the cottage was well appointed - everything and more than we needed. Thank you Pieter and Valencia for your hospitality, information, delicious jams and biscuits and that we could get wood there for a delicious fire - comfortable indoor barbecue as well as outside under the stars. Next time we will want to stay longer.
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Rensche R - Sep 2016
Overall rating
'n Ander wêreld vir 'n stadsjapie.
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Otherwordly experience for a city dweller.
Unbelievably beautiful and the friendliest people. Will return.
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Alexander D - Apr 2016
Overall rating
Remote and peaceful getaway.
Leon L - Sep 2016
Overall rating
Rustige omgewing van vrede.
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Peaceful environment.
Not only is it compulsory to stop here to view all the flowers, but also the environment which is perfect for a good rest. It's very central to the Northern Namakwaland area.
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Sonia S - Aug 2016
Overall rating
Die akkommodasie is uiters gevaarlik vir mense.
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The accommodation is exceptionally dangerous to guests.
Tilly's house is exceptionally dangerous for tourists because the paraffin lamps' oil is ancient and gives off dangerous gas fumes. The gas connections are primitive and the gas fumes are overwhelming. The toxic fumes from the oil lamps caused one of our friends' chest to congest and we had to rush her to Springbok Hospital late at night for treatment! According to the doctor she developed moisture on her lungs because of the toxic fumes. The gas connections for the geysers, fridge and stove are primitive and leak gas. The owner denied it all and insisted on full payment even though we were forced to only stay the one night. According to her we left the oven switch open, but I tested the stove and oven with a burning match for leaks and we never even used the oven.
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Danel L - Sep 2015
Overall rating
Stukkie hemel in Namakwaland!
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A piece of heaven in Namaqualand!
Tillie's house is spacious, beautiful, lots of space and decorated with all kinds of antique decorations which made it fantastic. It felt like we were on vacation in another time. The farm atmosphere, together with the flowers, nature and silence made it an absolutely wonderful holiday for us! Many thanks to Pieter and Verencia for your hospitality, kindness and your suggestions of where we could drive to see more flowers and your suggestion to make a visit to Taaiboskraal tea garden (my husband then got his sheep's head). We really enjoyed it and will definitely stay with Verbe again on our next 'road trip' to Namaqualand!
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Verbe Farm - Letjie's House 's response
Baie dankie,Onsd salulle BAIE graag weer wil sien.
Baie Groete
Pieter en Verencia
Hester L - Aug 2015
Overall rating
'n Wonderlike ervaring!
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A wonderful experience!
The stay was like a trip back in time, the host and hostess wonderful caring people, and what a wonderful, beautiful setting! We would love to go there again.
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Verbe Farm - Letjie's House 's response
Baie dankie vir hierdie getuigskrif. Dit was heerlik om julle hier te kon ontvang. Vriendelike groete.
Joos V - Aug 2015
Overall rating
'n Lekker ervaring in Gertje se huis.
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A nice experience in Gertje's house.
Everything was clean and the bedding top notch. Will visit again and definitely recommend.
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Verbe Farm - Letjie's House 's response
Joos, ons se net baie baie dankie en is so jammer dat ons so min van mekaar gesien het.
Sal so bly wees om julle weer te sien.
Alles wat net mooi en goed is vir julle.
Baie groete
Pieter en Verencia
Annatjie T - Jul 2015
Overall rating
Heerlik rustig, weg van die eindelose geraas, skoon en pragtige omgewing.
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Wonderfully peaceful, away from the endless noise, clean and beautiful surroundings.
The host and hostess are particularly friendly. It was a true "off the grid" experience.
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Verbe Farm - Letjie's House 's response
Naand Annatjie,wil net baie baie dankie se vir jou review.
So jammer dat julle nie nou hier kan wees die blomme is ongelooflik mooi, maar ons is baie bekommerd want die opvolg reen bly weg.
Hoop om julle weer eendag te sien.
Alles wat mooi en goed is vir julle
Pieter en Verencia
Miranda P - Jun 2015
Overall rating
No Heep/Verbe farm was just what we wanted.
Read moreVerbe Farm - Letjie's House 's response
Thanks very much Miranda it is people like you which make our efforts worthwhile. Looking forward to see you again.
Genevieve F - Aug 2015
Overall rating
Ons het 'n ongelooflike ervaring gehad.
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We had an amazing experience.
Beautiful location, romantic, cozy house with everything you need. The owners are so friendly and hospitable.
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Ewald P - Aug 2015
Overall rating
Heerlik om weer in 'n plaas-atmosfeer vakansie te hou.
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Lovely to holiday in a farm atmosphere again.
The stay, although short, was really excellent. The farm atmosphere recharged your batteries again, not to mention all the beautiful flowers to behold. Thanks to Pieter and Verenci for all your hospitality.
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Anna G - Aug 2015
Overall rating
Vergeleke met ander verblyf in een van die dorpe, bied die plaas 'n weergalose ervaring.
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Compared to other accommodation in one of the towns, the farm offers an unparalleled experience.
Because the busy tarmac is far away (not too far either - 8 km), there is no disturbing noise. The farm sounds contribute to an unforgettable experience while interactions with the farm people and animals make one's stay interesting. There are beautiful flowers surrounded by mountains on the farm and you can walk far to enjoy the surroundings in peace. Pieter and Verencia Benade spare no effort to inform one about places of interest. Here you can experience catharsis by living a little without electricity.
