Voorbegin Bosveldverblyf
Review Summary
Gawie V - Jan 2025
Overall rating
Ons het heerlik gerus. Die huise is lekker privaat, stilte 'n bonus!
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We had a wonderful stay. The houses are very private, quiet a bonus!
We had a great time together as a family! Despite the heavy rain, our time was very special. The nice patio made for good family time with braai, socializing and board games! Nice farm atmosphere with sheep and game that came to visit outside the fence. Thanks also to Henk, who took us up in the Waterberg so that we could look out over the Springbok Plain.
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Anonymous Guest - Jan 2025
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Neo Alexander K - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Beautiful and quiet place.
Murcia S - Jan 2025
Overall rating
Ds. Fanie B - Dec 2024
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Yes, had a nice rest and enjoyed the bushveld.
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Elaine T - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Rus en vrede. Sal weer gaan.
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Rest and peace. Will go again.
Very pleasant, thank you.
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Bettie D - Dec 2024
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We thoroughly enjoyed the stay. Friendly reception and accommodation. Lovely piece of earth to just relax.
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Franscois B - Nov 2024
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It was very nice. So close to farm life. Very calm.
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Courtney D - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Clean. Peaceful. Relaxed. Well looked after.
Annalien K - May 2024
Overall rating
Ons is goed ontvang, en het tuis gevoel met aankoms!
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We were well received, and felt at home upon arrival!
Very nice! We only stayed one night, but we immediately felt at home and were able to communicate with the owner effortlessly. Quiet farm atmosphere. Would definitely recommend for a nice peaceful getaway.
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Atanasiu V - Sep 2024
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Gerhard H - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Rustige Bosveld ervaring.
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Tranquil Bushveld experience.
Clean and tidy. Piles of sicklebush were included in the price and lasted for days. Sheep and antelopes right near the front porch and birds came to visit on the porch. Henk made us feel right at home. The weather didn't cooperate, but it was still a nice leisurely visit and walk. The whole area has access control and we never felt unsafe. Will go there again.
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Francois L - Aug 2024
Overall rating
Het die natuur en rus baie geniet.
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Really enjoyed nature and rest.
We had a nice stay and really enjoyed the tranquility.
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Jaco G - Dec 2024
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If you like the tranquility of the bushveld and farm life, then this is the place for you. Really enjoyed the time. An outside bin, broom and braai bowl would be a great help for future guests.
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Voorbegin Bosveldverblyf 's response
Dankie vir jou terugvoer. Ons hou van opbouende kritiek.
Die buite asblik is aangebring.
Die besem is altyd in die badkamer agter die deur, dalk het jy dié net misgekyk...
Die braaibakke is 'n goeie idee. Hulle is op pad.
Kobus V - Oct 2024
Overall rating
Lekker man!
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Nice man!
It was wonderful to be able to leave the TV and WiFi for a bit and just enjoy nature.
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Lenie V - Nov 2024
Overall rating
Nice peaceful place to relax and unwind.
Karien P - Mar 2023
Overall rating
Welkome ontvlugting na die Bos.
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Welcome escape to the Forest.
There is no Wifi, nor TVs or other screens to trap you in the house - what an incredibly welcome change from our daily rush. I was able to separate my thirteen-year-old typical teenager from chair and screen, and he enjoyed farm life so much that he didn't miss the 'games' at all. Remember your walking shoes and explore the farm to your heart's content, then wash off the heat in the sparkling pool. Wild and Boer goats will come to greet you, as well as some beautiful Ngunis. Furthermore, you will come across chickens, ducks, macaws and even cormorants. Let the children help take out eggs; I know my son enjoyed it more than I could have ever predicted! You're going to have to drive a little dirt road to get there, but it's absolutely worth it.
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Thinus N - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Vriendelike ontvangs, baie veilig en lekker plaas atmosfeer met mooi natuur.
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Friendly reception, very safe and nice farm atmosphere with beautiful nature.
Nice farm atmosphere with beautiful nature. Lots of farm animals (cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens), nice swimming pool, comfortable braai area and some wildlife to look at.
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Russel D - Apr 2022
Overall rating
Die plek laat jou vergeet van die stad se gewoel.
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The place makes you forget the hustle and bustle of the city.
Our family had a great time. Thanks to Henk and his family.
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Gustav H - Aug 2022
Overall rating
Skoon, stil, netjies en rustige plaas.
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Clean, quiet, tidy and peaceful farm.
Best were the lamb chops from the farm. Children enjoyed riding bikes around and picking out eggs and swimming in the cement farm pond.
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Helma V - May 2022
Overall rating
Nie helemaal wat ek verwag het nie.
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Not quite what I expected.
The pictures looked to me like a little house far away from everyone in the bush. However, the apartment is attached to the house in which people live. It was not what I expected. The photos of the view from the porch also do not show that the wire is so close (about 2m) to the porch. We were disappointed that we were not in the open away from everyone as we expected.
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Voorbegin Bosveldverblyf 's response
Ons is jammer dat u teleurgesteld is, aangesien ons graag ons gaste gelukkig wil sien.
Ons is ook jammer dat u die volgende stukkie in ons beskrywing skynbaar nie raakgesien het nie: "Die ander losstaande eenheid, die Woonstel, is direk agter die hoofhuis geleë" en verder: "Belangstellendes wat na die foto's kyk moet asb seker maak dat dit pas by die kamers om verwarring te voorkom." Dit kon dalk verwarring voorkom het.
Die erf is net om die woonstel geskik te maak vir mense om troeteldiere saam te bring, maar verder is die hele plaas oop vir gaste om te beweeg. Inmiddels het ons die braaiplek teen die heining verskuif na die stoep, sodat selfs in die reën lekker gebraai kan word. Die stoep is geteël, word tans geverf, ons wag vir die reeds bestelde oprol seile waarmee nog verder skuiling teen wind en weer gebied kan word, en 'n deeglike sitkamerstel is bekom sodat die stoep meer van 'n opelug sitkamer gaan wees. Sodra alles voltooi is, sal ons foto's plaas, en ons vertrou om ons gaste se gerief daardeur te verbeter. U is welkom om na die verbeterings te kom kyk.
Barbara V - Dec 2021
Overall rating
Baie rustige atmosfeer. Netjies en skoon akkommodasie. Vriendelike ontvangs.
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Very peaceful atmosphere. Neat and clean accommodation. Friendly reception.
We had a great time. Was able to walk a bit with my dog, had a great time on the porch and was very grateful that we brought rain to the area.
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Corrie U - Sep 2021
Overall rating
Hou daarvan.
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Like it.
Unfortunately we couldn't do the sleepover. The conference we were supposed to attend was cancelled. Will definitely do this in November.
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Riana B - Aug 2021
Overall rating
Dit was presies die wegbreek wat ons almal so nodig gehad. Weg van die stad se geraas en woelinge. Die bokkies is baie mak en daar is so baie voëls wat al te pragtig sing. Die regte plekkie om bietjie af te skakel.
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It was exactly the break we all needed. Away from the city's noise and bustle. The goats are very tame and there are so many birds that sing all too beautifully. The right place to switch off a bit.
Everything we needed was there and more. Great mattresses and spacious bathroom. Even though there is no inside living area, the stoep was the perfect place to eat and hang out to watch all the farm animals. My teenage boys were able to ride bikes and we went for a little walk. An unforgettable family weekend. Will do it again when we get tired of city life.
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Johan H - Jan 2021
Overall rating
Rustige plaasatmosfeer!
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Peaceful farm atmosphere!
We had a great time with our children. Centrally located for all of us. Accommodation is neat and clean with plenty of firewood for the braai. Henk is very helpful and quickly made us feel at home. Will definitely visit again.
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Chris Z - Jan 2021
Overall rating
Stil, rustig en lekker belewenis.
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Quiet, peaceful and nice experience.
Was very pleasant, owners went out of their way to make us and our children feel at home. They took our children to feed the chickens and donkey, collect eggs from the chicken coop. Our children thoroughly enjoyed themselves. If you want to rest, we would recommend the place. We will definitely go there again. Thank you uncle and aunt for the incredible experience we had with you as a family.
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Nelly N - May 2021
Overall rating
Perfect place to relax and connect to nature.