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Fritz S - Dec 2015
Overall rating
Peaceful and tranquil.
Wayne H - Sep 2015
Overall rating
Beautiful farm, wonderful hosts and fantastic venue.
Jan D - Oct 2015
Overall rating
Baie lekker en veilig op 'n plaas.
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Very nice and safe on a farm.
I felt like I was staying in my Grandpa's farmhouse and longing to go back years.
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Johan L - Jun 2015
Overall rating
Oornagstop na Namibië.
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Overnight stop to Namibia.
Very friendly and hospitable couple. The surroundings are beautiful and very peaceful. The stone cottage is extremely basic, but comfortable.
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Jac-mare S - Aug 2015
Overall rating
Dit was gemiddeld tot goed.
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It was average to good.
Overall it was good. The owners are friendly and helpful people.
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Andre V - Sep 2014
Overall rating
Rustig, gerieflik, gemaklik, 'n kuierhuis.
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Quiet, convenient, comfortable, a visiting house.
Peaceful surroundings, comfortable large farmhouse for a nice visit. Everything and more you need. Even no cell phone reception - great! Beautiful dirt back roads driven through Kamiesberge via Leliefontein to Nieuwoudtville.
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Ria V - Sep 2014
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Very calm and hospitable reception.
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Hester H - Sep 2014
Overall rating
Wonderlike atmosfeer in die kliphuisie - volledig toegerus en baie netjies. Gasheer en gasvrou baie aangename mense.
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Wonderful atmosphere in the stone house - fully equipped and very tidy. Host and hostess very pleasant people.
Pieter and Verencia are two wonderful people who make you feel right at home. The stone house was beautiful and brought back many memories from the past with all the old things in it. Fully equipped and very, very tidy with a lot of atmosphere. The outdoor barbecue with a full moon over the field was something special. Would definitely recommend it and if we get the chance again, we will definitely visit again.
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Ronel H - Apr 2014
Overall rating
Heerlik, rustig en baie netjies!
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Lovely, peaceful and very tidy!
If you like the tranquility and farm atmosphere, this is the right place to be. Letjie & Martiens made us feel very welcome. Pieter and Verencia were still in the Cape when we got there. For now, I didn't think I could ever live without my hair dryer and microwave, but I didn't even miss it at all with all the other amenities. We had our son all to ourselves and we could talk. We never even turned on a light, only used lamps and candles (long for grandma and grandpa). The fact that my dog could go along was of course a big bonus. Will definitely go again when it's flower time. Would recommend to anyone who likes nature and quiet.
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Annatjie V - Aug 2014
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It was fantastic, clean and tidy. It was a feast to stay there.
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Margret G - Aug 2014
Overall rating
We loved the "old world" charm,
Johan V - Aug 2014
Overall rating
'n Wonderlike, rustige plaas-atmosfeer!
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A wonderful, peaceful farm atmosphere!
Ideally located for a Namaqualand flower tour.
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Reg C - Sep 2013
Overall rating
Pragtige, ou, karaktervolle plaashuis!
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Beautiful, old, characterful farmhouse!
An experience! Breathtaking, unspoilt scenery. Friendly, hospitable owners. The farm and the whole surrounding area is truly beautiful and a joy to explore. Haven't drunk so much nice and pure water from numerous mountain streams in a long time. Go ahead and "find yourself". You will surely see us again! Thank you.
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Cecilia R - Sep 2013
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Lynn D - Aug 2013
Overall rating
The value of staying in the Kliphuis is the atmosphere created by the hosts!
Dries D - Aug 2013
Overall rating
'n Aardse ervaring met baie goeie diens.
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An earthy experience with very good service.
Good value and clean place!
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Licinda D - Aug 2013
Overall rating
'n Plekkie van hemelse vrede!
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A spot of heavenly peace!
Beautiful place - a gem!
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Sonja B - Jul 2013
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This is a wonderful piece of heaven on earth.
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Alison B - Aug 2013
Overall rating
The location, friendliness and atmosphere of the farm accommodation was very special.
Peter P - Sep 2013
Overall rating
Very peaceful with wonderful hospitality
Deon T - Oct 2013
Overall rating
Vriendelike ontvangs en innerlike vrede.
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Friendly reception and inner peace.
If you are looking for humanity, peace and joy, this is the place for you. God made the environment picture perfect.
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Margaret C - Sep 2013
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Magda M - Aug 2013
Overall rating
Genoeg ruimte, vriendelike eienaars, rus en vrede vir jou siel, pure plaas en HEERLIK!
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Enough space, friendly owners, peace and quiet for your soul, pure farm and DELICIOUS!
It was very nice even though it rained a lot. We would definitely recommend it to anyone who needs peace and quiet. For some, it may not be that convenient without power, but if you come from a farm and know gas appliances, this is your place to be. It is always nice to chat with your Creator in nature, because there is silence and a lot of space!
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- Capacity: 2 people
- All ages welcome
Check-in: 14:00 to 17:00
Check-out: 10:00 - Address: Farm No Heep, Off N7, Kamieskroon, 8241, Northern Cape