Cindy V - Aug 2020
Overall rating
Bosveld en plaaskuier op sy beste.
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Bushveld and farm visit at its best.
Our family had a great time with Henk - they will definitely go again. We slept well, enjoyed the scenery, had a lovely time around the fire and everything we needed was in the house, nice and clean. Sometimes we had to look for our children, so they kept themselves busy, we went for a nice walk, swam, looked at animals and fed them. Thank you Henk, we'll see you again soon!
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Nhlanhla P - Mar 2020
Overall rating
It's a good place which offers peace of mind.
Voorbegin Bosveldverblyf 's response
We are glad that you enjoyed your stay. We do not have TV and sound because we want our guests to enjoy the silence and the beauty of the Bushveld. Best regards, Henk and Alda.
Stephen V - Jan 2020
Overall rating
Die beste en lekkerste wat jy kan kry. 100%.
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The best and tastiest you can get. 100%
100% would go again. If you want to rest this is the place.
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Joe B - Dec 2020
Overall rating
As the name says, starting over, refreshed.
Read morePriscilla I - Dec 2020
Overall rating
We really enjoyed our stay.
Chantal P - Sep 2019
Overall rating
An amazing time away.
Fiona M - Sep 2019
Overall rating
We enjoyed our stay.
Erika G - Aug 2019
Overall rating
Alles wat mens nodig het om jou battery te herlaai.
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Everything you need to recharge your battery.
Pre-start feels like your home away from home. Henk and his wife really thought of everything to make us feel at home and at ease. I can really recommend it if you want to recharge your battery and still have everything you need.
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Kobus V - Jun 2019
Overall rating
Lekker om weer op 'n plaas te kon kuier, bring ons kinderjare terug.
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Nice to stay on a farm again, brings back our childhood memories.
Thanks to Henk and his family. Our getaway turned out a little differently than planned, conditions outside of us and Henk's control. We had to return the day before. Thank you very much to Henk for all his help and assistance during our visit - we will have to go back again to finish the business. Our accommodation was very nice and relaxing. It was great to be able to relax on the farm. It is so quiet and quiet and we have been safe and quiet at all times. Thank you again, we will visit you again.
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Riaan H - May 2019
Overall rating
Gerieflike geslaap, alles gehad wat ons nodig het, en oneindig pret gehad met al die wild en plaasdiere wat ons gereeld besoek het.
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Comfortably slept, had everything we needed, and had infinite fun with all the wildlife and farm animals we visited regularly.
Lovely stay. Henk welcomed us, explained all the rules, and "set us free" on his property. The nyalas, impala, sheep, pigs, and donkeys that can be seen everywhere are a pleasure. Fed the donkeys and pigs - and they run to come greet you when they see you. The accommodations were neat, comfortable and well-equipped. We could braai and wood was provided free of charge. We discovered the most delicious rusks at the coffee station - thank you for that. Even caught a few fish in the cement dam. We could go in and out as we pleased and returned late one night after a visit to our family some a while away without any access problems. Henk also explained that further improvements would be made so we would like to go back when it is better and we plan to do so.
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Gregory M - Apr 2019
Overall rating
Was 'n wonderlike ervaring.
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Was a wonderful experience.
Was so calm, it could swallow you so calm was it. The owners are the friendliest and most helpful people I have ever come across in my life. Didn't hesitate to help us where they could.
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Maria Cornelia F - Mar 2019
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If you like silence, tranquility and calm, then Voorbegin is the place for you to break away from the city's hustle and bustle. Friendly reception and just feel very comfortable upon arrival. Very neat and clean accommodation. Many thanks to Henk and Alda. We had a very nice stay.
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Andre M - Mar 2019
Overall rating
Lekker rustig en ontspanne.
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Nice and quiet and relaxed.
Many thanks to the host and his wife for the well-maintained facilities that we were able to enjoy for an enjoyable time, the tranquility and farm atmosphere let you relax.
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Esther S - Jan 2019
Overall rating
Awesome relaxing place to be!
Read moreRene B - Dec 2019
Overall rating
Geen harde musiek en verkeer hoorbaar nie.
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No loud music and traffic audible.
Reception very friendly. Really enjoyed the medley of farm animals and goats.
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Beverley B - Nov 2019
Overall rating
Baie mooi en skoon.
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Very nice and clean.
Beautiful, clean place. Fantastic and hospitable reception by Henk and his wife. Very clean and tidy. Delicious, home-baked rusks. So nice under the trees with a mix of farm animals and wildlife roaming the yard. Truly a beautiful place. We will definitely be back. Thank you very, very much.
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Tienus S - Aug 2019
Overall rating
Rustige en veilige plaasatmosfeer net buite die dorp.
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Quiet and safe farm atmosphere just outside the village.
Children had a lot of fun with all the animals, feeding lambs, taking out eggs from chickens and feeding pigs. The unit is clean and has everything you need for self-catering. The chicken eggs you get in the morning with the complimentary wood make you feel at home. The Google maps GPS coordinates are wrong so please correct. sure before you drive so you don't get lost. Please get a sign at the first big gate on the dirt road so you know you're at the right place. Henk and his wife were very special. Thank you very much for an excellent weekend. Will definitely go back.
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Sello M - Jan 2019
Overall rating
What a great retreat from urban noises into another home away from home.
Ilze V - Sep 2019
Overall rating
Rustig en kon asemhaal.
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Calm and able to breathe.
The farm atmosphere and forest environment is really quiet and one can relax and breathe here. My son really enjoyed the farm experience of feeding chickens, taking out eggs, and holding a lamb and couldn't wait to do the rounds every morning with Henk and Alda, the hosts. I would suggest that the bunk bed mattress be urgently replaced as it was very uncomfortable for adults.
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Voorbegin Bosveldverblyf 's response
Goeie dag Ilze,
Ons het inmiddels die opslaanbank in die sitkamer met 'n nuwe, stewige dubbelbed vervang. Jammer vir die ongemak, maar dankie vir die terugvoer. Kontak ons gerus sodat ons 'n plan kan maak om te vergoed vir die ongemak wat jy gehad het.
Karishma J - Feb 2019
Overall rating
Excellent service from Mr Hans.
Tielman V - Sep 2019
Overall rating
Was baie lekker gewees.
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Was very nice.
Was very nice. Good value for money too. Owner very friendly and helpful. Animals very cute around the house.
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Suelise H - Feb 2019
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Pre-start - A weekend that exactly describes the name! We spent time together like in the "old" days, before technology and the hustle and bustle of the world became the norm! Perfect place for small children, where they can enjoy the animals and the outdoors! If you are looking for a luxury resort, with a TV to keep your kids busy this is not the type of place for you, but if you are looking for a clean unit with a warm loving atmosphere and want to hear the sounds of the animals if you want to spend the evening by the bushveld fire with your loved ones, you can book now!
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Annelise L - Dec 2018
Overall rating
Dit was awesome.
Ria H - Nov 2018
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The farm atmosphere was out of the books and soul food for people from the city. Absolute hospitality from Henk and Alda is just wonderful. Would recommend anytime and would love to go again myself!
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Msuthukazi K - Oct 2018
Overall rating
Tranquil and peaceful. Great hospitality by the owner.
Jan S - Oct 2018
Overall rating
Was fantasties.
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Was fantastic.
Upon arrival, we were very nicely and warmly welcomed. The accommodation was beautifully clean and tidy. The manager, Henk, was very friendly and considerate. It was really very nice. Thank you very much again. Will definitely stay there again.
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Michael M - Jul 2018
Overall rating
Very neat and well kept.
David S - May 2018
Overall rating
Awesome and welcoming. Would go back or refer any time.
Obakeng P - Apr 2018
Overall rating
One of the reasons I booked at Voorbegin Bosveldverblyf was because of the reviews. I have to give this place five stars.
Wendy S - Nov 2018
Overall rating
Nice and quiet outing.
Lizmari T - Sep 2018
Overall rating
Dit was baie lekker!
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It was very nice!
The place was very neat and we rested incredibly well with all the silence. Definitely value for money.
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Michal F - May 2018
Overall rating
Baie goed en volledig toegerus.
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Very good and fully equipped.
A fantastic getaway from the city's hustle and bustle and technology. No TV to interfere with much needed good communication with loved ones - fresh air and scenery!
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Bernie W - Sep 2018
Overall rating
Super friendly and helpful owner, Henk.
Mias R - Jun 2018
Overall rating
Lekker plaas atmosfeer.
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Nice farm atmosphere.
Everything is clean and tidy. Loved the interaction with the animals.
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Chris K - May 2018
Overall rating
Dit was heel aangenaam.
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It was quite pleasant.
What is shown on the photo's, is not where we lived and can be misleading. It was a completely other apartment that doesn't have a kitchen or a lounge.
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Voorbegin Bosveldverblyf 's response
Die hoof foto op die blad is die chalet, dis waarom ons in die oorsig sê dat mense net moet seker maak dat die foto by die beskrywing pas. Die woonstel, wat uiteraard goedkoper is as die chalet, se beskrywing stel dat dit nie 'n self sorg eenheid is nie en dat daar geen kombuis is nie.
Ons is jammer dat daar dus 'n misverstand gekom het, maar julle was aangename gaste en kom kuier gerus weer, en neem die chalet. Ons sal jou 'n goeie afslag gee om op te maak.
Schalk K - Jun 2018
Overall rating
Baie stil en rustig.
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Very quiet and peaceful.
The owners are very pleasant people. The game is few, but very tame. The directions to the place can definitely improve.
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Sophie O - Apr 2018
Overall rating
It was worth it.
Carlo G - Aug 2018
Overall rating
Chalet baie skoon en netjies!
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Chalet is very clean and neat!
Just a pity that the chalet is so close to the pigsties, terrible smells and a lot of flies.
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Voorbegin Bosveldverblyf 's response
Goeiedag Carlo,
Ons is jammer dat jy juis daar was toe 2 ton koolreste vir die varke afgelaai is. Die kool was eerder die reuk probleem as die varke, omdat hulle hoofsaaklik vry rondloop en gewoonlik nie ruik nie. Die vlieë is maar op enige plaas 'n pes maar ons probeer soveel moontlik beheer. Weereens jammer dat jy in die kool-reuk tyd daar was. Dit was vir ons ook 'n nie-herhalende les, maar as jy weer wil kom kuier, sal ons 'n flinke afslag vir jou inwerk in 'n poging om reg te maak!
Annatjie K - Dec 2017
Overall rating
Baie veilig en gemoedsrus ervaar. Eienaars het my privaatheid respekteer wat baie vir my beteken het.
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Very safe and peace of mind experience. Owners respected my privacy which meant a lot to me.
Ideal for a break to experience the silence of nature and regain your balance. Ideal for a break from city noise and to sit back and admire natural beauty. Close enough to visit multiple times if you seek rest for your soul.
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Hendrik Lodewyk J - Nov 2017
Overall rating
Rustig en vriendelike mense.
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Quiet and friendly people.
Silence was wonderful, wonderfully comforting.
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Anne-marie B - Sep 2017
Overall rating
Peace, quiet, still - What more are you looking for?
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Ons is bly dat julle dit geniet het, en ons het dit net so geniet om die kinders se geesdrif te sien.
Tienkie D - Jul 2017
Overall rating
Rustigheid, stylvol.
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Tranquility, stylish.
The place is a bit far from the town but if you tour in the Kalahari and Namibia, offsand is a relative term. The road is well maintained, the 2-person unit is private and the sounds of the farm animals keep you calm. Their rusks are excellent. Management is professional and friendly. I recommend the pitch anytime.
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Charne C - Sep 2017
Overall rating
Excellent service.
Carvin M - Nov 2017
Overall rating
Perfect place to relax in the bush.
Willie V - Jul 2017
Overall rating
Was aangenaam.
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Was pleasant.
Owner helpful and friendly. Make you feel comfortable. Neat place, fully equipped. Close to other attractions.
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Voorbegin Bosveldverblyf 's response
Baie dankie. Dit was aangenaam om julle hier te kon ontvang. Henk
Anonymous Guest - Nov 2017
Overall rating
- Capacity: 9 people
- All ages welcome
Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
Check-out: 11:00 - Address: 54 Raasblaar Road, Droogekloof, Bela Bela, 0480, Limpopo